TO: Members of the House Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Standing Committee
FROM: Rep. Steven R. Mascaro, Chair
Rep. Christopher N. Herrod, Vice Chair
RE: Committee Meeting
DATE: Tuesday, January 27, 2009
TIME: 8:00 AM
PLACE: 25 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex
- Call to order
- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:
1. HB0038 Refugee Services Fund Amendments (C. Herrod)
2. HB0236 Department of Community and Culture Grants (S. Allen)
3. HB0231 Utah Commission on Volunteers Amendments (D. Aagard)
4. HB0218 Family Employment Program Amendments (Janice Fisher)
5. HB0091 Individual Development Account Amendments (F.J. Seegmiller)
Rep. Steven R. Mascaro, Chair
Rep. Christopher N. Herrod, Vice Chair
Rep. David Litvack
Rep. Rebecca D. Lockhart
Rep. Kay L. McIff
Rep. F. Jay Seegmiller
Rep. Kenneth W. Sumsion
Rep. Christine F. Watkins
Committee Analyst: Arthur L. Hunsaker, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
Committee Secretary: Karen Mitchell / Carrie Griffith