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First Substitute S.B. 65

Senator Dennis E. Stowell proposes the following substitute bill:






Chief Sponsor: Dennis E. Stowell

House Sponsor: Gage Froerer

             9      LONG TITLE
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill amends the Property Tax Act to address property tax notice, public hearing,
             12      and resolution requirements.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This bill:
             15          .    defines terms;
             16          .    modifies property tax notice, public hearing, and resolution requirements if a taxing
             17      entity seeks to levy a tax rate that exceeds the certified tax rate;
             18          .    addresses exceptions to the property tax notice requirements; and
             19          .    makes technical changes.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          This bill provides revisor instructions.
             24          This bill coordinates with H.B. 67, Public Hearings on Property Tax Increases, and S.B.
             25      208, Utah Public Notice Website Amendments, by providing substantive and technical

             26      amendments.
             27          This bill coordinates with H.B. 23, Certified Tax Rate Amendments, by providing
             28      substantive and technical amendments.
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             30      AMENDS:
             31          17B-1-609, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 329
             32          17B-1-627, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 329
             33          53A-17a-133, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 61, 231, and 236
             34          53A-19-102, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 61, 231, and 236
             35          53A-19-105, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 61, 231, 236, and 382
             36          59-2-911, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 330
             37          59-2-918.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 231 and 301
             38          59-2-918.6, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 231 and 301
             39          59-2-919, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 231 and 301
             40          59-2-919.1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 301
             41          59-2-921, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1997, Second Special Session, Chapter 2
             42          59-2-922, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1988, Chapter 3
             43          59-2-923, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1988, Chapter 3
             44          59-2-924, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 61, 118, 231, 236, 330, 360,
             45      and 382
             46          59-2-924.3, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 236
             47          59-2-924.4, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 236
             48          59-2-1602, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 330
             49          59-2-1604, as renumbered and amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 330
             50      REPEALS:
             51          59-2-918, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapters 61, 231, and 236
             53      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             54          Section 1. Section 17B-1-609 is amended to read:
             55           17B-1-609. Hearing to consider adoption.
             56          (1) At the meeting at which the tentative budget is adopted, the board of trustees shall:

             57          (a) establish the time and place of a public hearing to consider its adoption; and
             58          (b) order that notice of the hearing:
             59          (i) be published at least seven days prior to the hearing in at least one issue of a
             60      newspaper of general circulation published in the county or counties in which the district is
             61      located; or
             62          (ii) if no newspaper is published, be posted in three public places within the district.
             63          (2) If the budget hearing is held in conjunction with a tax increase hearing, the notice
             64      shall be published in accordance with [Sections 59-2-918 and] the advertisement provisions of
             65      Section 59-2-919 .
             66          Section 2. Section 17B-1-627 is amended to read:
             67           17B-1-627. Property tax levy -- Time for setting -- Computation of total levy --
             68      Apportionment of proceeds -- Maximum levy.
             69          (1) The board of trustees of each local district authorized to levy a property tax, at a
             70      regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, shall, by resolution, set the real and
             71      personal property tax rate for various district purposes by the date set under Section 59-2-912 ,
             72      but the rate may be set at an appropriate later date in accordance with Sections [ 59-2-918 ]
             73      59-2-919 through 59-2-923 .
             74          (2) In its computation of the total levy, the board of trustees shall determine the
             75      requirements of each fund for which property taxes are to be levied and shall specify in its
             76      resolution adopting the tax rate the amount apportioned to each fund.
             77          (3) The proceeds of the levy apportioned for general fund purposes shall be credited as
             78      revenue in the general fund.
             79          (4) The proceeds of the levy apportioned for special fund purposes shall be credited to
             80      the appropriate accounts in the applicable special funds.
             81          (5) The combined levies for each district for all purposes in any year, excluding the
             82      retirement of general obligation bonds and the payment of any interest on the bonds, and any
             83      taxes expressly authorized by law to be levied in addition, may not exceed the limit enumerated
             84      by the laws governing each district.
             85          Section 3. Section 53A-17a-133 is amended to read:
             86           53A-17a-133. State-supported voted leeway program authorized -- Election
             87      requirements -- State guarantee -- Reconsideration of the program.

             88          (1) An election to consider adoption or modification of a voted leeway program is
             89      required if initiative petitions signed by 10% of the number of electors who voted at the last
             90      preceding general election are presented to the local school board or by action of the board.
             91          (2) (a) (i) To establish a voted leeway program, a majority of the electors of a district
             92      voting at an election in the manner set forth in Section 53A-16-110 must vote in favor of a
             93      special tax.
             94          (ii) The tax rate may not exceed .002 per dollar of taxable value.
             95          (b) The district may maintain a school program which exceeds the cost of the program
             96      referred to in Section 53A-17a-145 with this voted leeway.
             97          (c) In order to receive state support the first year, a district must receive voter approval
             98      no later than December 1 of the year prior to implementation.
             99          (3) (a) Under the voted leeway program, the state shall contribute an amount sufficient
             100      to guarantee $17.54 per weighted pupil unit for each .0001 of the first .0016 per dollar of
             101      taxable value.
             102          (b) The same dollar amount guarantee per weighted pupil unit for the .0016 per dollar
             103      of taxable value under Subsection (3)(a) shall apply to the board-approved leeway authorized
             104      in Section 53A-17a-134 , so that the guarantee shall apply up to a total of .002 per dollar of
             105      taxable value if a school district levies a tax rate under both programs.
             106          (c) (i) Beginning July 1, 2005, the $17.54 guarantee under Subsections (3)(a) and (b)
             107      shall be indexed each year to the value of the weighted pupil unit by making the value of the
             108      guarantee equal to .008544 times the value of the prior year's weighted pupil unit.
             109          (ii) The guarantee shall increase by .0005 times the value of the prior year's weighted
             110      pupil unit for each succeeding year until the guarantee is equal to .010544 times the value of
             111      the prior year's weighted pupil unit.
             112          (d) (i) The amount of state guarantee money to which a school district would otherwise
             113      be entitled to under this Subsection (3) may not be reduced for the sole reason that the district's
             114      levy is reduced as a consequence of changes in the certified tax rate under Section 59-2-924
             115      pursuant to changes in property valuation.
             116          (ii) Subsection (3)(d)(i) applies for a period of five years following any such change in
             117      the certified tax rate.
             118          (4) (a) An election to modify an existing voted leeway program is not a reconsideration

             119      of the existing program unless the proposition submitted to the electors expressly so states.
             120          (b) A majority vote opposing a modification does not deprive the district of authority to
             121      continue an existing program.
             122          (c) If adoption of a leeway program is contingent upon an offset reducing other local
             123      school board levies, the board must allow the electors, in an election, to consider modifying or
             124      discontinuing the program prior to a subsequent increase in other levies that would increase the
             125      total local school board levy.
             126          (d) Nothing contained in this section terminates, without an election, the authority of a
             127      school district to continue an existing voted leeway program previously authorized by the
             128      voters.
             129          (5) Notwithstanding Section [ 59-2-918 ] 59-2-919 , a school district may budget an
             130      increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue derived from a voted leeway imposed
             131      under this section in addition to revenue from new growth as defined in Subsection
             132      59-2-924 (4), without having to comply with the [advertisement] notice requirements of Section
             133      [ 59-2-918 ] 59-2-919 , if:
             134          (a) the voted leeway is approved:
             135          (i) in accordance with Section 53A-16-110 on or after January 1, 2003; and
             136          (ii) within the four-year period immediately preceding the year in which the school
             137      district seeks to budget an increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue derived from
             138      the voted leeway; and
             139          (b) for a voted leeway approved or modified in accordance with this section on or after
             140      January 1, 2009, the school district complies with the requirements of Subsection (7).
             141          (6) Notwithstanding Section 59-2-919 , a school district may levy a tax rate under this
             142      section that exceeds the certified tax rate without having to comply with the [advertisement]
             143      notice requirements of Section 59-2-919 if:
             144          (a) the levy exceeds the certified tax rate as the result of a school district budgeting an
             145      increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue derived from a voted leeway imposed
             146      under this section;
             147          (b) if the voted leeway was approved:
             148          (i) in accordance with Section 53A-16-110 on or after January 1, 2003; and
             149          (ii) within the four-year period immediately preceding the year in which the school

