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First Substitute H.B. 157

Representative Wayne A. Harper proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Wayne A. Harper

Senate Sponsor: Wayne L. Niederhauser

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends the appraiser licensing requirements for certain county assessors and
             10      provisions in the Property Tax Act relating to the Multicounty Assessing and Collecting
             11      Levy.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    amends the licensing requirements for first, second, and third class county assessors
             15      to require those county assessors to be state licensed or state certified appraisers
             16      prior to taking office as a county assessor;
             17          .    requires second through sixth class counties to levy an additional .000010 per dollar
             18      of taxable value for its Multicounty Assessing and Collection Levy;
             19          .    requires certain revenue from the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund to be
             20      disbursed to the Multicounty Appraisal Trust;
             21          .    decreases the county additional property tax for certain second and third class
             22      counties;
             23          .    provides a method to determine the amount of revenue to be transferred from the
             24      Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund to the Multicounty Appraisal Trust;
             25          .    provides that the Multicounty Appraisal Trust oversee the distributions of revenue

             26      from the revenue received from the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund;
             27          .    defines terms; and
             28          .    makes technical changes.
             29      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             30          None
             31      Other Special Clauses:
             32          This bill provides retrospective operation for a taxable year beginning on or after
             33      January 1, 2009.
             34      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             35      AMENDS:
             36          17-17-2, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2001, Chapter 214
             37          59-2-1602, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 330
             38          59-2-1603, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 301 and renumbered and
             39      amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 330
             40      ENACTS:
             41          59-2-1606, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             43      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             44          Section 1. Section 17-17-2 is amended to read:
             45           17-17-2. Assessor to be state qualified -- Vacancy -- Filling vacancy.
             46          (1) [In] (a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), in addition to the requirements of
             47      Section 17-16-1 , any person elected to the office of county assessor after November 1, 1993,
             48      shall be a state-licensed or state-certified appraiser as defined in Title 61, Chapter 2b, Real
             49      Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act, prior to the expiration of 36 months from the
             50      day on which his term of office begins.
             51          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), a county assessor of a county of the first
             52      through third class shall be a state-licensed or state-certified appraiser as defined in Title 61,
             53      Chapter 2b, Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act, prior to taking office if the
             54      county assessor is:
             55          (i) elected to the office of county assessor on or after January 1, 2010; or
             56          (ii) selected to fill the vacancy of a county assessor as described in Subsection (2).

             57          (2) (a) If an assessor fails to meet the requirement of this section, the assessor's office
             58      is automatically vacant.
             59          (b) (i) In the event of a vacancy under this section, the county executive shall fill the
             60      vacancy in the manner provided for in Sections 17-53-104 and 20A-1-508 . However, a person
             61      selected to fill the vacancy must be a state-licensed or state-certified appraiser within six
             62      months after assuming the office of county assessor.
             63          (ii) If a state-licensed or state-certified appraiser cannot be found to fill a vacancy
             64      which resulted from the requirements of this section, the county executive may contract with a
             65      state-licensed or state-certified appraiser from outside the county to fill the remainder of the
             66      term in the office of county assessor.
             67          Section 2. Section 59-2-1602 is amended to read:
             68           59-2-1602. Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund -- Creation -- Statewide levy --
             69      Additional county levy permitted.
             70          (1) (a) There is created the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund, to be funded by the
             71      revenue collected from the multicounty assessing and collecting levy as provided in Subsection
             72      (3)(c) and Section 59-2-1603 .
             73          (b) The purpose of the multicounty assessing and collecting levy required under
             74      Subsection (2) and the disbursement formulas established in Section 59-2-1603 is to promote
             75      the:
             76          (i) accurate valuation of property;
             77          (ii) establishment and maintenance of uniform assessment levels within and among
             78      counties; and
             79          (iii) efficient administration of the property tax system, including the costs of
             80      assessment, collection, and distribution of property taxes.
             81          (c) Income derived from the investment of money in the fund created in this Subsection
             82      (1) shall be deposited in and become part of the fund.
             83          (2) (a) Annually, each county shall impose a multicounty assessing and collecting levy
             84      not to exceed .0002 per dollar of taxable value as authorized by the Legislature as provided in
             85      Subsection (2)(b).
             86          (b) Subject to Subsections (2)(c), (2)(d), and (5), in order to fund the Property Tax
             87      Valuation Agency Fund, the Legislature shall authorize the amount of the multicounty

