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H.B. 141 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

Senate Sponsor: Gregory S. Bell

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends provisions and establishes an identify theft program and database in the
             11      Office of the Attorney General.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    amends provisions in the Government Records Access and Management Act to
             15      provide protected status to all information collected in relation to the Identity Theft
             16      Reporting Information System established in the Office of the Attorney General;
             17          .    establishes the Identity Theft Reporting Information System (IRIS) program in the
             18      Office of the Attorney General;
             19          .    states the purposes of the IRIS program;
             20          .    establishes a database to store information related to the reporting, investigation, and
             21      resolution of identity theft reports filed under the IRIS program;
             22          .    provides requirements for the format, contents, and administration of the IRIS
             23      database;
             24          .    provides that the Department of Technology Services shall maintain, administer, and
             25      make rules in relation to use of the database, with the approval of the Office of the
             26      Attorney General;
             27          .    provides criminal penalties for unlawful access or misuse of information in the IRIS
             28      database; and
             29          .    makes technical amendments.

             30      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             31          None
             32      Other Special Clauses:
             33          This bill coordinates with H.B. 63, Recodification of Title 63 State Affairs in General,
             34      by providing technical renumbering.
             35      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             36      AMENDS:
             37          63-2-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             38          67-5-22, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 311
             40      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             41          Section 1. Section 63-2-304 is amended to read:
             42           63-2-304. Protected records.
             43          The following records are protected if properly classified by a governmental entity:
             44          (1) trade secrets as defined in Section 13-24-2 if the person submitting the trade secret
             45      has provided the governmental entity with the information specified in Section 63-2-308 ;
             46          (2) commercial information or nonindividual financial information obtained from a
             47      person if:
             48          (a) disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to result in unfair
             49      competitive injury to the person submitting the information or would impair the ability of the
             50      governmental entity to obtain necessary information in the future;
             51          (b) the person submitting the information has a greater interest in prohibiting access
             52      than the public in obtaining access; and
             53          (c) the person submitting the information has provided the governmental entity with the
             54      information specified in Section 63-2-308 ;
             55          (3) commercial or financial information acquired or prepared by a governmental entity
             56      to the extent that disclosure would lead to financial speculations in currencies, securities, or
             57      commodities that will interfere with a planned transaction by the governmental entity or cause

             58      substantial financial injury to the governmental entity or state economy;
             59          (4) records the disclosure of which could cause commercial injury to, or confer a
             60      competitive advantage upon a potential or actual competitor of, a commercial project entity as
             61      defined in Subsection 11-13-103 (4);
             62          (5) test questions and answers to be used in future license, certification, registration,
             63      employment, or academic examinations;
             64          (6) records the disclosure of which would impair governmental procurement
             65      proceedings or give an unfair advantage to any person proposing to enter into a contract or
             66      agreement with a governmental entity, except that this Subsection (6) does not restrict the right
             67      of a person to see bids submitted to or by a governmental entity after bidding has closed;
             68          (7) records that would identify real property or the appraisal or estimated value of real
             69      or personal property, including intellectual property, under consideration for public acquisition
             70      before any rights to the property are acquired unless:
             71          (a) public interest in obtaining access to the information outweighs the governmental
             72      entity's need to acquire the property on the best terms possible;
             73          (b) the information has already been disclosed to persons not employed by or under a
             74      duty of confidentiality to the entity;
             75          (c) in the case of records that would identify property, potential sellers of the described
             76      property have already learned of the governmental entity's plans to acquire the property;
             77          (d) in the case of records that would identify the appraisal or estimated value of
             78      property, the potential sellers have already learned of the governmental entity's estimated value
             79      of the property; or
             80          (e) the property under consideration for public acquisition is a single family residence
             81      and the governmental entity seeking to acquire the property has initiated negotiations to acquire
             82      the property as required under Section 78B-6-505 ;
             83          (8) records prepared in contemplation of sale, exchange, lease, rental, or other
             84      compensated transaction of real or personal property including intellectual property, which, if
             85      disclosed prior to completion of the transaction, would reveal the appraisal or estimated value