             150      district seeks to budget an increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue derived from
             151      the voted leeway; and
             152          (c) for a voted leeway approved or modified in accordance with this section on or after
             153      January 1, 2009, the school district complies with requirements of Subsection (7).
             154          (7) For purposes of Subsection (5)(b) or (6)(c), the proposition submitted to the
             155      electors regarding the adoption or modification of a voted leeway program shall contain the
             156      following statement:
             157          "A vote in favor of this tax means that (name of the school district) may increase
             158      revenue from this property tax without advertising the increase for the next five years."
             159          Section 4. Section 53A-19-102 is amended to read:
             160           53A-19-102. Local school boards budget procedures.
             161          (1) (a) Prior to June 22 of each year, each local school board shall adopt a budget and
             162      make appropriations for the next fiscal year.
             163          (b) If the tax rate in the proposed budget exceeds the certified tax rate defined in
             164      Section 59-2-924 , the board shall comply with [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 in
             165      adopting the budget, except as provided by Section 53A-17a-133 .
             166          (2) (a) Prior to the adoption of a budget containing a tax rate which does not exceed the
             167      certified tax rate, the board shall hold a public hearing, as defined in Section 10-9a-103 , on the
             168      proposed budget.
             169          (b) In addition to complying with Title 52, Chapter 4, Open and Public Meetings Act,
             170      in regards to the public hearing described in Subsection (2)(a), the board shall [do the
             171      following]:
             172          [(a)] (i) publish the required newspaper notice at least ten days prior to the hearing; and
             173          [(b)] (ii) file a copy of the proposed budget with the board's business administrator for
             174      public inspection at least ten days prior to the hearing.
             175          (3) The board shall file a copy of the adopted budget with the state auditor and the
             176      State Board of Education.
             177          Section 5. Section 53A-19-105 is amended to read:
             178           53A-19-105. School district interfund transfers.
             179          (1) A school district shall spend revenues only within the fund for which they were
             180      originally authorized, levied, collected, or appropriated.

             181          (2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, school district interfund transfers of
             182      residual equity are prohibited.
             183          (3) The State Board of Education may authorize school district interfund transfers of
             184      residual equity when a district states its intent to create a new fund or expand, contract, or
             185      liquidate an existing fund.
             186          (4) The State Board of Education may also authorize school district interfund transfers
             187      of residual equity for a financially distressed district if the board determines the following:
             188          (a) the district has a significant deficit in its maintenance and operations fund caused
             189      by circumstances not subject to the administrative decisions of the district;
             190          (b) the deficit cannot be reasonably reduced under Section 53A-19-104 ; and
             191          (c) without the transfer, the school district will not be capable of meeting statewide
             192      educational standards adopted by the State Board of Education.
             193          (5) The board shall develop standards for defining and aiding financially distressed
             194      school districts under this section in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah
             195      Administrative Rulemaking Act.
             196          (6) (a) All debt service levies not subject to certified tax rate hearings shall be recorded
             197      and reported in the debt service fund.
             198          (b) Debt service levies under Subsection 59-2-924 (3)(e)(iii) that are not subject to the
             199      [certified tax rate] public hearing [requirements] provisions of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section
             200      59-2-919 may not be used for any purpose other than retiring general obligation debt.
             201          (c) Amounts from these levies remaining in the debt service fund at the end of a fiscal
             202      year shall be used in subsequent years for general obligation debt retirement.
             203          (d) Any amounts left in the debt service fund after all general obligation debt has been
             204      retired may be transferred to the capital projects fund upon completion of the budgetary hearing
             205      process required under Section 53A-19-102 .
             206          Section 6. Section 59-2-911 is amended to read:
             207           59-2-911. Exceptions to maximum levy limitation.
             208          (1) The maximum levies set forth in Section 59-2-908 do not apply to and do not
             209      include:
             210          (a) levies made to pay outstanding judgment debts;
             211          (b) levies made in any special improvement districts;

             212          (c) levies made for extended services in any county service area;
             213          (d) levies made for county library services;
             214          (e) levies made to be used for storm water, flood, and water quality control;
             215          (f) levies made to share disaster recovery expenses for public facilities and structures as
             216      a condition of state assistance when a Presidential Declaration has been issued under the
             217      Disaster Relief Act of 1974, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 5121;
             218          (g) levies made to pay interest and provide for a sinking fund in connection with any
             219      bonded or voter authorized indebtedness, including the bonded or voter authorized
             220      indebtedness of county service areas, special service districts, and special improvement
             221      districts;
             222          (h) levies made to fund local health departments;
             223          (i) levies made to fund public transit districts;
             224          (j) levies made to establish, maintain, and replenish special improvement guaranty
             225      funds;
             226          (k) levies made in any special service district;
             227          (l) levies made to fund municipal-type services to unincorporated areas of counties
             228      under Title 17, Chapter 34, Municipal-Type Services to Unincorporated Areas;
             229          (m) levies made to fund the purchase of paramedic or ambulance facilities and
             230      equipment and to defray administration, personnel, and other costs of providing emergency
             231      medical and paramedic services, but this exception only applies to those counties in which a
             232      resolution setting forth the intention to make those levies has been duly adopted by the county
             233      legislative body and approved by a majority of the voters of the county voting at a special or
             234      general election;
             235          (n) levies made to pay for the costs of state legislative mandates or judicial or
             236      administrative orders under Section 59-2-1604 ;
             237          (o) the multicounty and county assessing and collecting levies made to promote
             238      accurate property valuations, uniform assessment levels, and the efficient administration of the
             239      property tax system under Section 59-2-1602 ; and
             240          (p) all other exceptions to the maximum levy limitation pursuant to statute.
             241          (2) (a) Upon the retirement of bonds issued for the development of a convention
             242      complex described in Section 17-12-4 , and notwithstanding Section 59-2-908 , any county of

             243      the first class may continue to impose a property tax levy equivalent to the average property tax
             244      levy previously imposed to pay debt service on those retired bonds.
             245          (b) Notwithstanding that the imposition of the levy [set forth] described in Subsection
             246      (2)(a) may not result in an increased amount of ad valorem tax revenue, [it] the levy is subject
             247      to the notice requirements of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 .
             248          (c) The revenues from this continued levy shall be used only for the funding of
             249      convention facilities as defined in Section 59-12-602 .
             250          Section 7. Section 59-2-918.5 is amended to read:
             251           59-2-918.5. Hearings on judgment levies -- Advertisement.
             252          (1) A taxing entity may not impose a judgment levy unless it first advertises its
             253      intention to do so and holds a public hearing in accordance with the requirements of this
             254      section.
             255          (2) (a) The advertisement required by this section may be combined with the
             256      advertisement [required by either Section 59-2-918 or] described in Section 59-2-919 .
             257          (b) The advertisement shall be at least 1/8 of a page in size and shall meet the type,
             258      placement, and frequency requirements established under Section 59-2-919 .
             259          (c) (i) For taxing entities operating under a July 1 through June 30 fiscal year the public
             260      hearing shall be held at the same time as the hearing at which the annual budget is adopted.
             261          (ii) For taxing entities operating under a January 1 through December 31 fiscal year:
             262          (A) for eligible judgments issued from June 1 through December 15, the public hearing
             263      shall be held at the same time as the hearing at which the annual budget is adopted; and
             264          (B) for eligible judgments issued from December 16 through May 31, the public
             265      hearing shall be held at the same time as the hearing at which property tax levies are set.
             266          (3) The advertisement shall specify the date, time, and location of the public hearing at
             267      which the levy will be considered and shall set forth the total amount of the eligible judgment
             268      and the tax impact on an average residential and business property located within the taxing
             269      entity.
             270          (4) If a final decision regarding the judgment levy is not made at the public hearing, the
             271      taxing entity shall announce at the public hearing the scheduled time and place for
             272      consideration and adoption of the judgment levy.
             273          (5) The date, time, and place of public hearings required by Subsections

