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S.B. 14 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Lyle W. Hillyard

House Sponsor: Kevin S. Garn

             7      Cosponsors:
             8      Allen M. ChristensenPatricia W. Jones
Mark B. MadsenKaren W. Morgan              9     
             10      LONG TITLE
             11      General Description:
             12          This bill modifies provisions of the Motion Picture Incentive Fund and enacts
             13      additional statutes related to the process and criteria for granting economic incentives
             14      to motion picture companies for new state-approved productions.
             15      Highlighted Provisions:
             16          This bill:
             17          .    modifies statutes governing the Governor's Office of Economic Development's
             18      procedures and criteria for granting economic incentives to motion picture
             19      companies for the production of motion pictures, television series, and
             20      made-for-television movies within the state;
             21          .    provides for motion picture incentives in the form of cash rebate incentives for
             22      small budget productions and refundable tax credits for larger budget productions;
             23          .    provides for definitions related to the determination and calculation of certain
             24      motion picture incentives;
             25          .    provides for standards in determining the awarding of an incentive;
             26          .    provides for certain restrictions in the issuance of motion picture tax credit
             27      certificates;
             28          .    provides for reports to the Revenue and Taxation and Workforce Services and
             29      Community and Economic Development Interim Committees and the Utah Tax

             30      Review Commission and details the content of those reports; and
             31          .    makes certain technical changes.
             32      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             33          None
             34      Other Special Clauses:
             35          This bill has retrospective operation of certain provisions for a taxable year beginning
             36      on or after January 1, 2009.
             37      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             38      AMENDS:
             39          63M-1-1801, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             40          63M-1-1802, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             41          63M-1-1803, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             42          63M-1-1805, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             43      ENACTS:
             44          59-7-614.5, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             45          59-10-1108, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             46      REPEALS AND REENACTS:
             47          63M-1-1804, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             49      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             50          Section 1. Section 59-7-614.5 is enacted to read:
             51          59-7-614.5. Refundable motion picture tax credit.
             52          (1) As used in this section:
             53          (a) "Motion picture company" means a taxpayer that meets the definition of a motion
             54      picture company under Subsection 63M-1-1802 (5).
             55          (b) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
             56          (c) "State-approved production" has the same meaning as defined in Subsection
             57      63M-1-1802 (10).

             58          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, a motion picture company
             59      may claim a refundable tax credit for a state-approved production.
             60          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on
             61      the tax credit certificate that the office issues to a motion picture company under Section
             62      63M-1-1803 for the taxable year.
             63          (4) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
             64      (4)(b), the commission shall make a refund to a motion picture company that claims a tax
             65      credit under this section if the amount of the tax credit exceeds the motion picture company's
             66      tax liability for a taxable year.
             67          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             68      the commission may make rules providing procedures for making a refund to a motion picture
             69      company as required by Subsection (4)(a).
             70          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2014, and every five years after October 1, 2014, the
             71      Utah Tax Review Commission shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and make
             72      recommendations to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee and the Workforce
             73      Services and Community and Economic Development Interim Committee concerning whether
             74      the tax credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
             75          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (5), the office shall provide
             76      the following information to the Utah Tax Review Commission:
             77          (i) the amount of tax credit that the office grants to each motion picture company for
             78      each calendar year;
             79          (ii) the criteria that the office uses in granting the tax credit;
             80          (iii) the dollars left in the state, as defined in Subsection 63M-1-1802 (2), by each
             81      motion picture company for each calendar year;
             82          (iv) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
             83      Section 63M-1-1805 ; and
             84          (v) any other information requested by the Utah Tax Review Commission.
             85          (c) The Utah Tax Review Commission shall ensure that its recommendations under

