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H.B. 73





Chief Sponsor: Karen W. Morgan

Senate Sponsor: Mark B. Madsen

             6      Cosponsors:
             7      Janice M. FisherJulie FisherSteven R. Mascaro              8     
             9      LONG TITLE
             10      Committee Note:
             11          The Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Interim
             12      Committee recommended this bill.
             13      General Description:
             14          This bill provides a screening process for the Department of Workforce Services to
             15      verify qualifications of certain child care providers by requiring criminal background
             16      checks.
             17      Highlighted Provisions:
             18          This bill:
             19          .    provides that criminal backgrounds checks shall be performed on:
             20              .    child care providers who are not required by current law to undergo a check
             21      through the Department of Health, Bureau of Licensing, and are not a license
             22      exempt child care center or program; and
             23              .    individuals who reside in the premises where the child care is provided;
             24          .    provides for a waiver of the fingerprint submission requirement under certain
             25      circumstances;
             26          .    allows the Utah Division of Criminal Investigation and Technical Services to give
             27      the Department of Workforce Services access to the division's data base to

             28      determine if a child care provider has been convicted of a crime;
             29          .    provides the department with access to juvenile court records for purposes of a
             30      criminal background check of certain child care providers and individuals who
             31      reside where the child care is provided;
             32          .    provides that a child care provider may not allow an individual who has been
             33      convicted of a felony or certain misdemeanors to:
             34              .    provide subsidized child care; or
             35              .    reside at the premises where subsidized child care is provided;
             36          .    requires the child care provider to pay for any costs of a background check
             37          .    provides that a person who commits a severe type of child abuse or neglect shall be
             38      disqualified from receiving state funds as a child care provider; and
             39          .    allows three designated individuals within the Department of Workforce Services to
             40      have access to the Division of Family and Child Services' Licensing Information
             41      System for the purpose of checking the background of child care providers.
             42      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             43          None
             44      Other Special Clauses:
             45          None
             46      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             47      AMENDS:
             48          62A-4a-1005, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 77
             49          62A-4a-1006, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 77
             50      ENACTS:
             51          35A-3-310.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             53      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             54          Section 1. Section 35A-3-310.5 is enacted to read:
             55          35A-3-310.5. Child care providers -- Criminal background checks -- Payment of
             56      costs -- Prohibitions -- Department rules.
             57          (1) This section applies to a child care provider who:
             58          (a) is selected by an applicant for, or a recipient of, a child care assistance payment;

             59          (b) is not required to undergo a criminal background check with the Department of
             60      Health, Bureau of Licensing;
             61          (c) is not a license exempt child care center or program; and
             62          (d) is an eligible child care provider under department rules made in accordance with
             63      Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             64          (2) (a) Each child care provider identified under Subsection (1) shall submit to the
             65      department the name and other identifying information, which shall include a set of
             66      fingerprints, of:
             67          (i) existing, new, and proposed providers of child care; and
             68          (ii) individuals who are at least 18 years of age and reside in the premises where the
             69      child care is provided.
             70          (b) The department may waive the fingerprint requirement under Subsection (2)(a) for
             71      an individual who has:
             72          (i) resided in Utah for five years prior to the required submission; or
             73          (ii) (A) previously submitted a set of fingerprints under this section for a national
             74      criminal history record check; and
             75          (B) resided in Utah continuously since submitting the fingerprints.
             76          (c) The Utah Division of Criminal Investigation and Technical Services shall:
             77          (i) (A) process the information required under Subsection (2)(a); or
             78          (B) allow the department or its representative access to the division's data base to
             79      determine whether the individual has been convicted of a crime; and
             80          (ii) submit an individual's set of fingerprints required under Subsection (2)(a) to the
             81      U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation for a national criminal history background check of the
             82      individual.
             83          (d) The child care provider shall pay the cost of the history background check provided
             84      under Subsection (2)(c).
             85          (3) (a) Each child care provider identified under Subsection (1) shall submit to the
             86      department the name and other identifying information of an individual, age 12 through 17,
             87      who resides in the premises where the child care is provided.
             88          (b) The identifying information referred to in Subsection (3)(a) does not include
             89      fingerprints.

