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H.J.R. 2 Enrolled
10 General Description:
11 This joint resolution of the Legislature encourages efforts focused on increasing the
12 availability and affordability of manufactured housing.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 . recognizes manufactured housing as an important component of affordable housing
16 choices and options;
17 . encourages the inclusion of manufactured housing in local land use planning and
18 development; and
19 . supports mechanisms that will increase housing affordability for all Utahns.
20 Special Clauses:
21 None
23 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
24 WHEREAS, the strength of Utah communities is significantly improved by a variety of
25 safe, affordable housing choices and neighborhoods secure from the threat of relocation and
26 resident displacement;
27 WHEREAS, the Utah housing market continues to experience increases in cost rates
28 well beyond increases in income realized by Utahns;
29 WHEREAS, development pressures and higher home prices are causing the loss of
30 many existing affordable housing units, particularly manufactured housing communities;
31 WHEREAS, nearly two-thirds of the over 80,000 Utahns who live in manufactured
32 homes are senior citizens;
33 WHEREAS, the median household income of individuals living in manufactured homes
34 is approximately 60% of the overall Utah median income;
35 WHEREAS, manufactured homes provide home ownership opportunities to many
36 families who would otherwise be in need of housing subsidies and assistance;
37 WHEREAS, manufactured housing communities offer a flexible range of land ownership
38 models which can increase stability and affordability;
39 WHEREAS, Utahns have need of a broad range of choices and options of housing price
40 levels;
41 WHEREAS, manufactured housing is a largely unsubsidized, affordable housing
42 ownership choice;
43 WHEREAS, manufactured homes are built to standards desired in Utah communities;
44 and
45 WHEREAS, cities and towns should foster stable neighborhoods with a variety of
46 affordability levels and housing choices, including the preservation of manufactured housing
47 communities:
48 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
49 recognizes manufactured housing as an important part of affordable housing choices and
50 options and encourages including manufactured housing in local land use planning and
51 development.
52 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature expresses support for creative
53 mechanisms, including incentives to manufactured home community preservation through
54 resident ownership, nonprofit ownership, and space lease rules mutually beneficial to both home
55 and land owner, that will increase affordability of housing for all Utahns.
56 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Utah
57 League of Cities and Towns, the Utah Association of Counties, and the Utah Housing
58 Coalition, and ask that this resolution be sent to its members.
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