             274      [ 59-2-918.5 ](2)(c)(i) and [ 59-2-918.5 ](2)(c)(ii)(B) shall be included on the notice mailed to
             275      property owners pursuant to Section 59-2-919.1 .
             276          Section 8. Section 59-2-918.6 is amended to read:
             277           59-2-918.6. New and remaining school district budgets -- Advertisement -- Public
             278      hearing.
             279          (1) As used in this section, "existing school district," "new school district," and
             280      "remaining school district" are as defined in Section 53A-2-117 .
             281          (2) For the first fiscal year in which a new school district created under Section
             282      53A-2-118.1 assumes responsibility for providing student instruction, the new school district
             283      and the remaining school district or districts may not impose a property tax unless the district
             284      imposing the tax:
             285          (a) advertises its intention to do so in accordance with Subsection (3); and
             286          (b) holds a public hearing in accordance with Subsection (4).
             287          (3) The advertisement required by this section:
             288          (a) may be combined with the advertisement [required by either] described in Section
             289      [ 59-2-918 or] 59-2-919 ;
             290          (b) shall be at least 1/4 of a page in size and shall meet the type, placement, and
             291      frequency requirements established under Section 59-2-919 ; and
             292          (c) shall specify the date, time, and location of the public hearing at which the levy will
             293      be considered and shall set forth the total amount of the district's proposed property tax levy
             294      and the tax impact on an average residential and business property located within the taxing
             295      entity compared to the property tax levy imposed in the prior year by the existing school
             296      district.
             297          (4) (a) The date, time, and place of public hearings required by this section shall be
             298      included on the notice mailed to property owners pursuant to Section 59-2-919.1 .
             299          (b) If a final decision regarding the property tax levy is not made at the public hearing,
             300      the school district shall announce at the public hearing the scheduled time and place for
             301      consideration and adoption of the budget and property tax levies.
             302          Section 9. Section 59-2-919 is amended to read:
             303           59-2-919. Notice, public hearing, and resolution requirements for certain tax
             304      increases -- Exceptions -- Applicability of provisions.

             305          [(1) A tax rate in excess of the certified tax rate may not be levied until a resolution has
             306      been approved by the taxing entity in accordance with this section.]
             307          [(2) (a) (i) The taxing entity shall advertise its intent to exceed the certified tax rate in a
             308      newspaper or combination of newspapers of general circulation in the taxing entity.]
             309          (1) As used in this section:
             310          (a) "Ad valorem tax revenue" means ad valorem property tax revenue not including
             311      revenue from new growth as defined in Section 59-2-924 .
             312          (b) "Calendar year taxing entity" means a taxing entity that operates under a fiscal year
             313      that begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.
             314          (c) "Fiscal year taxing entity" means a taxing entity that operates under a fiscal year
             315      that begins on July 1 and ends on June 30.
             316          (2) A taxing entity may not levy a tax rate that exceeds the taxing entity's certified tax
             317      rate unless the taxing entity:
             318          (a) to the extent required by this section, meets the:
             319          (i) notice requirements of this section; and
             320          (ii) public hearing requirements of this section; and
             321          (b) adopts a resolution in accordance with this section.
             322          (3) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (5), a calendar year taxing entity may levy a
             323      tax rate that exceeds the calendar year taxing entity's certified tax rate if the calendar year
             324      taxing entity:
             325          (i) (A) provides notice by meeting the advertisement requirements of Subsections (6)
             326      and (7) before the calendar year taxing entity conducts the public hearing at which the calendar
             327      year taxing entity's annual budget is adopted; and
             328          (B) before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             329      year taxing entity's certified tax rate:
             330          (I) provides notice by meeting the advertisement requirements of Subsections (6) and
             331      (7); or
             332          (II) provides a notice by mail:
             333          (Aa) on or no earlier than 14 days before the date the treasurer furnishes the notice
             334      required by Section 59-2-1317 for the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year
             335      for which the calendar year taxing entity seeks to levy a tax rate that exceeds the calendar year

             336      taxing entity's certified tax rate;
             337          (Bb) before the calendar year taxing entity conducts the public meeting at which the
             338      calendar year taxing entity's annual budget is adopted; and
             339          (Cc) as provided in Subsection (3)(b); and
             340          (ii) conducts a public hearing in accordance with Subsections (8) and (9):
             341          (A) on or before the calendar year taxing entity conducts the public meeting at which
             342      the calendar year taxing entity's annual budget is adopted; and
             343          (B) if the calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             344      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             345      year taxing entity's certified tax rate.
             346          (b) For a calendar year taxing entity that provides the notice described in Subsection
             347      (3)(a)(i)(B)(II), the notice:
             348          (i) shall be mailed to each owner of property:
             349          (A) within the calendar year taxing entity; and
             350          (B) listed on the assessment roll;
             351          (ii) shall be printed on a form:
             352          (A) developed by the commission; and
             353          (B) that, as determined by the commission, may be combined with:
             354          (I) a notice described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(II) provided by one or more other
             355      calendar year taxing entities; or
             356          (II) the notice required by Section 59-2-1317 ;
             357          (iii) shall contain for each property described in Subsection (3)(b)(i):
             358          (A) the value of the property for the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar
             359      year for which the calendar year taxing entity seeks to levy a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             360      year taxing entity's certified tax rate;
             361          (B) the tax on the property for the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar
             362      year for which the calendar year taxing entity seeks to levy a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             363      year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             364          (C) the estimated tax on the property:
             365          (I) for the calendar year for which the calendar year taxing entity seeks to levy a tax
             366      rate that exceeds the calendar year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and

             367          (II) calculated on the basis of data for the calendar year immediately preceding the
             368      calendar year for which the calendar year taxing entity seeks to levy a tax rate that exceeds the
             369      calendar year taxing entity's certified tax rate;
             370          (iv) shall contain the following statement:
             371          "[Insert name of taxing entity] is proposing a tax increase for [insert applicable calendar
             372      year]. This notice contains estimates of the tax on your property and the proposed tax increase
             373      on your property as a result of this tax increase. These estimates are calculated on the basis of
             374      [insert previous applicable calendar year] data. The actual tax on your property and proposed
             375      tax increase on your property may vary from this estimate."
             376          (v) shall state the date, time, and place of the public hearing that will be held to discuss
             377      the calendar year taxing entity's annual budget; and
             378          (vi) may contain other property tax information approved by the commission.
             379          (4) Except as provided in Subsection (5), a fiscal year taxing entity may levy a tax rate
             380      that exceeds the fiscal year taxing entity's certified tax rate if the fiscal year taxing entity:
             381          (a) provides notice by meeting the advertisement requirements of Subsections (6) and
             382      (7) before the fiscal year taxing entity conducts the public meeting at which the fiscal year
             383      taxing entity's annual budget is adopted; and
             384          (b) conducts a public hearing in accordance with Subsections (8) and (9) before the
             385      fiscal year taxing entity's annual budget is adopted.
             386          [(ii)] (5) (a) [Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a)(i), a] A taxing entity is not required to
             387      meet the [advertisement] notice or public hearing requirements of [this section] Subsection (3)
             388      or (4) if[: (A)] the taxing entity is expressly exempted by law from complying with the
             389      requirements of this section[; or].
             390          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b)(ii), a taxing entity is not required to
             391      meet the notice or public hearing requirements of Subsection (3) or (4) if:
             392          [(B) (I)] (A) the taxing entity is a party to an interlocal agreement under Title 11,
             393      Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, that creates an interlocal entity to provide fire
             394      protection, emergency, and emergency medical services;
             395          [(II)] (B) the tax rate increase is approved by the taxing entity's voters at an election
             396      held for that purpose on or before December 31, 2010;
             397          [(III)] (C) the purpose of the tax rate increase is to pay for fire protection, emergency,