             88      assessing and collecting levy.
             89          (c) [The] Except as provided in Subsections (2)(d)(i)(B), the multicounty assessing and
             90      collecting levy may not exceed the certified revenue levy as defined in Section 59-2-102 ,
             91      unless:
             92          (i) the Legislature authorizes a multicounty assessing and collecting levy that exceeds
             93      the certified revenue levy; and
             94          (ii) the state complies with the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 .
             95          (d) (i) For a calendar year beginning on or after January 1, 2009, the Legislature:
             96          (A) shall add an additional .000010 per dollar of taxable value to the amount it
             97      authorizes for the multicounty assessing and collecting levy:
             98          (I) described in Subsection (2)(b); and
             99          (II) imposed in a county of the second through sixth class; and
             100          (B) is exempt from the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 for the revenue
             101      generated within a county of the second through sixth class by the .000010 per dollar of taxable
             102      value described in Subsection (2)(d)(i)(A).
             103          (ii) The revenue generated by the additional .000010 per dollar of taxable value of the
             104      multicounty assessing and collecting levy imposed within a county of the second through sixth
             105      class shall be distributed to the counties as described in Section 59-2-1606 .
             106          (3) (a) The multicounty assessing and collecting levy authorized by the Legislature
             107      under Subsection (2) shall be separately stated on the tax notice as a multicounty assessing and
             108      collecting levy.
             109          (b) The multicounty assessing and collecting levy authorized by the Legislature under
             110      Subsection (2) is:
             111          (i) exempt from the provisions of Sections 17C-1-403 and 17C-1-404 ;
             112          (ii) in addition to and exempt from the maximum levies allowable under Section
             113      59-2-908 ; and
             114          (iii) exempt from the notice requirements of Sections 59-2-918 and 59-2-919 .
             115          (c) (i) Each contributing county shall transmit quarterly to the state treasurer the
             116      portion of the multicounty assessing and collecting levy which is above the amount to which
             117      that county is entitled to under Section 59-2-1603 .
             118          (ii) The revenue transmitted under Subsection (3)(c)(i) shall be transmitted no later

             119      than the tenth day of the month following the end of the quarter in which the revenue is
             120      collected.
             121          (iii) If revenue transmitted under Subsection (3)(c)(i) is transmitted after the tenth day
             122      of the month following the end of the quarter in which the revenue is collected, the county shall
             123      pay an interest penalty at the rate of 10% each year until the revenue is transmitted.
             124          (iv) Each contributing county that transmits to the state treasurer a portion of the
             125      multicounty assessing and collecting levy in accordance with Subsection (3)(c) shall levy
             126      sufficient property taxes to fund its county assessing and collecting budgets.
             127          (d) The state treasurer shall deposit in the fund the:
             128          (i) revenue transmitted to the fund by contributing counties;
             129          (ii) interest accrued from that levy; and
             130          (iii) penalties received under Subsection (3)(c)(iii).
             131          (4) (a) A county may levy a county additional property tax in accordance with this
             132      Subsection (4).
             133          (b) A receiving county may not receive funds from the Property Tax Valuation Agency
             134      Fund unless the receiving county levies a county additional property tax of at least .0003 per
             135      dollar of taxable value of taxable property as reported by each county.
             136          (c) The county additional property tax described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be levied by
             137      the county and stated on the tax notice as a county assessing and collecting levy.
             138          (d) The purpose of the county additional property tax established in this Subsection (4)
             139      is to promote the:
             140          (i) accurate valuation of property;
             141          (ii) establishment and maintenance of uniform assessment levels within and among
             142      counties; and
             143          (iii) efficient administration of the property tax system, including the costs of
             144      assessment, collection, and distribution of property taxes.
             145          (e) A county additional property tax levy established in Subsection (4)(a) is:
             146          (i) exempt from the provisions of Sections 17C-1-403 and 17C-1-404 ;
             147          (ii) in addition to and exempt from the maximum levies allowable under Section
             148      59-2-908 ; and
             149          (iii) beginning on January 1, 2009:

             150          (A) for a county that was designated as a receiving county by the state auditor during
             151      the prior calendar year, subject to the notice and hearing requirements of Sections 59-2-918 and
             152      59-2-919 only if the county additional property tax levied by that county levy is raised to a rate
             153      in excess of .0003; and
             154          (B) except as provided in Subsection (4)(f), for a county that was designated as a
             155      contributing county by the state auditor during the prior calendar year, subject to the notice and
             156      hearing requirements of Sections 59-2-918 and 59-2-919 .
             157          (f) A county additional property tax levy in a county that was not a receiving county
             158      during the prior year shall be subject to the notice and hearing requirements described in
             159      Subsection (4)(e)(iii)(A) if the county would have been designated as a receiving county during
             160      the prior calendar year if the county had levied a county additional property tax of at least .0003
             161      per dollar of taxable value.
             162          (g) For the calendar year that begins on January 1, 2009, a contributing county of the
             163      second or third class shall reduce its county additional property tax rate by .000005 per dollar
             164      of taxable value.
             165          (5) Subject to Subsection (6), for calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2007,
             166      the amount of the multicounty assessing and collecting levy described in this section shall be
             167      reduced by an amount equal to the difference between:
             168          (a) the amount of revenue budgeted:
             169          (i) by each receiving county for that calendar year; and
             170          (ii) for the county additional property tax levy described in Subsection (4)(a); and
             171          (b) the amount of revenue budgeted:
             172          (i) by each receiving county for the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar
             173      year described in Subsection [(7)] (5)(a)(i); and
             174          (ii) for the county additional property tax levy described in Subsection (4)(a).
             175          (6) The amounts described in the calculations required by Subsection (5) are exclusive
             176      of new growth.
             177          Section 3. Section 59-2-1603 is amended to read:
             178           59-2-1603. Disbursement of monies in the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund
             179      -- Use of funds.
             180          (1) The state auditor shall authorize disbursement of money from the Property Tax

             181      Valuation Agency Fund to each receiving county in accordance with this section.
             182          (2) Except as provided in Section 59-2-1606 and Subsection 59-2-303.1 (4), money
             183      derived from funds transmitted by contributing counties shall be disbursed pro rata to receiving
             184      counties of the second through sixth class based upon the number of adjusted parcel units in
             185      each county as determined in Subsection (3).
             186          (3) (a) The state auditor shall determine the amount of each county's multicounty
             187      assessing and collecting allocation in accordance with this Subsection (3).
             188          (b) For a county of the first class, the county's multicounty assessing and collecting
             189      allocation shall be 94.5% of the revenue it collects from imposing the multicounty assessing
             190      and collecting levy.
             191          (c) For counties of the second through sixth class, a county's multicounty assessing and
             192      collecting allocation shall be the product of:
             193          (i) the county's adjusted parcel ratio; and
             194          (ii) the amount of all revenue generated statewide by the imposition of the multicounty
             195      assessing and collecting levy.
             196          (d) For purposes of this section, a county's adjusted parcel ratio shall be determined by
             197      multiplying the sum of the following by the county parcel factor:
             198          (i) the number of residential parcels multiplied by 2;
             199          (ii) the number of commercial parcels multiplied by 4; and
             200          (iii) the number of all other parcels multiplied by 1.
             201          (e) For purposes of this Subsection (3), the county [parcel] class factor is:
             202          (i) 0.9 for counties of the second class;
             203          (ii) 1.0 for counties of the third class;
             204          (iii) 1.05 for counties of the fourth class;
             205          (iv) 1.15 for counties of the fifth class; and
             206          (v) 1.3 for counties of the sixth class.
             207          (f) The commission shall provide the state auditor a list of each county's parcel counts
             208      described in Subsection (3)(d).
             209          (4) (a) A first class county shall transmit to the fund an amount equal to the greater of
             210      the following:
             211          (i) $250,000; or