             86      Subsection (5)(a) include an evaluation of:
             87          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
             88          (ii) the effectiveness of the tax credit; and
             89          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
             90          Section 2. Section 59-10-1108 is enacted to read:
             91          59-10-1108. Refundable motion picture tax credit.
             92          (1) As used in this section:
             93          (a) "Motion picture company" means a claimant, estate, or trust that meets the
             94      definition of a motion picture company under Subsection 63M-1-1802 (5).
             95          (b) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
             96          (c) "State-approved production" has the same meaning as defined in Subsection
             97      63M-1-1802 (10).
             98          (2) For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2009, a motion picture company
             99      may claim a refundable tax credit for a state-approved production.
             100          (3) The tax credit under this section is the amount listed as the tax credit amount on
             101      the tax credit certificate that the office issues to a motion picture company under Section
             102      63M-1-1803 for the taxable year.
             103          (4) (a) In accordance with any rules prescribed by the commission under Subsection
             104      (4)(b), the commission shall make a refund to a motion picture company that claims a tax
             105      credit under this section if the amount of the tax credit exceeds the motion picture company's
             106      tax liability for the taxable year.
             107          (b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             108      the commission may make rules providing procedures for making a refund to a motion picture
             109      company as required by Subsection (4)(a).
             110          (5) (a) On or before October 1, 2014, and every five years after October 1, 2014, the
             111      Utah Tax Review Commission shall study the tax credit allowed by this section and make
             112      recommendations to the Revenue and Taxation Interim Committee and the Workforce
             113      Services and Community and Economic Development Interim Committee concerning whether

             114      the tax credit should be continued, modified, or repealed.
             115          (b) For purposes of the study required by this Subsection (5), the office shall provide
             116      the following information to the Utah Tax Review Commission:
             117          (i) the amount of tax credit the office grants to each taxpayer for each calendar year;
             118          (ii) the criteria the office uses in granting a tax credit;
             119          (iii) the dollars left in the state, as defined in Subsection 63M-1-1802 (2), by each
             120      motion picture company for each calendar year;
             121          (iv) the information contained in the office's latest report to the Legislature under
             122      Section 63M-1-1805 ; and
             123          (v) any other information requested by the Utah Tax Review Commission.
             124          (c) The Utah Tax Review Commission shall ensure that its recommendations under
             125      Subsection (5)(a) include an evaluation of:
             126          (i) the cost of the tax credit to the state;
             127          (ii) the effectiveness of the tax credit; and
             128          (iii) the extent to which the state benefits from the tax credit.
             129          Section 3. Section 63M-1-1801 is amended to read:
             130           63M-1-1801. Purpose.
             131          (1) The Legislature finds that:
             132          (a) the state's natural beauty, scenic wonders, and diverse topography provide a variety
             133      of magnificent settings from which the motion picture industry can choose to film part or all of
             134      major or independent motion pictures, made-for-television movies, and television series;
             135          (b) the state has an abundance of resources, including a skilled and able workforce, the
             136      required infrastructure, and a friendly and hospitable populace that have been instrumental in
             137      the filming of [several] hundreds of successful motion pictures and several television series;
             138      and
             139          (c) further development of the motion picture industry in Utah is a state public
             140      purpose that will significantly impact growth in the state's economy and contribute to the
             141      fiscal well being of the state and its people.