             398      and emergency medical services provided by the interlocal entity; and
             399          [(IV)] (D) at least 30 days before [its] the taxing entity's annual budget hearing, the
             400      taxing entity:
             401          [(Aa)] (I) adopts a resolution certifying that:
             402          (Aa) the taxing entity will dedicate all revenue from the tax rate increase exclusively to
             403      pay for fire protection, emergency, and emergency medical services provided by the interlocal
             404      entity; and [that]
             405          (Bb) the amount of other revenues, independent of the revenue generated from the tax
             406      rate increase, that the taxing entity spends for fire protection, emergency, and emergency
             407      medical services each year after the tax rate increase will not decrease below the amount spent
             408      by the taxing entity during the year immediately before the tax rate increase without a
             409      corresponding decrease in the taxing entity's property tax revenues used in calculating the
             410      taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             411          [(Bb)] (II) sends a copy of the resolution to the commission.
             412          [(iii)] (ii) The exception under Subsection [(2)(a)(ii)(B)] (5)(b)(i) from the
             413      [advertisement] notice and public hearing requirements of [this section] Subsection (3) or (4)
             414      does not apply to an increase in a taxing entity's tax rate that occurs after December 31, 2010,
             415      even if the tax rate increase is approved by the taxing entity's voters before that date.
             416          [(iv)] (c) [Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a)(i), a] A taxing entity is not required to
             417      meet the [advertisement] notice requirements of [this section] Subsection (3) or (4) if:
             418          [(A)] (i) Section 53A-17a-133 allows the taxing entity to levy a tax rate that exceeds
             419      that certified tax rate without having to comply with the [advertisement requirements] notice
             420      provisions of this section; or
             421          [(B)] (ii) the taxing entity:
             422          [(I) collected] (A) budgeted less than $20,000 in ad valorem tax revenues for the
             423      previous fiscal year; and
             424          [(II)] (B) sets a budget during the current fiscal year of less than $20,000 of ad valorem
             425      tax revenues.
             426          (6) (a) Subject to Subsections (6)(d) and (7)(b), the advertisement described in this
             427      section shall be published in a newspaper or combination of newspapers of general circulation
             428      in the taxing entity.

             429          (b) The advertisement described in this section shall:
             430          (i) be no less than 1/4 page in size;
             431          (ii) use type no smaller than 18 point; and
             432          (iii) be surrounded by a 1/4-inch border.
             433          (c) The advertisement described in this section may not be placed in that portion of the
             434      newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear.
             435          (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             436          (i) whenever possible, the advertisement described in this section appear in a
             437      newspaper that is published at least one day per week; and
             438          (ii) the newspaper or combination of newspapers selected:
             439          (A) be of general interest and readership in the taxing entity; and
             440          (B) not be of limited subject matter.
             441          (e) The advertisement described in this section shall:
             442          (i) be run once each week for the two weeks [preceding the adoption of the final]:
             443          (A) before a taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's annual
             444      budget is discussed; and
             445          (B) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             446      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             447      year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             448          (ii) state that the taxing entity will meet on a certain day, time, and place fixed in the
             449      advertisement, which shall be not less than seven days after the day the first advertisement is
             450      published, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding any proposed increase and to explain
             451      the reasons for the proposed increase.
             452          [(f) The meeting on the proposed increase may coincide with the hearing on the
             453      proposed budget of the taxing entity.]
             454          (f) (i) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A) or (4)(a), the form and content of an
             455      advertisement shall be substantially as follows:


             458          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             459          *    If the proposed budget is approved, this would be an increase of _____% above

             460      the (name of the taxing entity) property tax budgeted revenue for the prior year.
             461          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             462      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             463      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.
             464          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             465      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             466      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.
             467          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             469          Date/Time:    (date) (time)
             470          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)
             471          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             472      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity)."
             473          [(3) The] (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), the form and content of [the
             474      notice] an advertisement shall be substantially as follows:


             477          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             478          *    If the proposed budget is approved, this would be an increase of _____% above
             479      the (name of the taxing entity) property tax budgeted revenue for the prior year.
             480          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             481      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             482      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.
             483          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             484      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             485      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.
             486          (Name of taxing entity) property tax revenue from new growth and other sources will
             487      increase from $_______________ to $______________.
             488          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             490          Date/Time:    (date) (time)

             491          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)
             492          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             493      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity)."
             494          [(4)] (7) The commission:
             495          (a) shall adopt rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             496      Rulemaking Act, governing the joint use of one advertisement [under this section or Section
             497      59-2-918 ] described in Subsection (6) by two or more taxing entities; and
             498          (b) may[, upon petition by any taxing entity,] authorize [either]:
             499          (i) the use of a weekly [newspapers] newspaper:
             500          (A) in [counties] a county having both daily and weekly newspapers [where] if the
             501      weekly newspaper would provide equal or greater notice to the taxpayer; and
             502          (B) if the county petitions the commission for the use of the weekly newspaper; or
             503          (ii) the use by a taxing entity except for a calendar year taxing entity that provides the
             504      notice described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(II) of a commission[-]approved direct notice to each
             505      taxpayer if [the]:
             506          (A) the cost of the advertisement would cause undue hardship; [and]
             507          (B) the direct notice is different and separate from that provided for in Section
             508      59-2-919.1 [.]; and
             509          (C) the taxing entity petitions the commission for the use of a commission approved
             510      direct notice.
             511          (8) (a) (i) A taxing entity shall on or before March 1 notify the county legislative body
             512      in which the taxing entity is located of the date, time, and place of the first public hearing at
             513      which the taxing entity's annual budget will be discussed.
             514          (ii) A county that receives notice from a taxing entity under Subsection (8)(a)(i) shall
             515      include on the notice required by Section 59-2-919.1 the date, time, and place of the public
             516      hearing described in Subsection (8)(a)(i).
             517          (b) (i) A public hearing described in this section shall be open to the public.
             518          (ii) The governing body of a taxing entity conducting a public hearing described in this
             519      section shall provide an interested party desiring to be heard an opportunity to present oral
             520      testimony within reasonable time limits.
             521          (c) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (8)(c)(ii), a taxing entity may not schedule a

