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H.B. 45






Chief Sponsor: Douglas C. Aagard

Senate Sponsor: Peter C. Knudson

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      Committee Note:
             10          The Government Operations Interim Committee recommended this bill.
             11      General Description:
             12          This bill modifies the Administrative Services Code by amending provisions related to
             13      the establishment of per diem and travel expenses for a member of a board,
             14      commission, council, or committee in the executive branch of state government.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    defines terms;
             18          .    modifies procedures for the establishment of per diem rates by the Division of
             19      Finance for a member of a state board, commission, council, or committee in the
             20      executive branch of state government;
             21          .    amends the exemption for higher education employees to apply only if higher
             22      education is paying the per diem or travel expenses;
             23          .    allows other governmental entities to adopt the established rates by reference;
             24          .    provides that a member who is a government employee that is being paid as an
             25      officer or employee while performing the member's service may not receive
             26      additional per diem or travel expenses;
             27          .    allows a member of the board or commission to decline to receive per diem;

             28          .    modifies procedures for the establishment of travel expenses by the Division of
             29      Finance for a member of a board, commission, council, or committee in the
             30      executive branch of state government;
             31          .    allows a member of the board or commission to decline to receive travel expenses;
             32      and
             33          .    makes technical changes.
             34      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             35          None
             36      Other Special Clauses:
             37          None
             38      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             39      AMENDS:
             40          63A-3-106, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 212
             41          63A-3-107, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 212
             43      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             44          Section 1. Section 63A-3-106 is amended to read:
             45           63A-3-106. Per diem rates for state officers and employees.
             46          [Subject] (1) As used in this section and Section 63A-3-107 :
             47          (a) "Board" means a board, commission, council, committee, task force, or similar
             48      body established to perform a governmental function.
             49          (b) "Executive branch" means all departments, divisions, agencies, boards, and offices
             50      within the executive branch of state government.
             51          (c) "Governmental entity" has the same meaning as provided under Section 63G-2-103 .
             52          (d) "Higher education" means a state institution of higher education, as defined under
             53      Section 53B-1-102 .
             54          (e) "Officer" means a member of a board or a person who is elected or appointed to an
             55      office or position within a governmental entity.
             56          (2) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, and
             57      subject to approval by the executive director, the director of the Division of Finance shall
             58      [establish] make rules establishing per diem rates [for all state officers and employees of the

             59      executive branch, except officers and employees of higher education, to meet subsistence
             60      expenses for attendance at official meetings.] to defray subsistence costs for attendance at an
             61      official meeting of a board of which the officer or employee is a member.
             62          (3) Unless otherwise provided by statute, a per diem rate established under Subsection
             63      (2):
             64          (a) is applicable to an officer or employee of the executive branch, except as provided
             65      under Subsection (3)(b);
             66          (b) is applicable to an officer or employee of higher education, unless higher education
             67      pays the costs of the per diem; and
             68          (c) may be applicable to an officer or employee of a government entity that is not
             69      included under Subsection (3)(a), if the government entity adopts the per diem rates by
             70      reference to:
             71          (i) this section; or
             72          (ii) the rule establishing the per diem rates.
             73          (4) (a) Unless otherwise provided by statute, a member of a board may receive per
             74      diem under this section and travel expenses under Section 63A-3-107 when the per diem and
             75      travel expenses are incurred by the member for attendance at an official meeting of a board.
             76          (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (4)(a), a member may not receive per
             77      diem or travel expenses under this Subsection (4) if the member is being paid as an officer or
             78      employee of a governmental entity while performing the member's service on the board.
             79          (5) A member of a board may decline to receive per diem for the member's service.
             80          Section 2. Section 63A-3-107 is amended to read:
             81           63A-3-107. Travel expenses of executive branch officers and employees.
             82          (1) [Subject] In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             83      Rulemaking Act, and subject to approval by the executive director, the director of the Division
             84      of Finance shall [adopt] make rules governing in-state and out-of-state [travel and] travel
             85      expenses [of all state officers and employees of the executive branch, except officers and
             86      employees of higher education].
             87          [(2) The travel expense rules shall be based upon:]
             88          [(a) per diem rates of payment for subsistence expenses, subject to modification, when
             89      justified, to meet special circumstances encountered in official attendance at conferences,

             90      conventions, and other official meetings;]
             91          (2) Unless otherwise provided by statute, a travel expense rule established under
             92      Subsection (1):
             93          (a) is applicable to an officer or employee of the executive branch, except as provided
             94      under Subsection (2)(b);
             95          (b) is applicable to an officer or employee of higher education, unless higher education
             96      pays the costs of the travel expenses; and
             97          (c) may be applicable to a government entity that is not included under Subsection
             98      (2)(a), if the government entity adopts the travel expense provisions by reference to:
             99          (i) this section; or
             100          (ii) the rule establishing the travel expense provisions.
             101          (3) The Division of Finance shall make the travel expense rules on the basis of:
             102          [(b)] (a) a mileage allowance; and
             103          [(c)] (b) reimbursement for other travel expenses incurred.
             104          (4) The travel expense rules may allow modification, when justified, to meet special
             105      circumstances encountered in official attendance at a conference, convention, meeting, or other
             106      official business.
             107          [(3)] (5) (a) [Officers and employees] An officer or employee of the executive branch[,
             108      except officers or employees of higher education] may not incur obligations for travel outside
             109      Utah without the advance approval of the director of the Division of Finance.
             110          (b) The director of the Division of Finance may delegate the authority to approve travel
             111      outside the state to [the directors of the state departments and agencies] an executive director or
             112      a designee of the executive director of a state department or agency.
             113          (c) [This] The approval under Subsection (5)(a) or (b), shall include a certification as to
             114      the availability of funds.
             115          (6) A member of a board may decline to receive travel expenses for the member's
             116      service.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 10-17-08 8:51 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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