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H.B. 254 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Bradley G. Last

Senate Sponsor: Sheldon L. Killpack

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the Vital Statistics Act and the Motor Vehicle Act.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    amends definitions in the Vital Statistics Act;
             14          .    except for fetal deaths, authorizes a nurse practitioner in certain circumstances to
             15      state or certify cause of death, and complete and sign a death certificate;
             16          .    provides additional definitions in the Motor Vehicle Act; and
             17          .    allows a nurse practitioner to certify that a person has a disability, and will have the
             18      disability for a particular length of time, for purposes of obtaining a disability
             19      special group license plate, a temporary removable windshield placard, or a
             20      removable windshield placard from the Motor Vehicle Division.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             26      AMENDS:
             27          26-2-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 56
             28          26-2-13, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 32
             29          26-2-16, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 56

             30          41-1a-420, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             32      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             33          Section 1. Section 26-2-2 is amended to read:
             34           26-2-2. Definitions.
             35          As used in this chapter:
             36          (1) "Advanced practice registered nurse" means a person licensed to practice as an
             37      advanced practice registered nurse in this state under Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice
             38      Act.
             39          [(1)] (2) "Custodial funeral service director" means a funeral service director who:
             40          (a) is employed by a licensed funeral establishment; and
             41          (b) has custody of a dead body.
             42          [(2)] (3) "Dead body" or "decedent" means a human body or parts of the human body
             43      from the condition of which it reasonably may be concluded that death occurred.
             44          [(3)] (4) "Dead fetus" means a product of human conception:
             45          (a) of 20 weeks' gestation or more, calculated from the date the last normal menstrual
             46      period began to the date of delivery; and
             47          (b) that was not born alive.
             48          [(4)] (5) "Declarant father" means a male who claims to be the genetic father of a
             49      child, and, along with the biological mother, signs a voluntary declaration of paternity to
             50      establish the child's paternity.
             51          [(5)] (6) "File" means the submission of a completed certificate or other similar
             52      document, record, or report as provided under this chapter for registration by the state registrar
             53      or a local registrar.
             54          [(6)] (7) "Funeral service director" is as defined in Section 58-9-102 .
             55          [(7)] (8) "Health care facility" is as defined in Section 26-21-2 .
             56          (9) "Health care professional" means a physician or nurse practitioner.
             57          [(8)] (10) "Licensed funeral establishment" means a funeral service establishment, as

             58      defined in Section 58-9-102 , that is licensed under Title 58, Chapter 9, Funeral Services
             59      Licensing Act.
             60          [(9)] (11) "Live birth" means the birth of a child who shows evidence of life after it is
             61      entirely outside of the mother.
             62          [(10)] (12) "Local registrar" means a person appointed under Subsection 26-2-3 (2)(b).
             63          (13) "Nurse practitioner" means an advanced practice registered nurse specializing as
             64      a nurse practitioner who:
             65          (a) has completed an education program regarding the completion of a certificate of
             66      death developed by the department by administrative rule adopted in accordance with Title
             67      63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act;
             68          (b) is in independent practice or a group practice; and
             69          (c) is not employed by a health care facility licensed under Chapter 21, Health Care
             70      Facility Licensing and Inspection Act.
             71          [(11)] (14) "Physician" means a person licensed to practice as a physician or osteopath
             72      in this state under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act or Chapter 68, Utah
             73      Osteopathic Medical Practice Act.
             74          [(12)] (15) "Presumed father" means the father of a child conceived or born during a
             75      marriage as defined in Section 30-1-17.2 .
             76          [(13)] (16) "Registration" or "register" means acceptance by the local or state registrar
             77      of a certificate and incorporation of it into the permanent records of the state.
             78          [(14)] (17) "State registrar" means the state registrar of vital records appointed under
             79      Subsection 26-2-3 (1)(e).
             80          [(15)] (18) "Vital records" means registered certificates or reports of birth, death, fetal
             81      death, marriage, divorce, dissolution of marriage, or annulment, amendments to any of these
             82      registered certificates or reports, and other similar documents.
             83          [(16)] (19) "Vital statistics" means the data derived from registered certificates and
             84      reports of birth, death, fetal death, induced termination of pregnancy, marriage, divorce,
             85      dissolution of marriage, or annulment.

