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S.B. 193 Enrolled
8 General Description:
9 This bill modifies the Election Code by amending certain election offense, penalty, and
10 residency provisions.
11 Highlighted Provisions:
12 This bill:
13 . amends the penalty for bribing a voter or accepting a bribe as a voter to a third
14 degree felony;
15 . amends the penalty for fraudulently voting or interfering with an election to a class A
16 misdemeanor;
17 . amends the penalty for wilfully hindering voting to a class C misdemeanor;
18 . requires that a person who applies for voter registration must reside within the
19 voting district or precinct in which the person applies to register to vote;
20 . clarifies that a person resides in a voting precinct if the person's principal place of
21 residence is in the voting precinct;
22 . replaces the term "qualified and entitled" with the term "eligible" when describing a
23 person who may register to vote;
24 . amends the penalty for voting in another person's name to a class A misdemeanor;
25 and
26 . makes technical changes.
27 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
28 None
29 Other Special Clauses:
30 None
31 Utah Code Sections Affected:
33 20A-1-601, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 1
34 20A-1-602, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 75
35 20A-1-603, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 1
36 20A-1-604, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 1
37 20A-1-606, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 1
38 20A-2-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 329
39 20A-2-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 285
40 20A-2-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 285
41 20A-2-401, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 1
42 20A-3-101, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 329
43 20A-3-505, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1994, Chapter 2
45 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
46 Section 1. Section 20A-1-601 is amended to read:
47 20A-1-601. Bribery in elections -- Paying for votes -- Penalties.
48 (1) [
49 through any other person [
50 (a) pay, loan, or contribute, or offer or promise to pay, loan, or contribute any money
51 or other valuable consideration to or for any voter or to or for any other person:
52 (i) to induce the voter to vote or refrain from voting at any election provided by law;
53 (ii) to induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting at an election for any particular
54 person or [
55 (iii) to induce a voter to go to the polls or remain away from the polls at any election;
56 (iv) because a voter voted or refrained from voting for any particular person, or went to
57 the polls or remained away from the polls; or
58 (v) to obtain the political support or aid of any person at an election;
59 (b) give, offer, or promise any office, place, or employment, or to promise or procure,
60 or endeavor to procure, any office, place, or employment, to or for any voter, or to or for any
61 other person, in order to:
62 (i) induce a voter to vote or refrain from voting at any election;
63 (ii) induce any voter to vote or refrain from voting at an election for any particular
64 person or [
65 (iii) obtain the political support or aid of any person;
66 (c) advance or pay, or cause to be paid, any money or other valuable thing to, or for the
67 use of, any other person with the intent that the money or other valuable thing be used in bribery
68 at any election provided by law; or
69 (d) knowingly pay, or cause to be paid, any money or other valuable thing to any person
70 in discharge or repayment of any money expended wholly or in part in bribery at any election.
71 (2) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609 , [
75 degree felony.
76 Section 2. Section 20A-1-602 is amended to read:
77 20A-1-602. Receiving bribe -- Receiving payments for votes -- Penalties.
78 (1) [
79 other person, directly or indirectly, by himself or through any person, before, during, or after
80 any election [
81 (a) receive, agree to receive, or contract for any money, gift, loan, or other valuable
82 consideration, office, place, or employment for:
83 (i) voting or agreeing to vote;
84 (ii) going or agreeing to go to the polls;
85 (iii) remaining or agreeing to remain away from the polls; or
86 (iv) refraining or agreeing to refrain from voting, or for voting or agreeing to vote, or
87 refraining or agreeing to refrain from voting, for any particular person or measure at any
88 election provided by law; or
89 (b) receive any money or other valuable thing because the person induced any other
90 person to:
91 (i) vote or refrain from voting; or
92 (ii) vote or refrain from voting for any particular person or measure at any election
93 provided by law.
94 (2) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609 , [
96 an offense under Subsection (1) is guilty of a third degree felony.
97 [
98 [
99 [
100 Section 3. Section 20A-1-603 is amended to read:
101 20A-1-603. Fraud, interference, disturbance -- Tampering with ballots or records
102 -- Penalties.
103 [
104 [
105 [
106 (1) (a) A person may not fraudulently vote on behalf of himself or another, by:
107 (i) [
108 (ii) knowingly [
109 (iii) [
110 (iv) [
111 polled at any election by fraudulently introducing the ballot or vote into the ballot box or vote
112 tally, either before or after the ballots have been counted;
113 (v) [
114 ballots with the ballots lawfully polled while those ballots are being counted or canvassed, or at
115 any other time; or
116 (vi) voting in a voting district or precinct when the person knew or should have known
117 that the person was not eligible for voter registration in that district or precinct, unless the
118 person is legally entitled to vote the ballot under Section 20A-4-107 or another provision of this
119 title.
