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First Substitute H.B. 370

Representative Steven R. Mascaro proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: Steven R. Mascaro

Senate Sponsor: D. Chris Buttars

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies provisions relating to disabled parking violations.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    increases the fine for a disabled parking violation;
             14          .    provides that a portion of the fines and forfeitures collected in a justice court or
             15      district court for a disabled parking violation shall be remitted to the state treasurer
             16      to be allocated to the Department of Human Resource Management for certain
             17      programs for the employment of people with disabilities;
             18          .    provides that the Department of Human Resource Management shall use certain
             19      funds allocated to the department in coordination with the Governor's Committee on
             20      Employment of People with Disabilities to assist the committee in achieving its
             21      goals; and
             22          .    makes technical changes.
             23      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             24          None
             25      Other Special Clauses:

             26          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2009.
             27      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             28      AMENDS:
             29          41-1a-414, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2003, Chapter 1
             30          78A-5-110, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 22 and renumbered and
             31      amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             32          78A-7-120, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 22 and renumbered and
             33      amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 3
             34      ENACTS:
             35          67-19-43, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             37      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             38          Section 1. Section 41-1a-414 is amended to read:
             39           41-1a-414. Parking privileges for persons with disabilities.
             40          (1) As used in this section, "accessible parking space" means a parking space that is
             41      clearly identified as reserved for use by a person with a disability and includes:
             42          (a) vertical signage, including the international symbol of accessibility, that is visible
             43      from a passing vehicle; and
             44          (b) a clearly marked access aisle, if provided, that is adjacent to and considered part of
             45      the parking space.
             46          (2) Except in parking areas designated for emergency use, a person with a disability,
             47      qualifying under rules made in accordance with Section 41-1a-420 , may park an appropriately
             48      marked vehicle for reasonable periods without charge in metered parking zones and restricted
             49      parking areas, in a manner that allows proper access to the vehicle by the person with a
             50      disability.
             51          (3) Only those vehicles carrying a person with a disability special group license plate,
             52      temporary removable windshield placard, or removable windshield placard and transporting a
             53      qualifying person with a disability may park in an accessible parking space.
             54          (4) This section applies to and may be enforced on public property and on private
             55      property that is used or intended for use by the public.
             56          (5) The parking privileges granted by this section also apply to vehicles displaying a

             57      person with a disability special group license plate, temporary removable windshield placard,
             58      or removable windshield placard issued by another jurisdiction if displayed on a vehicle being
             59      used by a person with a disability.
             60          (6) A person who violates the provisions of Subsections (3) and (4) related to parking
             61      for a person with a disability shall be fined not less than $175.
             62          Section 2. Section 67-19-43 is enacted to read:
             63          67-19-43. Program for employment of people with disabilities.
             64          The department shall use funds allocated to the department in accordance with
             65      Subsections 78A-5-110 (6)(a) and 78A-7-120 (7)(a) in coordination with the Governor's
             66      Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities created in Section 53A-24-114 for
             67      activities that assist the Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities in
             68      achieving its goals.
             69          Section 3. Section 78A-5-110 is amended to read:
             70           78A-5-110. Allocation of district court fees and forfeitures.
             71          (1) Except as provided in this section, district court fines and forfeitures collected for
             72      violation of state statutes shall be paid to the state treasurer.
             73          (2) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for violation of a state statute or county
             74      or municipal ordinance constituting a misdemeanor or an infraction shall be remitted 1/2 to the
             75      state treasurer and 1/2 to the treasurer of the state or local governmental entity which
             76      prosecutes or which would prosecute the violation.
             77          (3) Fines and forfeitures collected for violations of Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code
             78      of Utah, Title 41, Chapter 22, Off-Highway Vehicles, or Title 73, Chapter 18, State Boating
             79      Act, shall be paid to the state treasurer.
             80          (a) For violations of Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code of Utah, the state treasurer shall
             81      allocate 85% to the Division of Wildlife Resources and 15% to the General Fund.
             82          (b) For violations of Title 41, Chapter 22, Off-Highway Vehicles, or Title 73, Chapter
             83      18, State Boating Act, the state treasurer shall allocate 85% to the Division of Parks and
             84      Recreation and 15% to the General Fund.
             85          (4) Fines and forfeitures collected for violation of Section 72-7-404 or 72-7-406 , less
             86      fees established by the Judicial Council, shall be paid to the state treasurer for deposit in the B
             87      and C road account. Fees established by the Judicial Council shall be deposited in the state