             142          (2) The purpose of this part is to:
             143          (a) encourage the use of Utah as a site for the production of motion pictures, television
             144      series, and made-for-television movies;
             145          (b) provide [a] financial [incentive] incentives to the film industry so that Utah might
             146      compete successfully with other states and countries for filming locations; and
             147          (c) help develop a strong motion picture industry presence in the state that will
             148      contribute substantially to improving the state's economy.
             149          Section 4. Section 63M-1-1802 is amended to read:
             150           63M-1-1802. Definitions.
             151          As used in this part:
             152          [(1) "Administrator" means the director of the Governor's Office of Economic
             153      Development or the director's designee.]
             154          [(2)] (1) "Board" means the [Board of Business and] Governor's Office of Economic
             155      Development Board.
             156          (2) "Dollars left in the state" means expenditures made in the state for a state-approved
             157      production, including:
             158          (a) an expenditure that is subject to:
             159          (i) a corporate franchise or income tax under Title 59, Chapter 7, Corporate Franchise
             160      and Income Taxes;
             161          (ii) an individual income tax under Title 59, Chapter 10, Individual Income Tax Act;
             162      and
             163          (iii) a sales and use tax under Title 59, Chapter 12, Sales and Use Tax Act,
             164      notwithstanding any sales and use tax exemption allowed by law;
             165          (b) payments made to a nonresident only to the extent of the income tax paid to the
             166      state on the payments, the amount of per diems paid, and other direct reimbursements
             167      transacted in the state; and
             168          (c) payments made to a payroll company or loan-out corporation that is registered to
             169      do business in the state, only to the extent of the amount of withholding under Section

             170      59-10-402 .
             171          (3) "Fund" means the restricted account known as the Motion Picture Incentive Fund
             172      created in Section 63M-1-1803 .
             173          (4) "Loan-out corporation" means a corporation owned by one or more artists that
             174      provides services of the artists to a third party production company.
             175          [(4)] (5) "Motion picture company" means a company engaged in the production of:
             176          (a) motion pictures[,];
             177          (b) television series[,]; or
             178          (c) made-for-television movies.
             179          (6) "Motion picture incentive" means either a cash rebate from the Motion Picture
             180      Incentive Fund or a refundable tax credit under Section 59-7-614.5 or 59-10-1108 .
             181          (7) "Office" means the Governor's Office of Economic Development.
             182          (8) "Payroll company" means a business entity that handles the payroll and becomes
             183      the employer of record for the staff, cast, and crew of a motion picture production.
             184          (9) "Refundable tax credit" means a refundable motion picture tax credit authorized
             185      under Section 63M-1-1803 and claimed under Section 59-7-614.5 or 59-10-1108 .
             186          [(5)] (10) "State-approved production" means a motion picture, television series, or
             187      made-for-television movie approved by the administrator and ratified by the board that is
             188      produced in the state by a motion picture company.
             189          (11) "Tax credit amount" means the amount the office lists as a tax credit on a tax
             190      credit certificate for a taxable year.
             191          (12) "Tax credit certificate" means a certificate issued by the office that:
             192          (a) lists the name of the applicant;
             193          (b) lists the applicant's taxpayer identification number;
             194          (c) lists the amount of tax credit that the office awards the applicant for the taxable
             195      year; and
             196          (d) may include other information as determined by the office.
             197          Section 5. Section 63M-1-1803 is amended to read:

             198           63M-1-1803. Motion Picture Incentive Fund created -- Cash rebate incentives --
             199      Refundable tax credit incentives.
             200          (1) (a) There is created within the General Fund a restricted account known as the
             201      Motion Picture Incentive Fund, which shall be used to provide cash rebate incentives for
             202      within-the-state production of television series, made-for-television movies, and motion
             203      pictures, including feature films and independent films.
             204          [(2) (a) The fund shall be administered by the administrator with advice from the
             205      board.]
             206          [(b) The administrator, with advice from the board, shall approve fund policies and
             207      qualification criteria to receive an incentive award consistent with the provisions of this part.]
             208          [(3)] (b) All interest generated from investment of money in the fund shall be
             209      deposited in the fund.
             210          [(4)] (c) The fund shall consist of an annual appropriation by the Legislature.
             211          (d) The Division of Finance shall make payments from the account as required under
             212      this section.
             213          (2) (a) A motion picture company seeking disbursement of an incentive allowed under
             214      an agreement with the office shall follow the procedures and requirements of this Subsection
             215      (2).
             216          (b) (i) The motion picture company shall provide the office with a report identifying
             217      and documenting the dollars left in the state by the motion picture company for its
             218      state-approved production, including any related tax returns by the motion picture company,
             219      payroll company, or loan-out corporation under Subsection (2)(c).
             220          (ii) An independent certified public accountant shall:
             221          (A) prepare the report on behalf of the motion picture company; and
             222          (B) attest to the accuracy and validity of the report, including the amount of dollars
             223      left in the state.
             224          (c) The motion picture company, payroll company, or loan-out corporation shall
             225      provide the office with a document that expressly directs and authorizes the State Tax