120 (b) A person may not fraudulently interfere with an election by:
121 [
122 election returns;
123 [
124 conducting a canvass, or with the voters lawfully exercising their rights of voting at an election,
125 so as to prevent the election or canvass from being fairly held or lawfully conducted;
126 [
127 in any manner with any election [
128 duties;
129 [
130 announce, or declare the result of any election or to give or make any certificate, document, or
131 evidence in relation to any election, to violate or refuse to comply with [
132 officer's duty or any law regulating [
133 [
134 (v) taking, carrying away, concealing, removing, or destroying any ballot, pollbook, or
135 other thing from a polling place, or from the possession of the person authorized by law to have
136 the custody of that thing; or
137 [
138 (vi) aiding, counseling, providing, procuring, advising, or assisting any person to do any
139 of the acts specified in this section.
140 (2) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609 , [
144 misdemeanor.
145 Section 4. Section 20A-1-604 is amended to read:
146 20A-1-604. Destroying instruction cards, sample ballots, or election
147 paraphernalia -- Penalties.
148 [
149 (1) A person may not:
150 (a) willfully deface or destroy any list of candidates posted in accordance with the
151 provisions of this title;
152 (b) willfully deface, tear down, remove or destroy any card of instruction or sample
153 ballot, printed or posted for the instruction of voters during an election;
154 (c) willfully remove or destroy any of the supplies or conveniences furnished to enable a
155 voter to prepare [
156 (d) willfully hinder the voting of others.
157 (2) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609 , [
161 of a class C misdemeanor.
162 Section 5. Section 20A-1-606 is amended to read:
163 20A-1-606. Wagering on elections forbidden.
164 (1) (a) [
165 primary or election campaign [
166 (i) make any bet or wager anything of pecuniary value on the result of the primary or
167 election, or on any event or contingency relating to any pending primary or election;
168 (ii) become a party to any bet or wager on the result of a primary or election or on any
169 event or contingency relating to any pending primary or election; and
170 (iii) provide money or any other valuable thing to be used by any other person in betting
171 or wagering upon the results of any impending primary or election.
172 (b) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609 , [
174 guilty of a third degree felony.
175 (2) (a) [
176 any bet or wager anything of pecuniary value on the result of any primary or election, or on any
177 event or contingency relating to any primary or election.
178 (b) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609 , [
180 is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
181 (3) (a) [
182 bet or wager with any voter that is dependent upon the outcome of any primary or election with
183 the intent to subject that voter to the possibility of challenge at a primary or election or to
184 prevent the voter from voting at a primary or election.
185 (b) In addition to the penalties established in Section 20A-1-609 , [
187 (3)(a) is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
188 Section 6. Section 20A-2-101 is amended to read:
189 20A-2-101. Eligibility for registration.
190 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (2), any person may apply to register to vote in an
191 election who:
192 (a) is a citizen of the United States;
193 (b) has been a resident of Utah for at least the 30 days immediately before the election;
194 [
195 (c) will be at least 18 years old on the day of the election[
196 (d) currently resides within the voting district or precinct in which the person applies to
197 register to vote.
198 (2) (a) (i) A person who is involuntarily confined or incarcerated in a jail, prison, or
199 other facility within a voting precinct is not a resident of that voting precinct and may not
200 register to vote in that voting precinct unless the person was a resident of that voting precinct
201 before the confinement or incarceration.
202 (ii) A person who is involuntarily confined or incarcerated in a jail or prison is resident
203 of the voting precinct in which the person resided before the confinement or incarceration.
204 (b) A person who has been convicted of a felony whose right to vote has not been
205 restored as provided by law may not register to vote.
206 (3) [
207 geographic boundaries of the entity in which the election is held may register [
208 (a) regular general election[
209 (b) regular primary election[
210 (c) municipal general election[
211 (d) municipal primary election[
212 (e) statewide special election[
213 (f) local special election[
214 (g) local district election[
215 (h) bond election [
217 Section 7. Section 20A-2-105 is amended to read:
218 20A-2-105. Determining residency.
219 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (4), election officials and judges shall apply the
220 standards and requirements of this section when determining whether or not a person is a
221 resident for purposes of interpreting this title or the Utah constitution.
222 (2) A "resident" is a person who resides within a specific voting precinct in Utah as
223 provided in this section.
224 (3) (a) A person resides in Utah if [
225 (i) [
226 (ii) the person has a present intention to continue residency within Utah permanently or
227 indefinitely.
228 (b) A person resides within a particular voting precinct if, as of the date of registering to
229 vote, the person has[
230 of residence in [
231 (4) (a) The principal place of residence of any person shall be determined by applying
232 the [
233 (b) A person's "principal place of residence" is that place in which the person's
234 habitation is fixed and to which, whenever [
235 intention of returning.
236 (c) A person has not gained or lost a residence solely because [
237 in Utah or present in a voting precinct or absent from Utah or [
238 voting precinct because [
239 (i) employed in the service of the United States or of Utah;
240 (ii) a student at any institution of learning;
241 (iii) incarcerated in prison or jail; or
242 (iv) residing upon any Indian or military reservation.
243 (d) (i) A member of the armed forces of the United States is not a resident of Utah
244 merely because that member is stationed at any military facility within Utah.
245 (ii) In order to be a resident of Utah, that member must meet the other requirements of
246 this section.
247 (e) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(e)(ii), a person has not lost [
248 person's residence if that person leaves [
249 into another state or into another voting precinct within Utah for temporary purposes with the
250 intention of returning.