             88      General Fund. Money deposited in the class B and C road account is supplemental to the
             89      money appropriated under Section 72-2-107 but shall be expended in the same manner as other
             90      class B and C road funds.
             91          (5) (a) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
             92      under Section 41-6a-1713 or Subsection 72-7-409 (8)(b) shall be remitted:
             93          (i) 60% to the state treasurer to be deposited in the Transportation Fund; and
             94          (ii) 40% in accordance with Subsection (2).
             95          (b) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
             96      under Subsection 72-7-409 (8)(c) shall be remitted:
             97          (i) 50% to the state treasurer to be deposited in the Transportation Fund; and
             98          (ii) 50% in accordance with Subsection (2).
             99          (6) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a violation of Section 41-1a-414
             100      shall be remitted:
             101          (a) $45 to the state treasurer to be allocated to the Department of Human Resource
             102      Management for a program for the employment of people with disabilities; and
             103          (b) $130 in accordance with Subsection (1).
             104          [(6)] (7) Fines and forfeitures collected for any violations not specified in this chapter
             105      or otherwise provided for by law shall be paid to the state treasurer.
             106          [(7)] (8) Fees collected in connection with civil actions filed in the district court shall
             107      be paid to the state treasurer.
             108          [(8)] (9) The court shall remit money collected in accordance with Title 51, Chapter 7,
             109      State Money Management Act.
             110          Section 4. Section 78A-7-120 is amended to read:
             111           78A-7-120. Disposition of fines.
             112          (1) Except as otherwise specified by this section, fines and forfeitures collected by a
             113      justice court shall be remitted, 1/2 to the treasurer of the local government responsible for the
             114      court and 1/2 to the treasurer of the local government which prosecutes or which would
             115      prosecute the violation.
             116          (2) (a) For violation of Title 23, Wildlife Resources Code of Utah, the court shall
             117      allocate 85% to the Division of Wildlife Resources and 15% to the general fund of the city or
             118      county government responsible for the justice court.

             119          (b) For violation of Title 41, Chapter 22, Off-Highway Vehicles, or Title 73, Chapter
             120      18, State Boating Act, the court shall allocate 85% to the Division of Parks and Recreation and
             121      15% to the general fund of the city or county government responsible for the justice court.
             122          (3) The surcharge established by Section 51-9-401 shall be paid to the state treasurer.
             123          (4) Fines, fees, court costs, and forfeitures collected by a municipal or county justice
             124      court for a violation of Section 72-7-404 or 72-7-406 regarding maximum weight limitations
             125      and overweight permits, minus court costs not to exceed the schedule adopted by the Judicial
             126      Council, shall be paid to the state treasurer and distributed to the class B and C road account.
             127          (5) Revenue deposited in the class B and C road account pursuant to Subsection (4) is
             128      supplemental to the money appropriated under Section 72-2-107 but shall be expended in the
             129      same manner as other class B and C road funds.
             130          (6) (a) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
             131      under Section 41-6a-1713 or Subsection 72-7-409 (8)(b) shall be remitted:
             132          (i) 60% to the state treasurer to be deposited in the Transportation Fund; and
             133          (ii) 40% in accordance with Subsection (1).
             134          (b) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a second or subsequent violation
             135      under Subsection 72-7-409 (8)(c) shall be remitted:
             136          (i) 50% to the state treasurer to be deposited in the Transportation Fund; and
             137          (ii) 50% in accordance with Subsection (1).
             138          (7) Fines and forfeitures collected by the court for a violation of Section 41-1a-414
             139      shall be remitted:
             140          (a) $45 to the state treasurer to be allocated to the Department of Human Resource
             141      Management for a program for the employment of people with disabilities; and
             142          (b) $130 in accordance with Subsection (1).
             143          Section 5. Effective date.
             144          This bill takes effect on July 1, 2009.

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