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H.B. 171





Chief Sponsor: Bradley M. Daw

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends provisions relating to the driving privilege card.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    amends definitions;
             13          .    prohibits a person authorized by law to sell or otherwise handle alcoholic beverages
             14      or products from accepting a driving privilege card as evidence of the legal age of
             15      the person;
             16          .    requires the Motor Vehicle Division to notify the Driver License Division if the
             17      Motor Vehicle Division revokes a vehicle registration for failing to provide
             18      evidence of owner's or operator's security as required under the Uninsured Motorist
             19      Identification Database Program;
             20          .    requires the Driver License Division to suspend a driving privilege card holder's
             21      driving privilege card if the division receives notice that the driving privilege card
             22      holder's vehicle registration has been revoked for failing to provide evidence of
             23      owner's or operator's security as required under the Uninsured Motorist
             24      Identification Database Program;
             25          .    prohibits a driving privilege card from being used as providing proof of a person's
             26      age for any government required purpose;
             27          .    provides that a person that engages in the transfer, distribution, or furnishing of

             28      certain precursor chemicals may not accept a driving privilege card as proof of identification
             29      from a purchaser that purchases certain controlled substance precursors;
             30          .    provides that a dealer of firearms may not accept a driving privilege card for the
             31      purpose of establishing personal identification and residence to receive a firearm;
             32      and
             33          .    makes technical changes.
             34      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             35          None
             36      Other Special Clauses:
             37          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2008.
             38      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             39      AMENDS:
             40          32A-1-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 284
             41          32A-1-304, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2002, Chapter 161
             42          41-1a-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 345
             43          41-1a-1220, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 345
             44          41-12a-806, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 345
             45          53-3-102 (Effective 07/01/08), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 338
             46          53-3-207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapters 60 and 329
             47          53-3-221 (Effective 07/01/08), as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapters 53 and
             48      338
             49          58-37c-10, as repealed and reenacted by Laws of Utah 1992, Chapter 155
             50          76-10-526, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 360
             52      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             53          Section 1. Section 32A-1-105 is amended to read:
             54           32A-1-105. Definitions.
             55          As used in this title:
             56          (1) "Airport lounge" means a place of business licensed to sell alcoholic beverages, at
             57      retail, for consumption on its premises located at an international airport with a United States
             58      Customs office on the premises of the international airport.

             59          (2) "Alcoholic beverages" means "beer" and "liquor" as the terms are defined in this
             60      section.
             61          (3) (a) "Alcoholic products" means all products that:
             62          (i) contain:
             63          (A) at least 63/100 of 1% of alcohol by volume; or
             64          (B) at least 1/2 of 1% by weight; and
             65          (ii) are obtained by fermentation, infusion, decoction, brewing, distillation, or any other
             66      process that uses any liquid or combinations of liquids, whether drinkable or not, to create
             67      alcohol in an amount greater than the amount prescribed in Subsection (3)(a)(i).
             68          (b) "Alcoholic products" does not include any of the following common items that
             69      otherwise come within the definition of alcoholic products:
             70          (i) extracts;
             71          (ii) vinegars;
             72          (iii) ciders;
             73          (iv) essences;
             74          (v) tinctures;
             75          (vi) food preparations; or
             76          (vii) over-the-counter drugs and medicines.
             77          (4) "Bar" means a counter or similar structure:
             78          (a) at which alcoholic beverages are:
             79          (i) stored; or
             80          (ii) dispensed; or
             81          (b) from which alcoholic beverages are served.
             82          (5) (a) "Beer" means any product that:
             83          (i) contains 63/100 of 1% of alcohol by volume or 1/2 of 1% of alcohol by weight, but
             84      not more than 4% of alcohol by volume or 3.2% by weight; and
             85          (ii) is obtained by fermentation, infusion, or decoction of any malted grain.
             86          (b) Beer may or may not contain hops or other vegetable products.
             87          (c) Beer includes a product that:
             88          (i) contains alcohol in the percentages described in Subsection (5)(a); and
             89          (ii) is referred to as:

             90          (A) malt liquor;
             91          (B) malted beverages; or
             92          (C) malt coolers.
             93          (6) (a) "Beer retailer" means a business that is:
             94          (i) engaged, primarily or incidentally, in the retail sale of beer to patrons, whether for
             95      consumption on or off the business premises; and
             96          (ii) licensed to sell beer by:
             97          (A) the commission;
             98          (B) a local authority; or
             99          (C) both the commission and a local authority.
             100          (b) (i) "Off-premise beer retailer" means a business that is engaged in the retail sale of
             101      beer to patrons for consumption off the beer retailer's premises.
             102          (ii) "Off-premise beer retailer" does not include an on-premise beer retailer.
             103          (c) "On-premise beer retailer" means a business that is engaged in the sale of beer to
             104      patrons for consumption on the beer retailer's premises, regardless of whether the business sells
             105      beer for consumption off the beer retailer's premises.
             106          (7) "Billboard" means any public display used to advertise including:
             107          (a) a light device;
             108          (b) a painting;
             109          (c) a drawing;
             110          (d) a poster;
             111          (e) a sign;
             112          (f) a signboard; or
             113          (g) a scoreboard.
             114          (8) "Brewer" means any person engaged in manufacturing beer.
             115          (9) "Cash bar" means the service of alcoholic beverages:
             116          (a) at:
             117          (i) a banquet; or
             118          (ii) a temporary event for which a permit is issued under this title; and
             119          (b) if an attendee at the banquet or temporary event is charged for the alcoholic
             120      beverage.

             121          (10) "Chartered bus" means a passenger bus, coach, or other motor vehicle provided by
             122      a bus company to a group of persons pursuant to a common purpose:
             123          (a) under a single contract;
             124          (b) at a fixed charge in accordance with the bus company's tariff; and
             125          (c) for the purpose of giving the group of persons the exclusive use of the bus and a
             126      driver to travel together to a specified destination or destinations.
             127          (11) "Church" means a building:
             128          (a) set apart for the purpose of worship;
             129          (b) in which religious services are held;
             130          (c) with which clergy is associated; and
             131          (d) which is tax exempt under the laws of this state.
             132          (12) "Club" and "private club" means any of the following organized primarily for the
             133      benefit of its members:
             134          (a) a social club;
             135          (b) a recreational association;
             136          (c) a fraternal association;
             137          (d) an athletic association; or
             138          (e) a kindred association.
             139          (13) "Commission" means the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission.
             140          (14) "Department" means the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
             141          (15) "Distressed merchandise" means any alcoholic beverage in the possession of the
             142      department that is saleable, but for some reason is unappealing to the public.
             143          (16) "Guest" means a person accompanied by an active member or visitor of a club
             144      who enjoys only those privileges derived from the host for the duration of the visit to the club.
             145          (17) (a) "Heavy beer" means any product that:
             146          (i) contains more than 4% alcohol by volume; and
             147          (ii) is obtained by fermentation, infusion, or decoction of any malted grain.
             148          (b) "Heavy beer" is considered "liquor" for the purposes of this title.
             149          (18) "Hosted bar" means the service of alcoholic beverages:
             150          (a) without charge; and
             151          (b) at a:

             152          (i) banquet; or
             153          (ii) privately hosted event.
             154          (19) "Identification card" means the identification card issued under Title 53, Chapter
             155      3, Part 8, Identification Card Act.
             156          (20) "Interdicted person" means a person to whom the sale, gift, or provision of an
             157      alcoholic beverage is prohibited by:
             158          (a) law; or
             159          (b) court order.
             160          (21) "Intoxicated" means that to a degree that is unlawful under Section 76-9-701 a
             161      person is under the influence of:
             162          (a) an alcoholic beverage;
             163          (b) a controlled substance;
             164          (c) a substance having the property of releasing toxic vapors; or
             165          (d) a combination of Subsections (21)(a) through (c).
             166          (22) "Licensee" means any person issued a license by the commission to sell,
             167      manufacture, store, or allow consumption of alcoholic beverages on premises owned or
             168      controlled by the person.
             169          (23) "Limousine" means any motor vehicle licensed by the state or a local authority,
             170      other than a bus or taxicab:
             171          (a) in which the driver and passengers are separated by a partition, glass, or other
             172      barrier; and
             173          (b) that is provided by a company to an individual or individuals at a fixed charge in
             174      accordance with the company's tariff for the purpose of giving the individual or individuals the
             175      exclusive use of the limousine and a driver to travel to a specified destination or destinations.
             176          (24) (a) "Liquor" means alcohol, or any alcoholic, spirituous, vinous, fermented, malt,
             177      or other liquid, or combination of liquids, a part of which is spirituous, vinous, or fermented,
             178      and all other drinks, or drinkable liquids that contain more than 1/2 of 1% of alcohol by volume
             179      and is suitable to use for beverage purposes.
             180          (b) "Liquor" does not include any beverage defined as a beer, malt liquor, or malted
             181      beverage that has an alcohol content of less than 4% alcohol by volume.
             182          (25) "Local authority" means:

             183          (a) the governing body of the county if the premises are located in an unincorporated
             184      area of a county; or
             185          (b) the governing body of the city or town if the premises are located in an incorporated
             186      city or a town.
             187          (26) "Manufacture" means to distill, brew, rectify, mix, compound, process, ferment, or
             188      otherwise make an alcoholic product for personal use or for sale or distribution to others.
             189          (27) "Member" means a person who, after paying regular dues, has full privileges of a
             190      club under this title.
             191          (28) (a) "Military installation" means a base, air field, camp, post, station, yard, center,
             192      or homeport facility for any ship:
             193          (i) (A) under the control of the United States Department of Defense; or
             194          (B) of the National Guard;
             195          (ii) that is located within the state; and
             196          (iii) including any leased facility.
             197          (b) "Military installation" does not include any facility used primarily for:
             198          (i) civil works;
             199          (ii) rivers and harbors projects; or
             200          (iii) flood control projects.
             201          (29) "Minor" means any person under the age of 21 years.
             202          (30) "Nude," "nudity," or "state of nudity" means:
             203          (a) the appearance of:
             204          (i) the nipple or areola of a female human breast;
             205          (ii) a human genital;
             206          (iii) a human pubic area; or
             207          (iv) a human anus; or
             208          (b) a state of dress that fails to opaquely cover:
             209          (i) the nipple or areola of a female human breast;
             210          (ii) a human genital;
             211          (iii) a human pubic area; or
             212          (iv) a human anus.
             213          (31) "Outlet" means a location other than a state store or package agency where

             214      alcoholic beverages are sold pursuant to a license issued by the commission.
             215          (32) "Package" means any of the following containing liquor:
             216          (a) a container;
             217          (b) a bottle;
             218          (c) a vessel; or
             219          (d) other receptacle.
             220          (33) "Package agency" means a retail liquor location operated under a contractual
             221      agreement with the department, by a person other than the state, who is authorized by the
             222      commission to sell package liquor for consumption off the premises of the agency.
             223          (34) "Package agent" means any person permitted by the commission to operate a
             224      package agency pursuant to a contractual agreement with the department to sell liquor from
             225      premises that the package agent shall provide and maintain.
             226          (35) "Permittee" means any person issued a permit by the commission to perform acts
             227      or exercise privileges as specifically granted in the permit.
             228          (36) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm, corporation, limited liability
             229      company, association, business trust, or other form of business enterprise, including a receiver
             230      or trustee, and the plural as well as the singular number, unless the intent to give a more limited
             231      meaning is disclosed by the context.
             232          (37) "Premises" means any building, enclosure, room, or equipment used in connection
             233      with the sale, storage, service, manufacture, distribution, or consumption of alcoholic products,
             234      unless otherwise defined in this title or in the rules adopted by the commission.
             235          (38) "Prescription" means a writing in legal form, signed by a physician or dentist and
             236      given to a patient for obtaining an alcoholic beverage for medicinal purposes only.
             237          (39) (a) "Privately hosted event" or "private social function" means a specific social,
             238      business, or recreational event for which an entire room, area, or hall has been leased or rented,
             239      in advance by an identified group, and the event or function is limited in attendance to people
             240      who have been specifically designated and their guests.
             241          (b) "Privately hosted event" and "private social function" does not include events or
             242      functions to which the general public is invited, whether for an admission fee or not.
             243          (40) (a) "Proof of age" means:
             244          [(a)] (i) an identification card;

             245          [(b)] (ii) an identification that:
             246          [(i)] (A) is substantially similar to an identification card;
             247          [(ii)] (B) is issued in accordance with the laws of a state other than Utah in which the
             248      identification is issued;
             249          [(iii)] (C) includes date of birth; and
             250          [(iv)] (D) has a picture affixed;
             251          [(c)] (iii) a valid driver license certificate that:
             252          [(i)] (A) includes date of birth;
             253          [(ii)] (B) has a picture affixed; and
             254          [(iii)] (C) is issued:
             255          [(A)] (I) under Title 53, Chapter 3, Uniform Driver License Act; or
             256          [(B)] (II) in accordance with the laws of the state in which it is issued;
             257          [(d)] (iv) a military identification card that:
             258          [(i)] (A) includes date of birth; and
             259          [(ii)] (B) has a picture affixed; or
             260          [(e)] (v) a valid passport.
             261          (b) "Proof of age" does not include a driving privilege card issued in accordance with
             262      Section 53-3-207 .
             263          (41) (a) "Public building" means any building or permanent structure owned or leased
             264      by the state, a county, or local government entity that is used for:
             265          (i) public education;
             266          (ii) transacting public business; or
             267          (iii) regularly conducting government activities.
             268          (b) "Public building" does not mean or refer to any building owned by the state or a
             269      county or local government entity when the building is used by anyone, in whole or in part, for
             270      proprietary functions.
             271          (42) "Representative" means an individual who is compensated by salary, commission,
             272      or any other means for representing and selling the alcoholic beverage products of a
             273      manufacturer, supplier, or importer of liquor, wine, or heavy beer.
             274          (43) "Residence" means the person's principal place of abode within Utah.
             275          (44) "Restaurant" means any business establishment:

             276          (a) where a variety of foods is prepared and complete meals are served to the general
             277      public;
             278          (b) located on a premises having adequate culinary fixtures for food preparation and
             279      dining accommodations; and
             280          (c) that is engaged primarily in serving meals to the general public.
             281          (45) "Retailer" means any person engaged in the sale or distribution of alcoholic
             282      beverages to the consumer.
             283          (46) (a) "Sample" includes:
             284          (i) a department sample; and
             285          (ii) an industry representative sample.
             286          (b) "Department sample" means liquor, wine, and heavy beer that has been placed in
             287      the possession of the department for testing, analysis, and sampling.
             288          (c) "Industry representative sample" means liquor, wine, and heavy beer that has been
             289      placed in the possession of the department for testing, analysis, and sampling by local industry
             290      representatives on the premises of the department to educate the local industry representatives
             291      of the quality and characteristics of the product.
             292          (47) (a) "School" means any building used primarily for the general education of
             293      minors.
             294          (b) "School" does not include:
             295          (i) a nursery school;
             296          (ii) an infant day care center; or
             297          (iii) a trade or technical school.
             298          (48) "Sell," "sale," and "to sell" means any transaction, exchange, or barter whereby,
             299      for any consideration, an alcoholic beverage is either directly or indirectly transferred, solicited,
             300      ordered, delivered for value, or by any means or under any pretext is promised or obtained,
             301      whether done by a person as a principal, proprietor, or as an agent, servant, or employee, unless
             302      otherwise defined in this title or the rules made by the commission.
             303          (49) "Seminude," "seminudity," or "state of seminudity" means a state of dress in
             304      which opaque clothing covers no more than:
             305          (a) the nipple and areola of the female human breast in a shape and color other than the
             306      natural shape and color of the nipple and areola; and

             307          (b) the human genitals, pubic area, and anus:
             308          (i) with no less than the following at its widest point:
             309          (A) four inches coverage width in the front of the human body; and
             310          (B) five inches coverage width in the back of the human body; and
             311          (ii) with coverage that does not taper to less than one inch wide at the narrowest point.
             312          (50) "Sexually oriented entertainer" means a person who while in a state of seminudity
             313      appears at or performs:
             314          (a) for the entertainment of one or more patrons;
             315          (b) on the premises of:
             316          (i) a class D private club as defined in Subsection 32A-5-101 (3); or
             317          (ii) a tavern;
             318          (c) on behalf of or at the request of the licensee described in Subsection (50)(b);
             319          (d) on a contractual or voluntary basis; and
             320          (e) whether or not the person is designated:
             321          (i) an employee of the licensee described in Subsection (50)(b);
             322          (ii) an independent contractor of the licensee described in Subsection (50)(b);
             323          (iii) an agent of the licensee described in Subsection (50)(b); or
             324          (iv) otherwise of the licensee described in Subsection (50)(b).
             325          (51) "Small brewer" means a brewer who manufactures less than 60,000 barrels of beer
             326      and heavy beer per year.
             327          (52) (a) "Spirituous liquor" means liquor that is distilled.
             328          (b) "Spirituous liquor" includes an alcohol product defined as a "distilled spirit" by 27
             329      U.S.C. 211 and 27 C.F.R. Sections 5.11 through 5.23.
             330          (53) (a) "State label" means the official label designated by the commission affixed to
             331      all liquor containers sold in the state.
             332          (b) "State label" includes the department identification mark and inventory control
             333      number.
             334          (54) (a) "State store" means a facility for the sale of package liquor:
             335          (i) located on premises owned or leased by the state; and
             336          (ii) operated by state employees.
             337          (b) "State store" does not apply to any:

             338          (i) licensee;
             339          (ii) permittee; or
             340          (iii) package agency.
             341          (55) "Supplier" means any person selling alcoholic beverages to the department.
             342          (56) (a) "Tavern" means any business establishment that is:
             343          (i) engaged primarily in the retail sale of beer to public patrons for consumption on the
             344      establishment's premises; and
             345          (ii) licensed to sell beer under Chapter 10, Part 2, On-Premise Beer Retailer Licenses.
             346          (b) "Tavern" includes the following if the revenue from the sale of beer exceeds the
             347      revenue of the sale of food, although food need not be sold in the establishment:
             348          (i) a beer bar;
             349          (ii) a parlor;
             350          (iii) a lounge;
             351          (iv) a cabaret; or
             352          (v) a nightclub.
             353          (57) "Temporary domicile" means the principal place of abode within Utah of a person
             354      who does not have a present intention to continue residency within Utah permanently or
             355      indefinitely.
             356          (58) "Unsaleable liquor merchandise" means merchandise that:
             357          (a) is unsaleable because the merchandise is:
             358          (i) unlabeled;
             359          (ii) leaky;
             360          (iii) damaged;
             361          (iv) difficult to open; or
             362          (v) partly filled;
             363          (b) is in a container:
             364          (i) having faded labels or defective caps or corks;
             365          (ii) in which the contents are:
             366          (A) cloudy;
             367          (B) spoiled; or
             368          (C) chemically determined to be impure; or

             369          (iii) that contains:
             370          (A) sediment; or
             371          (B) any foreign substance; or
             372          (c) is otherwise considered by the department as unfit for sale.
             373          (59) "Visitor" means an individual that in accordance with Section 32A-5-107 holds
             374      limited privileges in a private club by virtue of a visitor card.
             375          (60) "Warehouser" means any person, other than a licensed manufacturer, engaged in
             376      the importation for sale, storage, or distribution of liquor regardless of amount.
             377          (61) "Wholesaler" means any person engaged in the importation for sale, or in the sale
             378      of beer in wholesale or jobbing quantities to retailers, other than a small brewer selling beer
             379      manufactured by that brewer.
             380          (62) (a) "Wine" means any alcoholic beverage obtained by the fermentation of the
             381      natural sugar content of fruits, plants, honey, or milk, or any other like substance, whether or
             382      not other ingredients are added.
             383          (b) "Wine" is considered "liquor" for purposes of this title, except as otherwise
             384      provided in this title.
             385          Section 2. Section 32A-1-304 is amended to read:
             386           32A-1-304. Acceptance of identification -- Evidence.
             387          (1) A person authorized by law to sell or otherwise handle alcoholic beverages or
             388      products may accept as evidence of the legal age of the person presenting the following:
             389          (a) proof of age; or
             390          (b) if a statement of age is required under Subsection 32A-1-303 (1):
             391          (i) proof of age; and
             392          (ii) a statement of age obtained under Section 32A-1-303 .
             393          (2) A statement of age described in Section 32A-1-303 , if properly completed, signed,
             394      and filed in accordance with Section 32A-1-303 , may be offered as a defense in any case where
             395      there is at issue the legality of:
             396          (a) selling or otherwise furnishing an alcoholic beverage or product to the person who
             397      signed the statement of age; or
             398          (b) allowing the person who signed the statement of age to be employed in any
             399      employment that under this title may not be obtained by a minor.

             400          (3) A person authorized by law to sell or otherwise handle alcoholic beverages or
             401      products may not accept a driving privilege card issued in accordance with Section 53-3-207 as
             402      evidence of the legal age of the person.
             403          [(3)] (4) A person may not be subject to a penalty for a violation of this part if it is
             404      proved to the commission or the court hearing the matter that the person charged with the
             405      violation acted in good faith.
             406          Section 3. Section 41-1a-110 is amended to read:
             407           41-1a-110. Authority of division to suspend or revoke registration, certificate of
             408      title, license plate, or permit.
             409          (1) Except as provided in Subsections (3) and (4), the division may suspend or revoke
             410      a registration, certificate of title, license plate, or permit if:
             411          (a) the division is satisfied that a registration, certificate of title, license plate, or permit
             412      was fraudulently procured or erroneously issued;
             413          (b) the division determines that a registered vehicle is mechanically unfit or unsafe to
             414      be operated or moved upon the highways;
             415          (c) a registered vehicle has been dismantled;
             416          (d) the division determines that the required fee has not been paid and the fee is not
             417      paid upon reasonable notice and demand;
             418          (e) a registration decal, license plate, or permit is knowingly displayed upon a vehicle
             419      other than the one for which issued;
             420          (f) the division determines that the owner has committed any offense under this chapter
             421      involving the registration, certificate of title, registration card, license plate, registration decal,
             422      or permit; or
             423          (g) the division receives notification by the Department of Transportation that the
             424      owner has committed any offence under Title 72, Chapter 9, Motor Carrier Safety Act.
             425          (2) (a) The division shall revoke the registration of a vehicle if the division receives
             426      notification by the:
             427          [(a)] (i) Department of Public Safety that a person:
             428          [(i)] (A) has been convicted of operating a registered motor vehicle in violation of
             429      Section 41-12a-301 or 41-12a-303.2 ; or
             430          [(ii)] (B) is under an administrative action taken by the Department of Public Safety for

