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First Substitute S.B. 171

Senator Kevin T. VanTassell proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Kevin T. VanTassell

House Sponsor: John G. Mathis

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Utah Criminal Code to repeal certain provisions regarding
             11      reporting.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    repeals reporting requirements imposed on financial institutions;
             15          .    addresses interceptions; and
             16          .    makes technical and conforming amendments.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          7-1-1001, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             24          76-10-1906, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1998, Chapter 144
             25          77-23a-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapters 104 and 140

             27      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             28          Section 1. Section 7-1-1001 is amended to read:
             29           7-1-1001. Written consent or court order for disclosure by financial institution --
             30      Exception.
             31          (1) As used in this part:
             32          (a) "Governmental entity" means:
             33          (i) the state, including all departments, institutions, boards, divisions, bureaus, offices,
             34      commissions, committees, and elected officials; and
             35          (ii) [any] a political subdivision of the state, including [any] a county, city, town,
             36      school district, public transit district, redevelopment agency, special improvement, or taxing
             37      district.
             38          (b) "Nonprotected record" means a record maintained by the financial institution to
             39      facilitate the conduct of its business regarding a person or account, including:
             40          (i) the existence of an account;
             41          (ii) the opening and closing dates of an account;
             42          (iii) the name under which an account is held; and
             43          (iv) the name, address, and telephone number of an account holder.
             44          (c) "Protected record" means a record not defined as a nonprotected record; and
             45          (d) "Record" means information that is:
             46          (i) prepared, owned, received, or retained by a financial institution;
             47          (ii) (A) inscribed on a tangible medium; or
             48          (B) stored in an electronic or other medium; and
             49          (iii) retrievable in perceivable form.
             50          (2) Except as provided in Section 7-1-1006 , an individual acting in behalf of a
             51      governmental entity may not request, obtain by subpoena, or otherwise obtain information from
             52      a state or federally chartered financial institution that constitutes a record reflecting the
             53      financial condition of any person without first obtaining:
             54          (a) written permission from the person that is named or referenced in the record to be
             55      examined; or
             56          (b) an order from a court of competent jurisdiction permitting access to the record.

             57          (3) This section does not apply to[: (a)] a review made by the commissioner of
             58      financial institutions to determine whether a financial institution is operating in accordance
             59      with law[; or (b) a report filed as required by Section 76-10-1906 ].
             60          Section 2. Section 76-10-1906 is amended to read:
             61           76-10-1906. Reporting by financial institutions -- Criminal and civil penalties --
             62      Enforcement.
             63          [(1) (a) All financial institutions in this state required to file reports under Title 31,
             64      Sections 5311 through 5313, United States Code Annotated, as prescribed by 31 Code of
             65      Federal Regulations Sections 103.21 and 103.22, shall file a duplicate copy of the required
             66      report with the Utah Division of Investigation.]
             67          [(b) All persons]
             68          (1) (a) A person engaged in a trade or business, except a financial [institutions referred
             69      to in Subsection (1)(a), who receive] institution, who receives more than $10,000 [in domestic
             70      or foreign currency in one transaction, or who receive this amount through two or more related
             71      transactions during any one business day,] as described in Subsection (1)(b) shall complete and
             72      file with the [Utah Division of Investigation] State Bureau of Investigation the information
             73      required by [Title 26, Section 6050I, United States Code Annotated] 26 U.S.C. Sec. 60501,
             74      concerning returns relating to currency received in trade or business.
             75          (b) Subsection (1)(a) applies if the person described in Subsection (1) receives more
             76      than $10,000 in domestic or foreign currency:
             77          (i) in one transaction; or
             78          (ii) through two or more related transactions during one business day.
             79          (c) [Any] A person who knowingly and intentionally fails to comply with the reporting
             80      requirements of this Subsection (1) is:
             81          (i) on a first conviction, guilty of a class C misdemeanor; and
             82          (ii) on a second or subsequent conviction, guilty of a class A misdemeanor.
             83          (d) A person is guilty of a third degree felony who knowingly and intentionally violates
             84      [any part of] this Subsection (1) and the violation is committed either:
             85          (i) in furtherance of the commission of any other violation of state law; or
             86          (ii) as part of a pattern of illegal activity involving transactions exceeding $100,000 in
             87      any 12-month period.

             88          (2) (a) The [Utah Division of Investigation] State Bureau of Investigation and the
             89      Office of the Attorney General:
             90          (i) shall enforce compliance with Subsection (1); and
             91          (ii) are custodians of and have access to all information and documents filed under
             92      Subsection (1).
             93          (b) The information is confidential, except [any] a law enforcement agency, county
             94      attorney, or district attorney, when establishing a clear need for the information for
             95      investigative purposes, shall have access to the information and shall maintain the information
             96      in a confidential manner except as otherwise provided by the Utah Rules of Criminal
             97      Procedure.
             98          Section 3. Section 77-23a-8 is amended to read:
             99           77-23a-8. Court order to authorize or approve interception -- Procedure.
             100          (1) The attorney general of the state, any assistant attorney general specially designated
             101      by the attorney general, any county attorney, district attorney, deputy county attorney, or deputy
             102      district attorney specially designated by the county attorney or by the district attorney, may
             103      authorize an application to a judge of competent jurisdiction for an order for an interception of
             104      wire, electronic, or oral communications by any law enforcement agency of the state, the
             105      federal government or of any political subdivision of the state that is responsible for
             106      investigating the type of offense for which the application is made.
             107          (2) The judge may grant the order in conformity with the required procedures when the
             108      interception sought may provide or has provided evidence of the commission of:
             109          (a) any act:
             110          (i) prohibited by the criminal provisions of:
             111          (A) Title 58, Chapter 37, Utah Controlled Substances Act;
             112          (B) Title 58, Chapter 37c, Utah Controlled Substances Precursor Act; or
             113          (C) Title 58, Chapter 37d, Clandestine Drug Lab Act; and
             114          (ii) punishable by a term of imprisonment of more than one year;
             115          (b) any act prohibited by the criminal provisions of [the] Title 61, Chapter 1, Utah
             116      Uniform Securities Act and punishable by a term of imprisonment of more than one year[, Title
             117      61, Chapter 1];
             118          (c) an offense:

             119          (i) of:
             120          [(c)] (A) attempt, Section 76-4-101 ;
             121          (B) conspiracy, Section 76-4-201 ;
             122          (C) solicitation, Section 76-4-203 ; [to commit any of the offenses enumerated above so
             123      long as the attempt, conspiracy or solicitation offense is] and
             124          (ii) punishable by a term of imprisonment of more than one year;
             125          (d) terroristic threat offense punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of more
             126      than one year, Section 76-5-107 ;
             127          (e) (i) aggravated murder, Section 76-5-202 ;
             128          (ii) murder, Section 76-5-203 ; or
             129          (iii) manslaughter, Section 76-5-205 ;
             130          (f) (i) kidnapping, Section 76-5-301 ;
             131          (ii) child kidnapping, Section 76-5-301.1 ; or
             132          (iii) aggravated kidnapping, Section 76-5-302 ;
             133          (g) (i) arson, Section 76-6-102 ; or
             134          (ii) aggravated arson, Section 76-6-103 ;
             135          (h) (i) burglary, Section 76-6-202 ; or
             136          (ii) aggravated burglary, Section 76-6-203 ;
             137          (i) (i) robbery, Section 76-6-301 ; or
             138          (ii) aggravated robbery, Section 76-6-302 ;
             139          (j) an offense:
             140          (i) of:
             141          [(j)] (A) theft, Section 76-6-404 ;
             142          (B) theft by deception, Section 76-6-405 ; or
             143          (C) theft by extortion, Section 76-6-406 ; [when the theft, theft by deception or theft by
             144      extortion, is] and
             145          (ii) punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year;
             146          (k) receiving stolen property offense punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment
             147      of more than one year, Section 76-6-408 ;
             148          (l) a financial card transaction [offenses] offense punishable by a maximum term of
             149      imprisonment of more than one year, Section 76-6-506.1 , 76-6-506.2 , 76-6-506.3 , 76-6-506.4 ,

             150      76-6-506.5 , or 76-6-506.6 ;
             151          (m) bribery of a labor official, Section 76-6-509 ;
             152          (n) bribery or threat to influence a publicly exhibited contest, Section 76-6-514 ;
             153          (o) a criminal simulation [offenses] offense punishable by a maximum term of
             154      imprisonment of more than one year, Section 76-6-518 ;
             155          (p) criminal usury, Section 76-6-520 ;
             156          (q) a fraudulent insurance act [offenses] offense punishable by a maximum term of
             157      imprisonment of more than one year, Section 76-6-521 ;
             158          (r) [violations] a violation of [the] Chapter 6, Part 7, Computer Crimes Act punishable
             159      by a maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year, Section 76-6-703 ;
             160          (s) bribery to influence official or political actions, Section 76-8-103 ;
             161          (t) misusing public moneys, Section 76-8-402 ;
             162          (u) tampering with a witness or soliciting or receiving a bribe, Section 76-8-508 ;
             163          (v) retaliation against a witness, victim, or informant, Section 76-8-508.3 ;
             164          (w) tampering with a juror, retaliation against a juror, Section 76-8-508.5 ;
             165          (x) extortion or bribery to dismiss criminal proceeding, Section 76-8-509 ;
             166          (y) obstruction of justice, Section 76-8-306 ;
             167          (z) destruction of property to interfere with preparation for defense or war, Section
             168      76-8-802 ;
             169          (aa) [attempts] an attempt to commit crimes of sabotage, Section 76-8-804 ;
             170          (bb) conspiracy to commit crimes of sabotage, Section 76-8-805 ;
             171          (cc) advocating criminal syndicalism or sabotage, Section 76-8-902 ;
             172          (dd) assembly for advocating criminal syndicalism or sabotage, Section 76-8-903 ;
             173          (ee) riot punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year,
             174      Section 76-9-101 ;
             175          (ff) dog fighting, training dogs for fighting, dog fighting exhibitions punishable by a
             176      maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year, Section 76-9-301.1 ;
             177          (gg) explosive, chemical, or incendiary device and parts, possession, use, or removal,
             178      Section 76-10-306 ;
             179          (hh) explosive, chemical, or incendiary device, delivery to a common carrier or
             180      mailing, Section 76-10-307 ;

             181          (ii) exploiting prostitution, Section 76-10-1305 ;
             182          (jj) aggravated exploitation of prostitution, Section 76-10-1306 ;
             183          (kk) bus hijacking, assault with intent to commit hijacking, dangerous weapon or
             184      firearm, Section 76-10-1504 ;
             185          (ll) discharging firearms and hurling missiles, Section 76-10-1505 ;
             186          (mm) violations of the Pattern of Unlawful Activity Act and the offenses listed under
             187      the definition of unlawful activity in the act, including the offenses not punishable by a
             188      maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year when those offenses are investigated as
             189      predicates for the offenses prohibited by the act, Section 76-10-1602 ;
             190          (nn) communications fraud, Section 76-10-1801 ;
             191          (oo) money laundering, Sections 76-10-1903 and 76-10-1904 ; or
             192          (pp) reporting by [financial institutions] a person engaged in a trade or business when
             193      the offense is punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of more than one year, Section
             194      76-10-1906 .

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