             90          (c) The department shall access juvenile court records to determine whether an
             91      individual described in Subsection (2) or (3)(a) has been adjudicated in juvenile court of
             92      committing an act which, if committed by an adult, would be a felony or misdemeanor if:
             93          (i) the individual described in Subsection (2) is under the age of 28; or
             94          (ii) the individual described in Subsection (2):
             95          (A) is over the age of 28; and
             96          (B) has been convicted of, has pleaded no contest to, or is currently subject to a plea in
             97      abeyance or diversion agreement for a felony or misdemeanor.
             98          (4) Except as provided in Subsection (5), a child care provider under this section may
             99      not permit an individual who has been convicted of, has pleaded no contest to, or is currently
             100      subject to a plea in abeyance or diversion agreement for a felony or misdemeanor, or if
             101      Subsection (3)(b) applies, an individual who has been adjudicated in juvenile court of
             102      committing an act which if committed by an adult would be a felony or misdemeanor to:
             103          (a) provide subsidized child care; or
             104          (b) reside at the premises where subsidized child care is provided.
             105          (5) (a) The department may make a rule in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             106      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to exempt the following from the restrictions of Subsection
             107      (4):
             108          (i) a specific misdemeanor;
             109          (ii) a specific act adjudicated in juvenile court, which if committed by an adult would
             110      be a misdemeanor; and
             111          (iii) background checks of individuals other than the provider who are residing at the
             112      premises where subsidized child care is provided if that child care is provided in the child's
             113      home.
             114          (b) In accordance with criteria established by rule, the executive director may consider
             115      and exempt individual cases involving misdemeanors, not otherwise exempt under Subsection
             116      (5)(a), from the restrictions of Subsection (4).
             117          (6) In accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             118      department shall establish by rule:
             119          (a) whether a child care subsidy payment should be made prior to the completion of a
             120      background check, particularly in the case of a delay in making or completing the background

             121      check; and
             122          (b) if, and how often, a child care provider must resubmit the information required
             123      under Subsections (2) and (3).
             124          Section 2. Section 62A-4a-1005 is amended to read:
             125           62A-4a-1005. Supported finding of a severe type of child abuse or neglect --
             126      Notation in Licensing Information System -- Juvenile court petition or notice to alleged
             127      perpetrator -- Rights of alleged perpetrator -- Juvenile court finding.
             128          (1) If the division makes a supported finding that a person committed a severe type of
             129      child abuse or neglect, the division shall:
             130          (a) serve notice of the finding on the alleged perpetrator;
             131          (b) enter the following information into the Licensing Information System created in
             132      Section 62A-4a-1006 :
             133          (i) the name and other identifying information of the perpetrator with the supported
             134      finding, without identifying the person as a perpetrator or alleged perpetrator; and
             135          (ii) a notation to the effect that an investigation regarding the person is pending; and
             136          (c) if the division considers it advisable, file a petition for substantiation within one
             137      year of the supported finding.
             138          (2) The notice referred to in Subsection (1)(a):
             139          (a) shall state that:
             140          (i) the division has conducted an investigation regarding alleged child abuse or neglect;
             141          (ii) the division has made a supported finding that the alleged perpetrator described in
             142      Subsection (1) committed a severe type of child abuse or neglect;
             143          (iii) facts gathered by the division support the supported finding;
             144          (iv) as a result of the supported finding, the alleged perpetrator's name and other
             145      identifying information have been listed in the Licensing Information System in accordance
             146      with Subsection (1)(b);
             147          (v) the alleged perpetrator may be disqualified from adopting a child, receiving state
             148      funds as a child care provider, or being licensed by:
             149          (A) the department;
             150          (B) a human services licensee;
             151          (C) a child care provider or program; or

             152          (D) a covered health care facility;
             153          (vi) the alleged perpetrator has the rights described in Subsection (3); and
             154          (vii) failure to take either action described in Subsection (3)(a) within one year after
             155      service of the notice will result in the action described in Subsection (3)(b);
             156          (b) shall include a general statement of the nature of the findings; and
             157          (c) may not include:
             158          (i) the name of a victim or witness; or
             159          (ii) any privacy information related to the victim or a witness.
             160          (3) (a) Upon receipt of the notice described in Subsection (2), the alleged perpetrator
             161      [shall have] has the right to:
             162          (i) file a written request asking the division to review the findings made under
             163      Subsection (1);
             164          (ii) except as provided in Subsection (3)(c), immediately petition the juvenile court
             165      under Section 78-3a-320 ; or
             166          (iii) sign a written consent to:
             167          (A) the supported finding made under Subsection (1); and
             168          (B) entry into the Licensing Information System of:
             169          (I) the alleged perpetrator's name; and
             170          (II) other information regarding the supported finding made under Subsection (1).
             171          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (3)(e), the alleged perpetrator's name and the
             172      information described in Subsection (1)(b) shall remain in the Licensing Information System:
             173          (i) if the alleged perpetrator fails to take the action described in Subsection (3)(a)
             174      within one year after service of the notice described in Subsections (1)(a) and (2);
             175          (ii) during the time that the division awaits a response from the alleged perpetrator
             176      pursuant to Subsection (3)(a); and
             177          (iii) until a court determines that the severe type of child abuse or neglect upon which
             178      the Licensing Information System entry was based is unsubstantiated or without merit.
             179          (c) The alleged perpetrator has no right to petition the juvenile court under Subsection
             180      (3)(a)(ii) if the court previously held a hearing on the same alleged incident of abuse or neglect
             181      pursuant to the filing of a petition under Section 78-3a-305 by some other party.
             182          (d) Consent under Subsection (3)(a)(iii) by a child shall be given by the child's parent

