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First Substitute S.B. 235

This document includes Senate 2nd Reading Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 3:23 PM by rday. -->

Senator John L. Valentine proposes the following substitute bill:





Chief Sponsor: John L. Valentine

House Sponsor: John Dougall


             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill amends the Sales and Use Tax Act relating to the redistribution of sales and
             11      use tax revenues.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    establishes procedures and requirements for the State Tax Commission to
             15      redistribute certain sales and use tax revenues from one county, city, or town to
             16      another county, city, or town under certain circumstances;
             17          .    allows a county, city, or town to file a petition for reconsideration with the State
             18      Tax Commission relating to a redistribution of certain sales and use tax revenues
             19      from one county, city, or town to another county, city, or town; and
             20          .    makes technical changes.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Utah Code Sections Affected:

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             27          59-12-209, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             28          59-12-210, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 382 and 384
             29          59-12-2004, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 286
             30      ENACTS:
             31          59-12-210.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953

             33      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             34          Section 1. Section 59-12-209 is amended to read:
             35           59-12-209. Participation of counties, cities, and towns in administration and
             36      enforcement of certain local sales and use taxes -- Petition for reconsideration relating to
             37      the redistribution of certain sales and use tax revenues.
             38          (1) Notwithstanding [the provisions of] Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
             39      Procedures Act, a county, city, or town [shall] does not have the right to any of the following,
             40      except as specifically allowed by Subsection (2) and Section 59-12-210 :
             41          (a) to inspect, review, or have access to any taxpayer sales and use tax records; or
             42          (b) to be informed of, participate in, intervene in, or appeal from any adjudicative
             43      proceeding commenced pursuant to Section 63G-4-201 to determine the liability of any
             44      taxpayer for sales and use tax imposed pursuant to Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax
             45      Act.
             46          (2) (a) Counties, cities, and towns shall have access to records and information on file
             47      with the commission, and shall have the right to notice of, and such rights to intervene in or to
             48      appeal from, a proposed final agency action of the commission as [follows:] provided in this
             49      Subsection (2).
             50          [(a)] (b) If the commission, following a formal adjudicative proceeding commenced
             51      pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative Procedures Act, proposes to take final agency
             52      action that would reduce the amount of sales and use tax liability alleged in the notice of
             53      deficiency, the commission shall provide notice of a proposed agency action to each qualified
             54      county, city, and town.
             55          [(b)] (c) For purposes of this section, a county, city, or town is a qualified county, city,
             56      or town if a proposed final agency action reduces [the local option sales and use] a tax under

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     this chapter distributable to that county, city, or town by more than $10,000 below the amount
             58      of the tax that would have been distributable to that county, city, or town had a notice of
             59      deficiency, as described in Section 59-12-110 , not been reduced.
             60          [(c)] (d) A qualified county, city, or town may designate a representative who shall
             61      have the right to review the record of the formal hearing and any other commission records
             62      relating to a proposed final agency action subject to the confidentiality provisions of Section
             63      59-1-403 .
             64          [(d)] (e) No later than ten days after receiving the notice of the commission's proposed
             65      final agency action, a qualified county, city, or town may file a notice of intervention with the
             66      commission.
             67          [(e)] (f) No later than 20 days after filing a notice of intervention, if a qualified county,
             68      city, or town objects to the proposed final agency action, that qualified county, city, or town
             69      may file a petition for reconsideration with the commission and shall serve copies of the
             70      petition on the taxpayer and the appropriate division in the commission.
             71          [(f)] (g) The taxpayer and appropriate division in the commission may each file a
             72      response to the petition for reconsideration within 20 days of receipt of the petition for
             73      reconsideration.
             74          [(g)] (h) (i) After consideration of the petition for reconsideration and any response,
             75      and any additional proceeding the commission considers appropriate, the commission may
             76      affirm, modify, or amend its proposed final agency action. [The]
             77          (ii) A taxpayer and any qualified county, city, or town that has filed a petition for
             78      reconsideration may appeal the final agency action.
             79          (i) (i) Notwithstanding Subsections (2)(a) through (h) and subject to Subsection
             80      (2)(i)(ii), the following may file a petition for reconsideration with the commission:
             81          (A) an original recipient political subdivision as defined in Section 59-12-210.1 that
             82      receives a notice from the commission in accordance with Subsection 59-12-210.1 (2); or
             83          (B) a secondary recipient political subdivision as defined in Section 59-12-210.1 that
             84      receives a notice from the commission in accordance with Subsection 59-12-210.1 (2).
             85          (ii) An original recipient political subdivision or secondary recipient political
             86      subdivision that files a petition for reconsideration with the commission under Subsection
             87      (2)(i)(i) shall file the petition no later than 20 days after the later of:

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         (A) the date the original recipient political subdivision or secondary recipient political
             89      subdivision receives the notice described in Subsection (2)(i)(i) from the commission; or
             90          (B) the date the commission makes the redistribution as defined in Section 59-12-210.1
             91      that is the subject of the notice described in Subsection (2)(i)(i).
             92          Section 2. Section 59-12-210 is amended to read:
             93           59-12-210. Commission to provide data to counties.
             94          (1) (a) The commission shall provide to each county the sales and use tax collection
             95      data necessary to verify that [the local] sales and use tax revenues collected by the commission
             96      are distributed to each county, city, and town in accordance with Sections 59-12-211 through
             97      59-12-215 .
             98          (b) The data described in Subsection (1)(a) shall include the commission's reports of
             99      seller sales, sales and use tax distribution reports, and a breakdown of local revenues.
             100          (2) (a) In addition to the access to information provided in Subsection (1) and Section
             101      59-12-109 , the commission shall provide a county, city, or town with copies of returns and
             102      other information required by this chapter relating to a tax under this chapter.
             103          (b) The information described in Subsection (2)(a) is available only in official matters
             104      and must be requested in writing by the chief executive officer or the chief executive officer's
             105      designee.
             106          (c) The request described in Subsection (2)(b) shall specifically indicate the
             107      information being sought and how the information will be used.
             108          (d) Information received pursuant to the request described in Subsection (2)(b) shall
             109      be:
             110          (i) classified as private or protected under Section 63G-2-302 or 63G-2-305 ; and
             111          (ii) subject to the confidentiality provisions of Section 59-1-403 .
             112          Section 3. Section 59-12-210.1 is enacted to read:
             113          59-12-210.1. Commission redistribution of certain sales and use tax revenues.
             114          (1) As used in this section:
             115          (a) "Eligible portion of qualifying sales and use tax revenues" means the portion of
             116      qualifying sales and use tax revenues that:
             117          (i) were part of an original distribution; and
             118          (ii) the commission determines should have been transmitted:

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         (A) to a secondary recipient political subdivision; and
             120          (B) during the redistribution period.
             121          (b) "Original distribution" means that the commission:
             122          (i) collects an amount of qualifying sales and use tax revenues; and
             123          (ii) transmits the amount of qualifying sales and use tax revenues to an original
             124      recipient political subdivision.
             125          (c) "Original recipient political subdivision" means a county, city, or town to which the
             126      commission makes an original distribution.
             127          (d) "Qualifying sales and use tax revenues" means revenues the commission collects
             128      from a tax under this chapter except for a tax imposed under:
             129          (i) Part 1, Tax Collection;
             130          (ii) Part 3, Transient Room Tax, if a county, city, or town:
             131          (A) collects the tax; and
             132          (B) does not contract with the commission to collect the tax;
             133          (iii) Part 12, Motor Vehicle Rental Tax; or
             134          (iv) Part 18, Additional State Sales and Use Tax Act.
             135          (e) "Redistribution" means that the commission:
             136          (i) makes an original distribution of qualifying sales and use tax revenues to an original
             137      recipient political subdivision;
             138          (ii) after the commission makes the original distribution of qualifying sales and use tax
             139      revenues to the original recipient political subdivision, determines that an eligible portion of
             140      qualifying sales and use tax revenues should have been transmitted to a secondary recipient
             141      political subdivision as a result of:
             142          (A) a county, city, or town providing written notice to the commission that qualifying
             143      sales and use tax revenues that the commission distributed to an original recipient political
             144      subdivision should have been transmitted to a secondary recipient political subdivision; or
             145          (B) the commission finding that an extraordinary circumstance, as defined by rule
             146      made in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, exists
             147      that requires the commission to make a redistribution without receiving the notice described in
             148      Subsection (1)(e)(ii)(A); and
             149          (iii) in accordance with this section, transmits to the secondary recipient political