             86      of the subject property, unless:
             87          (a) the public interest in access outweighs the interests in restricting access, including
             88      the governmental entity's interest in maximizing the financial benefit of the transaction; or
             89          (b) when prepared by or on behalf of a governmental entity, appraisals or estimates of
             90      the value of the subject property have already been disclosed to persons not employed by or
             91      under a duty of confidentiality to the entity;
             92          (9) records created or maintained for civil, criminal, or administrative enforcement
             93      purposes or audit purposes, or for discipline, licensing, certification, or registration purposes, if
             94      release of the records:
             95          (a) reasonably could be expected to interfere with investigations undertaken for
             96      enforcement, discipline, licensing, certification, or registration purposes;
             97          (b) reasonably could be expected to interfere with audits, disciplinary, or enforcement
             98      proceedings;
             99          (c) would create a danger of depriving a person of a right to a fair trial or impartial
             100      hearing;
             101          (d) reasonably could be expected to disclose the identity of a source who is not
             102      generally known outside of government and, in the case of a record compiled in the course of an
             103      investigation, disclose information furnished by a source not generally known outside of
             104      government if disclosure would compromise the source; or
             105          (e) reasonably could be expected to disclose investigative or audit techniques,
             106      procedures, policies, or orders not generally known outside of government if disclosure would
             107      interfere with enforcement or audit efforts;
             108          (10) records the disclosure of which would jeopardize the life or safety of an individual;
             109          (11) records the disclosure of which would jeopardize the security of governmental
             110      property, governmental programs, or governmental recordkeeping systems from damage, theft,
             111      or other appropriation or use contrary to law or public policy;
             112          (12) records that, if disclosed, would jeopardize the security or safety of a correctional
             113      facility, or records relating to incarceration, treatment, probation, or parole, that would interfere

             114      with the control and supervision of an offender's incarceration, treatment, probation, or parole;
             115          (13) records that, if disclosed, would reveal recommendations made to the Board of
             116      Pardons and Parole by an employee of or contractor for the Department of Corrections, the
             117      Board of Pardons and Parole, or the Department of Human Services that are based on the
             118      employee's or contractor's supervision, diagnosis, or treatment of any person within the board's
             119      jurisdiction;
             120          (14) records and audit workpapers that identify audit, collection, and operational
             121      procedures and methods used by the State Tax Commission, if disclosure would interfere with
             122      audits or collections;
             123          (15) records of a governmental audit agency relating to an ongoing or planned audit
             124      until the final audit is released;
             125          (16) records prepared by or on behalf of a governmental entity solely in anticipation of
             126      litigation that are not available under the rules of discovery;
             127          (17) records disclosing an attorney's work product, including the mental impressions or
             128      legal theories of an attorney or other representative of a governmental entity concerning
             129      litigation;
             130          (18) records of communications between a governmental entity and an attorney
             131      representing, retained, or employed by the governmental entity if the communications would be
             132      privileged as provided in Section 78B-1-137 ;
             133          (19) (a) (i) personal files of a state legislator, including personal correspondence to or
             134      from a member of the Legislature; and
             135          (ii) notwithstanding Subsection (19)(a)(i), correspondence that gives notice of
             136      legislative action or policy may not be classified as protected under this section; and
             137          (b) (i) an internal communication that is part of the deliberative process in connection
             138      with the preparation of legislation between:
             139          (A) members of a legislative body;
             140          (B) a member of a legislative body and a member of the legislative body's staff; or
             141          (C) members of a legislative body's staff; and

             142          (ii) notwithstanding Subsection (19)(b)(i), a communication that gives notice of
             143      legislative action or policy may not be classified as protected under this section;
             144          (20) (a) records in the custody or control of the Office of Legislative Research and
             145      General Counsel, that, if disclosed, would reveal a particular legislator's contemplated
             146      legislation or contemplated course of action before the legislator has elected to support the
             147      legislation or course of action, or made the legislation or course of action public; and
             148          (b) notwithstanding Subsection (20)(a), the form to request legislation submitted to the
             149      Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel is a public document unless a legislator asks
             150      that the records requesting the legislation be maintained as protected records until such time as
             151      the legislator elects to make the legislation or course of action public;
             152          (21) research requests from legislators to the Office of Legislative Research and
             153      General Counsel or the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst and research findings prepared in
             154      response to these requests;
             155          (22) drafts, unless otherwise classified as public;
             156          (23) records concerning a governmental entity's strategy about collective bargaining or
             157      pending litigation;
             158          (24) records of investigations of loss occurrences and analyses of loss occurrences that
             159      may be covered by the Risk Management Fund, the Employers' Reinsurance Fund, the
             160      Uninsured Employers' Fund, or similar divisions in other governmental entities;
             161          (25) records, other than personnel evaluations, that contain a personal recommendation
             162      concerning an individual if disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of
             163      personal privacy, or disclosure is not in the public interest;
             164          (26) records that reveal the location of historic, prehistoric, paleontological, or
             165      biological resources that if known would jeopardize the security of those resources or of
             166      valuable historic, scientific, educational, or cultural information;
             167          (27) records of independent state agencies if the disclosure of the records would
             168      conflict with the fiduciary obligations of the agency;
             169          (28) records of an institution within the state system of higher education defined in

