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H.B. 71





Chief Sponsor: Evan J. Vickers

Senate Sponsor: Dennis E. Stowell

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      Committee Note:
             9          The Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee recommended this bill.
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill modifies the Withholding of Tax part to address withholding prepayments.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    modifies withholding requirements to address:
             15              .    withholding prepayments and accompanying forms; and
             16              .    penalties and interest; and
             17          .    makes technical changes.
             18      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             19          None
             20      Other Special Clauses:
             21          None
             22      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             23      AMENDS:
             24          59-10-407, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1988, Chapter 213
             26      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             27          Section 1. Section 59-10-407 is amended to read:

             28           59-10-407. Withholding tax prepayments.
             29          [(1) The provisions of this section do not apply to employers filing state withholding
             30      tax returns for other than quarterly periods.]
             31          (1) This section does not apply to an employer filing a withholding tax return for a
             32      period under this part other than a quarterly period.
             33          (2) (a) Any employer whose withholding tax liability under Section 59-10-402 is
             34      estimated to average an amount designated by the commission by rule[,] shall make a monthly
             35      [return and pay] prepayment of the amount required to be paid by Section 59-10-406 for each
             36      monthly period of each quarterly period. [Monthly payment shall be made during the quarterly
             37      period designated by the commission and during each succeeding quarterly period until further
             38      notified in writing. The monthly return shall be prescribed and furnished by the commission
             39      and shall be filed with the commission]
             40          (b) An employer that makes a monthly prepayment described in this Subsection (2)
             41      shall make the monthly prepayment as provided in this section until the commission notifies
             42      the employer in writing.
             43          (c) (i) An employer shall file a form with a monthly prepayment.
             44          (ii) The commission shall prescribe and furnish the form described in Subsection
             45      (2)(c)(i).
             46          (iii) An employer shall make a monthly prepayment and file the form described in
             47      Subsection (2)(c)(i) on or before the last day of the month after the end of each monthly period
             48      of each quarterly period.
             49          (3) In determining whether an employer's estimated withholding tax liability will
             50      average an amount that requires a monthly [filing] prepayment, the commission may consider
             51      [returns]:
             52          (a) a return filed pursuant to Section 59-10-406 [, as well as any]; or
             53          (b) information in [its] the commission's possession or [which] that may come into [its]
             54      the commission's possession.
             55          (4) [The civil and criminal penalties provided by this title for failure to file returns or
             56      pay taxes on time and the provisions for additions of penalties and interest to tax liability shall
             57      apply in the same manner to a] The penalties and interest for failure to [file reports covering
             58      and make prepayments of withholding taxes on time as provided in this section] make a

             59      monthly prepayment and file the form described in Subsection (2)(c)(i) by the due date
             60      described in Subsection (2)(c)(iii) are the same as the penalties and interest under Sections
             61      59-1-401 and 59-1-402 relating to payment of a tax, fee, or charge or filing a return.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 11-25-08 3:51 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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