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Second Substitute H.B. 168

Representative James A. Dunnigan proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: James A. Dunnigan

Senate Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends the Insurance Code to permit a new health insurance product offering
             10      for accident and health insurers and health maintenance organizations.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    amends the access to rural health care provider law to prohibit balanced billing by
             14      non-contracted independent hospitals;
             15          .    provides that a health maintenance organization that is subject to Chapter 8, Health
             16      Maintenance Organizations and Limited Health Plans:
             17              .    shall offer at least one health benefit plan that is subject to current limitations on
             18      the use of indemnity plans, point of service plans, and scope of basic health care
             19      services;
             20              .    may offer a health benefit plan that is not subject to current limitations on the
             21      use of indemnity plans, point of service plans, and scope of basic health care
             22      services; and
             23              .    must cover emergency care services;
             24          .    provides that an insurer that offers a health benefit plan in the state and is not
             25      subject to Chapter 8, Health Maintenance Organizations and Limited Health Plans:

             26              .    shall offer at least one health benefit plan that is subject to current requirements
             27      for provider reimbursement levels and provider participation;
             28              .    may offer a health benefit plan that is not subject to current provider
             29      reimbursement levels and provider participation requirements;
             30              .    must comply with access to rural health care laws; and
             31              .    must cover emergency care services.
             32      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             33          None
             34      Other Special Clauses:
             35          None
             36      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             37      AMENDS:
             38          31A-8-501, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapters 90, 229, and 367
             39      ENACTS:
             40          31A-22-618.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             42      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             43          Section 1. Section 31A-8-501 is amended to read:
             44           31A-8-501. Access to health care providers.
             45          (1) As used in this section:
             46          (a) "Class of health care provider" means a health care provider or a health care facility
             47      regulated by the state within the same professional, trade, occupational, or certification
             48      category established under Title 58, Occupations and Professions, or within the same facility
             49      licensure category established under Title 26, Chapter 21, Health Care Facility Licensing and
             50      Inspection Act.
             51          (b) "Covered health care services" or "covered services" means health care services for
             52      which an enrollee is entitled to receive under the terms of a health maintenance organization
             53      contract.
             54          (c) "Credentialed staff member" means a health care provider with active staff
             55      privileges at an independent hospital or federally qualified health center.
             56          (d) "Federally qualified health center" means as defined in the Social Security Act, 42

             57      U.S.C. Sec. 1395x.
             58          (e) "Independent hospital" means a general acute hospital or a critical access hospital
             59      that:
             60          (i) is either:
             61          (A) located 20 miles or more from any other general acute hospital or critical access
             62      hospital; or
             63          (B) licensed as of January 1, 2004;
             64          (ii) is licensed pursuant to Title 26, Chapter 21, Health Care Facility Licensing and
             65      Inspection Act; and
             66          (iii) is controlled by a board of directors of which 51% or more reside in the county
             67      where the hospital is located and:
             68          (A) the board of directors is ultimately responsible for the policy and financial
             69      decisions of the hospital; or
             70          (B) the hospital is licensed for 60 or fewer beds and is not owned, in whole or in part,
             71      by an entity that owns or controls a health maintenance organization if the hospital is a
             72      contracting facility of the organization.
             73          (f) "Noncontracting provider" means an independent hospital, federally qualified health
             74      center, or credentialed staff member who has not contracted with a health maintenance
             75      organization to provide health care services to enrollees of the organization.
             76          (2) Except for a health maintenance organization which is under the common
             77      ownership or control of an entity with a hospital located within ten paved road miles of an
             78      independent hospital, a health maintenance organization shall pay for covered health care
             79      services rendered to an enrollee by an independent hospital, a credentialed staff member at an
             80      independent hospital, or a credentialed staff member at his local practice location if:
             81          (a) the enrollee:
             82          (i) lives or resides within 30 paved road miles of the independent hospital; or
             83          (ii) if Subsection (2)(a)(i) does not apply, lives or resides in closer proximity to the
             84      independent hospital than a contracting hospital;
             85          (b) the independent hospital is located prior to December 31, 2000 in a county with a
             86      population density of less than 100 people per square mile, or the independent hospital is
             87      located in a county with a population density of less than 30 people per square mile; and

