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H.B. 411 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Stephen D. Clark

Senate Sponsor: Jon J. Greiner

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill creates the Statewide Communications Interoperability Committee.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    creates the Statewide Communications Interoperability Committee and provides its
             14      membership, duties, and powers;
             15          .    authorizes the committee to coordinate and resolve statewide communication
             16      issues; and
             17          .    requires the committee to report to the governor and Public Utilities and
             18      Technology Interim Committee.
             19      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             20          None
             21      Other Special Clauses:
             22          None
             23      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             24      ENACTS:
             25          63F-1-801, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             26          63F-1-802, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 63F-1-801 is enacted to read:

Part 8. Statewide Communications Interoperability Committee

             31          63F-1-801. Statewide Communications Interoperability Committee --
             32      Membership -- Chair -- Quorum.
             33          (1) As used in this part:
             34          (a) "Committee" means the Statewide Communications Interoperability Committee.
             35          (b) "Interoperability spectrum" means the radio signal transmission spectrum to
             36      communicate between agencies as assigned by the Federal Communications Commission.
             37          (2) There is created within the department the Statewide Communications
             38      Interoperability Committee.
             39          (3) (a) The governor shall appoint the following 25 committee members:
             40          (i) except as provided in Subsection (4), five representatives from counties of the first
             41      or second class who are in:
             42          (A) law enforcement or fire service; and
             43          (B) a leadership position with radio communication experience;
             44          (ii) one representative each of six associations of government from rural Utah that
             45      represent counties not represented in Subsection (3)(a)(i);
             46          (iii) one representative of the Utah Communications Agency Network established
             47      under Title 63C, Chapter 7, Utah Communications Agency Network Act;
             48          (iv) one representative of the Native American tribes;
             49          (v) one representative of the Utah National Guard;
             50          (vi) one representative of an association that represents chiefs of police;
             51          (vii) one representative of an association that represents sheriffs;
             52          (viii) one representative of an association that represents fire chiefs; and
             53          (ix) one representative of an association that represents urban security efforts.
             54          (b) The following shall also be committee members:
             55          (i) the chief information officer or the chief information officer's designee;
             56          (ii) the commissioner of the Department of Public Safety or the commissioner's
             57      designee;

             58          (iii) the executive director of the Department of Transportation or the executive
             59      director's designee;
             60          (iv) the executive director of the Department of Corrections or the executive director's
             61      designee;
             62          (v) the executive director of the Department of Natural Resources or the executive
             63      director's designee;
             64          (vi) the director of the Department of Health or the director's designee; and
             65          (vii) the executive director of the Department of Technology Services or the executive
             66      director's designee.
             67          (4) Subject to Subsection (3)(a)(i), if a member of law enforcement cannot be seated,
             68      then a representative who has leadership experience in radio communications and public
             69      safety shall be seated.
             70          (5) (a) The term of office of each member described in Subsection (3)(a) is four years.
             71          (b) Notwithstanding the requirements of Subsection (5)(a), the committee chair with
             72      the approval of the governor shall, at the time of appointment or reappointment, adjust the
             73      length of terms to stagger the terms of committee members so that approximately 1/2 of the
             74      committee members are appointed every two years.
             75          (c) A mid-term vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as
             76      an appointment under Subsection (3)(a).
             77          (6) (a) The chief information officer shall serve as the committee chair.
             78          (b) (i) The committee members shall elect a vice-chair from their number; and
             79          (ii) the vice-chair shall rotate among representatives described in Subsection (3)(a)
             80      every year.
             81          (c) The committee shall establish bylaws for the organization and operation of the
             82      committee.
             83          (7) (a) A majority of the committee constitutes a quorum for voting purposes.
             84          (b) All actions shall be by majority vote of the quorum in attendance.
             85          (8) The committee:

             86          (a) may meet as often as necessary to perform its duties; and
             87          (b) shall meet at least monthly.
             88          (9) The department shall provide staff services to the committee.
             89          (10) (a) No member may receive compensation or benefits for the member's service on
             90      the committee.
             91          (b) A committee member is not required to give a bond for the performance of official
             92      duties.
             93          (11) (a) The committee may create an executive committee from its number to:
             94          (i) plan agendas;
             95          (ii) call committee meetings; and
             96          (iii) meet as often as necessary, at the call of the chair.
             97          (b) The committee may establish subcommittees and working groups to address
             98      wireless technology coordination and communication issues among agencies providing vital
             99      services to citizens.
             100          (12) The committee does not have the authority to require expenditure of public funds.
             101          Section 2. Section 63F-1-802 is enacted to read:
             102          63F-1-802. Duties and powers.
             103          (1) The Statewide Communications Interoperability Committee shall:
             104          (a) promote wireless technology information and interoperability among local, state,
             105      federal, and other agencies;
             106          (b) provide a mechanism for coordinating and resolving wireless communication
             107      issues among local, state, federal, and other agencies;
             108          (c) coordinate statewide efforts for implementation of interoperable statewide voice
             109      and data networks;
             110          (d) improve data and information sharing and coordination of multi-jurisdictional
             111      responses;
             112          (e) leverage existing state resources and develop a network that will provide seamless,
             113      coordinated, and integrated communication for local, state, federal, and other agencies;

             114          (f) identify opportunities to consolidate infrastructures and technologies;
             115          (g) evaluate current technologies and determine if they are meeting the needs of
             116      agency personnel in respective service areas;
             117          (h) develop and recommend short- and long-term proposals for future communication
             118      needs;
             119          (i) form memorandums of understanding between agencies in support of proactive
             120      planning efforts;
             121          (j) create and maintain procedures for requesting interoperability channels; and
             122          (k) administer the interoperability spectrum.
             123          (2) (a) The committee shall prepare and present, by November 30 of each year, a brief
             124      annual report for the governor and the Public Utilities and Technology Interim Committee.
             125          (b) The annual report described in Subsection (2)(a) shall include:
             126          (i) the status of state radio communications infrastructure;
             127          (ii) recommendations to facilitate radio communications in the future; and
             128          (iii) an update on the committee's progress to meet the Federal Communications
             129      Commission radio communication requirements.

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