             431      operating a registered motor vehicle in violation of Section 41-12a-301 ; or
             432          [(b)] (ii) designated agent that the owner of a motor vehicle:
             433          [(i)] (A) has failed to provide satisfactory proof of owner's or operator's security to the
             434      designated agent after the second notice provided under Section 41-12a-804 ; or
             435          [(ii)] (B) provided a false or fraudulent statement to the designated agent.
             436          (b) The division shall notify the Driver License Division if the division revokes the
             437      registration of a vehicle under Subsection (2)(a)(ii)(A).
             438          (3) The division may not suspend or revoke the registration of a vessel or outboard
             439      motor unless authorized under Section 73-18-7.3 .
             440          (4) The division may not suspend or revoke the registration of an off-highway vehicle
             441      unless authorized under Section 41-22-17 .
             442          (5) The division shall charge a registration reinstatement fee under Section 41-1a-1220 ,
             443      if the registration is revoked under Subsection (1)(f).
             444          Section 4. Section 41-1a-1220 is amended to read:
             445           41-1a-1220. Registration reinstatement fee.
             446          (1) At the time application is made for reinstatement or renewal of registration of a
             447      motor vehicle after a revocation of the registration under Subsection 41-1a-110 (2), the
             448      applicant shall pay a registration reinstatement fee of $100.
             449          (2) The fee imposed under Subsection (1):
             450          (a) is in addition to any other fee imposed under this chapter; and
             451          (b) shall be deposited in the Uninsured Motorist Identification Restricted Account
             452      created in Section 41-12a-806 .
             453          (3) The division shall waive the registration reinstatement fee imposed under this
             454      section if:
             455          (a) the registration was revoked under Subsection 41-1a-110 (2)[(b)](a)(ii); and
             456          (b) a person had owner's or operator's security in effect for the vehicle at the time of the
             457      alleged violation or on the day following the time limit provided after the second notice under
             458      Subsection 41-12a-804 (2).
             459          Section 5. Section 41-12a-806 is amended to read:
             460           41-12a-806. Restricted Account -- Creation -- Funding -- Interest -- Purposes.
             461          (1) There is created within the Transportation Fund a restricted account known as the

             462      "Uninsured Motorist Identification Restricted Account."
             463          (2) The account consists of monies generated from the following revenue sources:
             464          (a) monies received by the state under Section 41-1a-1218 , the uninsured motorist
             465      identification fee;
             466          (b) monies received by the state under Section 41-1a-1220 ; and
             467          (c) appropriations made to the account by the Legislature.
             468          (3) (a) The account shall earn interest.
             469          (b) All interest earned on account monies shall be deposited into the account.
             470          (4) Monies shall be appropriated from the account by the Legislature to:
             471          (a) the department to fund the contract with the designated agent;
             472          (b) the department to offset the costs to state and local law enforcement agencies of
             473      using the information for the purposes authorized under this part; and
             474          (c) the Tax Commission to offset the costs to the Motor Vehicle Division for revoking
             475      and reinstating vehicle registrations under Subsection 41-1a-110 (2)[(b)](a)(ii).
             476          Section 6. Section 53-3-102 (Effective 07/01/08) is amended to read:
             477           53-3-102 (Effective 07/01/08). Definitions.
             478          As used in this chapter:
             479          (1) "Cancellation" means the termination by the division of a license issued through
             480      error or fraud or for which consent under Section 53-3-211 has been withdrawn.
             481          (2) "Class D license" means the class of license issued to drive motor vehicles not
             482      defined as commercial motor vehicles or motorcycles under this chapter.
             483          (3) "Class M license" means the class of license issued to drive a motorcycle as defined
             484      under this chapter.
             485          (4) "Commercial driver license" or "CDL" means a license issued substantially in
             486      accordance with the requirements of Title XII, Pub. L. 99-570, the Commercial Motor Vehicle
             487      Safety Act of 1986, and in accordance with Part 4, Uniform Commercial Driver License Act,
             488      which authorizes the holder to drive a class of commercial motor vehicle.
             489          (5) (a) "Commercial motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle or combination of motor
             490      vehicles designed or used to transport passengers or property if the motor vehicle:
             491          (i) has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 or more pounds or a lesser rating as
             492      determined by federal regulation;

             493          (ii) is designed to transport 16 or more passengers, including the driver; or
             494          (iii) is transporting hazardous materials and is required to be placarded in accordance
             495      with 49 C.F.R. Part 172, Subpart F.
             496          (b) The following vehicles are not considered a commercial motor vehicle for purposes
             497      of Part 4, Uniform Commercial Driver License Act:
             498          (i) equipment owned and operated by the United States Department of Defense when
             499      driven by any active duty military personnel and members of the reserves and national guard on
             500      active duty including personnel on full-time national guard duty, personnel on part-time
             501      training, and national guard military technicians and civilians who are required to wear military
             502      uniforms and are subject to the code of military justice;
             503          (ii) vehicles controlled and driven by a farmer to transport agricultural products, farm
             504      machinery, or farm supplies to or from a farm within 150 miles of his farm but not in operation
             505      as a motor carrier for hire;
             506          (iii) firefighting and emergency vehicles; and
             507          (iv) recreational vehicles that are not used in commerce and are driven solely as family
             508      or personal conveyances for recreational purposes.
             509          (6) "Conviction" means any of the following:
             510          (a) an unvacated adjudication of guilt or a determination that a person has violated or
             511      failed to comply with the law in a court of original jurisdiction or an administrative proceeding;
             512          (b) an unvacated forfeiture of bail or collateral deposited to secure a person's
             513      appearance in court;
             514          (c) a plea of guilty or nolo contendere accepted by the court;
             515          (d) the payment of a fine or court costs; or
             516          (e) violation of a condition of release without bail, regardless of whether the penalty is
             517      rebated, suspended, or probated.
             518          (7) "Denial" or "denied" means the withdrawal of a driving privilege by the division to
             519      which the provisions of Title 41, Chapter 12a, Part 4, Proof of Owner's or Operator's Security,
             520      do not apply.
             521          (8) "Director" means the division director appointed under Section 53-3-103 .
             522          (9) "Disqualification" means either:
             523          (a) the suspension, revocation, cancellation, denial, or any other withdrawal by a state

