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H.B. 56 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

Senate Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Election Code by amending the dates for filing a declaration of
             10      candidacy for general elections.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    amends dates for filling midterm vacancies for county or district attorney;
             14          .    changes filing a declaration of candidacy and a petition of nomination dates for
             15      officers elected during a general election from between March 7 and March 17 to
             16      between the second Friday and the third Friday in March; and
             17          .    makes technical changes.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          None
             20      Other Special Clauses:
             21          None
             22      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             23      AMENDS:
             24          20A-1-509.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1997, Chapter 139
             25          20A-9-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 225
             26          20A-9-503, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 329
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 20A-1-509.1 is amended to read:

             30           20A-1-509.1. Procedure for filling midterm vacancy in county or district with 15
             31      or more attorneys.
             32          (1) When a vacancy occurs in the office of county or district attorney in a county or
             33      district having 15 or more attorneys who are licensed active members in good standing with
             34      the Utah State Bar and registered voters, the vacancy shall be filled as provided in this section.
             35          (2) (a) The requirements of this Subsection (2) apply when the office of county
             36      attorney or district attorney becomes vacant and:
             37          (i) the vacant office has an unexpired term of two years or more; and
             38          (ii) the vacancy occurs before the third Friday in March [17] of the even-numbered
             39      year.
             40          (b) When the conditions established in Subsection (2)(a) are met, the county clerk
             41      shall notify the public and each registered political party that the vacancy exists.
             42          (c) All persons intending to become candidates for the vacant office shall:
             43          (i) file a declaration of candidacy according to the procedures and requirements of
             44      Title 20A, Chapter 9, Part 2, Candidate Qualifications and Declarations of Candidacy;
             45          (ii) if nominated as a party candidate or qualified as an independent or write-in
             46      candidate under Title 20A, Chapter 9, Candidate Qualifications and Nominating Procedures,
             47      run in the regular general election; and
             48          (iii) if elected, complete the unexpired term of the person who created the vacancy.
             49          (d) If the vacancy occurs after the second Friday in March [9] and before the third
             50      Friday in March [17], the time for filing a declaration of candidacy under Section 20A-9-202
             51      shall be extended until [ten] seven days after the county clerk gives notice under Subsection
             52      (2)(b), but no later than the fourth Friday in March [27].
             53          (3) (a) The requirements of this Subsection (3) apply when the office of county
             54      attorney or district attorney becomes vacant and:
             55          (i) the vacant office has an unexpired term of two years or more; and
             56          (ii) the vacancy occurs after the third Friday in March [16] of the even-numbered year
             57      but more than 50 days before the regular primary election.

             58          (b) When the conditions established in Subsection (3)(a) are met, the county clerk
             59      shall:
             60          (i) notify the public and each registered political party that the vacancy exists; and
             61          (ii) identify the date and time by which a person interested in becoming a candidate
             62      must file a declaration of candidacy.
             63          (c) All persons intending to become candidates for the vacant office shall:
             64          (i) within five days after the date that the notice is made, ending at 5 p.m. on the fifth
             65      day, file a declaration of candidacy for the vacant office as required by Title 20A, Chapter 9,
             66      Part 2, Candidate Qualifications and Nominating Procedures; and
             67          (ii) if elected, complete the unexpired term of the person who created the vacancy.
             68          (d) The county central committee of each party shall:
             69          (i) select a candidate or candidates from among those qualified candidates who have
             70      filed declarations of candidacy; and
             71          (ii) certify the name of the candidate or candidates to the county clerk at least 35 days
             72      before the regular primary election.
             73          (4) (a) The requirements of this Subsection (4) apply when the office of county
             74      attorney or district attorney becomes vacant and:
             75          (i) the vacant office has an unexpired term of two years or more; and
             76          (ii) 50 days or less remain before the regular primary election but more than 50 days
             77      remain before the regular general election.
             78          (b) When the conditions established in Subsection (4)(a) are met, the county central
             79      committees of each registered political party that wish to submit a candidate for the office
             80      shall summarily certify the name of one candidate to the county clerk for placement on the
             81      regular general election ballot.
             82          (c) The candidate elected shall complete the unexpired term of the person who created
             83      the vacancy.
             84          (5) (a) The requirements of this Subsection (5) apply when the office of county
             85      attorney or district attorney becomes vacant and:

             86          (i) the vacant office has an unexpired term of less than two years; or
             87          (ii) the vacant office has an unexpired term of two years or more but 50 days or less
             88      remain before the next regular general election.
             89          (b) When the conditions established in Subsection (5)(a) are met, the county
             90      legislative body shall give notice of the vacancy to the county central committee of the same
             91      political party of the prior officeholder and invite that committee to submit the names of three
             92      nominees to fill the vacancy.
             93          (c) That county central committee shall, within 30 days of receiving notice from the
             94      county legislative body, submit to the county legislative body the names of three nominees to
             95      fill the vacancy.
             96          (d) The county legislative body shall, within 45 days after the vacancy occurs, appoint
             97      one of those nominees to serve out the unexpired term.
             98          (e) If the county legislative body fails to appoint a person to fill the vacancy within 45
             99      days, the county clerk shall send to the governor a letter that:
             100          (i) informs the governor that the county legislative body has failed to appoint a person
             101      to fill the vacancy within the statutory time period; and
             102          (ii) contains the list of nominees submitted by the party central committee.
             103          (f) The governor shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy from that list of nominees
             104      within 30 days after receipt of the letter.
             105          (g) A person appointed to fill the vacancy under Subsection (5) shall complete the
             106      unexpired term of the person who created the vacancy.
             107          (6) Nothing in this section prevents or prohibits independent candidates from filing a
             108      declaration of candidacy for the office within the required time limits.
             109          Section 2. Section 20A-9-202 is amended to read:
             110           20A-9-202. Declarations of candidacy for regular general elections --
             111      Requirements for candidates.
             112          (1) (a) Each person seeking to become a candidate for elective office for any county
             113      office that is to be filled at the next regular general election shall:

             114          (i) file a declaration of candidacy in person with the county clerk on or after the
             115      second Friday in March [7] and before 5 p.m. on the third Friday in March [17] before the
             116      next regular general election; and
             117          (ii) pay the filing fee.
             118          (b) Each person intending to become a candidate for any legislative office or
             119      multicounty office that is to be filled at the next regular general election shall:
             120          (i) file a declaration of candidacy in person with either the lieutenant governor or the
             121      county clerk in the candidate's county of residence on or after the second Friday in March [7]
             122      and before 5 p.m. on the third Friday in March [17] before the next regular general election;
             123      and
             124          (ii) pay the filing fee.
             125          (c) (i) Each county clerk who receives a declaration of candidacy from a candidate for
             126      multicounty office shall transmit the filing fee and a copy of the candidate's declaration of
             127      candidacy to the lieutenant governor within one working day after it is filed.
             128          (ii) Each day during the filing period, each county clerk shall notify the lieutenant
             129      governor electronically or by telephone of legislative candidates who have filed in their office.
             130          (d) Each person seeking to become a candidate for elective office for any federal office
             131      or constitutional office that is to be filled at the next regular general election shall:
             132          (i) file a declaration of candidacy in person with the lieutenant governor on or after the
             133      second Friday in March [7] and before 5 p.m. on the third Friday in March [17] before the
             134      next regular general election; and
             135          (ii) pay the filing fee.
             136          (e) Each person seeking the office of lieutenant governor, the office of district
             137      attorney, or the office of President or Vice President of the United States shall comply with the
             138      specific declaration of candidacy requirements established by this section.
             139          (2) (a) Each person intending to become a candidate for the office of district attorney
             140      within a multicounty prosecution district that is to be filled at the next regular general election
             141      shall:

             142          (i) file a declaration of candidacy with the clerk designated in the interlocal agreement
             143      creating the prosecution district on or after the second Friday in March [7] and before 5 p.m.
             144      on the third Friday in March [17] before the next regular general election; and
             145          (ii) pay the filing fee.
             146          (b) The designated clerk shall provide to the county clerk of each county in the
             147      prosecution district a certified copy of each declaration of candidacy filed for the office of
             148      district attorney.
             149          (3) (a) Within five working days of nomination, each lieutenant governor candidate
             150      shall:
             151          (i) file a declaration of candidacy with the lieutenant governor; and
             152          (ii) pay the filing fee.
             153          (b) (i) Any candidate for lieutenant governor who fails to file within five working days
             154      is disqualified.
             155          (ii) If a lieutenant governor is disqualified, another candidate shall be nominated to
             156      replace the disqualified candidate.
             157          (4) Each registered political party shall:
             158          (a) certify the names of its candidates for President and Vice President of the United
             159      States to the lieutenant governor no later than September 8; or
             160          (b) provide written authorization for the lieutenant governor to accept the certification
             161      of candidates for President and Vice President of the United States from the national office of
             162      the registered political party.
             163          (5) (a) A declaration of candidacy filed under this section is valid unless a written
             164      objection is filed with the clerk or lieutenant governor within five days after the last day for
             165      filing.
             166          (b) If an objection is made, the clerk or lieutenant governor shall:
             167          (i) mail or personally deliver notice of the objection to the affected candidate
             168      immediately; and
             169          (ii) decide any objection within 48 hours after it is filed.

             170          (c) If the clerk or lieutenant governor sustains the objection, the candidate may cure
             171      the problem by amending the declaration or petition within three days after the objection is
             172      sustained or by filing a new declaration within three days after the objection is sustained.
             173          (d) (i) The clerk's or lieutenant governor's decision upon objections to form is final.
             174          (ii) The clerk's or lieutenant governor's decision upon substantive matters is
             175      reviewable by a district court if prompt application is made to the court.
             176          (iii) The decision of the district court is final unless the Supreme Court, in the exercise
             177      of its discretion, agrees to review the lower court decision.
             178          (6) Any person who filed a declaration of candidacy may withdraw as a candidate by
             179      filing a written affidavit with the clerk.
             180          Section 3. Section 20A-9-503 is amended to read:
             181           20A-9-503. Certificate of nomination -- Filing -- Fees.
             182          (1) After the certificate of nomination has been certified, executed, and acknowledged
             183      by the county clerk, the candidate shall:
             184          (a) between [March 7 and March 17] the second Friday in March and the third Friday
             185      in March of the year in which the regular general election will be held, file the petition in
             186      person with:
             187          (i) the lieutenant governor, if the office the candidate seeks is a constitutional office or
             188      a federal office; or
             189          (ii) the county clerk, if the office the candidate seeks is a county office; and
             190          (iii) pay the filing fee; or
             191          (b) not later than the sixth Tuesday before the primary election date, file the petition in
             192      person with:
             193          (i) the municipal clerk, if the candidate seeks an office in a city or town;
             194          (ii) the local district clerk, if the candidate seeks an office in a local district; and
             195          (iii) pay the filing fee.
             196          (2) (a) At the time of filing, and before accepting the petition, the filing officer shall
             197      read the constitutional and statutory requirements for candidacy to the candidate.

             198          (b) If the candidate states that he does not meet the requirements, the filing officer
             199      may not accept the petition.
             200          (3) Persons filing a certificate of nomination for President of the United States under
             201      this section shall pay a filing fee of $500.

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