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H.J.R. 10 Enrolled
8 Cosponsors:
9 Douglas C. Aagard
10 Sylvia S. Andersen
11 Roger E. Barrus
12 Ron Bigelow
13 Jim Bird
14 DeMar Bud Bowman
15 Melvin R. Brown
16 David Clark
17 Stephen D. Clark
18 Greg J. Curtis
19 Bradley M. Daw
20 Brad L. Dee
21 Glenn A. Donnelson
22 John Dougall
23 Jack R. Draxler
24 Carl W. Duckworth
25 James A. Dunnigan
26 Ben C. Ferry
27 Julie FisherLorie D. Fowlke
Craig A. Frank
Gage Froerer
Kevin S. Garn
Kerry W. Gibson
James R. Gowans
Richard A. Greenwood
Keith Grover
Neil A. Hansen
Wayne A. Harper
Christopher N. Herrod
Kory M. Holdaway
Gregory H. Hughes
Fred R. Hunsaker
Eric K. Hutchings
Brad King
Todd E. Kiser
Bradley G. Last
Rebecca D. LockhartSteven R. Mascaro
John G. Mathis
Kay L. McIff
Ronda Rudd Menlove
Michael T. Morley
Paul A. Neuenschwander
Merlynn T. Newbold
Michael E. Noel
Curtis Oda
Patrick Painter
Paul Ray
Stephen E. Sandstrom
Gordon E. Snow
Kenneth W. Sumsion
Stephen H. Urquhart
Mark W. Walker
R. Curt Webb
Carl Wimmer
Bradley A. Winn 28
30 General Description:
31 This joint resolution of the Legislature urges Congress and the United States Bureau of
32 Land Management not to limit public access to public lands in Utah either through
33 wilderness designation in H.R. 1919, the so-called Hinchey Bill, or through Bureau of
34 Land Management regulatory processes.
35 Highlighted Provisions:
36 This resolution:
37 . urges Congress not to enact federal legislation designating additional "wilderness
38 on public lands within Utah without the unanimous support of Utah's congressional
39 delegation;
40 . urges the United States Bureau of Land Management not to restrict access to
41 existing public lands in Utah under its jurisdiction through so-called wilderness
42 characteristics options in resource management plans; and
43 . reaffirms the Legislature's strong support for continued public access and multiple
44 use regarding public lands.
45 Special Clauses:
46 None
48 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
49 WHEREAS, currently, Utah lands are significantly encumbered and controlled by a
50 variety of federally managed public lands and other government designations;
51 WHEREAS, the people of Utah rely on access to public lands for a large number of
52 economic purposes;
53 WHEREAS, these purposes include oil and natural gas development, mining, outdoor
54 recreation and other multiple uses, rights of way for transportation, waterlines, electric
55 transmission, and telecommunication lines;
56 WHEREAS, the state of Utah's economy relies on these important industries to fuel its
57 economy and tax base;
58 WHEREAS, energy price increases have a disproportionately negative impact on Utah's
59 poor individuals and families;
60 WHEREAS, Utah schools and local governments are among the benefactors of access
61 to Utah public lands;
62 WHEREAS, H.R. 1919, sponsored by Congressman Maurice Hinchey of New York,
63 proposes to deny Utah citizens access and multiple use to more than nine million acres of Utah
64 federal lands through a wilderness designation;
65 WHEREAS, the Uintah Basin contains 80 billion barrels of known recoverable shale oil
66 reserves;
67 WHEREAS, the Uintah Basin contains 12 billion barrels of known recoverable oil from
68 oil sands;
69 WHEREAS, oil from domestic oil shale and oil sands production will significantly
70 reduce the United States energy security vulnerability;
71 WHEREAS, the proposed wilderness area would preclude development of oil shale and
72 oil sands production in areas of the Uintah Basin;
73 WHEREAS, the entire Utah Congressional delegation opposes H.R. 1919;
74 WHEREAS, the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is considering
75 resource management plan revisions that would restrict access to existing public lands in Utah
76 through so-called "wilderness characteristics" options;
77 WHEREAS, attempting to withdraw over nine million acres in Utah from public access
78 is without precedent;
79 WHEREAS, if successful, this effort by Congress will cost Utah hundreds of millions of
80 dollars in lost revenues that help fund local communities and schools;
81 WHEREAS, locking away much of Utah's valuable mineral resources from
82 environmentally sound development not only hurts Utah economically, but also weakens
83 America by hamstringing the production of more energy in Utah; and
84 WHEREAS, less American energy means more imported energy from hostile nations,
85 some with ties to terrorist organizations that despise the United States:
86 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
87 urges Congress to reject H.R. 1919.
88 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges the BLM not to limit the
89 public's access to public lands under its jurisdiction.
90 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges BLM to approve resource
91 management plans without "wilderness characteristics" designations before the end of 2008.
92 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges Congress to not enact any
93 wilderness designations in Utah without the unanimous support of Utah's congressional
94 delegation.
95 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Majority
96 Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,
97 the President of the United States, and the members of Utah's congressional delegation.
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