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Third Substitute H.B. 272

This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 5:48 PM by rday. -->

Senator John L. Valentine proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Christopher N. Herrod

Senate Sponsor: John L. Valentine

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies the Designation of State Highways Act by amending scenic byway
             11      designation provisions.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    provides definitions;
             15          .    changes the membership of the Utah State Scenic Byway Committee;
             16          .    provides that the governor shall appoint certain members to the Utah State Scenic
             17      Byway Committee;
             18          .    provides that the term of office for Utah State Scenic Byway Committee members is
             19      four years, except that the governor shall stagger certain terms;
             20          .    provides that the Legislature shall approve highway and state scenic byway
             21      nominations for National Scenic Byway or All-American Road designation;
             22          .    provides that a highway located within a county, city, or town within this state may
             23      not be included as part of a designation or nomination as a state scenic byway,
             24      national scenic byway, or All-American Road unless the nomination or designation
             25      is sanctioned in writing by an official action of the legislative body of each county,

             26      city, or town in which the highway passes;
             27          .    provides that if a county does not give approval, then the portion of the highway
             28      located within the boundaries of the county, city, or town may not be included as
             29      part of any state scenic byway designation or nomination as a National Scenic
             30      Byway or All-American Road;
             31          .    establishes a procedure for segmenting a scenic byway;
             32          .    exempts Legacy Parkway from:
             33              .    the legislative approval requirement for nomination as a National Scenic Byway
             34      or All-American Road; and
             35              .    segmentation;
             36          .    exempts a highway nominated for National Scenic Byway or All-American Road
             37      designation prior to January 1, 2009 from the legislative approval requirement; and
             38          .    makes technical changes.
             39      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             40          None
             41      Other Special Clauses:
             42          None
             43      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             44      AMENDS:
             45          72-4-301, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 172
             46          72-4-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2005, Chapter 148
             47          72-4-303, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             48      ENACTS:
             49          72-4-301.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             50          72-4-304, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             52      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             53          Section 1. Section 72-4-301 is amended to read:
             54           72-4-301. Definitions.
             55          As used in this part[, "committee"]:
             56          (1) "Committee" means the Utah State Scenic Byway Committee created in Section

             57      72-4-302 .
             58          (2) "Non-scenic area" means:
             59          (a) any property that is unzoned or zoned for commercial or industrial use adjoining a
             60      highway that does not contain at least one of the intrinsic qualities described in Subsection
             61      72-4-303 (1)(b) immediately upon the property; or
             62          (b) any property that is unzoned or zoned for commercial or industrial use that contains
             63      an intrinsic quality described in Subsection 72-4-303 (1)(b) immediately upon the property but
             64      the intrinsic quality does not represent the primary use of the property.
             65          (3) "Segmentation" means:
             66          (a) removing the scenic byway designation from a portion of an existing scenic byway
             67      that adjoins a non-scenic area; or
             68          (b) excluding a portion of a highway from a scenic byway designation where the
             69      highway adjoins a non-scenic area.
             70          Section 2. Section 72-4-301.5 is enacted to read:
             71          72-4-301.5. Designation of highways as scenic byways.
             72          Except as provided in Section 72-4-304 , a highway or state scenic byway may not be
             73      nominated for designation as a National Scenic Byway or All-American Road unless the
             74      nomination is approved by the Legislature.
             75          Section 3. Section 72-4-302 is amended to read:
             76           72-4-302. Utah State Scenic Byway Committee -- Creation -- Membership --
             77      Meetings -- Expenses.
             78          (1) There is created the Utah State Scenic Byway Committee.
             79          (2) (a) The committee shall consist of the following S. [ 14 ] 15 .S members:
             80          [(a)] (i) a representative from each of the following entities appointed by [each
             81      respective entity] the governor:
             82          [(i)] (A) the Governor's Office of Economic Development;
             83          [(ii)] (B) the Utah Department of Transportation;
             84          [(iii) the Utah Association of Governments;]
             85          (C) the Department of Community and Culture;
             86          [(iv)] (D) the Division of State Parks and Recreation;
             87          [(v)] (E) the Federal Highway Administration;