             170      Section 53B-1-102 regarding tenure evaluations, appointments, applications for admissions,
             171      retention decisions, and promotions, which could be properly discussed in a meeting closed in
             172      accordance with Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act, provided that records of
             173      the final decisions about tenure, appointments, retention, promotions, or those students
             174      admitted, may not be classified as protected under this section;
             175          (29) records of the governor's office, including budget recommendations, legislative
             176      proposals, and policy statements, that if disclosed would reveal the governor's contemplated
             177      policies or contemplated courses of action before the governor has implemented or rejected
             178      those policies or courses of action or made them public;
             179          (30) records of the Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst relating to budget analysis,
             180      revenue estimates, and fiscal notes of proposed legislation before issuance of the final
             181      recommendations in these areas;
             182          (31) records provided by the United States or by a government entity outside the state
             183      that are given to the governmental entity with a requirement that they be managed as protected
             184      records if the providing entity certifies that the record would not be subject to public disclosure
             185      if retained by it;
             186          (32) transcripts, minutes, or reports of the closed portion of a meeting of a public body
             187      except as provided in Section 52-4-206 ;
             188          (33) records that would reveal the contents of settlement negotiations but not including
             189      final settlements or empirical data to the extent that they are not otherwise exempt from
             190      disclosure;
             191          (34) memoranda prepared by staff and used in the decision-making process by an
             192      administrative law judge, a member of the Board of Pardons and Parole, or a member of any
             193      other body charged by law with performing a quasi-judicial function;
             194          (35) records that would reveal negotiations regarding assistance or incentives offered
             195      by or requested from a governmental entity for the purpose of encouraging a person to expand
             196      or locate a business in Utah, but only if disclosure would result in actual economic harm to the
             197      person or place the governmental entity at a competitive disadvantage, but this section may not

             198      be used to restrict access to a record evidencing a final contract;
             199          (36) materials to which access must be limited for purposes of securing or maintaining
             200      the governmental entity's proprietary protection of intellectual property rights including patents,
             201      copyrights, and trade secrets;
             202          (37) the name of a donor or a prospective donor to a governmental entity, including an
             203      institution within the state system of higher education defined in Section 53B-1-102 , and other
             204      information concerning the donation that could reasonably be expected to reveal the identity of
             205      the donor, provided that:
             206          (a) the donor requests anonymity in writing;
             207          (b) any terms, conditions, restrictions, or privileges relating to the donation may not be
             208      classified protected by the governmental entity under this Subsection (37); and
             209          (c) except for an institution within the state system of higher education defined in
             210      Section 53B-1-102 , the governmental unit to which the donation is made is primarily engaged in
             211      educational, charitable, or artistic endeavors, and has no regulatory or legislative authority over
             212      the donor, a member of the donor's immediate family, or any entity owned or controlled by the
             213      donor or the donor's immediate family;
             214          (38) accident reports, except as provided in Sections 41-6a-404 , 41-12a-202 , and
             215      73-18-13 ;
             216          (39) a notification of workers' compensation insurance coverage described in Section
             217      34A-2-205 ;
             218          (40) (a) the following records of an institution within the state system of higher
             219      education defined in Section 53B-1-102 , which have been developed, discovered, disclosed to,
             220      or received by or on behalf of faculty, staff, employees, or students of the institution:
             221          (i) unpublished lecture notes;
             222          (ii) unpublished notes, data, and information:
             223          (A) relating to research; and
             224          (B) of:
             225          (I) the institution within the state system of higher education defined in Section