             522      public hearing described in this section at the same time as the public hearing of another
             523      overlapping taxing entity in the same county.
             524          (ii) The taxing entities in which the power to set tax levies is vested in the same
             525      governing board or authority may consolidate the public hearings described in this section into
             526      one public hearing.
             527          (d) A county legislative body shall resolve any conflict in public hearing dates and
             528      times after consultation with each affected taxing entity.
             529          (e) A taxing entity shall hold a public hearing described in this section beginning at or
             530      after 6 p.m.
             531          (9) (a) If a taxing entity does not make a final decision on budgeting an increased
             532      amount of ad valorem tax revenue at a public hearing described in this section, the taxing entity
             533      shall announce at that public hearing the scheduled time and place of the next public meeting at
             534      which the taxing entity will consider budgeting the increased amount of ad valorem tax
             535      revenue.
             536          (b) (i) If a calendar year taxing entity that conducts a public hearing in accordance with
             537      Subsection (3)(b)(ii) does not adopt a resolution levying a tax rate on the day of the public
             538      hearing, the taxing entity shall announce at that public hearing the scheduled time and place of
             539      the next public meeting at which the taxing entity will consider adopting a resolution levying
             540      the tax rate.
             541          (ii) If a taxing entity except for a taxing entity described in Subsection (5)(a) or (b) will
             542      consider adopting a resolution levying a tax rate at a day and time that is more than two weeks
             543      after the public hearing described in Subsection 59-2-919.1 (2)(c)(v), the taxing entity shall
             544      meet the notice requirements of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(I).
             545          [(5)] (10) (a) [The] A taxing entity[, after holding a hearing as provided in this section,]
             546      may adopt a resolution levying a tax rate [in excess of the] that exceeds the taxing entity's
             547      certified tax rate[.] if the taxing entity, to the extent required by this section, meets the:
             548          (i) notice requirements of this section; and
             549          (ii) public hearing requirements of this section.
             550          (b) A public hearing on levying a tax rate that exceeds a taxing entity's certified tax rate
             551      may coincide with a public hearing on the taxing entity's proposed annual budget.
             552          (11) The amendments to this section in this bill apply to:

             553          (a) for a fiscal year taxing entity, the fiscal year that begins on July 1, 2009; or
             554          (b) for a calendar year taxing entity, the fiscal year that begins on January 1, 2010.
             555          [(b) If a resolution adopting a tax rate is not adopted on the day of the public hearing,
             556      the scheduled time and place for consideration and adoption of the resolution shall be
             557      announced at the public hearing.]
             558          [(c) If a resolution adopting a tax rate is to be considered at a day and time that is more
             559      than two weeks after the public hearing described in Subsection 59-2-919.1 (2)(c)(v), a taxing
             560      entity, other than a taxing entity described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii), shall advertise the date of
             561      the proposed adoption of the resolution in the same manner as provided under Subsections (2)
             562      and (3).]
             563          [(6) (a) All hearings described in this section shall be open to the public.]
             564          [(b) The governing body of a taxing entity conducting a hearing shall permit all
             565      interested parties desiring to be heard an opportunity to present oral testimony within
             566      reasonable time limits.]
             567          [(7) (a) Each taxing entity shall notify the county legislative body by March 1 of each
             568      year of the date, time, and place a public hearing is held by the taxing entity pursuant to this
             569      section.]
             570          [(b) A taxing entity may not schedule a hearing described in this section at the same
             571      time as another overlapping taxing entity in the same county, but all taxing entities in which the
             572      power to set tax levies is vested in the same governing board or authority may consolidate the
             573      required hearings into one hearing.]
             574          [(c) The county legislative body shall resolve any conflicts in hearing dates and times
             575      after consultation with each affected taxing entity.]
             576          [(8) A taxing entity shall hold a public hearing under this section beginning at or after 6
             577      p.m.]
             578          Section 10. Section 59-2-919.1 is amended to read:
             579           59-2-919.1. Notice of property valuation and tax changes.
             580          (1) In addition to [providing] the notice [required by Sections 59-2-918 and]
             581      requirements of Section 59-2-919 , the county auditor, on or before July 22 of each year, shall
             582      notify, by mail, each owner of real estate as defined in Section 59-2-102 who is listed on the
             583      assessment roll.

             584          (2) The notice described in Subsection (1) shall:
             585          (a) be sent to all owners of real property by mail not less than ten days before the day
             586      on which:
             587          (i) the county board of equalization meets; and
             588          (ii) the taxing entity holds a public hearing on the proposed increase in the certified tax
             589      rate;
             590          (b) be printed on a form that is:
             591          (i) approved by the commission; and
             592          (ii) uniform in content in all counties in the state; and
             593          (c) contain for each property:
             594          (i) the value of the property;
             595          (ii) the date the county board of equalization will meet to hear complaints on the
             596      valuation;
             597          (iii) itemized tax information for all taxing entities, including a separate statement for
             598      the minimum school levy under Section 53A-17a-135 stating:
             599          (A) the dollar amount the taxpayer would have paid based on last year's rate; and
             600          (B) the amount of the taxpayer's liability under the current rate;
             601          (iv) the tax impact on the property;
             602          (v) the time and place of the required public hearing for each entity;
             603          (vi) property tax information pertaining to:
             604          (A) taxpayer relief;
             605          (B) options for payment of taxes; and
             606          (C) collection procedures;
             607          (vii) information specifically authorized to be included on the notice under Title 59,
             608      Chapter 2, Property Tax Act;
             609          (viii) the last property review date of the property as described in Subsection
             610      59-2-303.1 (1)(c); and
             611          (ix) other property tax information approved by the commission.
             612          Section 11. Section 59-2-921 is amended to read:
             613           59-2-921. Changes in assessment roll -- Rate adjustments -- Exemption from
             614      notice and public hearing provisions.

             615          (1) On or before September 15 the county board of equalization and, in cases involving
             616      the original jurisdiction of the commission or an appeal from the county board of equalization,
             617      the commission, shall annually notify each taxing entity of the following changes resulting
             618      from actions by the commission or the county board of equalization:
             619          (a) a change in the taxing entity's assessment roll; and
             620          (b) a change in the taxing entity's adopted tax rate.
             621          (2) A taxing entity is not required to comply with the notice and public hearing [and
             622      advertisement requirements of Sections 59-2-918 and] provisions of Section 59-2-919 if the
             623      commission, the county board of equalization, or a court of competent jurisdiction:
             624          (a) changes a taxing entity's adopted tax rate; or
             625          (b) (i) makes a reduction in the taxing entity's assessment roll; and
             626          (ii) the taxing entity adopts by resolution an increase in its tax rate above the certified
             627      tax rate as a result of the reduction under Subsection (2)(b)(i).
             628          (3) A rate adjustment under this section for:
             629          (a) a taxing entity shall be:
             630          (i) made by the county auditor;
             631          (ii) aggregated;
             632          (iii) reported by the county auditor to the commission; and
             633          (iv) certified by the commission; and
             634          (b) the state shall be made by the commission.
             635          Section 12. Section 59-2-922 is amended to read:
             636           59-2-922. Replacement resolution for greater tax rate.
             637          [If, after approval of the] Except as provided in Section 59-2-921 , if, after a taxing
             638      entity approves an initial tax rate [as provided for under Section 59-2-919 or 59-2-924 , the
             639      governing body of], the taxing entity determines that a greater tax rate is required [other than
             640      that allowed under Section 59-2-921 , it shall readvertise and], the taxing entity shall adopt a
             641      replacement resolution [under the procedures established under Section 59-2-919 ] after the
             642      taxing entity meets the notice and public hearing requirements of Section 59-2-919 to the
             643      extent required by Section 59-2-919 .
             644          Section 13. Section 59-2-923 is amended to read:
             645           59-2-923. Expenditures of money prior to adoption of budget or tax rate.