             86          Section 2. Section 26-2-13 is amended to read:
             87           26-2-13. Certificate of death -- Execution and registration requirements.
             88          (1) (a) A certificate of death for each death which occurs in this state shall be filed
             89      with the local registrar of the district in which the death occurs, or as otherwise directed by the
             90      state registrar, within five days after death and prior to the decedent's interment, any other
             91      disposal, or removal from the registration district where the death occurred.
             92          (b) A certificate of death shall be registered if it is completed and filed in accordance
             93      with this chapter.
             94          (2) (a) If the place of death is unknown but the dead body is found in this state, the
             95      certificate of death shall be completed and filed in accordance with this section.
             96          (b) The place where the dead body is found shall be shown as the place of death.
             97          (c) If the date of death is unknown, the date shall be determined by approximation.
             98          (3) (a) When death occurs in a moving conveyance in the United States and the
             99      decedent is first removed from the conveyance in this state:
             100          (i) the certificate of death shall be filed with:
             101          (A) the local registrar of the district where the decedent is removed; or
             102          (B) a person designated by the state registrar; and
             103          (ii) the place where the decedent is removed shall be considered the place of death.
             104          (b) When a death occurs on a moving conveyance outside the United States and the
             105      decedent is first removed from the conveyance in this state:
             106          (i) the certificate of death shall be filed with:
             107          (A) the local registrar of the district where the decedent is removed; or
             108          (B) a person designated by the state registrar; and
             109          (ii) the certificate of death shall show the actual place of death to the extent it can be
             110      determined.
             111          (4) (a) The custodial funeral service director shall sign the certificate of death.
             112          (b) The custodial funeral service director or an agent of the custodial funeral service
             113      director shall:

             114          (i) file the certificate of death prior to any disposition of a dead body or fetus; and
             115          (ii) obtain the decedent's personal data from the next of kin or the best qualified
             116      person or source available including the decedent's Social Security number, if known;
             117      however, the certificate of death may not include the decedent's Social Security number.
             118          (5) (a) [The] Except as provided in Section 26-2-14 , fetal death certificates, the
             119      medical section of the certificate of death shall be completed, signed, and returned to the
             120      funeral service director within 72 hours after death by the [physician] health care professional
             121      who was in charge of the decedent's care for the illness or condition which resulted in death,
             122      except when inquiry is required by Title 26, Chapter 4, Utah Medical Examiner Act.
             123          (b) In the absence of the [physician] health care professional or with the [physician's]
             124      health care professional's approval, the certificate of death may be completed and signed by an
             125      associate physician, the chief medical officer of the institution in which death occurred, or a
             126      physician who performed an autopsy upon the decedent, provided the person has access to the
             127      medical history of the case, views the decedent at or after death, and death is not due to causes
             128      required to be investigated by the medical examiner.
             129          (6) When death occurs more than 30 days after the decedent was last treated by a
             130      [physician] health care professional, the case shall be referred to the medical examiner for
             131      investigation to determine and certify the cause, date, and place of death.
             132          (7) When inquiry is required by Title 26, Chapter 4, Utah Medical Examiner Act, the
             133      medical examiner shall make an investigation and complete and sign the medical section of
             134      the certificate of death within 72 hours after taking charge of the case.
             135          (8) If the cause of death cannot be determined within 72 hours after death:
             136          (a) the medical section of the certificate of death shall be completed as provided by
             137      department rule;
             138          (b) the attending [physician] health care professional or medical examiner shall give
             139      the funeral service director notice of the reason for the delay; and
             140          (c) final disposition of the decedent may not be made until authorized by the attending
             141      [physician] health care professional or medical examiner.

             142          (9) (a) When a death is presumed to have occurred within this state but the dead body
             143      cannot be located, a certificate of death may be prepared by the state registrar upon receipt of
             144      an order of a Utah district court.
             145          (b) The order described in Subsection (9)(a) shall include a finding of fact stating the
             146      name of the decedent, the date of death, and the place of death.
             147          (c) A certificate of death prepared under Subsection (9)(a) shall:
             148          (i) show the date of registration; and
             149          (ii) identify the court and date of the order.
             150          Section 3. Section 26-2-16 is amended to read:
             151           26-2-16. Certificate of death -- Duties of a custodial funeral service director or
             152      agent -- Medical certification -- Records of funeral service director -- Information filed
             153      with local registrar -- Unlawful signing of certificate of death.
             154          (1) The custodial funeral service director shall sign the certificate of death prior to any
             155      disposition of a dead body or dead fetus.
             156          (2) The custodial funeral service director or an agent of the custodial funeral service
             157      director shall:
             158          (a) obtain personal and statistical information regarding the decedent from the
             159      available persons best qualified to provide the information;
             160          (b) present the certificate of death to the attending [physician] health care
             161      professional, if any, or to the medical examiner who shall certify the cause of death and other
             162      information required on the certificate of death;
             163          (c) provide the address of the custodial funeral service director;
             164          (d) certify the date and place of burial; and
             165          (e) file the certificate of death with the state or local registrar.
             166          (3) A funeral service director, embalmer, or other person who removes from the place
             167      of death or transports or is in charge of final disposal of a dead body or dead fetus, shall keep a
             168      record identifying the dead body or dead fetus, and containing information pertaining to
             169      receipt, removal, and delivery of the dead body or dead fetus as prescribed by department rule.