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Senate 2nd Reading Amendments 3-6-2009 rd/rlr
     subdivision the eligible portion of qualifying sales and use tax revenues for the redistribution
             151      period.
             152          (f) "Redistribution determination date" means the date the commission determines that
             153      a secondary recipient political subdivision should have received a redistribution, regardless of
             154      the date the commission actually transmits the redistribution to the secondary recipient political
             155      subdivision.
             156          (g) "Redistribution period" means the time period:
             157          (i) if the commission determines that an eligible portion of qualifying sales and use tax
             158      revenues should have been transmitted to a secondary recipient political subdivision beginning
             159      on a date that is 90 or more days before the redistribution determination date:
             160          (A) beginning 90 days before the redistribution determination date; and
             161          (B) ending on the redistribution determination date; or
             162          (ii) if the commission determines that an eligible portion of qualifying sales and use tax
             163      revenues should have been transmitted to a secondary recipient political subdivision beginning
             164      on a date that is less than 90 days before the redistribution determination date:
             165          (A) beginning on the date the eligible portion of qualifying sales and use tax revenues
             166      should have been transmitted to the secondary recipient political subdivision; and
             167          (B) ending on the redistribution determination date.
             168          (h) "Secondary recipient political subdivision" means a county, city, or town that the
             169      commission determines should receive a redistribution.
             170          (2) Subject to Subsection (3), the commission may make a redistribution to a secondary
             171      recipient political subdivision in an amount equal to the eligible portion of qualifying sales and
             172      use tax revenues if:
             173          (a) the commission provides written notice to the following S. [ at least 30 ] within 15 .S
             173a      days S. [ before ] after .S the
             174      commission S. [ makes ] determines to make .S the redistribution:
             175          (i) the original recipient political subdivision; and
             176          (ii) the secondary recipient political subdivision; and
             177          (b) the commission obtains:
             178          (i) an amended return from each seller that reports a transaction that will be subject to
             179      the redistribution; or
             180          (ii) if the commission determines that an amended return described in Subsection

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     (2)(b)(i) is not required to make the redistribution, information:
             182          (A) supporting the redistribution; and
             183          (B) supplied by:
             184          (I) a seller;
             185          (II) a county, city, or town; or
             186          (III) the commission.
             187          (3) The commission shall make a redistribution within 60 days after the requirements
             188      of Subsection (2) are met.
             189          (4) This section does not limit the commission's authority to make a distribution of
             190      revenues under this chapter for a time period other than the redistribution period.
             191          Section 4. Section 59-12-2004 is amended to read:
             192           59-12-2004. Enactment or repeal of tax -- Effective date -- Administration,
             193      collection, and enforcement of tax.
             194          (1) Subject to Subsections (2) and (3), a tax rate repeal or a tax rate change for a tax
             195      imposed under this part shall take effect on the first day of a calendar quarter.
             196          (2) (a) The enactment of a tax or a tax rate increase shall take effect on the first day of
             197      the first billing period that begins after the effective date of the enactment of the tax or the tax
             198      rate increase if the billing period for the transaction begins before the effective date of the
             199      enactment of the tax or the tax rate increase under this part.
             200          (b) The repeal of a tax or a tax rate decrease shall take effect on the first day of the last
             201      billing period that began before the effective date of the repeal of the tax or the tax rate
             202      decrease if the billing period for the transaction begins before the effective date of the repeal of
             203      the tax or the tax rate decrease imposed under this part.
             204          (3) (a) If a tax due under this part on a catalogue sale is computed on the basis of sales
             205      and use tax rates published in the catalogue, an enactment, repeal, or change in the rate of a tax
             206      under this part takes effect:
             207          (i) on the first day of a calendar quarter; and
             208          (ii) beginning 60 days after the effective date of the enactment, repeal, or change in the
             209      rate of the tax under this part.
             210          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             211      commission may by rule define the term "catalogue sale."

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         (4) The commission shall administer, collect, and enforce a tax under this part in
             213      accordance with:
             214          (a) the same procedures used to administer, collect, and enforce the tax under Part 1,
             215      Tax Collection; [and]
             216          (b) Chapter 1, General Taxation Policies[.]; and
             217          (c) Section 59-12-210.1 .

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