             646          [Notwithstanding other provisions of law to the contrary, a taxing entity which intends
             647      to exceed its certified tax levy may not adopt its final budget until the public hearing specified
             648      in Section 59-2-919 has been held. The]
             649          A taxing entity may, [until the hearing is held and a final budget and tax rate are
             650      adopted] before the taxing entity adopts a final annual budget or a tax rate, expend moneys
             651      [based (1) on its] on the basis of the taxing entity's:
             652          (1) tentative budget after adoption[, or (2) on its] of the tentative budget; or
             653          (2) prior year's adopted final budget as amended, which shall be readopted by
             654      resolution at a [duly constituted] meeting of the taxing entity's governing body.
             655          Section 14. Section 59-2-924 is amended to read:
             656           59-2-924. Report of valuation of property to county auditor and commission --
             657      Transmittal by auditor to governing bodies -- Certified tax rate -- Calculation of certified
             658      tax rate -- Rulemaking authority -- Adoption of tentative budget.
             659          (1) Before June 1 of each year, the county assessor of each county shall deliver to the
             660      county auditor and the commission the following statements:
             661          (a) a statement containing the aggregate valuation of all taxable real property assessed
             662      by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, for each taxing entity; and
             663          (b) a statement containing the taxable value of all personal property assessed by a
             664      county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, from the prior year end values.
             665          (2) The county auditor shall, on or before June 8, transmit to the governing body of
             666      each taxing entity:
             667          (a) the statements described in Subsections (1)(a) and (b);
             668          (b) an estimate of the revenue from personal property;
             669          (c) the certified tax rate; and
             670          (d) all forms necessary to submit a tax levy request.
             671          (3) (a) The "certified tax rate" means a tax rate that will provide the same ad valorem
             672      property tax revenues for a taxing entity as were budgeted by that taxing entity for the prior
             673      year.
             674          (b) For purposes of this Subsection (3):
             675          (i) "Ad valorem property tax revenues" do not include:
             676          (A) collections from redemptions;

             677          (B) interest;
             678          (C) penalties; and
             679          (D) revenue received by a taxing entity from personal property that is:
             680          (I) assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment; and
             681          (II) semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
             682          (ii) "Aggregate taxable value of all property taxed" means:
             683          (A) the aggregate taxable value of all real property assessed by a county assessor in
             684      accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, for the current year;
             685          (B) the aggregate taxable year end value of all personal property assessed by a county
             686      assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, for the prior year; and
             687          (C) the aggregate taxable value of all real and personal property assessed by the
             688      commission in accordance with Part 2, Assessment of Property, for the current year.
             689          (c) (i) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the certified tax rate shall be
             690      calculated by dividing the ad valorem property tax revenues budgeted for the prior year by the
             691      taxing entity by the amount calculated under Subsection (3)(c)(ii).
             692          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(c)(i), the legislative body of a taxing entity shall
             693      calculate an amount as follows:
             694          (A) calculate for the taxing entity the difference between:
             695          (I) the aggregate taxable value of all property taxed; and
             696          (II) any redevelopment adjustments for the current calendar year;
             697          (B) after making the calculation required by Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(A), calculate an
             698      amount determined by increasing or decreasing the amount calculated under Subsection
             699      (3)(c)(ii)(A) by the average of the percentage net change in the value of taxable property for the
             700      equalization period for the three calendar years immediately preceding the current calendar
             701      year;
             702          (C) after making the calculation required by Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(B), calculate the
             703      product of:
             704          (I) the amount calculated under Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(B); and
             705          (II) the percentage of property taxes collected for the five calendar years immediately
             706      preceding the current calendar year; and
             707          (D) after making the calculation required by Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(C), calculate an

             708      amount determined by subtracting from the amount calculated under Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(C)
             709      any new growth as defined in this section:
             710          (I) within the taxing entity; and
             711          (II) for the following calendar year:
             712          (Aa) for new growth from real property assessed by a county assessor in accordance
             713      with Part 3, County Assessment and all property assessed by the commission in accordance
             714      with Section 59-2-201 , the current calendar year; and
             715          (Bb) for new growth from personal property assessed by a county assessor in
             716      accordance with Part 3, County Assessment, the prior calendar year.
             717          (iii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(A), the aggregate taxable value of all
             718      property taxed:
             719          (A) except as provided in Subsection (3)(c)(iii)(B) or (3)(c)(ii)(C), is as defined in
             720      Subsection (3)(b)(ii);
             721          (B) does not include the total taxable value of personal property contained on the tax
             722      rolls of the taxing entity that is:
             723          (I) assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment; and
             724          (II) semiconductor manufacturing equipment; and
             725          (C) for personal property assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3,
             726      County Assessment, the taxable value of personal property is the year end value of the personal
             727      property contained on the prior year's tax rolls of the entity.
             728          (iv) For purposes of Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(B), for calendar years beginning on or after
             729      January 1, 2007, the value of taxable property does not include the value of personal property
             730      that is:
             731          (A) within the taxing entity assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3,
             732      County Assessment; and
             733          (B) semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
             734          (v) For purposes of Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(C)(II), for calendar years beginning on or after
             735      January 1, 2007, the percentage of property taxes collected does not include property taxes
             736      collected from personal property that is:
             737          (A) within the taxing entity assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3,
             738      County Assessment; and

             739          (B) semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
             740          (vi) For purposes of Subsection (3)(c)(ii)(B), for calendar years beginning on or after
             741      January 1, 2009, the value of taxable property does not include the value of personal property
             742      that is within the taxing entity assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County
             743      Assessment.
             744          (vii) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             745      the commission may prescribe rules for calculating redevelopment adjustments for a calendar
             746      year.
             747          (d) (i) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act,
             748      the commission shall make rules determining the calculation of ad valorem property tax
             749      revenues budgeted by a taxing entity.
             750          (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(d)(i), ad valorem property tax revenues budgeted by
             751      a taxing entity shall be calculated in the same manner as budgeted property tax revenues are
             752      calculated for purposes of Section 59-2-913 .
             753          (e) The certified tax rates for the taxing entities described in this Subsection (3)(e) shall
             754      be calculated as follows:
             755          (i) except as provided in Subsection (3)(e)(ii), for new taxing entities the certified tax
             756      rate is zero;
             757          (ii) for each municipality incorporated on or after July 1, 1996, the certified tax rate is:
             758          (A) in a county of the first, second, or third class, the levy imposed for municipal-type
             759      services under Sections 17-34-1 and 17-36-9 ; and
             760          (B) in a county of the fourth, fifth, or sixth class, the levy imposed for general county
             761      purposes and such other levies imposed solely for the municipal-type services identified in
             762      Section 17-34-1 and Subsection 17-36-3 (22); and
             763          (iii) for debt service voted on by the public, the certified tax rate shall be the actual
             764      levy imposed by that section, except that the certified tax rates for the following levies shall be
             765      calculated in accordance with Section 59-2-913 and this section:
             766          (A) school leeways provided for under Sections 11-2-7 , 53A-16-110 , 53A-17a-125 ,
             767      53A-17a-127 , 53A-17a-133 , 53A-17a-134 , 53A-17a-143 , and 53A-17a-145 [, and
             768      53A-21-103 ]; and
             769          (B) levies to pay for the costs of state legislative mandates or judicial or administrative

             770      orders under Section 59-2-1604 .
             771          (f) (i) A judgment levy imposed under Section 59-2-1328 or 59-2-1330 shall be
             772      established at that rate which is sufficient to generate only the revenue required to satisfy one
             773      or more eligible judgments, as defined in Section 59-2-102 .
             774          (ii) The ad valorem property tax revenue generated by the judgment levy shall not be
             775      considered in establishing the taxing entity's aggregate certified tax rate.
             776          (g) The ad valorem property tax revenue generated by the capital outlay levy described
             777      in Section 53A-16-107 within a taxing entity in a county of the first class:
             778          (i) may not be considered in establishing the school district's aggregate certified tax
             779      rate; and
             780          (ii) shall be included by the commission in establishing a certified tax rate for that
             781      capital outlay levy determined in accordance with the calculation described in Subsection
             782      59-2-913 (3).
             783          (4) (a) For the purpose of calculating the certified tax rate, the county auditor shall use:
             784          (i) the taxable value of real property assessed by a county assessor contained on the
             785      assessment roll;
             786          (ii) the taxable value of real and personal property assessed by the commission; and
             787          (iii) the taxable year end value of personal property assessed by a county assessor
             788      contained on the prior year's assessment roll.
             789          (b) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a)(i), the taxable value of real property on the
             790      assessment roll does not include new growth as defined in Subsection (4)(c).
             791          (c) "New growth" means:
             792          (i) the difference between the increase in taxable value of the following property of the
             793      taxing entity from the previous calendar year to the current year:
             794          (A) real property assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County
             795      Assessment; and
             796          (B) property assessed by the commission under Section 59-2-201 ; plus
             797          (ii) the difference between the increase in taxable year end value of personal property
             798      of the taxing entity from the year prior to the previous calendar year to the previous calendar
             799      year; minus
             800          (iii) the amount of an increase in taxable value described in Subsection (4)(e).