251 (ii) If that person has voted in that other state or voting precinct, the person is a
252 resident of that other state or voting precinct.
253 (f) A person is not a resident of any county or voting precinct if that person comes for
254 temporary purposes [
255 precinct the person's home.
256 (g) If a person removes to another state with the intention of making it [
257 person's principal place of residence, [
258 (h) If a person moves to another state with the intent of remaining there for an indefinite
259 time as a place of permanent residence, [
260 Utah, even though [
261 (i) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(i)(ii), the place where a person's family
262 resides is presumed to be [
263 (ii) A person may rebut the presumption established in Subsection (4)(i)(i) by proving
264 [
265 (j) (i) A person has changed his residence if:
266 (A) the person has acted affirmatively to remove himself from one geographic location;
267 and
268 (B) the person has an intent to remain in another place.
269 (ii) There can only be one residence.
270 (iii) A residence cannot be lost until another is gained.
271 (5) In computing the period of residence, a person shall:
272 (a) include the day on which the person's residence begins; and
273 (b) exclude the day of the next election.
274 (6) (a) There is a presumption that a person is a resident of Utah and of a voting
275 precinct and intends to remain in Utah permanently or indefinitely if the person makes an oath
276 or affirmation upon a registration application form that [
277 place of residence is within a specific voting precinct in Utah.
278 (b) The election officers and election officials shall allow that person to register and
279 vote unless, upon a challenge by a registrar or some other person, it is shown by law or by clear
280 and [
281 (i) the person does not intend to remain permanently or indefinitely in Utah; or
282 (ii) the person is incarcerated in prison or jail.
283 (7) (a) The rules set forth in this section for determining place of residence for voting
284 purposes do not apply to a person incarcerated in prison or jail.
285 (b) For voting registration purposes, a person incarcerated in prison or jail is considered
286 to reside in the voting precinct in which [
287 incarceration.
288 (8) If a person's principal place of residence is a residential parcel of one acre in size or
289 smaller that is divided by the boundary line between two or more counties, that person shall be
290 considered a resident of the county in which a majority of the residential parcel lies.
291 Section 8. Section 20A-2-201 is amended to read:
292 20A-2-201. Registering to vote at office of county clerk.
293 (1) Except as provided in Subsection (3), the county clerk shall register to vote all
294 persons who present themselves for registration at the county clerk's office during designated
295 office hours if those persons, on [
297 20A-2-101 .
298 (2) If a registration form is submitted in person at the office of the county clerk during
299 the period beginning on the date after the voter registration deadline and ending on the date that
300 is 15 calendar days before the date of the election, the county clerk shall:
301 (a) accept registration forms from all persons who present themselves for registration at
302 the clerk's office during designated office hours if those persons, on [
303 election, will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the county; and
304 (b) inform them that:
305 (i) they will be registered to vote in the pending election; and
306 (ii) for the pending election, they must vote on the day of the election and will not be
307 eligible to vote using early voting under Chapter 3, Part 6, Early Voting, because they
308 registered too late.
309 (3) Except as provided in this Subsection (3), if a registration form is submitted to the
310 county clerk on the date of the election or during the 14 calendar days before an election, the
311 county clerk shall:
312 (a) accept registration forms from all persons who present themselves for registration at
313 the clerk's office during designated office hours if those persons, on [
314 election, will be legally qualified and entitled to vote in a voting precinct in the county; and
315 (b) inform them that they will be registered to vote but may not vote in the pending
316 election because they registered too late.
317 Section 9. Section 20A-2-401 is amended to read:
318 20A-2-401. Fraudulent registration -- Penalty.
319 (1) [
320 allow himself to be registered to vote, knowing that he is not [
321 vote under Section 20A-2-101 .
322 (2) [
323 encourage, or assist any other person to be registered to vote, knowing or believing that the
324 person is not [
325 (3) Any person who violates this section is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
326 Section 10. Section 20A-3-101 is amended to read:
327 20A-3-101. Residency and age requirements of voters.
328 (1) A person may vote in any regular general election or statewide special election if
329 that person[
330 Registration.
331 [
332 [
333 [
334 [
335 [
336 [
337 (2) A person may vote in the Western States Presidential Primary election or a regular
338 primary election if [
339 [
340 [
341 [
342 [
343 [
344 [
345 Voter Registration; and
346 [
347 [
348 (3) A person may vote in a municipal general election, municipal primary, in a local
349 special election, in a local district election, and in a bond election if that person:
350 [
351 [
352 [
353 [
354 [
355 [
356 [
357 Registration; and
358 (b) is a resident of a voting district or precinct within the local entity that is holding the
359 election.
360 Section 11. Section 20A-3-505 is amended to read:
361 20A-3-505. False impersonation -- Double voting.
362 (1) (a) [
363 (i) in the name of some other person, whether it is that of a person living or dead, or of
364 a fictitious person[
365 (ii) after having voted once at [
366 same election for a ballot in [
367 (b) Any person who violates [
368 felony [
370 (2) (a) [
371 procure another person to commit the felony prohibited in Subsection (1)(a).
372 (b) Any person who violates [
374 (2)(a) is guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
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