             88          [(vi)] (F) the National Park Service;
             89          [(vii)] (G) the National Forest Service; and
             90          [(viii)] (H) the Bureau of Land Management; [and]
             91          [(ix) the Utah Travel Regions Association;]
             92          [(b) two local government tourism representatives selected by the state entities
             93      identified in Subsection (2)(a) ; and]
             93a      S.     (ii) one local government tourism representative appointed by the governor; .S
             94          [(c)] S. [ (ii) ] (iii) .S a representative from the [private sector selected by the state entities
             94a      identified
             95      in Subsection (2)(a).] private business sector appointed by the governor;
             96           S. [ (iii) ] (iv) .S three local elected officials from a county, city, or town within the state
             96a      appointed
             97      by the governor;
             98           S. [ (iv) ] (v) .S a member from the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the
             99      House of Representatives; and
             100           S. [ (v) ] (vi) .S a member from the Senate appointed by the president of the Senate.
             101          (b) Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), the members appointed in this Subsection
             102      (2) shall be appointed for a four-year term of office.
             103          (c) The governor shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment for appointments
             104      made under Subsection (2)(a)(i), (ii), S. [ or (iii) ] (iii), or (iv) .S adjust the length of terms to
             104a      ensure that the terms
             105      of committee members are staggered so that approximately half of the committee is appointed
             106      every two years.
             107          (d) (i) The appointments made under Subsection (2)(a) S. [ (iv) ] (v) .S and (2)(a)
             107a      S. [ (v) ] (vi) .S by the speaker
             108      of the House and the president of the Senate may not be from the same political party.
             109          (ii) The speaker of the House and the president of the Senate shall alternate the
             110      appointments made under Subsections (2)(a) S. [ (iv) ] (v) .S and (2)(a) S. [ (v) ] (vi) .S as
             110a      follows:
             111          (A) if the speaker appoints a member under (2)(a) S. [ (iv) ] (v) .S , the next appointment
             111a      made by
             112      the speaker following the expiration of the existing member's four-year term of office shall be
             113      from a different political party; and
             114          (B) if the president appoints a member under (2)(a) S. [ (v) ] (vi) .S , the next
             114a      appointment made by
             115      the president following the expiration of the existing member's four-year term of office shall be
             116      from a different political party.
             117          (3) (a) The representative from the Governor's Office of Economic Development shall
             118      chair the committee.

             119          (b) The members appointed under Subsections (2)(a)[(v), (vi), (vii), and (viii)](i) S. [ (D) ]
             119a      (E) .S
             120      through (H) serve as nonvoting, ex officio members of the committee.
             121          (4) The Governor's Office of Economic Development and the department shall provide
             122      staff support to the committee.
             123          (5) (a) The chair may call a meeting of the committee only with the concurrence of the
             124      department.
             125          (b) A majority of the voting members of the committee constitute a quorum.
             126          (c) Action by a majority vote of a quorum of the committee constitutes action by the
             127      committee.
             128          (6) (a) (i) Members who are not state government employees shall receive no
             129      compensation or benefits for their services, but may receive per diem and expenses incurred in
             130      the performance of the member's official duties at the rates established by the Division of
             131      Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             132          (ii) Members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their service.
             133          (b) (i) State government officer and employee members who do not receive salary, per
             134      diem, or expenses from their agency for their service may receive per diem and expenses
             135      incurred in the performance of their official duties at the rates established by the Division of
             136      Finance under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             137          (ii) State government officer and employee members may decline to receive per diem
             138      and expenses for their service.
             139          (c) (i) Local government members who do not receive salary, per diem, or expenses
             140      from the entity that they represent for their service may receive per diem and expenses incurred
             141      in the performance of their official duties at the rates established by the Division of Finance
             142      under Sections 63A-3-106 and 63A-3-107 .
             143          (ii) Local government members may decline to receive per diem and expenses for their
             144      service.
             145          (d) Legislators on the committee receive compensation and expenses as provided by
             146      law and legislative rule.
             147          Section 4. Section 72-4-303 is amended to read:
             148           72-4-303. Powers and duties of the Utah State Scenic Byway Committee --
             149      Rulemaking authority -- Designation on state maps -- Outdoor advertising.

