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H.B. 231

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:32 AM by jeyring. -->              1     





Chief Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

Senate Sponsor: Ralph Okerlund

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies provisions related to the Utah Commission on Volunteers regarding
             11      terms of office, quorum requirements, and duties of the commission.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    reduces the term of office for a commission member from four years to three years;
             15          .    provides that approximately one third of the commission is appointed every year;
             16          .    removes a duplicative quorum requirement provision;
             17          .    removes the commission's duty to prepare service learning applications;
             18          .    removes the commission's duty to establish a community volunteer training program
             19      to assist school districts in implementing certain literacy programs; and
             20          .    makes certain technical changes.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          9-1-803, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2000, Chapter 110

             28          9-1-809, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             30      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             31          Section 1. Section 9-1-803 is amended to read:
             32           9-1-803. Creation -- Members -- Appointment -- Terms -- Vacancies -- Per diem
             33      and expenses.
             34          (1) There is created the Utah Commission on Volunteers consisting of the following 25
             35      members:
             36          (a) the lieutenant governor;
             37          (b) the commissioner of higher education or the commissioner's designee;
             38          (c) the superintendent of public instruction[,] or the superintendent's designee;
             39          (d) nine members appointed by the governor as follows:
             40          (i) an individual with expertise in the educational, training, and developmental needs of
             41      youth, particularly disadvantaged youth;
             42          (ii) an individual with experience in promoting the involvement of older adults in
             43      service and volunteerism;
             44          (iii) a representative of community-based agencies or community-based organizations
             45      within the state;
             46          (iv) a representative of local governments in the state;
             47          (v) a representative of local labor organizations in the state;
             48          (vi) a representative of business;
             49          (vii) an individual between the ages of 16 and 25 who is a participant or supervisor in a
             50      volunteer or service program;
             51          (viii) a representative of a National Service Program; and
             52          (ix) a representative of the corporation as a nonvoting, ex officio member; and
             53          (e) 13 members appointed by the governor from the following groups:
             54          (i) local educators;
             55          (ii) experts in the delivery of human, educational, cultural, environmental, or public
             56      safety services to communities and individuals;
             57          (iii) representatives of Native American tribes;
             58          (iv) out-of-school youth or other at-risk youth; and

             59          (v) representatives of entities that receive assistance under the Domestic Volunteer
             60      Service Act of 1973, 42 U.S.C. 4950 et seq.
             61          (2) (a) In appointing persons to serve on the commission, the governor shall ensure
             62      that:
             63          (i) no more than 13 members of the commission are members of the same political
             64      party; and
             65          (ii) no more than six members of the commission are state government employees.
             66          (b) In appointing persons to serve on the commission, the governor shall strive for
             67      balance on the commission according to race, ethnicity, age, gender, and disability
             68      characteristics.
             69          (3) (a) Except as required by Subsection (3)(b), as terms of current commission
             70      members expire, the governor shall appoint each new member or reappointed member to a
             71      [four] three-year term.
             72          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (3)(a), the governor shall, at the
             73      time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the length of terms to ensure that the terms of
             74      commission members are staggered so that approximately [half] one-third of the commission is
             75      appointed every [two years] year.
             76          (4) When a vacancy occurs in the membership for any reason, the replacement shall be
             77      appointed for the unexpired term.
             78          (5) [Members] A member appointed by the governor may not serve more than two
             79      consecutive terms.
             80          (6) (a) [Members shall] A member may not receive [no] compensation or benefits for
             81      [their services] the member's service, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in the
             82      performance of the member's official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance
             83      under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             84          (b) [Members] A member may decline to receive per diem and expenses for [their] the
             85      member's service.
             86          [(7) Thirteen members of the commission are a quorum.]
             87          [(8)] (7) (a) The lieutenant governor is the chair of the commission.
             88          (b) The commission shall select a vice chair from among its members.
             89          Section 2. Section 9-1-809 is amended to read:

             90           9-1-809. Commission duties.
             91          (1) The commission shall, in the performance of its tasks and functions:
             92          (a) ensure that its funding decisions meet all federal and state statutory requirements;
             93          (b) recommend innovative, creative, statewide service programs to increase volunteer
             94      participation in all age groups and community-based problem-solving among diverse
             95      participants;
             96          (c) develop and implement a centralized, organized system of obtaining information
             97      and technical support concerning volunteerism and community service recruitment, projects,
             98      training methods, materials, and activities throughout the state and share [such] the information
             99      and support upon request;
             100          (d) promote strong interagency collaboration as an avenue for maximizing resources
             101      and providing that model on the state level;
             102          (e) provide public recognition and support of individual volunteer efforts and
             103      successful or promising private sector initiatives and public/private partnerships that address
             104      community needs;
             105          (f) stimulate increased community awareness of the impact of volunteer services in the
             106      state;
             107          (g) utilize local, state, and, subject to Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures
             108      Act, federal resources to reinforce, expand, and initiate quality service programs;
             109          (h) assist in the planning and implementation of volunteer programs;
             110          (i) serve as the state's liaison and voice to appropriate national and state organizations
             111      that support its mission;
             112          (j) develop a three-year comprehensive state and community service plan and establish
             113      state priorities;
             114          (k) preselect programs and prepare applications to the corporation pursuant to H. [ [ ] the
             114a      act [ ] ]
             115      [ this part ] .H ;
             116          [(l) prepare service learning applications;]
             117          [(m)] (l) administer the grants program and oversee and monitor the performance and
             118      progress of funded programs;
             119          [(n)] (m) implement comprehensive, nonduplicative evaluation and monitoring
             120      systems;

             121          [(o)] (n) provide technical assistance to local nonprofit organizations and other entities;
             122          [(p)] (o) assist in the development of programs established H. [ [ ] in the act [ ] ] [ under
             122a      this part ] .H ;
             123          [(q)] (p) develop mechanisms for recruitment and placement of people interested in
             124      participating in national service programs;
             125          [(r)] (q) assist in the provision of health care and child care benefits to participants
             126      under H. [ [ ] the act [ ] ] [ this part ] .H ;
             127          [(s)] (r) make priority program recommendations to the corporation;
             128          [(t)] (s) coordinate its activities with the activities of other state agencies that
             129      administer federal block grants; and
             130          [(u)] (t) coordinate its activities with the activities of other volunteer service programs.
             131          (2) The commission may not directly operate or run [any] a national service program
             132      receiving financial assistance, in any form, from the corporation.
             133          (3) (a) The commission may, subject to Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal Funds Procedures
             134      Act, receive and accept federal funds, and may receive and accept private gifts, donations, or
             135      funds from any source.
             136          (b) All moneys shall be deposited with the state and shall be continuously available to
             137      the commission to carry out the purposes of this part.
             138          [(4) (a) The commission shall establish a community volunteer training program to
             139      assist the state's school districts in implementing the literacy programs required under Section
             140      53A-1-801 .]
             141          [(b) The program shall focus on:]
             142          [(i) recruitment of volunteers to assist public schools in reading improvement
             143      programs;]
             144          [(ii) providing for the training of volunteers recruited under Subsection (4)(b)(i), which
             145      may include training in teaching phonetic decoding skills and phonemic awareness, to assist
             146      public schools and community based, not-for-profit literacy programs in accomplishing the
             147      literacy goals established in Section 53A-1-801 ;]
             148          [(iii) providing grants to entities whose primary purpose is to support literacy by
             149      working with either school districts or individual schools to accomplish their literacy goals;
             150      and]
             151          [(iv) providing materials and supplies which may be used by the commission or the

             152      public schools or both to help public education accomplish its literacy goals under Section
             153      53A-1-801 .]
             154          [(c) The commission shall coordinate its activities under this Subsection (4) with other
             155      state and community entities engaged in child literacy programs.]
             156          [(d) (i) The commission shall make an annual report to the State Board of Education
             157      on:]
             158          [(A) how public monies were spent on the programs authorized under this Subsection
             159      (4); and]
             160          [(B) the number of volunteers recruited for and participating in the program.]
             161          [(ii) The commission shall make its report by July 1, with the first report required by
             162      July 1, 2000.]

Legislative Review Note
    as of 12-8-08 2:34 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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