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First Substitute H.B. 90

Representative Paul Ray proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Paul Ray

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends portions of the Utah Criminal Code relating to abortion.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    removes an unconstitutional provision requiring that all abortions performed 90
             13      days or more after the commencement of a pregnancy be performed in a hospital;
             14          .    provides that an abortion may only be performed in this state if:
             15              .    the unborn child is not viable to survive outside the mother's womb; or
             16              .    the unborn child is viable to survive outside the mother's womb, if the abortion
             17      is necessary to avert the death of the woman on whom the abortion is
             18      performed, the abortion is necessary to avert a serious risk of substantial and
             19      irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the woman, or the
             20      abortion is performed, under certain circumstances, on an unborn child who has
             21      a naturally occurring medical condition that makes it highly unlikely that the
             22      child will survive more than 24 hours after birth;
             23          .    provides that a violation of the provisions in the preceding paragraph constitute the
             24      second degree felony offense of "killing an unborn child";
             25          .    provides that a woman who seeks to have, or obtains, an abortion for herself is not

             26      criminally liable;
             27          .    makes technical changes; and
             28          .    enacts an uncodified severability clause.
             29      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             30          None
             31      Other Special Clauses:
             32          This bill provides a severability clause.
             33      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             34      AMENDS:
             35          76-7-302, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 90
             36          76-7-314, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2004, Chapter 272
             37      ENACTS:
             38          76-7-314.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             39      REPEALS:
             40          76-7-317.2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 250
             41      Uncodified Material Affected:
             44      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             45          Section 1. Section 76-7-302 is amended to read:
             46           76-7-302. Circumstances under which abortion authorized.
             47          (1) An abortion may be performed in this state only by a physician licensed to practice
             48      medicine under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act or an osteopathic physician
             49      licensed to practice medicine under Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah Osteopathic Medical Practice
             50      Act [and, if performed 90 days or more after the commencement of the pregnancy as defined by
             51      competent medical practices, it shall be performed in a hospital].
             52          (2) An abortion may be performed in this state only under the following circumstances:
             53          [(a) in the professional judgment of the pregnant woman's attending physician, the
             54      abortion is necessary to save the pregnant woman's life;]
             55          [(b) the pregnancy is the result of rape or rape of a child, as defined by Sections
             56      76-5-402 and 76-5-402.1 , that was reported to a law enforcement agency prior to the abortion;]

             57          [(c) the pregnancy is the result of incest, as defined by Subsection 76-5-406 (10) or
             58      Section 76-7-102 , and the incident was reported to a law enforcement agency prior to the
             59      abortion;]
             60          [(d) in the professional judgment of the pregnant woman's attending physician, to
             61      prevent grave damage to the pregnant woman's medical health; or]
             62          [(e) in the professional judgment of the pregnant woman's attending physician, to
             63      prevent the birth of a child that would be born with grave defects.]
             64          [(3) After 20 weeks gestational age, measured from the date of conception, an abortion
             65      may be performed only for those purposes and circumstances described in Subsections (2)(a),
             66      (d), and (e).]
             67          [(4) The name of a victim reported pursuant to Subsection (2)(b) or (c) is confidential
             68      and may not be revealed by law enforcement or any other party except upon approval of the
             69      victim. This subsection does not effect or supersede parental notification requirements
             70      otherwise provided by law.]
             71          (a) the unborn child is not viable to survive outside the mother's womb; or
             72          (b) the unborn child is viable to survive outside the mother's womb, if:
             73          (i) the abortion is necessary to avert:
             74          (A) the death of the woman on whom the abortion is performed; or
             75          (B) a serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function
             76      of the woman on whom the abortion is performed; or
             77          (ii) (A) the abortion is performed on an unborn child who has a naturally occurring
             78      medical condition that makes it highly unlikely that the child will survive more than 24 hours
             79      after birth; and
             80          (B) there is not a medically acceptable intervention or procedure that:
             81          (I) may be performed before or after the child's birth;
             82          (II) may be performed without risk to the health of the woman on whom the abortion is
             83      performed; and
             84          (III) has a reasonable chance of extending the child's life beyond 24 hours.
             85          (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a woman who seeks to have, or
             86      obtains, an abortion for herself is not criminally liable.
             87          Section 2. Section 76-7-314 is amended to read:

             88           76-7-314. Violations of abortion laws -- Classifications.
             89          [(1) (a) Any person who intentionally performs an abortion other than as authorized by
             90      this part is guilty of a felony of the third degree.]
             91          [(b) (i)] (1) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a woman who seeks to have or
             92      obtains an abortion for herself is not criminally liable.
             93          [(ii)] (2) A woman upon whom a partial birth abortion is performed may not be
             94      prosecuted under Section 76-7-326 or 76-7-329 for a conspiracy to violate Section 76-7-326 or
             95      76-7-329 .
             96          [(2)] (3) A willful violation of Section 76-7-307 , 76-7-308 , 76-7-310 , 76-7-310.5 ,
             97      76-7-311 , or 76-7-312 is a felony of the third degree.
             98          [(3)] (4) A violation of Section 76-7-326 or 76-7-329 is a felony of the third degree.
             99          (5) A violation of Section 76-7-314.5 is a felony of the second degree.
             100          [(4)] (6) A violation of any other provision of this part is a class A misdemeanor.
             101          Section 3. Section 76-7-314.5 is enacted to read:
             102          76-7-314.5. Killing an unborn child.
             103          (1) A person is guilty of killing an unborn child if the person causes the death of an
             104      unborn child by performing an abortion of the unborn child in violation of the provisions of
             105      Subsection 76-7-302 (2).
             106          (2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a woman who seeks to have, or
             107      obtains, an abortion for herself is not criminally liable.
             108          Section 4. Repealer.
             109          This bill repeals:
             110          Section 76-7-317.2, Finding of unconstitutionality -- Revival of old law.
             111          Section 5. Severability clause.
             112          If any one or more provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word of
             113      this bill or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is found to be unconstitutional,
             114      the same is hereby declared to be severable and the balance of this bill shall remain effective
             115      notwithstanding such unconstitutionality. The Legislature hereby declares that it would have
             116      passed this bill, and each provision, section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or word
             117      thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more provision, section, subsection, sentence,
             118      clause, phrase, or word be declared unconstitutional.

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