             226      Commission to disclose the entity's tax returns and other information concerning the entity
             227      that would otherwise be subject to confidentiality under Section 59-1-403 or Section 6103,
             228      Internal Revenue Code, to the office.
             229          (d) The office shall submit the document described in Subsection (2)(c) to the State
             230      Tax Commission.
             231          (e) Upon receipt of the document described in Subsection (2)(c), the State Tax
             232      Commission shall provide the office with the information requested by the office that the
             233      motion picture company, payroll company, or loan-out corporation directed or authorized the
             234      State Tax Commission to provide to the office in the document described in Subsection (2)(c).
             235          (f) Subject to Subsection (3), the office shall:
             236          (i) review the report from the motion picture company described in Subsection (2)(b)
             237      and verify that it was prepared by an independent certified public accountant; and
             238          (ii) based upon the certified public accountant's attestation under Subsection (2)(b),
             239      determine the amount of the incentive that the motion picture company is entitled to under its
             240      agreement with the office.
             241          (g) Subject to Subsection (3), if the incentive is in the form of a cash rebate, the office
             242      shall submit to the Division of Finance:
             243          (i) a request for payment of the cash rebate incentive to the motion picture company;
             244          (ii) the name and address of the payee; and
             245          (iii) any other information requested by the Division of Finance.
             246          (h) Upon receipt of a request for payment of a cash rebate incentive under Subsection
             247      (2)(g), the Division of Finance shall:
             248          (i) transfer from the General Fund to the restricted account the amount contained in
             249      the request for payment of a cash rebate incentive after reducing the amount transferred by any
             250      unencumbered balances in the restricted account; and
             251          (ii) notwithstanding Subsections 51-5-3 (23)(b) and 63J-1-404 (4)(c), after receiving a
             252      request for payment of a cash rebate incentive and making the transfer required by Subsection
             253      (2)(h)(i), pay the incentive from the restricted account.

             254          (i) If the incentive is in the form of a refundable tax credit under Section 59-7-614.5 or
             255      59-10-1108 , the office shall:
             256          (i) issue a tax credit certificate to the motion picture company; and
             257          (ii) provide a duplicate copy of the tax credit certificate to the State Tax Commission.
             258          (j) A motion picture company may not claim a motion picture tax credit under Section
             259      59-7-614.5 or 59-10-1108 unless the motion picture company has received a tax credit
             260      certificate for the claim issued by the office under Subsection (2)(i)(i).
             261          (k) A motion picture company may claim a motion picture tax credit on its tax return
             262      for the amount listed on the tax credit certificate issued by the office.
             263          (l) A motion picture company that claims a tax credit under Subsection (2)(k) shall
             264      retain the tax credit certificate in accordance with Subsection 63M-1-1804 (5)(d).
             265          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (3)(b), the office may issue up to:
             266          (i) (A) $7,793,700 in tax credit certificates under this part in fiscal year 2009-10; and
             267          (B) $7,793,700 in tax credit certificates under this part in fiscal year 2010-11; and
             268          (ii) $2,206,300 in motion picture cash rebates under this part in a fiscal year.
             269          (b) If the total amount of tax credit certificates the office issues in a fiscal year is less
             270      than the amount of tax credit certificates the office may issue in that fiscal year under
             271      Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A) or (B), the office may issue the remaining amount of tax credit
             272      certificates in a fiscal year after the fiscal year for which there is a remaining amount of tax
             273      credit certificates.
             274          (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this part or Section 59-7-614.5 or
             275      59-10-1108 , beginning on July 1, 2011, the office may not issue a tax credit certificate unless:
             276          (i) the Legislature expressly provides funding in the office's budget for the office to
             277      issue the tax credit certificate; or
             278          (ii) there is a remaining amount of tax credit that the office may issue in accordance
             279      with Subsection (3)(b).
             280          Section 6. Section 63M-1-1804 is repealed and reenacted to read:
             281          63M-1-1804. Motion picture incentives -- Standards to qualify for an incentive --

