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                    MINUTES OF THE HOUSE
Room W025, West Office Building, State Capitol Complex

February 7, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Rep. Steven R. Mascaro, Chair
                    Rep. Julie Fisher, Vice Chair         
Rep. Bradley M. Daw
                    Rep. Jack R. Draxler
                    Rep. Janice Fisher
                    Rep. Christopher Herrod
                    Rep. Brad King                
                    Rep. Karen W. Morgan
STAFF PRESENT:            Arthur L. Hunsaker, Policy Analyst
                    Linda Black, Committee Secretary
Note:     A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Rep. Fisher called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.

MOTION:    Rep. Mascaro moved to approve the minutes of February 5, 2008. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Morgan absent for the vote.

H.B. 336    Authority to Establish State Nonprofit Corporation and Refugee Services Fund (Rep. C. Herrod)

MOTION:    Rep. Herrod moved to replace H. B. 336 with 1st Substitute H. B. 336. The motion passed unanimously with Rep. Morgan absent for the vote.

Rep. Herrod presented the bill with the assistance of Sarah Brenna, Program Manager, Utah State Department of Workforce Services.

MOTION:    Rep. Mascaro moved to pass the bill out favorably as substituted. The motion passed unanimously.

S.B. 58    Workers' Compensation Related Amendments (Sen. M. Dmitrich) (Rep. B. King)

Rep. King introduced the bill with the assistance of Alan Henncbold, Deputy Commissioner, Utah Labor Commission.

Sen. Dmitrich explained the bill.

Spoke in opposition
to the bill:        Mark Lewon, owner, Utah Metal Works

Spoke in favor of
the bill:        Jim Olsen, President, Utah Food Industry and representing the Labor             Advisory Council

MOTION:    Rep. Daw moved to pass the bill out favorably. The motion passed unanimously.

H.B. 257    Employee Verification (Rep. C. Herrod)

Rep. Herrod explained the bill with the assistance of Rep. Stephen Sandstrom and Rich Hamp, Assistant Attorney General, Identity Theft Department.

Spoke in favor of
the bill:        Ronald Mortensen, American Legion Post 79
            William E. Christofferson, American Legion

Spoke in opposition
to the bill:        Mark Lewon, owner, Utah Metal Works
            Douglas Richins, State Purchasing Director (handout)
            Karen McCreary, ACLU (handout)
            Tom Bingham, President, Utah Manufacturers Association

MOTION:    Rep. Mascaro moved to adjourn. The motion passed with Rep. Draxler voting in opposition. Rep. Fisher adjourned the meeting at 9:58 a.m.


                        Rep. Steven Mascaro, Chair