             226      53B-1-102 ; or
             227          (II) a sponsor of sponsored research;
             228          (iii) unpublished manuscripts;
             229          (iv) creative works in process;
             230          (v) scholarly correspondence; and
             231          (vi) confidential information contained in research proposals;
             232          (b) Subsection (40)(a) may not be construed to prohibit disclosure of public information
             233      required pursuant to Subsection 53B-16-302 (2)(a) or (b); and
             234          (c) Subsection (40)(a) may not be construed to affect the ownership of a record;
             235          (41) (a) records in the custody or control of the Office of Legislative Auditor General
             236      that would reveal the name of a particular legislator who requests a legislative audit prior to the
             237      date that audit is completed and made public; and
             238          (b) notwithstanding Subsection (41)(a), a request for a legislative audit submitted to the
             239      Office of the Legislative Auditor General is a public document unless the legislator asks that the
             240      records in the custody or control of the Office of Legislative Auditor General that would reveal
             241      the name of a particular legislator who requests a legislative audit be maintained as protected
             242      records until the audit is completed and made public;
             243          (42) records that provide detail as to the location of an explosive, including a map or
             244      other document that indicates the location of:
             245          (a) a production facility; or
             246          (b) a magazine;
             247          (43) information [contained in the database described in Section 62A-3-311.1 ;]:
             248          (a) contained in the statewide database of the Division of Aging and Adult Services
             249      created by Section 62A-3-311.1 ; or
             250          (b) received or maintained in relation to the Identity Theft Reporting Information
             251      System (IRIS) established under Section 67-5-22 ;
             252          (44) information contained in the Management Information System and Licensing
             253      Information System described in Title 62A, Chapter 4a, Child and Family Services;

             254          (45) information regarding National Guard operations or activities in support of the
             255      National Guard's federal mission;
             256          (46) records provided by any pawn or secondhand business to a law enforcement
             257      agency or to the central database in compliance with Title 13, Chapter 32a, Pawnshop and
             258      Secondhand Merchandise Transaction Information Act;
             259          (47) information regarding food security, risk, and vulnerability assessments performed
             260      by the Department of Agriculture and Food;
             261          (48) except to the extent that the record is exempt from this chapter pursuant to
             262      Section 63-2-106 , records related to an emergency plan or program prepared or maintained by
             263      the Division of Homeland Security the disclosure of which would jeopardize:
             264          (a) the safety of the general public; or
             265          (b) the security of:
             266          (i) governmental property;
             267          (ii) governmental programs; or
             268          (iii) the property of a private person who provides the Division of Homeland Security
             269      information;
             270          (49) records of the Department of Agriculture and Food relating to the National Animal
             271      Identification System or any other program that provides for the identification, tracing, or
             272      control of livestock diseases, including any program established under Title 4, Chapter 24, Utah
             273      Livestock Brand and Anti-theft Act or Title 4, Chapter 31, Livestock Inspection and
             274      Quarantine;
             275          (50) as provided in Section 26-39-109 :
             276          (a) information or records held by the Department of Health related to a complaint
             277      regarding a child care program or residential child care which the department is unable to
             278      substantiate; and
             279          (b) information or records related to a complaint received by the Department of Health
             280      from an anonymous complainant regarding a child care program or residential child care; and
             281          (51) unless otherwise classified as public under Section 63-2-301 and except as

             282      provided under Section 41-1a-116 , an individual's home address, home telephone number, or
             283      personal mobile phone number, if:
             284          (a) the individual is required to provide the information in order to comply with a law,
             285      ordinance, rule, or order of a government entity; and
             286          (b) the subject of the record has a reasonable expectation that this information will be
             287      kept confidential due to:
             288          (i) the nature of the law, ordinance, rule, or order; and
             289          (ii) the individual complying with the law, ordinance, rule, or order.
             290          Section 2. Section 67-5-22 is amended to read:
             291           67-5-22. Identity theft reporting information system -- Internet website and
             292      database -- Access -- Maintenance and rulemaking -- Criminal provisions.
             293          [(1) The attorney general shall maintain an Internet website available to]
             294          (1) There is created within the Office of the Attorney General the Identity Theft
             295      Reporting Information System (IRIS) Program to establish a database and Internet website to:
             296          (a) allow persons in the state to submit reports of identity theft;
             297          (b) assist the Office of the Attorney General in notifying state and local law
             298      enforcement agencies of reports of identity theft;
             299          (c) provide assistance and resources to victims of identity theft;
             300          (d) provide a centralized location where information related to incidents of identity theft
             301      may be securely stored and accessed for the benefit of victims of identity theft; and
             302          (e) provide public education and information relating to identity theft.
             303          (2) (a) The Internet website shall be maintained by the Office of the Attorney General
             304      and shall be made available to the public and to victims of identity-related crimes.
             305          [(2)] (b) The Internet website [created under Subsection (1)] shall:
             306          (i) allow a victim of an identity-related crime to report the crime on the website and
             307      have the victim's report routed to the appropriate law enforcement agency for the jurisdiction in
             308      which the crime occurred[.]; and
             309          (ii) provide public education and information relating to identity theft.