             183      or guardian.
             184          (e) Regardless of whether an appeal on the matter is pending:
             185          (i) the division shall remove an alleged perpetrator's name and the information
             186      described in Subsection (1)(b) [shall be removed] from the Licensing Information System if the
             187      severe type of child abuse or neglect upon which the Licensing Information System entry was
             188      based:
             189          (A) is found to be unsubstantiated or without merit by the juvenile court under Section
             190      78-3a-320 ; or
             191          (B) is found to be substantiated, but is subsequently reversed on appeal; and
             192          (ii) the division shall place back on the Licensing Information System an alleged
             193      perpetrator's name and information that is removed from the Licensing Information System
             194      under Subsection (3)(e)(i) [shall be placed back on the Licensing Information System] if the
             195      court action that was the basis for removing the alleged perpetrator's name and information is
             196      subsequently reversed on appeal.
             197          (4) Upon the filing of a petition under Subsection (1)(c), the juvenile court shall make
             198      a finding of substantiated, unsubstantiated, or without merit as provided in Subsections
             199      78-3a-320 (1) and (2).
             200          (5) Service of the notice described in Subsections (1)(a) and (2):
             201          (a) shall be personal service in accordance with Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 4;
             202      and
             203          (b) does not preclude civil or criminal action against the alleged perpetrator.
             204          Section 3. Section 62A-4a-1006 is amended to read:
             205           62A-4a-1006. Licensing Information System -- Contents -- Juvenile court finding
             206      -- Protected record -- Access -- Criminal penalty.
             207          (1) (a) The division shall maintain a sub-part of the Management Information System
             208      established pursuant to Section 62A-4a-1003 , to be known as the Licensing Information
             209      System, to be used:
             210          (i) for licensing purposes; or
             211          (ii) as otherwise specifically provided for by law.
             212          (b) The Licensing Information System shall include only the following information:
             213          (i) the information described in Subsections 62A-4a-1005 (1)(b) and (3)(b);

             214          (ii) consented-to supported findings by alleged perpetrators under Subsection
             215      62A-4a-1005 (3)(a)(iii); and
             216          (iii) the information in the licensing part of the division's Management Information
             217      System as of May 6, 2002.
             218          (2) Notwithstanding Subsection (1), the department's access to information in the
             219      Management Information System for the licensure and monitoring of foster parents is governed
             220      by Sections 62A-4a-1003 and 62A-2-121 .
             221          (3) Subject to Subsection 62A-4a-1005 (3)(e), upon receipt of a finding from the
             222      juvenile court under Section 78-3a-320 , the division shall:
             223          (a) promptly amend the Licensing Information System; and
             224          (b) enter the information in the Management Information System.
             225          (4) (a) Information contained in the Licensing Information System is classified as a
             226      protected record under Title 63, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act.
             227          (b) Notwithstanding the disclosure provisions of Title 63, Chapter 2, Government
             228      Records Access and Management Act, the information contained in the Licensing Information
             229      System may only be used or disclosed as specifically provided in this chapter and Section
             230      62A-2-121 .
             231          (c) The information described in Subsection (4)(b) is accessible only to:
             232          (i) the Office of Licensing within the department:
             233          (A) for licensing purposes; or
             234          (B) as otherwise specifically provided for by law;
             235          (ii) the division to:
             236          (A) screen a person at the request of the Office of the Guardian Ad Litem Director:
             237          (I) at the time that person seeks a paid or voluntary position with the Office of the
             238      Guardian Ad Litem Director; and
             239          (II) on an annual basis, throughout the time that the person remains with the Office of
             240      Guardian Ad Litem Director; and
             241          (B) respond to a request for information from a person whose name is listed in the
             242      Licensing Information System;
             243          (iii) two persons designated by and within the Department of Health, only for the
             244      following purposes:

             245          (A) licensing a child care program or provider; or
             246          (B) determining whether a person associated with a covered health care facility, as
             247      defined by the Department of Health by rule, who provides direct care to a child, has a
             248      supported finding of a severe type of child abuse or neglect; [and]
             249          (iv) three persons designated by and within the Department of Workforce Services for
             250      the purpose of qualifying child care providers under Section 35A-3-310.5 ; and
             251          [(iv)] (v) the department, as specifically provided in this chapter.
             252          (5) The two persons designated by the Department of Health under Subsection
             253      (4)(c)(iii) and the three persons designated by the Department of Workforce Services under
             254      Subsection (4)(c)(iv) shall adopt measures to:
             255          (a) protect the security of the Licensing Information System; and
             256          (b) strictly limit access to the Licensing Information System to those persons
             257      designated by statute.
             258          (6) All persons designated by statute as having access to information contained in the
             259      Licensing Information System shall receive training from the department with respect to:
             260          (a) accessing the Licensing Information System;
             261          (b) maintaining strict security; and
             262          (c) the criminal provisions of Sections 62A-4a-412 and 63-2-801 pertaining to the
             263      improper release of information.
             264          (7) (a) A person, except those authorized by this chapter, may not request another
             265      person to obtain or release any other information in the Licensing Information System to screen
             266      for potential perpetrators of child abuse or neglect.
             267          (b) A person who requests information knowing that it is a violation of this Subsection
             268      (7) to do so is subject to the criminal penalty described in Sections 62A-4a-412 and 63-2-801 .

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-20-07 9:27 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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