             801          (d) For purposes of Subsection (4)(c)(ii), the taxable value of personal property of the
             802      taxing entity does not include the taxable value of personal property that is:
             803          (i) contained on the tax rolls of the taxing entity if that property is assessed by a county
             804      assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment; and
             805          (ii) semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
             806          (e) Subsection (4)(c)(iii) applies to the following increases in taxable value:
             807          (i) the amount of increase to locally assessed real property taxable values resulting
             808      from factoring, reappraisal, or any other adjustments; or
             809          (ii) the amount of an increase in the taxable value of property assessed by the
             810      commission under Section 59-2-201 resulting from a change in the method of apportioning the
             811      taxable value prescribed by:
             812          (A) the Legislature;
             813          (B) a court;
             814          (C) the commission in an administrative rule; or
             815          (D) the commission in an administrative order.
             816          (f) For purposes of Subsection (4)(a)(ii), the taxable year end value of personal
             817      property on the prior year's assessment roll does not include:
             818          (i) new growth as defined in Subsection (4)(c); or
             819          (ii) the total taxable year end value of personal property contained on the prior year's
             820      tax rolls of the taxing entity that is:
             821          (A) assessed by a county assessor in accordance with Part 3, County Assessment; and
             822          (B) semiconductor manufacturing equipment.
             823          (5) (a) On or before June 22, each taxing entity shall annually adopt a tentative budget.
             824          (b) If the taxing entity intends to exceed the certified tax rate, it shall notify the county
             825      auditor of:
             826          (i) its intent to exceed the certified tax rate; and
             827          (ii) the amount by which it proposes to exceed the certified tax rate.
             828          (c) The county auditor shall notify [all] property owners of any intent to [exceed] levy a
             829      tax rate that exceeds the certified tax rate in accordance with [Subsection 59-2-919 (3)]
             830      Sections 59-2-919 and 59-2-919.1 .
             831          Section 15. Section 59-2-924.3 is amended to read:

             832           59-2-924.3. Adjustment of the calculation of the certified tax rate for a school
             833      district imposing a capital outlay levy in a county of the first class.
             834          (1) As used in this section:
             835          (a) "Capital outlay increment" means the amount of revenue equal to the difference
             836      between:
             837          (i) the amount of revenue generated by a levy of .0006 per dollar of taxable value
             838      within a school district during a fiscal year; and
             839          (ii) the amount of revenue the school district received during the same fiscal year from
             840      the distribution described in Subsection 53A-16-107.1 (1).
             841          (b) "Contributing school district" means a school district in a county of the first class
             842      that in a fiscal year receives less revenue from the distribution described in Subsection
             843      53A-16-107.1 (1) than it would have received during the same fiscal year from a levy imposed
             844      within the school district of .0006 per dollar of taxable value.
             845          (c) "Receiving school district" means a school district in a county of the first class that
             846      in a fiscal year receives more revenue from the distribution described in Subsection
             847      53A-16-107.1 (1) than it would have received during the same fiscal year from a levy imposed
             848      within the school district of .0006 per dollar of taxable value.
             849          (2) For fiscal year 2009-10, a receiving school district shall decrease its capital outlay
             850      certified tax rate under Subsection 59-2-924 (3)(g)(ii) by an amount required to offset the
             851      receiving school district's estimated capital outlay increment for the current fiscal year.
             852          (3) Beginning with fiscal year 2010-11, a receiving school district shall decrease its
             853      capital outlay certified tax rate under Subsection 59-2-924 (3)(g)(ii) by the amount required to
             854      offset the receiving school district's capital outlay increment for the prior fiscal year.
             855          (4) For fiscal year 2009-10, a contributing school district is exempt from the notice and
             856      public [notice and] hearing [requirements] provisions of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section
             857      59-2-919 for the school district's capital outlay levy certified tax rate calculated pursuant to
             858      Subsection 59-2-924 (3)(g)(ii) if:
             859          (a) the contributing school district budgets an increased amount of ad valorem property
             860      tax revenue exclusive of new growth as defined in Subsection 59-2-924 (4) for the capital
             861      outlay levy described in Section 53A-16-107 ; and
             862          (b) the increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue described in Subsection

             863      (4)(a) is less than or equal to that contributing school district's estimated capital outlay
             864      increment for the current fiscal year.
             865          (5) Beginning with fiscal year 2010-11, a contributing school district is exempt from
             866      the [public] notice and public hearing [requirements] provisions of [Sections 59-2-918 and]
             867      Section 59-2-919 for the school district's capital outlay levy certified tax rate calculated
             868      pursuant to Subsection 59-2-924 (3)(g)(ii) if:
             869          (a) the contributing school district budgets an increased amount of ad valorem property
             870      tax revenue exclusive of new growth as defined in Subsection 59-2-924 (4) for the capital
             871      outlay levy described in Section 53A-16-107 ; and
             872          (b) the increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue described in Subsection
             873      (5)(a) is less than or equal to that contributing school district's capital outlay increment for the
             874      prior year.
             875          (6) Beginning with fiscal year 2011-12, a contributing school district is exempt from
             876      the [public] notice and public hearing [requirements] provisions of [Sections 59-2-918 and]
             877      Section 59-2-919 for the school district's capital outlay levy certified tax rate calculated
             878      pursuant to Subsection 59-2-924 (3)(g)(ii) if:
             879          (a) the contributing school district budgets an increased amount of ad valorem property
             880      tax revenue exclusive of new growth as defined in Subsection 59-2-924 (4) for the capital
             881      outlay levy described in Section 53A-16-107 ; and
             882          (b) the increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue described in Subsection
             883      (6)(a) is less than or equal to the difference between:
             884          (i) the amount of revenue generated by a levy of .0006 per dollar of taxable value
             885      imposed within the contributing school district during the current taxable year; and
             886          (ii) the amount of revenue generated by a levy of .0006 per dollar of taxable value
             887      imposed within the contributing school district during the prior taxable year.
             888          (7) Regardless of the amount a school district receives from the revenue collected from
             889      the .0006 portion of the capital outlay levy required in Subsection 53A-16-107 (3), the revenue
             890      generated within the school district from the .0006 portion of the capital outlay levy required in
             891      Subsection 53A-16-107 (3) shall be considered to be budgeted ad valorem property tax
             892      revenues of the school district that levies the .0006 portion of the capital outlay levy for
             893      purposes of calculating the school district's certified tax rate in accordance with Subsection

             894      59-2-924 (3)(g)(ii).
             895          Section 16. Section 59-2-924.4 is amended to read:
             896           59-2-924.4. Adjustment of the calculation of the certified tax rate for certain
             897      divided school districts.
             898          (1) As used in this section:
             899          (a) "Capital outlay increment" means the amount of revenue equal to the difference
             900      between:
             901          (i) the amount of revenue generated by a levy of .0006 per dollar of taxable value
             902      within a qualifying divided school district during a fiscal year; and
             903          (ii) the amount of revenue the qualifying divided school district received during the
             904      same fiscal year from the distribution described in Section 53A-2-118.3 .
             905          (b) "Contributing divided school district" means a school district located within a
             906      qualifying divided school district that in a fiscal year receives less revenue from the distribution
             907      described in Section 53A-2-118.3 than it would have received during the same fiscal year from
             908      a levy imposed within the school district of .0006 per dollar of taxable value.
             909          (c) "Divided school district" means a school district from which a new school district is
             910      created.
             911          (d) "New school district" means a school district:
             912          (i) created under Section 53A-2-118.1 ;
             913          (ii) that begins to provide educational services after July 1, 2008; and
             914          (iii) located in a qualifying divided school district.
             915          (e) "Qualifying divided school district" means a divided school district:
             916          (i) located within a county of the second through sixth class; and
             917          (ii) with a new school district created under Section 53A-2-118.1 that begins to provide
             918      educational services after July 1, 2008.
             919          (f) "Qualifying fiscal year" means the first fiscal year that a new school district begins
             920      to provide educational services.
             921          (g) "Receiving divided school district" means a school district located within a
             922      qualifying divided school district that in a fiscal year receives more revenue from the
             923      distribution described in Section 53A-2-118.3 than it would have received during the same
             924      fiscal year from a levy imposed within the school district of .0006 per dollar of taxable value.