             524      of a person's privileges to drive a commercial motor vehicle;
             525          (b) a determination by the Federal Highway Administration, under 49 C.F.R. Part 386,
             526      that a person is no longer qualified to drive a commercial motor vehicle under 49 C.F.R. Part
             527      391; or
             528          (c) the loss of qualification that automatically follows conviction of an offense listed in
             529      49 C.F.R. Part 383.51.
             530          (10) "Division" means the Driver License Division of the department created in
             531      Section 53-3-103 .
             532          (11) "Drive" means:
             533          (a) to operate or be in physical control of a motor vehicle upon a highway; and
             534          (b) in Subsections 53-3-414 (1) through (3), Subsection 53-3-414 (5), and Sections
             535      53-3-417 and 53-3-418 , the operation or physical control of a motor vehicle at any place within
             536      the state.
             537          (12) (a) "Driver" means any person who drives, or is in actual physical control of a
             538      motor vehicle in any location open to the general public for purposes of vehicular traffic.
             539          (b) In Part 4, Uniform Commercial Driver License Act, "driver" includes any person
             540      who is required to hold a CDL under Part 4 or federal law.
             541          (13) "Driving privilege card" means the evidence of the privilege granted and issued
             542      under this chapter to drive a motor vehicle to a person whose privilege was obtained without
             543      using a Social Security number.
             544          [(13)] (14) "Extension" means a renewal completed in a manner specified by the
             545      division.
             546          [(14)] (15) "Farm tractor" means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily as a
             547      farm implement for drawing plows, mowing machines, and other implements of husbandry.
             548          [(15)] (16) "Highway" means the entire width between property lines of every way or
             549      place of any nature when any part of it is open to the use of the public, as a matter of right, for
             550      traffic.
             551          [(16)] (17) "License" means the privilege to drive a motor vehicle.
             552          [(17)] (18) "License certificate" means the evidence of the privilege issued under this
             553      chapter to drive a motor vehicle.
             554          [(18)] (19) "Motorboat" has the same meaning as provided under Section 73-18-2 .

             555          [(19)] (20) "Motorcycle" means every motor vehicle, other than a tractor, having a seat
             556      or saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel with not more than three wheels in
             557      contact with the ground.
             558          [(20)] (21) "Office of Recovery Services" means the Office of Recovery Services,
             559      created in Section 62A-11-102 .
             560          [(21)] (22) (a) "Owner" means a person other than a lienholder having an interest in the
             561      property or title to a vehicle.
             562          (b) "Owner" includes a person entitled to the use and possession of a vehicle subject to
             563      a security interest in another person but excludes a lessee under a lease not intended as security.
             564          [(22)] (23) "Renewal" means to validate a license certificate so that it expires at a later
             565      date.
             566          [(23)] (24) "Reportable violation" means an offense required to be reported to the
             567      division as determined by the division and includes those offenses against which points are
             568      assessed under Section 53-3-221 .
             569          [(24)] (25) (a) "Resident" means an individual who:
             570          (i) has established a domicile in this state, as defined in Section 41-1a-202 , or
             571      regardless of domicile, remains in this state for an aggregate period of six months or more
             572      during any calendar year;
             573          (ii) engages in a trade, profession, or occupation in this state, or who accepts
             574      employment in other than seasonal work in this state, and who does not commute into the state;
             575          (iii) declares himself to be a resident of this state by obtaining a valid Utah driver
             576      license certificate or motor vehicle registration; or
             577          (iv) declares himself a resident of this state to obtain privileges not ordinarily extended
             578      to nonresidents, including going to school, or placing children in school without paying
             579      nonresident tuition or fees.
             580          (b) "Resident" does not include any of the following:
             581          (i) a member of the military, temporarily stationed in this state;
             582          (ii) an out-of-state student, as classified by an institution of higher education,
             583      regardless of whether the student engages in any type of employment in this state;
             584          (iii) a person domiciled in another state or country, who is temporarily assigned in this
             585      state, assigned by or representing an employer, religious or private organization, or a

             586      governmental entity; or
             587          (iv) an immediate family member who resides with or a household member of a person
             588      listed in Subsections [(24)] (25)(b)(i) through (iii).
             589          [(25)] (26) "Revocation" means the termination by action of the division of a licensee's
             590      privilege to drive a motor vehicle.
             591          [(26)] (27) (a) "School bus" means a commercial motor vehicle used to transport
             592      pre-primary, primary, or secondary school students to and from home and school, or to and
             593      from school sponsored events.
             594          (b) "School bus" does not include a bus used as a common carrier as defined in Section
             595      59-12-102 .
             596          [(27)] (28) "Suspension" means the temporary withdrawal by action of the division of a
             597      licensee's privilege to drive a motor vehicle.
             598          [(28)] (29) "Taxicab" means any class D motor vehicle transporting any number of
             599      passengers for hire and that is subject to state or federal regulation as a taxi.
             600          Section 7. Section 53-3-207 is amended to read:
             601           53-3-207. License certificates or driving privilege cards issued to drivers by class
             602      of motor vehicle -- Contents -- Release of anatomical gift information -- Temporary
             603      licenses or driving privilege cards -- Minors' licenses, cards, and permits -- Violation.
             604          (1) As used in this section:
             605          (a) "driving privilege" means the privilege granted under this chapter to drive a motor
             606      vehicle;
             607          [(b) "driving privilege card" means the evidence of the privilege granted and issued
             608      under this chapter to drive a motor vehicle;]
             609          [(c)] (b) "governmental entity" means the state and its political subdivisions as defined
             610      in this Subsection (1);
             611          [(d)] (c) "political subdivision" means any county, city, town, school district, public
             612      transit district, community development and renewal agency, special improvement or taxing
             613      district, local district, special service district, an entity created by an interlocal agreement
             614      adopted under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, or other governmental
             615      subdivision or public corporation; and
             616          [(e)] (d) "state" means this state, and includes any office, department, agency,

             617      authority, commission, board, institution, hospital, college, university, children's justice center,
             618      or other instrumentality of the state.
             619          (2) (a) The division shall issue to every person privileged to drive a motor vehicle, a
             620      license certificate or a driving privilege card indicating the type or class of motor vehicle the
             621      person may drive.
             622          (b) A person may not drive a class of motor vehicle unless granted the privilege in that
             623      class.
             624          (3) (a) Every license certificate or driving privilege card shall bear:
             625          (i) the distinguishing number assigned to the person by the division;
             626          (ii) the name, birth date, and Utah residence address of the person;
             627          (iii) a brief description of the person for the purpose of identification;
             628          (iv) any restrictions imposed on the license under Section 53-3-208 ;
             629          (v) a photograph of the person;
             630          (vi) a photograph or other facsimile of the person's signature; and
             631          (vii) an indication whether the person intends to make an anatomical gift under Title
             632      26, Chapter 28, Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, unless the driving privilege is extended
             633      under Subsection 53-3-214 (3).
             634          (b) A new license certificate issued by the division may not bear the person's Social
             635      Security number.
             636          (c) (i) The license certificate or driving privilege card shall be of an impervious
             637      material, resistant to wear, damage, and alteration.
             638          (ii) Except as provided under Subsection (4)(b), the size, form, and color of the license
             639      certificate or driving privilege card shall be as prescribed by the commissioner.
             640          (iii) The commissioner may also prescribe the issuance of a special type of limited
             641      license certificate or driving privilege card under Subsection 53-3-220 (4) and may authorize
             642      the issuance of a renewed or duplicate license certificate or driving privilege card without a
             643      picture if the applicant is not then living in the state.
             644          (4) (a) (i) The division upon determining after an examination that an applicant is
             645      mentally and physically qualified to be granted a driving privilege may issue to an applicant a
             646      receipt for the fee.
             647          (ii) The receipt serves as a temporary license certificate or temporary driving privilege

