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S.C.R. 1 Enrolled
10 General Description:
11 This concurrent resolution of the Legislature urges the United States Congress to grant
12 the state of Utah waivers to establish an employer-sponsored work program and other
13 strategies to address illegal immigration in the state.
14 Highlighted Provisions:
15 This resolution:
16 . urges the United States Congress to grant the state of Utah waivers to implement an
17 employer-sponsored work program and to withhold federal FICA and Medicare
18 revenue and apply it toward the costs of the program.
19 Special Clauses:
20 None
22 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah, the Governor concurring therein:
23 WHEREAS, illegal immigration is an increasing concern in many states, including the
24 state of Utah;
25 WHEREAS, recent attempts by Congress to make major reforms in immigration law
26 have stalled;
27 WHEREAS, without definitive direction from the federal government, states are
28 struggling to adequately address the many issues surrounding illegal immigration within their
29 respective borders;
30 WHEREAS, there is an increasing need for state and local governments to address
31 problems associated with illegal immigration, most particularly in the area of job employment;
32 WHEREAS, federal waivers would greatly increase the state of Utah's capacity to
33 address current illegal immigration challenges;
34 WHEREAS, a federal waiver would be required for Utah to institute an
35 employer-sponsored work program providing a two-year, renewable guest worker
36 authorization for foreign workers;
37 WHEREAS, a second waiver is needed to withhold FICA and Medicare revenue and
38 apply it toward the costs of the program;
39 WHEREAS, the proposed employer-sponsored work program will allow for Utah to
40 deal with its current undocumented population in a fair manner;
41 WHEREAS, the employer-sponsored work program would also address Utah's need for
42 both unskilled and skilled laborers while ensuring that all available local workers are given
43 ample opportunity to meet that need;
44 WHEREAS, if granted a waiver, Utah's employer-sponsored work program should
45 require that potential workers register as a worker with the state, be fingerprinted, have their
46 names processed through the Interagency Border Inspection Name Check System, pass a
47 medical exam, be sponsored by their employer, have health and automobile insurance, and
48 have funds withheld by their employer to cover health insurance and the administrative costs
49 of the work program;
50 WHEREAS, through the granting of federal waivers allowing the state to provide the
51 employer-sponsored work program, the state of Utah can address many challenges regarding
52 illegal immigration issues its citizens currently face; and
53 WHEREAS, the employer-sponsored work program combines opportunity with
54 enforcement in a responsible manner:
55 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah, the
56 Governor concurring therein, urge the United States Congress to grant the state of Utah
57 waivers to implement an employer-sponsored work program, and to withhold federal FICA
58 and Medicare revenue and apply it toward the health insurance and other administrative costs
59 of the program.
60 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Majority
61 Leader of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives,
62 United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement, United States Department of Homeland
63 Security, the President of the United States, the members of Utah's Congressional Delegation,
64 the Utah Labor Commission, and the Utah Department of Workforce Services.
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