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H.B. 115
9 General Description:
10 This bill amends the Farmland Assessment Act to authorize a county legislative body to
11 deposit certain revenues received under the Farmland Assessment Act into a
12 conservation and preservation fund.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This bill:
15 . amends the Farmland Assessment Act to authorize a county legislative body to
16 deposit certain revenues received under the Farmland Assessment Act into a
17 conservation and preservation fund;
18 . establishes the purposes for which revenues deposited into a conservation and
19 preservation fund may be expended; and
20 . provides that a conservation and preservation fund is subject to Title 17, Chapter
21 36, Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Counties.
22 Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
23 None
24 Other Special Clauses:
25 None
26 Utah Code Sections Affected:
28 59-2-514.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
30 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
31 Section 1. Section 59-2-514.1 is enacted to read:
32 59-2-514.1. County conservation and preservation fund -- Expenditure of
33 revenues -- Fund subject to Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Counties.
34 (1) The county legislative body of a county that receives revenues from the following
35 may deposit up to the entire amount of the revenues the county receives into a conservation and
36 preservation fund as provided in this section:
37 (a) a rollback tax under:
38 (i) Section 59-2-506 ; or
39 (ii) Section 59-2-511 ;
40 (b) a conservation easement rollback tax under Section 59-2-506.5 ;
41 (c) an in lieu fee payment under:
42 (i) Section 59-2-506.5 ; or
43 (ii) Section 59-2-511 ; or
44 (d) interest on a rollback tax, conservation easement rollback tax, or in lieu fee
45 payment described in Subsections (1)(a) through (c).
46 (2) A county legislative body may expend revenues described in Subsection (1) that the
47 county legislative body deposits into a conservation and preservation fund for the conservation
48 and preservation of:
49 (a) agricultural land;
50 (b) critical watershed land;
51 (c) critical wildlife habitat;
52 (d) open space;
53 (e) a park;
54 (f) a trail; or
55 (g) a combination of Subsections (2)(a) through (f) as determined by the county
56 legislative body.
57 (3) A conservation and preservation fund established under this section is subject to
58 Title 17, Chapter 36, Uniform Fiscal Procedures Act for Counties.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-21-09 10:19 AM