             282      Limitations -- Content of agreement between office and motion picture company.
             283          (1) In addition to the requirements for receiving a motion picture incentive as set forth
             284      in this part, the office, in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             285      Rulemaking Act, shall make rules establishing the standards that a motion picture company
             286      must meet to qualify for the motion picture incentive.
             287          (2) The office shall ensure that those standards include the following:
             288          (a) an incentive may only be issued for a within-the-state production of:
             289          (i) a television series;
             290          (ii) a made-for-television movie; or
             291          (iii) a motion picture, including feature films and independent films;
             292          (b) financing has been obtained and is in place for the production; and
             293          (c) the economic impact of the production on the state represents new incremental
             294      economic activity in the state as opposed to existing economic activity.
             295          (3) The office may also consider giving preference to a production that stimulates
             296      economic activity in rural areas of the state or that has Utah content, such as recognizing that
             297      the production was made in the state or uses Utah as Utah in the production.
             298          (4) (a) The office, with advice from the board, may enter into an agreement with a
             299      motion picture company that meets the standards established under this section and satisfies
             300      the other qualification requirements under this part.
             301          (b) Subject to Subsection 63M-1-1803 (3), the office may commit or authorize a
             302      motion picture incentive to a motion picture company if that incentive does not exceed 20% of
             303      the dollars left in the state by the motion picture company.
             304          (c) A cash rebate incentive from the Motion Picture Incentive Fund may not exceed
             305      $500,000 per production.
             306          (5) The office shall ensure that the agreement entered into with a motion picture
             307      company under Subsection (4)(a):
             308          (a) details the requirements that the motion picture company must meet to qualify for
             309      an incentive under this part;

             310          (b) specifies:
             311          (i) the nature of the incentive; and
             312          (ii) the maximum amount of the motion picture incentive that the motion picture
             313      company may earn for a taxable year and over the life of the production;
             314          (c) establishes the length of time over which the motion picture company may claim
             315      the motion picture incentive;
             316          (d) requires the motion picture company to retain records supporting its claim for a
             317      motion picture incentive for at least four years after the motion picture company claims the
             318      incentive under this part; and
             319          (e) requires the motion picture company to submit to audits for verification of the
             320      claimed motion picture incentive.
             321          Section 7. Section 63M-1-1805 is amended to read:
             322           63M-1-1805. Annual report.
             323          [(1) The administrator shall prepare an annual report for the board on the economic
             324      impact of this part.]
             325          [(2)] The [board] office shall [present the] report annually to the Legislature's
             326      Workforce Services and Community and Economic Development Interim Committee and the
             327      [Economic Development and Human Resources Appropriations Subcommittee, together with
             328      any proposed recommendations for modifications in this part or the annual ongoing
             329      appropriation for the fund.] Utah Tax Review Commission describing:
             330          (1) its success in attracting within-the-state production of television series,
             331      made-for-television movies, and motion pictures, including feature films and independent
             332      films;
             333          (2) the amount of incentive commitments made by the office under this part and the
             334      period of time over which the incentives will be paid; and
             335          (3) the economic impact on the state related to:
             336          (a) dollars left in the state; and
             337          (b) providing motion picture incentives under this part.

             338          Section 8. Retrospective operation.
             339          Sections 59-7-614.5 and 59-10-1108 have retrospective operation for a taxable year
             340      beginning on or after January 1, 2009.

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