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First Substitute H.J.R. 12
10 General Description:
11 This joint resolution of the Legislature supports producing hydrogen from coal with
12 carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) technology.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 . expresses support for producing hydrogen from coal with carbon capture and
16 sequestration (CCS) technology as a means of potentially strengthening Utah's
17 economy and keeping Utah at the forefront of energy production; and
18 . urges the Public Service Commission to consider authorizing recovery of
19 cost-effective and prudently incurred costs from advanced coal and CCS technology
20 incorporated into future power plants.
21 Special Clauses:
22 None
24 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
25 WHEREAS, coal is one of Utah's most abundant resources and contributes substantially
26 to Utah's economy;
27 WHEREAS, coal is an affordable base load fuel providing reliable electric power;
28 WHEREAS, demonstration of advanced coal technology for power generation can
29 accelerate the development of the hydrogen energy economy in Utah;
30 WHEREAS, producing hydrogen from coal with carbon capture and sequestration
31 (CCS) for newly permitted developments is one possible technology, among many, that has the
32 potential to reduce carbon emissions and help protect and grow Utah's economy while
33 continuing a strong commitment to a clean environment;
34 WHEREAS, advanced hydrogen from coal technology and CCS technology as
35 proposed for potential next generation power plants in Utah would produce fewer carbon
36 emissions than conventionally fueled power plants;
37 WHEREAS, the new advanced coal technology gasifies coal to produce a mixture of
38 carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and other gases;
39 WHEREAS, the clean burning hydrogen can be used to fuel a power plant and the
40 carbon dioxide can be captured and stored using geologic sequestration technology;
41 WHEREAS, CCS technology provides for the removal of carbon dioxide from fuel
42 gases, reducing emission into the atmosphere;
43 WHEREAS, CCS technology will be crucial to reducing emission of carbon dioxide
44 from newly permitted power plants specifically designed to use CCS technology while still
45 meeting growing energy demand in a responsible manner with domestic fuel;
46 WHEREAS, CCS technology can be important to maintain Utah's position as a leader
47 in energy technology and production;
48 WHEREAS, CCS technology will enable Utah to use its abundant coal resources while
49 still meeting potential new regulations limiting carbon emissions and protecting and creating
50 high-paying jobs in Utah;
51 WHEREAS, Utah's geological characteristics support sequestration technology;
52 WHEREAS, Utah is uniquely positioned to potentially lead and benefit from hydrogen
53 production from coal and CCS technology;
54 WHEREAS, Utah's support of producing hydrogen from coal and CCS technology
55 could place Utah businesses at the forefront of the new hydrogen and carbon economies;
56 WHEREAS, the state welcomes the potential jobs, tax base, economic enhancements,
57 and leadership position that could come with supporting advanced coal technology with CCS;
58 WHEREAS, the Public Service Commission should consider authorizing the recovery
59 of cost-effective and prudently incurred costs that reduce carbon emissions;
60 WHEREAS, the Public Service Commission should consider hydrogen production
61 from coal and CCS technology to be a reasonable investment for protecting the long-term
62 interests of Utah's utility rate payers;
63 WHEREAS, the Legislature supports approving cost recovery of cost-effective and
64 prudent investment in these technologies as determined by the Public Service Commission; and
65 WHEREAS, the Legislature supports resolving liability issues stemming from unlikely
66 future adverse effects of sequestered carbon and believes the federal government is in the best
67 position to provide a comprehensive liability solution:
68 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
69 expresses support for producing hydrogen production from coal with carbon capture and
70 sequestration (CCS) technology as a means of strengthening Utah's economy and helping Utah
71 to stand at the forefront of energy production.
72 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges the Public Service
73 Commission to consider authorizing recovery of cost-effective and prudently incurred costs
74 that reduce carbon emissions and increase Utah's and the nation's energy security.
75 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature recommends that the Public
76 Service Commission consider hydrogen production from coal and CCS technology to be a
77 reasonable investment for protecting the long-term interests of Utah's utility rate payers.
78 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature supports approving cost recovery of
79 cost-effective and prudent investment in these technologies as determined by the Public
80 Service Commission.
81 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature supports balanced consideration
82 and research to explore all technologies that will continue to maximize future use and
83 availability of coal and gas in an environmentally sound manner.
84 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to Utah's Energy
85 Advisor, the State Energy Program, the Public Service Commission, and to the members of
86 Utah's congressional delegation.
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