             170          (4) (a) Not later than the tenth day of each month, every licensed funeral service
             171      establishment shall send to the local registrar and the department a list of the information
             172      required in Subsection (3) for each casket furnished and for funerals performed when no
             173      casket was furnished, during the preceding month.
             174          (b) The list described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be in the form prescribed by the state
             175      registrar.
             176          (5) Any person who intentionally signs the portion of a certificate of death that is
             177      required to be signed by a funeral service director under Subsection (1) is guilty of a class B
             178      misdemeanor, unless the person:
             179          (a) is a funeral service director; and
             180          (b) is employed by a licensed funeral establishment.
             181          Section 4. Section 41-1a-420 is amended to read:
             182           41-1a-420. Disability special group license plates -- Application and
             183      qualifications -- Rulemaking.
             184          (1) As used in this section:
             185          (a) "Advanced practice registered nurse" means a person licensed to practice as an
             186      advanced practice registered nurse in this state under Title 58, Chapter 31b, Nurse Practice
             187      Act.
             188          (b) "Nurse practitioner" means an advanced practice registered nurse specializing as a
             189      nurse practitioner.
             190          (c) "Physician" means a person licensed to practice as a physician or osteopath in this
             191      state under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act or Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic
             192      Medical Practice Act.
             193          [(1)] (2) The division shall issue a disability special group license plate, a temporary
             194      removable windshield placard, or a removable windshield placard to:
             195          (a) a qualifying person with a disability; or
             196          (b) the registered owner of a vehicle that an organization uses primarily for the
             197      transportation of persons with disabilities that limit or impair the ability to walk.

             198          [(2)] (3) (a) The initial application of a person with a disability shall be accompanied
             199      by the certification of a [licensed] physician or nurse practitioner:
             200          (i) that the applicant meets the definition of a person with a disability that limits or
             201      impairs the ability to walk as defined in the federal Uniform System for Parking for Persons
             202      with Disabilities, 23 C.F.R. Ch. 11, Subch. B, Pt. 1235.2 (1991); and
             203          (ii) [containing] specifying the period of time that the physician or nurse practitioner
             204      determines the applicant will have the disability, not to exceed six months in the case of a
             205      temporary disability.
             206          (b) The division shall issue a [person with a] disability special group license plate or a
             207      removable windshield placard to a person with a permanent disability.
             208          (c) The issuance of a person with a disability special group license plate does not
             209      preclude the issuance to the same applicant of a removable windshield placard.
             210          (d) On request of an applicant with a disability special group license plate, temporary
             211      removable windshield placard, or a removable windshield placard the division shall issue one
             212      additional placard.
             213          (e) A disability special group license plate, temporary removable windshield placard,
             214      or removable windshield placard may be used to allow one motorcycle to share a parking
             215      space reserved for persons with a disability if:
             216          (i) the person with a disability:
             217          (A) is using a motorcycle; and
             218          (B) displays on the motorcycle a disability special group license plate, temporary
             219      removable windshield placard, or a removable windshield placard;
             220          (ii) the person who shares the parking space assists the person with a disability with
             221      the parking accommodation; and
             222          (iii) the parking space is sufficient size to accommodate both motorcycles without
             223      interfering with other parking spaces or traffic movement.
             224          [(3)] (4) (a) The temporary removable windshield placard or removable windshield
             225      placard shall be hung from the front windshield rearview mirror when the vehicle is parked in

             226      a parking space reserved for persons with disabilities so that it is visible from the front and
             227      rear of the vehicle.
             228          (b) If a motorcycle is being used, the temporary removable windshield placard or
             229      removable windshield placard shall be displayed in plain sight on or near the handle bars of
             230      the motorcycle.
             231          [(4)] (5) The commission shall make rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3,
             232      Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to:
             233          (a) establish qualifying criteria for persons to receive, renew, or surrender special
             234      group license plates, a temporary removable windshield placard, or a removable windshield
             235      placard in accordance with this section;
             236          (b) establish the maximum number of numerals or characters for disability special
             237      group license plates; and
             238          (c) require all temporary removable windshield placards and removable windshield
             239      placards to include:
             240          (i) an identification number;
             241          (ii) an expiration date not to exceed:
             242          (A) six months for a temporary removable windshield placard; and
             243          (B) two years for a removable windshield placard; and
             244          (iii) the seal or other identifying mark of the division.

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