             150          (1) The committee shall have the responsibility to:
             151          (a) administer a coordinated scenic byway program within the state that:
             152          (i) preserves and protects the intrinsic qualities described in Subsection (1)(b) unique
             153      to scenic byways;
             154          (ii) enhances recreation; and
             155          (iii) promotes economic development through tourism and education;
             156          (b) ensure that a highway nominated for a scenic byway designation possesses at least
             157      one of the following six intrinsic qualities:
             158          (i) scenic quality;
             159          (ii) natural quality;
             160          (iii) historic quality;
             161          (iv) cultural quality;
             162          (v) archaeological quality; or
             163          (vi) recreational quality;
             164          (c) designate highways as state scenic byways from nominated highways within the
             165      state if the committee determines that the highway possesses the criteria for a state scenic
             166      byway; and
             167          (d) remove the designation of a highway as a scenic byway if the committee determines
             168      that the highway no longer meets the criteria under which it was designated.
             169          (2) (a) A highway located within a county, city, or town within this state may not be
             170      included as part of a designation or nomination as a state scenic byway, National Scenic
             171      Byway, or All-American Road unless the nomination or designation is sanctioned in writing by
             172      an official action of the legislative body of each county, city, or town through which the
             173      proposed state scenic byway, National Scenic Byway, or All-American Road passes.
             174          (b) If a county, city, or town does not give approval as required under Subsection
             175      (2)(a), then the portion of the highway located within the boundaries of the county, city, or
             176      town may not be included as part of any state scenic byway designation or nomination as a
             177      National Scenic Byway or All-American Road.
             178          (3) (a) A state scenic byway, National Scenic Byway, or All-American Road may be
             179      segmented by the legislative body of the county, city, or town where the segmentation is to
             180      occur if:

             181          (i) a person or another entity S. , with the consent of any landowners affected by the
             181a      segmentation, .S has requested the segmentation of a portion of a road or
             182      highway; and
             183          (ii) the legislative body of the county, city, or town reviews the segmentation proposed
             184      under Subsection (3)(a)(i).
             185          (b) The legislative body of a county, city, or town shall render a decision on a
             186      segmentation request under Subsection (3)(a) within 60 days and may grant segmentation to the
             187      person or entity if the property is a non-scenic area.
             188          (c) (i) If the legislative body of a county, city, or town denies the request to segment the
             189      state scenic byway, National Scenic Byway, or All-American Road under Subsection (3)(a)
             190      upon the request of a person or another entity S. , with the consent of any landowners affected
             190a      by the segmentation .S , that person or entity may appeal the denial of the
             191      request to the committee.
             192          (ii) The committee shall hear and answer an appeal of the denial of a segmentation
             193      request within 60 days of a request submitted in accordance with Subsection (3)(c)(i).
             194          (iii) If the committee does not render a decision on an appeal in accordance with
             195      Subsection (3)(c)(ii), the segmentation request shall be granted if the property is a non-scenic
             196      area.
             197          [(2)] (4) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking
             198      Act, the department shall make rules in consultation with the committee:
             199          (a) for the administration of a scenic byway program;
             200          (b) establishing the criteria that a highway shall possess to be designated as a scenic
             201      byway, including the criteria described in Subsection (1)(b);
             202          (c) establishing the process for nominating a highway to be designated as a state scenic
             203      byway;
             204          (d) specifying the process for hearings to be conducted in the area of proposed
             205      designation prior to the highway being designated as a scenic byway;
             206          (e) identifying the highways within the state designated as scenic byways; and
             207          (f) establishing the process and criteria for removing the designation of a highway as a
             208      scenic byway.
             209          [(3)] (5) The department shall designate scenic byway routes on future state highway
             210      maps.
             211          [(4)] (6) A highway within the state designated as a scenic byway is subject to federal

             212      outdoor advertising regulations in accordance with 23 U.S.C. Sec. 131.
             213          Section 5. Section 72-4-304 is enacted to read:
             214          72-4-304. Exceptions to approval and segmentation requirements.
             215          (1) Legacy Parkway, from the junction of I-215 in Davis County northerly to the
             216      Junction with US 89 and I-15:
             217          (a) is exempt from the legislative approval requirement in Section 72-4-301.5 ; and
             218          (b) may not be segmented.
             219          (2) A highway nominated for National Scenic Byway or All-American Road
             220      designation prior to January 1, 2009 is exempt from the legislative approval requirement in
             221      Section 72-4-301.5 .

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