             212          (ii) the lesser of the following:
             213          (A) 5.5% of the revenue it collects from imposing the multicounty assessing and
             214      collecting levy during a calendar year; or
             215          (B) $500,000.
             216          (b) A second, third, or fourth class contributing county shall transmit to the fund an
             217      amount equal to the following:
             218          (i) if the contributing county's surplus revenue is equal to or less than the contributing
             219      county's minimum county contribution, the minimum county contribution;
             220          (ii) if the contributing county's surplus revenue is more than the county's minimum
             221      county contribution and less than the county's maximum county contribution, the contributing
             222      county's surplus revenue; or
             223          (iii) if the contributing county's surplus revenue is equal to or greater than the county's
             224      maximum county contribution, the contributing county's maximum county contribution.
             225          (5) Money in the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund on the 10th day of the month
             226      following the end of the quarter in which the revenue is collected shall, upon authorization by
             227      the state auditor, be transmitted by the state treasurer according to the disbursement formula
             228      determined under Subsection (3) no later than five working days after the 10th day of the
             229      month following the end of the quarter in which the revenue is collected.
             230          (6) If money in the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund on the 10th day of the month
             231      following the end of the quarter in which the revenue is collected is not transmitted to a
             232      receiving county within five working days of the 10th day of that month, except as provided for
             233      in Subsection (5), income from the investment of that money shall be:
             234          (a) deposited in and become part of the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund; and
             235          (b) disbursed to the receiving county in the next quarter.
             236          (7) A county shall use money disbursed from the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund
             237      for:
             238          (a) establishing and maintaining accurate property valuations and uniform assessment
             239      levels as required by Section 59-2-103 ; and
             240          (b) improving the efficiency of the property tax system.
             241          (8) If collections from the statewide imposition of the multicounty assessing and
             242      collecting levy are less than the amount of revenue the levy was expected to generate in a

             243      calendar year, the state auditor shall pro rata:
             244          (a) decrease each receiving county's multicounty assessing and collecting allocation;
             245      and
             246          (b) for each contributing county that did not transmit its maximum county contribution
             247      to the fund during the same calendar year, increase the contributing county's contribution to the
             248      fund.
             249          (9) If money remains in the fund after all allocations have been distributed to receiving
             250      counties in a calendar year, the state auditor shall retain the money in the fund for distribution
             251      the following calendar year.
             252          Section 4. Section 59-2-1606 is enacted to read:
             253          59-2-1606. CAMA system funding for counties -- Disbursements to the
             254      Multicounty Appraisal Trust -- Use of funds.
             255          (1) As used in this section:
             256          (a) "CAMA" means computer assisted mass appraisal.
             257          (b) "CAMA fee rate" means:
             258          (i) $1.50 for the calendar year that begins on January 1, 2009; and
             259          (ii) for a calendar year beginning on or after January 1, 2010, the $1.50 described in
             260      Subsection (1)(b)(i) may be increased each year up to 2% at the discretion of the Multicounty
             261      Appraisal Trust.
             262          (c) (i) "County parcel count" means the total number of residential parcels, commercial
             263      parcels, and other parcels within a county.
             264          (ii) "County parcel count" does not include a county's parcel factor as described in
             265      Subsection 59-2-1603 (3)(d).
             266          (d) "Factored parcel count" means the product of:
             267          (i) a county's parcel count; and
             268          (ii) the county's class factor described in Subsection 59-2-1603 (3)(e).
             269          (e) "Multicounty Appraisal Trust" means the Multicounty Appraisal Trust created by
             270      interlocal agreement by all 29 counties in the state.
             271          (2) For a calendar year beginning on or after January 1, 2009, before determining the
             272      amount of each county's multicounty assessing and collecting allocation in accordance with
             273      Subsection 59-2-1603 (3), the state auditor shall disburse to the Multicounty Appraisal Trust an

             274      amount of revenue equal to the product of:
             275          (a) the sum of the factored parcel counts for all second through sixth class counties;
             276      and
             277          (b) the CAMA fee rate.
             278          (3) (a) The funds described in Subsection (2) shall be used to provide funding for a
             279      statewide CAMA system that will promote:
             280          (i) the accurate valuation of property;
             281          (ii) the establishment and maintenance of uniform assessment levels among counties
             282      within the state; and
             283          (iii) efficient administration of the property tax system, including the costs of
             284      assessment, collection, and distribution of property taxes.
             285          (b) The Multicounty Appraisal Trust shall determine which projects shall be funded
             286      and oversee the administration of a statewide CAMA system.
             287          Section 5. Retrospective operation.
             288          This bill provides retrospective operation for a taxable year beginning on or after
             289      January 1, 2009.

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