             648      card allowing the person to drive a motor vehicle while the division is completing its
             649      investigation to determine whether the person is entitled to be granted a driving privilege.
             650          (b) The receipt shall be in the person's immediate possession while driving a motor
             651      vehicle, and it is invalid when the person's license certificate or driving privilege card has been
             652      issued or when, for good cause, the privilege has been refused.
             653          (c) The division shall indicate on the receipt a date after which it is not valid as a
             654      license certificate or driving privilege card.
             655          (5) (a) The division shall distinguish learner permits, temporary permits, license
             656      certificates, and driving privilege cards issued to any person younger than 21 years of age by
             657      use of plainly printed information or the use of a color or other means not used for other license
             658      certificates or driving privilege cards.
             659          (b) The division shall distinguish a license certificate or driving privilege card issued to
             660      any person:
             661          (i) younger than 21 years of age by use of a portrait-style format not used for other
             662      license certificates or driving privilege cards and by plainly printing the date the license
             663      certificate or driving privilege card holder is 21 years of age, which is the legal age for
             664      purchasing an alcoholic beverage or product under Section 32A-12-203 ; and
             665          (ii) younger than 19 years of age, by plainly printing the date the license certificate or
             666      driving privilege card holder is 19 years of age, which is the legal age for purchasing tobacco
             667      products under Section 76-10-104 .
             668          (6) (a) The division shall only issue a driving privilege card to a person whose privilege
             669      was obtained without using a Social Security number as required under Subsection
             670      53-3-205 (9).
             671          (b) The division shall distinguish a driving privilege card from a license certificate by:
             672          (i) use of a format, color, font, or other means; and
             673          (ii) clearly displaying on the front of the driving privilege card a phrase substantially
             675          (7) The provisions of Subsection (5)(b) do not apply to a learner permit, temporary
             676      permit, or any other temporary permit or receipt issued by the division.
             677          (8) The division shall issue temporary license certificates or temporary driving
             678      privilege cards of the same nature, except as to duration, as the license certificates or driving

             679      privilege cards that they temporarily replace, as are necessary to implement applicable
             680      provisions of this section and Section 53-3-223 .
             681          (9) (a) A governmental entity may not accept a driving privilege card as proof of
             682      personal identification.
             683          (b) A driving privilege card may not be used as a document providing proof of a
             684      person's age for any government required purpose.
             685          (10) A person who violates Subsection (2)(b) is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
             686          (11) [Except as provided under this section,] Unless otherwise provided, the
             687      provisions, requirements, classes, endorsements, fees, restrictions, and sanctions under this
             688      code apply to a:
             689          (a) driving privilege in the same way as a license issued under this chapter; and
             690          (b) driving privilege card in the same way as a license certificate issued under this
             691      chapter.
             692          Section 8. Section 53-3-221 (Effective 07/01/08) is amended to read:
             693           53-3-221 (Effective 07/01/08). Offenses which may result in denial, suspension,
             694      disqualification, or revocation of license without hearing -- Additional grounds for
             695      suspension -- Point system for traffic violations -- Notice and hearing -- Reporting of
             696      traffic violation procedures.
             697          (1) By following the emergency procedures in Title 63, Chapter 46b, Administrative
             698      Procedures Act, the division may immediately deny, suspend, disqualify, or revoke the license
             699      of any person without hearing and without receiving a record of the person's conviction of
             700      crime when the division has been notified or has reason to believe the person:
             701          (a) has committed any offenses for which mandatory suspension or revocation of a
             702      license is required upon conviction under Section 53-3-220 ;
             703          (b) has, by reckless or unlawful driving of a motor vehicle, caused or contributed to an
             704      accident resulting in death or injury to any other person, or serious property damage;
             705          (c) is incompetent to drive a motor vehicle or is afflicted with mental or physical
             706      infirmities or disabilities rendering it unsafe for the person to drive a motor vehicle upon the
             707      highways;
             708          (d) has committed a serious violation of the motor vehicle laws of this state;
             709          (e) has knowingly acquired, used, displayed, or transferred an item that purports to be

             710      an authentic driver license certificate issued by a governmental entity if the item is not an
             711      authentic driver license certificate or has permitted an unlawful use of the license as prohibited
             712      under Section 53-3-229 ; or
             713          (f) has been convicted of serious offenses against traffic laws governing the movement
             714      of motor vehicles with a frequency that indicates a disrespect for traffic laws and a disregard
             715      for the safety of other persons on the highways.
             716          (2) (a) The division may suspend the license of a person under Subsection (1) when the
             717      person has failed to comply with the terms stated on a traffic citation issued in this state, except
             718      this Subsection (2) does not apply to highway weight limit violations or violations of law
             719      governing the transportation of hazardous materials.
             720          (b) This Subsection (2) applies to parking and standing violations only if a court has
             721      issued a warrant for the arrest of a person for failure to post bail, appear, or otherwise satisfy
             722      the terms of the citation.
             723          (c) (i) This Subsection (2) may not be exercised unless notice of the pending
             724      suspension of the driving privilege has been sent at least ten days previously to the person at
             725      the address provided to the division.
             726          (ii) After clearance by the division, a report authorized by Section 53-3-104 may not
             727      contain any evidence of a suspension that occurred as a result of failure to comply with the
             728      terms stated on a traffic citation.
             729          (3) (a) The division may suspend the license of a person under Subsection (1) when the
             730      division has been notified by a court that the person has an outstanding unpaid fine, an
             731      outstanding incomplete restitution requirement, or an outstanding warrant levied by order of a
             732      court.
             733          (b) The suspension remains in effect until the division is notified by the court that the
             734      order has been satisfied.
             735          (c) After clearance by the division, a report authorized by Section 53-3-104 may not
             736      contain any evidence of the suspension.
             737          (4) The division shall make rules establishing a point system as provided for in this
             738      Subsection (4).
             739          (a) (i) The division shall assign a number of points to each type of moving traffic
             740      violation as a measure of its seriousness.

             741          (ii) The points shall be based upon actual relationships between types of traffic
             742      violations and motor vehicle traffic accidents.
             743          (b) Every person convicted of a traffic violation shall have assessed against his driving
             744      record the number of points that the division has assigned to the type of violation of which the
             745      person has been convicted, except that the number of points assessed shall be decreased by
             746      10% if on the abstract of the court record of the conviction the court has graded the severity of
             747      violation as minimum, and shall be increased by 10% if on the abstract the court has graded the
             748      severity of violation as maximum.
             749          (c) (i) A separate procedure for assessing points for speeding offenses shall be
             750      established by the division based upon the severity of the offense.
             751          (ii) The severity of a speeding violation shall be graded as:
             752          (A) "minimum" for exceeding the posted speed limit by up to ten miles per hour;
             753          (B) "intermediate" for exceeding the posted speed limit by from 11 to 20 miles per
             754      hour; and
             755          (C) "maximum" for exceeding the posted speed limit by 21 or more miles per hour.
             756          (iii) Consideration shall be made for assessment of no points on minimum speeding
             757      violations, except for speeding violations in school zones.
             758          (d) (i) Points assessed against a person's driving record shall be deleted for violations
             759      occurring before a time limit set by the division.
             760          (ii) The time limit may not exceed three years.
             761          (iii) The division may also delete points to reward violation-free driving for periods of
             762      time set by the division.
             763          (e) (i) By publication in two newspapers having general circulation throughout the
             764      state, the division shall give notice of the number of points it has assigned to each type of
             765      traffic violation, the time limit set by the division for the deletion of points, and the point level
             766      at which the division will generally take action to deny or suspend under this section.
             767          (ii) The division may not change any of the information provided above regarding
             768      points without first giving new notice in the same manner.
             769          (5) (a) (i) Upon denying or suspending the license of a person under this section, the
             770      division shall immediately notify the licensee in a manner specified by the division and afford
             771      him an opportunity for a hearing in the county where the licensee resides.