             88          (c) the enrollee has complied with the prior authorization and utilization review
             89      requirements otherwise required by the health maintenance organization contract.
             90          (3) A health maintenance organization shall pay for covered health care services
             91      rendered to an enrollee at a federally qualified health center if:
             92          (a) the enrollee:
             93          (i) lives or resides within 30 paved road miles of the federally qualified health center;
             94      or
             95          (ii) if Subsection (3)(a)(i) does not apply, lives or resides in closer proximity to the
             96      federally qualified health center than a contracting provider;
             97          (b) the federally qualified health center is located in a county with a population density
             98      of less than 30 people per square mile; and
             99          (c) the enrollee has complied with the prior authorization and utilization review
             100      requirements otherwise required by the health maintenance organization contract.
             101          (4) (a) A health maintenance organization shall reimburse a noncontracting provider or
             102      the enrollee for covered services rendered pursuant to Subsection (2) a like dollar amount as it
             103      pays to contracting providers under a noncapitated arrangement for comparable services.
             104          (b) A health maintenance organization shall reimburse a federally qualified health
             105      center or the enrollee for covered services rendered pursuant to Subsection (3) a like amount as
             106      paid by the health maintenance organization under a noncapitated arrangement for comparable
             107      services to a contracting provider in the same class of health care providers as the provider who
             108      rendered the service.
             109          (5) (a) A non-contracting independent hospital may not balance bill a patient when the
             110      health maintenance organization reimburses a non-contracting independent hospital or an
             111      enrollee in accordance with Subsection (4)(a).
             112          (b) A non-contracting federally qualified health center may not balance bill a patient
             113      when the federally qualified health center or the enrollee receives reimbursement in accordance
             114      with Subsection (4)(b).
             115          [(5)] (6) A noncontracting provider may only refer an enrollee to another
             116      noncontracting provider so as to obligate the enrollee's health maintenance organization to pay
             117      for the resulting services if:
             118          (a) the noncontracting provider making the referral or the enrollee has received prior

             119      authorization from the organization for the referral; or
             120          (b) the practice location of the noncontracting provider to whom the referral is made:
             121          (i) is located in a county with a population density of less than 25 people per square
             122      mile; and
             123          (ii) is within 30 paved road miles of:
             124          (A) the place where the enrollee lives or resides; or
             125          (B) the independent hospital or federally qualified health center at which the enrollee
             126      may receive covered services pursuant to Subsection (2) or (3).
             127          [(6)] (7) Notwithstanding this section, a health maintenance organization may contract
             128      directly with an independent hospital, federally qualified health center, or credentialed staff
             129      member.
             130          [(7)] (8) (a) A health maintenance organization that violates any provision of this
             131      section is subject to sanctions as determined by the commissioner in accordance with Section
             132      31A-2-308 .
             133          (b) Violations of this section include:
             134          (i) failing to provide the notice required by Subsection [(7)] (8)(d) by placing the notice
             135      in any health maintenance organization's provider list that is supplied to enrollees, including
             136      any website maintained by the health maintenance organization;
             137          (ii) failing to provide notice of an enrolles's rights under this section when:
             138          (A) an enrollee makes personal contact with the health maintenance organization by
             139      telephone, electronic transaction, or in person; and
             140          (B) the enrollee inquires about his rights to access an independent hospital or federally
             141      qualified health center; and
             142          (iii) refusing to reprocess or reconsider a claim, initially denied by the health
             143      maintenance organization, when the provisions of this section apply to the claim.
             144          (c) The commissioner shall, pursuant to Chapter 2, Part 2, Duties and Powers of
             145      Commissioner:
             146          (i) adopt rules as necessary to implement this section;
             147          (ii) identify in rule:
             148          (A) the counties with a population density of less than 100 people per square mile;
             149          (B) independent hospitals as defined in Subsection (1)(e); and