             310          [(3)] (c) The [attorney general may expand the] Internet website [maintained under
             311      Subsection (1)] may be expanded to provide other identity-related services to victims[.]
             312      according to the procedures of Subsection (4).
             313          (3) (a) The Department of Technology Services shall administer and maintain the
             314      database established under this section in an electronic file or other format as established by the
             315      department.
             316          (b) (i) The database shall be maintained for the purpose of identifying victims of identity
             317      theft who have filed a report with the program established under this section, and may contain
             318      the personally identifiable information for each victim, which may include the following
             319      information related to an incident of identify theft:
             320          (A) the victim's name, address, email addresses, and telephone numbers;
             321          (B) the victim's Social Security number and other identifying information;
             322          (C) the victim's financial institution information, account numbers, and transaction
             323      information;
             324          (D) the victim's benefit information;
             325          (E) the victim's credit account information;
             326          (F) the victim's loan information;
             327          (G) the victim's employment information;
             328          (H) the victim's Internal Revenue Service or tax information;
             329          (I) the victim's utility service information;
             330          (J) information concerning legal matters or collections related to the incident;
             331          (K) information concerning unauthorized or illegal transactions, denied credit, stolen
             332      identification, and all other unauthorized actions related to the identity theft; and
             333          (L) any other information related to the incident of identity theft that the victim or the
             334      Office of the Attorney General elects to include in the database.
             335          (ii) The database shall record and maintain:
             336          (A) identification information for each person who requests or receives information
             337      from the database;

             338          (B) a record of the information that is requested or received by each person who
             339      requests or receives information from the database; and
             340          (C) a record of the date and time that any information is requested or provided from the
             341      database.
             342          (c) Information in the database is considered to be the property of the Office of the
             343      Attorney General, and retains any classification given it under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government
             344      Records Access and Management Act.
             345          (4) The Department of Technology Services, with the approval of the Office of the
             346      Attorney General, may make rules to:
             347          (a) permit the following persons to have access to the database:
             348          (i) federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities, provided that the authority is
             349      acting within a specified duty of the authority's employment in enforcing laws;
             350          (ii) participating merchants and financial institutions, provided that the merchant or
             351      institution has entered into an access agreement with the Office of the Attorney General; and
             352          (iii) other persons, to be established by rule, provided that the person's access to the
             353      information is necessary and reasonable to accomplish the purposes of the program as provided
             354      in Subsection (1);
             355          (b) define and enforce limitations on access to information via the Internet website or in
             356      the database; and
             357          (c) establish standards and procedures to ensure accurate identification of individuals
             358      that are requesting or receiving information from the Internet website or the database.
             359          (5) (a) In addition to the penalties provided under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government
             360      Records Access and Management Act, a person may not knowingly and intentionally release or
             361      disclose information from the database in violation of the limitations provided under Subsection
             362      (4)(a).
             363          (b) A violation of Subsection (5)(a) is a third degree felony.
             364          (6) (a) A person may not obtain or attempt to obtain information from the database by
             365      misrepresentation or fraud.

             366          (b) A violation of Subsection (6)(a) is a third degree felony.
             367          (7) (a) A person may not knowingly and intentionally use, release, publish, or otherwise
             368      make available to any other person or entity any information obtained from the database for any
             369      purpose other than those specified under Subsection (4)(a).
             370          (b) Each separate violation of Subsection (7)(a) is a third degree felony.
             371          Section 3. Coordinating H.B. 141 with H.B. 63 -- Technical renumbering.
             372          If this H.B. 141 and H.B. 63, Recodification of Title 63 State Affairs in General, both
             373      pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General
             374      Counsel, in preparing the Utah Code database for publication:
             375          (1) renumber Section 63-2-304 to 63G-2-305 ; and
             376          (2) change all internal references to Title 63, Chapter 2 to Title 63G, Chapter 2.

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