             772          (ii) The hearing shall be documented, and the division or its authorized agent may
             773      administer oaths, may issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of
             774      relevant books and papers, and may require a reexamination of the licensee.
             775          (iii) One or more members of the division may conduct the hearing, and any decision
             776      made after a hearing before any number of the members of the division is as valid as if made
             777      after a hearing before the full membership of the division.
             778          (iv) After the hearing the division shall either rescind its order of denial or suspension,
             779      extend the denial or suspension of the license, or revoke the license.
             780          (b) The denial or suspension of the license remains in effect pending qualifications
             781      determined by the division regarding a person:
             782          (i) whose license has been denied or suspended following reexamination;
             783          (ii) who is incompetent to drive a motor vehicle;
             784          (iii) who is afflicted with mental or physical infirmities that might make him dangerous
             785      on the highways; or
             786          (iv) who may not have the necessary knowledge or skill to drive a motor vehicle safely.
             787          (6) (a) Subject to Subsection (6)(d), the division shall suspend a person's license when
             788      the division receives notice from the Office of Recovery Services that the Office of Recovery
             789      Services has ordered the suspension of the person's license.
             790          (b) A suspension under Subsection (6)(a) shall remain in effect until the division
             791      receives notice from the Office of Recovery Services that the Office of Recovery Services has
             792      rescinded the order of suspension.
             793          (c) After an order of suspension is rescinded under Subsection (6)(b), a report
             794      authorized by Section 53-3-104 may not contain any evidence of the suspension.
             795          (d) (i) If the division suspends a person's license under this Subsection (6), the division
             796      shall, upon application, issue a temporary limited driver license to the person if that person
             797      needs a driver license for employment, education, or child visitation.
             798          (ii) The temporary limited driver license described in this section:
             799          (A) shall provide that the person may operate a motor vehicle only for the purpose of
             800      driving to or from the person's place of employment, education, or child visitation;
             801          (B) shall prohibit the person from driving a motor vehicle for any purpose other than a
             802      purpose described in Subsection (6)(d)(ii)(A); and

             803          (C) shall expire 90 days after the day on which the temporary limited driver license is
             804      issued.
             805          (iii) (A) During the period beginning on the day on which a temporary limited driver
             806      license is issued under this Subsection (6), and ending on the day that the temporary limited
             807      driver license expires, the suspension described in this Subsection (6) only applies if the person
             808      who is suspended operates a motor vehicle for a purpose other than employment, education, or
             809      child visitation.
             810          (B) Upon expiration of a temporary limited driver license described in this Subsection
             811      (6)(d):
             812          (I) a suspension described in Subsection (6)(a) shall be in full effect until the division
             813      receives notice, under Subsection (6)(b), that the order of suspension is rescinded; and
             814          (II) a person suspended under Subsection (6)(a) may not drive a motor vehicle for any
             815      reason.
             816          (iv) The division is not required to issue a limited driver license to a person under this
             817      Subsection (6)(d) if there are other legal grounds for the suspension of the person's driver
             818      license.
             819          (v) The division shall make rules, in accordance with Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             820      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to implement the provisions of this part.
             821          (7) (a) The division may suspend or revoke the license of any resident of this state
             822      upon receiving notice of the conviction of that person in another state of an offense committed
             823      there that, if committed in this state, would be grounds for the suspension or revocation of a
             824      license.
             825          (b) The division may, upon receiving a record of the conviction in this state of a
             826      nonresident driver of a motor vehicle or motorboat of any offense under the motor vehicle laws
             827      of this state, forward a certified copy of the record to the motor vehicle administrator in the
             828      state where the person convicted is a resident.
             829          (8) (a) The division may suspend or revoke the license of any nonresident to drive a
             830      motor vehicle in this state for any cause for which the license of a resident driver may be
             831      suspended or revoked.
             832          (b) Any nonresident who drives a motor vehicle upon a highway when his license has
             833      been suspended or revoked by the division is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.

             834          (9) (a) The division may not deny or suspend the license of any person for a period of
             835      more than one year except:
             836          (i) for failure to comply with the terms of a traffic citation under Subsection (2);
             837          (ii) upon receipt of a second or subsequent order suspending juvenile driving privileges
             838      under Section 53-3-219 ;
             839          (iii) when extending a denial or suspension upon receiving certain records or reports
             840      under Subsection 53-3-220 (2);
             841          (iv) for failure to give and maintain owner's or operator's security under Section
             842      41-12a-411 ; or
             843          (v) when the division suspends the license under Subsection (6).
             844          (b) The division may suspend the license of a person under Subsection (2) until he
             845      shows satisfactory evidence of compliance with the terms of the traffic citation.
             846          (10) (a) By following the emergency procedures in Title 63, Chapter 46b,
             847      Administrative Procedures Act, the division may immediately suspend the license of any
             848      person without hearing and without receiving a record of his conviction for a crime when the
             849      division has reason to believe that the person's license was granted by the division through
             850      error or fraud or that the necessary consent for the license has been withdrawn or is terminated.
             851          (b) The procedure upon suspension is the same as under Subsection (5), except that
             852      after the hearing the division shall either rescind its order of suspension or cancel the license.
             853          (11) (a) The division, having good cause to believe that a licensed driver is
             854      incompetent or otherwise not qualified to be licensed, may upon notice in a manner specified
             855      by the division of at least five days to the licensee require him to submit to an examination.
             856          (b) Upon the conclusion of the examination the division may suspend or revoke the
             857      person's license, permit him to retain the license, or grant a license subject to a restriction
             858      imposed in accordance with Section 53-3-208 .
             859          (c) Refusal or neglect of the licensee to submit to an examination is grounds for
             860      suspension or revocation of his license.
             861          (12) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (12)(b), a report authorized by Section
             862      53-3-104 may not contain any evidence of a conviction for speeding on an interstate system in
             863      this state if the conviction was for a speed of ten miles per hour or less, above the posted speed
             864      limit and did not result in an accident, unless authorized in a manner specified by the division

             865      by the individual whose report is being requested.
             866          (b) The provisions of Subsection (12)(a) do not apply for:
             867          (i) a CDL license holder; or
             868          (ii) a violation that occurred in a commercial motor vehicle.
             869          (13) (a) By following the emergency procedures in Title 63, Chapter 46b,
             870      Administrative Procedures Act, the division may immediately suspend the license of a person
             871      if it has reason to believe that the person is the owner of a motor vehicle for which security is
             872      required under Title 41, Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of Motor Vehicle Owners and
             873      Operators Act, and has driven the motor vehicle or permitted it to be driven within this state
             874      without the security being in effect.
             875          (b) The division may immediately suspend a driving privilege card holder's driving
             876      privilege card if the division receives notification from the Motor Vehicle Division that:
             877          (i) the driving privilege card holder is the registered owner of a vehicle; and
             878          (ii) the driving privilege card holder's vehicle registration has been revoked under
             879      Subsection 41-1a-110 (2)(a)(ii)(A).
             880          [(b)] (c) Section 41-12a-411 regarding the requirement of proof of owner's or operator's
             881      security applies to persons whose driving privileges are suspended under this Subsection (13).
             882          [(c)] (d) If the division exercises the right of immediate suspension granted under this
             883      Subsection (13), the notice and hearing provisions of Subsection (5) apply.
             884          [(d)] (e) A person whose license suspension has been sustained or whose license has
             885      been revoked by the division under this Subsection (13) may file a request for agency action
             886      requesting a hearing.
             887          (14) Any suspension or revocation of a person's license under this section also
             888      disqualifies any license issued to that person under Part 4, Uniform Driver License Act, of this
             889      chapter.
             890          Section 9. Section 58-37c-10 is amended to read:
             891           58-37c-10. Reporting and recordkeeping.
             892          (1) Any person who engages in a regulated transaction, unless excepted under the
             893      provisions of Subsections 58-37c-8 (3) and (4), shall submit a report with respect to such
             894      transaction and shall maintain records of inventories in accordance with rules adopted by the
             895      division.

