Download Zipped Amended WordPerfect HB0151S01.ZIP
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First Substitute H.B. 151

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:09 AM by jeyring. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 4:11 PM by ddonat. -->

Representative Christopher N. Herrod proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Christopher N. Herrod

Senate Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Motor Vehicles Code by amending provisions relating to motor
             10      vehicle forfeiture for violating certain driving under the influence provisions.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    provides that a motor vehicle is subject to criminal or civil forfeiture upon a finding
             14      by the court that:
             15              .    the motor vehicle was used in a violation of certain driving under the influence
             16      provisions;
             17              .    the operator of the vehicle has previously been convicted of a felony driving
             18      under the influence violation or automobile homicide; and
             19              .    the operator of the motor vehicle was driving on a denied, suspended, revoked,
             20      or disqualified license and the denial, suspension, revocation, or disqualification
             21      was imposed because of a violation of certain driving under the influence
             22      provisions; and
             23          .    makes technical changes.
             24      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             25          None

             26      Other Special Clauses:
             27          None
             28      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             29      AMENDS:
             30          41-6a-527, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapters 168 and 341
             32      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             33          Section 1. Section 41-6a-527 is amended to read:
             34           41-6a-527. Seizure and impoundment of vehicles by peace officers -- Impound
             35      requirements -- Removal of vehicle by owner -- Forfeiture.
             36          (1) If a peace officer arrests, cites, or refers for administrative action the operator of a
             37      vehicle for violating Section 41-6a-502 , 41-6a-517 , 41-6a-518.2 , 41-6a-520 , 41-6a-530 ,
             38      41-6a-606 , 53-3-231 , 53-3-232 , or a local ordinance similar to Section 41-6a-502 which
             39      complies with Subsection 41-6a-510 (1), the peace officer shall seize and impound the vehicle
             40      in accordance with Section 41-6a-1406 , except as provided under Subsection (2).
             41          (2) If a registered owner of the vehicle, other than the operator, is present at the time of
             42      arrest, the peace officer may release the vehicle to that registered owner, but only if:
             43          (a) the registered owner:
             44          (i) requests to remove the vehicle from the scene; and
             45          (ii) presents to the peace officer sufficient identification to prove ownership of the
             46      vehicle or motorboat;
             47          (b) the registered owner identifies a driver with a valid operator's license who:
             48          (i) complies with all restrictions of his operator's license; and
             49          (ii) would not, in the judgment of the officer, be in violation of Section 41-6a-502 ,
             50      41-6a-517 , 41-6a-518.2 , 41-6a-520 , 41-6a-530 , 53-3-231 , 53-3-232 , or a local ordinance
             51      similar to Section 41-6a-502 which complies with Subsection 41-6a-510 (1) if permitted to
             52      operate the vehicle; and
             53          (c) the vehicle itself is legally operable.
             54          (3) If necessary for transportation of a motorboat for impoundment under this section,
             55      the motorboat's trailer may be used to transport the motorboat.
             56          (4) A motor vehicle is subject to criminal or civil forfeiture under the procedures and

             57      substantive protections established in Title 24, Chapter 1, Utah Uniform Forfeiture Procedures
             58      Act, upon a finding by the court that:
             59          (a) the motor vehicle was used in a violation of Section 41-6a-502 , 41-6a-517 , a local
             60      ordinance which complies with the requirements of Subsection 41-6a-510 (1), Subsection
             61      58-37-8 (2)(g), or Section 76-5-207 ;
             62          (b) the operator of the vehicle has previously been convicted of H. a violation committed
             62a      after May [ 29 ] 12 , 2009 of .H :
             63          (i) a felony driving under the influence violation under Section 41-6a-502 ;
             64          (ii) a felony violation of Subsection 58-37-8 (2) H. [ (b) ] (g) .H ; or
             65          (iii) automobile homicide under Section 76-5-207 ;
             66          (c) the operator of the vehicle was driving on a denied, suspended, revoked, or
             67      disqualified license; and
             68          (d) (i) the denial, suspension, revocation, or disqualification under Subsection (4)(c)
             69      was imposed because of a violation of:
             70          (A) Section 41-6a-502 ;
             71          (B) Section 41-6a-517 ;
             72          (C) a local ordinance which complies with the requirements of Subsection
             73      41-6a-510 (1);
             74          (D) Section 41-6a-520 ;
             75          (E) Subsection 58-37-8 (2)(g);
             76          (F) Section 76-5-207 ; or
             77          (G) a criminal prohibition that the person was charged with violating as a result of a
             78      plea bargain after having been originally charged with violating one or more of the sections or
             79      ordinances described in Subsections (4)(d)(i)(A) through (F); or
             80          (ii) (A) the denial, suspension, revocation, or disqualification described in Subsection
             81      (4)(c) is an extension imposed under Section 53-3-220 (2) of a denial, suspension, revocation,
             82      or disqualification; and
             83          (B) the original denial, suspension, revocation, or disqualification was imposed
             84      because of a violation described in Subsection (4)(d)(i)(A) through (G).

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