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First Substitute S.B. 264

Senator Sheldon L. Killpack proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

House Sponsor: Brad L. Dee

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies provisions relating to the Military Installation Development
             11      Authority.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    authorizes the Military Installation Development Authority to:
             15              .    enter into an agreement with a political subdivision to receive municipal
             16      services in a project area;
             17              .    exercise powers and perform functions, as authorized under a contract with the
             18      federal government; and
             19              .    amend a project area plan;
             20          .    clarifies that the employees that the Military Installation Development Authority is
             21      authorized to hire includes contract employees; and
             22          .    makes allowable uses of tax increment applicable to other authority funds.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:

             26          None
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             28      AMENDS:
             29          63H-1-201, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 23
             30          63H-1-502, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 23
             31      ENACTS:
             32          63H-1-403.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             34      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             35          Section 1. Section 63H-1-201 is amended to read:
             36           63H-1-201. Creation of Military Installation Development Authority.
             37          (1) There is created a Military Installation Development Authority.
             38          (2) The authority is an independent, nonprofit, separate body corporate and politic,
             39      with perpetual succession.
             40          (3) The authority may:
             41          (a) sue and be sued;
             42          (b) enter into contracts generally;
             43          (c) buy, obtain an option upon, or otherwise acquire any interest in real or personal
             44      property within the boundaries of a military installation;
             45          (d) sell, convey, grant, dispose of by gift, or otherwise dispose of any interest in real or
             46      personal property;
             47          (e) enter into a lease agreement on real or personal property, either as lessee or lessor,
             48      within the boundaries of a military installation;
             49          (f) provide for the development of military land under contracts with the federal
             50      government;
             51          (g) exercise powers and perform functions under a contract with the federal
             52      government, as authorized in that contract;
             53          [(g)] (h) receive tax increment as provided in this chapter;
             54          [(h)] (i) accept financial or other assistance from any public or private source for the
             55      authority's activities, powers, and duties, and expend any funds so received for any of the
             56      purposes of this chapter;

             57          [(i)] (j) borrow money or accept financial or other assistance from the federal
             58      government, a public entity, or any other source for any of the purposes of this chapter and
             59      comply with any conditions of the loan or assistance;
             60          [(j)] (k) issue bonds to finance the undertaking of any development objectives of the
             61      authority;
             62          [(k)] (l) hire employees, including contract employees;
             63          [(l)] (m) transact other business and exercise all other powers provided for in this
             64      chapter; [and]
             65          [(m)] (n) enter into a partnership agreement with a developer of military land[.]; and
             66          (o) enter into an agreement with a political subdivision of the state under which the
             67      political subdivision provides one or more municipal services within a project area.
             68          Section 2. Section 63H-1-403.5 is enacted to read:
             69          63H-1-403.5. Amendment to a project area plan.
             70          (1) The authority may amend a project area plan by following the same procedure
             71      under this part as applies to the adoption of a project area plan.
             72          (2) The provisions of this part apply to the authority's adoption of an amendment to a
             73      project area plan to the same extent as they apply to the adoption of a project area plan.
             74          Section 3. Section 63H-1-502 is amended to read:
Part 5. Authority Funds

             76           63H-1-502. Allowable uses of tax increment and other funds.
             77          (1) The authority may use tax increment and other funds available to the authority:
             78          (a) for any of the purposes for which the use of tax increment is authorized under this
             79      chapter;
             80          (b) for administrative, overhead, legal, and other operating expenses of the authority;
             81          (c) to pay for, including financing or refinancing, all or part of the development of
             82      military land;
             83          (d) to pay the cost of the installation and construction of any publicly owned building,
             84      facility, structure, landscaping, or other improvement within the project area from which the
             85      tax increment funds were collected;
             86          (e) to pay the cost of the installation of infrastructure and improvements outside the
             87      project area from which the tax increment funds were collected if the authority board

             88      determines by resolution that the infrastructure and improvements are of benefit to the project
             89      area; and
             90          (f) to pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued by the authority.
             91          (2) The determination of the authority board under Subsection (1)(e) regarding benefit
             92      to the project area shall be final and conclusive.

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