             896          (2) The division shall provide reporting forms upon which regulated transactions shall
             897      be reported.
             898          (3) The division shall furnish copies of reports of transactions under this section to
             899      appropriate law enforcement agencies.
             900          (4) The division shall adopt rules regulating:
             901          (a) records which shall be maintained and reports which shall be submitted by
             902      regulated distributors and regulated purchasers with respect to listed controlled substance
             903      precursors obtained, distributed, and held in inventory;
             904          (b) records which shall be maintained and reports which shall be submitted by
             905      regulated distributors and regulated purchasers with respect to extraordinary or unusual
             906      regulated transactions and a requirement that in such cases the report must be received at least
             907      three working days prior to transfer of the listed controlled substance precursor;
             908          (c) identification which must be presented by a purchaser of any listed controlled
             909      substance precursor before the sale or transfer can be completed and recordkeeping
             910      requirements related to such identification presented;
             911          (d) filing by each licensee the identification of all locations where any listed controlled
             912      substance precursor is held in inventory or stored and amending such filing when any change in
             913      location is made;
             914          (e) reports and actions which must be taken by a regulated distributor or regulated
             915      purchaser in the event of any theft, loss, or shortage of a listed controlled substance precursor;
             916          (f) reports and actions which must be taken by a regulated distributor relating to a
             917      regulated transaction with an out-of-state purchaser;
             918          (g) reports and actions which must be taken by a regulated purchaser relating to a
             919      regulated transaction with an out-of-state distributor; and
             920          (h) regulated transactions to the extent such regulation is reasonable and necessary to
             921      protect the public health, safety, or welfare.
             922          (5) A person who engages in a regulated transaction may not accept a driving privilege
             923      card issued in accordance with Section 53-3-207 as proof of identification as required under
             924      Subsection (4)(c).
             925          Section 10. Section 76-10-526 is amended to read:
             926           76-10-526. Criminal background check prior to purchase of a firearm -- Fee --

             927      Exemption for concealed firearm permit holders.
             928          (1) For purposes of this section, "valid permit to carry a concealed firearm" does not
             929      include a temporary permit issued pursuant to Section 53-5-705 .
             930          (2) (a) To establish personal identification and residence in this state for purposes of
             931      this part, a dealer shall require an individual receiving a firearm to present one photo
             932      identification on a form issued by a governmental agency of the state.
             933          (b) A dealer may not accept a driving privilege card issued in accordance with Section
             934      53-3-207 as proof of identification for the purpose of establishing personal identification and
             935      residence in this state as required under this Subsection (2).
             936          (3) A criminal history background check is required for the sale of a firearm by a
             937      licensed firearm dealer in the state.
             938          (4) (a) An individual, except a dealer, purchasing a firearm from a dealer shall consent
             939      in writing to a criminal background check, on a form provided by the division.
             940          (b) The form shall contain the following information:
             941          (i) the dealer identification number;
             942          (ii) the name and address of the individual receiving the firearm;
             943          (iii) the date of birth, height, weight, eye color, and hair color of the individual
             944      receiving the firearm; and
             945          (iv) the Social Security number or any other identification number of the individual
             946      receiving the firearm.
             947          (5) (a) The dealer shall send the form required by Subsection (4) to the division
             948      immediately upon its completion.
             949          (b) No dealer shall sell or transfer any firearm to an individual until the dealer has
             950      provided the division with the information in Subsection (4) and has received approval from
             951      the division under Subsection (7).
             952          (6) The dealer shall make a request for criminal history background information by
             953      telephone or other electronic means to the division and shall receive approval or denial of the
             954      inquiry by telephone or other electronic means.
             955          (7) When the dealer calls for or requests a criminal history background check, the
             956      division shall:
             957          (a) review the criminal history files, including juvenile court records, to determine if

             958      the individual is prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or transferring a firearm by state or
             959      federal law;
             960          (b) inform the dealer that:
             961          (i) the records indicate the individual is so prohibited; or
             962          (ii) the individual is approved for purchasing, possessing, or transferring a firearm;
             963          (c) provide the dealer with a unique transaction number for that inquiry; and
             964          (d) provide a response to the requesting dealer during the call for a criminal
             965      background, or by return call, or other electronic means, without delay, except in case of
             966      electronic failure or other circumstances beyond the control of the division, the division shall
             967      advise the dealer of the reason for the delay and give the dealer an estimate of the length of the
             968      delay.
             969          (8) (a) The division shall not maintain any records of the criminal history background
             970      check longer than 20 days from the date of the dealer's request if the division determines that
             971      the individual receiving the gun is not prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or transferring
             972      the firearm under state or federal law.
             973          (b) However, the division shall maintain a log of requests containing the dealer's
             974      federal firearms number, the transaction number, and the transaction date for a period of 12
             975      months.
             976          (9) If the criminal history background check discloses information indicating that the
             977      individual attempting to purchase the firearm is prohibited from purchasing, possessing, or
             978      transferring a firearm, the division shall inform the law enforcement agency in the jurisdiction
             979      where the person resides.
             980          (10) If an individual is denied the right to purchase a firearm under this section, the
             981      individual may review his criminal history information and may challenge or amend the
             982      information as provided in Section 53-10-108 .
             983          (11) The division shall make rules as provided in Title 63, Chapter 46a, Utah
             984      Administrative Rulemaking Act, to ensure the identity, confidentiality, and security of all
             985      records provided by the division pursuant to this part are in conformance with the requirements
             986      of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, Pub. L. No. 103-159, 107 Stat. 1536 (1993).
             987          (12) (a) (i) All dealers shall collect a criminal history background check fee which is
             988      $7.50.

             989          (ii) This fee remains in effect until changed by the division through the process under
             990      Section 63-38-3.2 .
             991          (b) (i) The dealer shall forward at one time all fees collected for criminal history
             992      background checks performed during the month to the division by the last day of the month
             993      following the sale of a firearm.
             994          (ii) The division shall deposit the fees in the General Fund as dedicated credits to cover
             995      the cost of administering and conducting the criminal history background check program.
             996          (13) An individual with a concealed firearm permit issued pursuant to Title 53, Chapter
             997      5, Part 7, Concealed Weapon Act, shall be exempt from the background check and
             998      corresponding fee required in this section for the purchase of a firearm if:
             999          (a) the individual presents his concealed firearm permit to the dealer prior to purchase
             1000      of the firearm; and
             1001          (b) the dealer verifies with the division that the individual's concealed firearm permit is
             1002      valid.
             1003          Section 11. Effective date.
             1004          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2008.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 1-29-08 10:06 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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