             150          (C) federally qualified health centers as defined in Subsection (1)(d).
             151          (d) (i) A health maintenance organization shall:
             152          (A) use the information developed by the commissioner under Subsection [(7)] (8)(c)
             153      to identify the rural counties, independent hospitals, and federally qualified health centers that
             154      are located in the health maintenance organization's service area; and
             155          (B) include the providers identified under Subsection [(7)] (8)(d)(i)(A) in the notice
             156      required in Subsection [(7)] (8)(d)(ii).
             157          (ii) The health maintenance organization shall provide the following notice, in bold
             158      type, to enrollees as specified under Subsection [(7)] (8)(b)(i), and shall keep the notice
             159      current:
             160          "You may be entitled to coverage for health care services from the following non-HMO
             161      contracted providers if you live or reside within 30 paved road miles of the listed providers, or
             162      if you live or reside in closer proximity to the listed providers than to your HMO contracted
             163      providers:
             164          This list may change periodically, please check on our website or call for verification.
             165      Please be advised that if you choose a [noncontracted] non-contracted provider you will be
             166      responsible for any charges not covered by your health insurance plan.
             167          If you have questions concerning your rights to see a provider on this list you may
             168      contact your health maintenance organization at ________. If the HMO does not resolve your
             169      problem, you may contact the Office of Consumer Health Assistance in the Insurance
             170      Department, toll free."
             171          (e) A person whose interests are affected by an alleged violation of this section may
             172      contact the Office of Consumer Health Assistance and request assistance, or file a complaint as
             173      provided in Section 31A-2-216 .
             174          Section 2. Section 31A-22-618.5 is enacted to read:
             175          31A-22-618.5. Health plan offerings.
             176          (1) The purpose of this section is to increase the range of health benefit plans available
             177      in the market.
             178          (2) A health maintenance organization that is subject to Chapter 8, Health Maintenance
             179      Organizations and Limited Health Plans:
             180          (a) shall offer to potential purchasers at least one health benefit plan that is subject to

             181      the requirements of Chapter 8, Health Maintenance Organizations and Limited Health Plans;
             182      and
             183          (b) may offer to potential purchasers one or more health benefit plans or limited health
             184      benefit plans that:
             185          (i) are not subject to one or more of the following:
             186          (A) the limitations on insured indemnity benefits in Subsection 31A-8-105 (4);
             187          (B) the limitation on point of service products in Subsections 31A-8-408 (3) through
             188      (6); or
             189          (C) except as provided in Subsection (2)(a)(ii), basic health care services as defined in
             190      Section 31A-8-101 ; and
             191          (ii) when offering a health plan under this section provide coverage for emergency care
             192      services as required by Section 31A-22-627 as follows:
             193          (A) within the organization's service area, emergency care services shall include
             194      covered health care services from non-affiliated providers only when delay in receiving care
             195      from an affiliated provider could reasonably be expected to cause severe jeopardy to the
             196      enrollee's condition; and
             197          (B) outside the organization's service area, emergency care services shall include
             198      medically necessary health care services that are immediately required because of unforseen
             199      illness or injury while the enrollee is outside the geographic limits of the organization's service
             200      area.
             201          (3) An insurer that offers health benefit plans and is not subject to Chapter 8, Health
             202      Maintenance Organizations and Limited Health Plans:
             203          (a) shall offer to potential purchasers at least one health benefit plan that is subject to
             204      Sections 31A-22-617 and 31A-22-618 ; and
             205          (b) may offer to potential purchasers one or more health benefit plans that:
             206          (i) are not subject to one or more of the following:
             207          (A) Subsection 31A-22-617 (2);
             208          (B) Subsection 31A-22-617 (7); or
             209          (C) notwithstanding Subsection 31A-22-617 (9), Section 31A-22-618 ; and
             210          (ii) (A) are subject to Section 31A-8-501 ; and
             211          (B) when offering a health plan under this section shall provide coverage of emergency

             212      care services as required by Section 31A-22-627 by providing coverage in accordance with
             213      Subsection 31A-22-617 (2).
             214          (4) Section 31A-8-106 does not prohibit the offer of a health benefit plan under
             215      Subsection (2)(b).
             216          (5) (a) Any difference in price between a health benefit plan offered under Subsections
             217      (2)(a) and (b):
             218          (i) shall be based on actuarially sound data; and
             219          (ii) is subject to Subsection 31A-30-106 (1)(f)(ii)(B).
             220          (b) Any difference in price between a health benefit plan offered under Subsections
             221      (3)(a) and (b):
             222          (i) shall be based on actuarially sound data; and
             223          (ii) is subject to Subsection 31A-30-106 (1)(f)(ii)(B).
             224          (6) Nothing in this section limits the number of health benefit plans that an insurer may
             225      offer.

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