             925          (2) A receiving divided school district shall decrease its certified tax rate calculated in
             926      accordance with Section 59-2-924 by the amount required to offset the receiving divided
             927      school district's capital outlay increment for the prior fiscal year.
             928          (3) Beginning with the fiscal year after the qualifying fiscal year, a contributing divided
             929      school district is exempt from the notice and public [notice and] hearing [requirements]
             930      provisions of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 for the contributing divided school
             931      district's certified tax rate calculated pursuant to Section 59-2-924 if:
             932          (a) the contributing divided school district budgets an increased amount of ad valorem
             933      property tax revenue exclusive of new growth as defined in Subsection 59-2-924 (4) for the
             934      capital outlay levy required in Section 53A-2-118.3 ; and
             935          (b) the increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue described in Subsection
             936      (3)(a) is less than or equal to that contributing divided school district's capital outlay increment
             937      for the prior year.
             938          (4) Beginning with the fiscal year after the qualifying fiscal year, a contributing divided
             939      school district is exempt from the notice and public [notice and] hearing [requirements]
             940      provisions of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 for the contributing divided school
             941      district's certified tax rate calculated pursuant to Section 59-2-924 if:
             942          (a) the contributing divided school district budgets an increased amount of ad valorem
             943      property tax revenue exclusive of new growth as defined in Subsection 59-2-924 (4) for the
             944      capital outlay levy described in Section 53A-2-118.3 ; and
             945          (b) the increased amount of ad valorem property tax revenue described in Subsection
             946      (4)(a) is less than or equal to the difference between:
             947          (i) the amount of revenue generated by a levy of .0006 per dollar of taxable value
             948      imposed within the contributing divided school district during the current taxable year; and
             949          (ii) the amount of revenue generated by a levy of .0006 per dollar of taxable value
             950      imposed within the contributing divided school district during the prior taxable year.
             951          (5) Regardless of the amount a school district receives from the revenue collected from
             952      the .0006 portion of the capital outlay levy described in Section 53A-2-118.3 , the revenue
             953      generated within the school district from the .0006 portion of the capital outlay levy described
             954      in Section 53A-2-118.3 shall be considered to be budgeted ad valorem property tax revenues of
             955      the school district that levies the .0006 portion of the capital outlay levy for purposes of

             956      calculating the school district's certified tax rate in accordance with Section 59-2-924 .
             957          Section 17. Section 59-2-1602 is amended to read:
             958           59-2-1602. Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund -- Creation -- Statewide levy --
             959      Additional county levy permitted.
             960          (1) (a) There is created the Property Tax Valuation Agency Fund, to be funded by the
             961      revenue collected from the multicounty assessing and collecting levy as provided in Subsection
             962      (3)(c) and Section 59-2-1603 .
             963          (b) The purpose of the multicounty assessing and collecting levy required under
             964      Subsection (2) and the disbursement formulas established in Section 59-2-1603 is to promote
             965      the:
             966          (i) accurate valuation of property;
             967          (ii) establishment and maintenance of uniform assessment levels within and among
             968      counties; and
             969          (iii) efficient administration of the property tax system, including the costs of
             970      assessment, collection, and distribution of property taxes.
             971          (c) Income derived from the investment of money in the fund created in this Subsection
             972      (1) shall be deposited in and become part of the fund.
             973          (2) (a) Annually, each county shall impose a multicounty assessing and collecting levy
             974      not to exceed .0002 per dollar of taxable value as authorized by the Legislature as provided in
             975      Subsection (2)(b).
             976          (b) Subject to Subsections (2)(c), and (5), in order to fund the Property Tax Valuation
             977      Agency Fund, the Legislature shall authorize the amount of the multicounty assessing and
             978      collecting levy.
             979          (c) The multicounty assessing and collecting levy may not exceed the certified revenue
             980      levy as defined in Section 59-2-102 , unless:
             981          (i) the Legislature authorizes a multicounty assessing and collecting levy that exceeds
             982      the certified revenue levy; and
             983          (ii) the state complies with the notice requirements of Section 59-2-926 .
             984          (3) (a) The multicounty assessing and collecting levy authorized by the Legislature
             985      under Subsection (2) shall be separately stated on the tax notice as a multicounty assessing and
             986      collecting levy.

             987          (b) The multicounty assessing and collecting levy authorized by the Legislature under
             988      Subsection (2) is:
             989          (i) exempt from the provisions of Sections 17C-1-403 and 17C-1-404 ;
             990          (ii) in addition to and exempt from the maximum levies allowable under Section
             991      59-2-908 ; and
             992          (iii) exempt from the notice requirements of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 .
             993          (c) (i) Each contributing county shall transmit quarterly to the state treasurer the
             994      portion of the multicounty assessing and collecting levy which is above the amount to which
             995      that county is entitled to under Section 59-2-1603 .
             996          (ii) The revenue transmitted under Subsection (3)(c)(i) shall be transmitted no later
             997      than the tenth day of the month following the end of the quarter in which the revenue is
             998      collected.
             999          (iii) If revenue transmitted under Subsection (3)(c)(i) is transmitted after the tenth day
             1000      of the month following the end of the quarter in which the revenue is collected, the county shall
             1001      pay an interest penalty at the rate of 10% each year until the revenue is transmitted.
             1002          (iv) Each contributing county that transmits to the state treasurer a portion of the
             1003      multicounty assessing and collecting levy in accordance with Subsection (3)(c) shall levy
             1004      sufficient property taxes to fund its county assessing and collecting budgets.
             1005          (d) The state treasurer shall deposit in the fund the:
             1006          (i) revenue transmitted to the fund by contributing counties;
             1007          (ii) interest accrued from that levy; and
             1008          (iii) penalties received under Subsection (3)(c)(iii).
             1009          (4) (a) A county may levy a county additional property tax in accordance with this
             1010      Subsection (4).
             1011          (b) A receiving county may not receive funds from the Property Tax Valuation Agency
             1012      Fund unless the receiving county levies a county additional property tax of at least .0003 per
             1013      dollar of taxable value of taxable property as reported by each county.
             1014          (c) The county additional property tax described in Subsection (4)(a) shall be levied by
             1015      the county and stated on the tax notice as a county assessing and collecting levy.
             1016          (d) The purpose of the county additional property tax established in this Subsection (4)
             1017      is to promote the:

             1018          (i) accurate valuation of property;
             1019          (ii) establishment and maintenance of uniform assessment levels within and among
             1020      counties; and
             1021          (iii) efficient administration of the property tax system, including the costs of
             1022      assessment, collection, and distribution of property taxes.
             1023          (e) A county additional property tax levy established in Subsection (4)(a) is:
             1024          (i) exempt from the provisions of Sections 17C-1-403 and 17C-1-404 ;
             1025          (ii) in addition to and exempt from the maximum levies allowable under Section
             1026      59-2-908 ; and
             1027          (iii) beginning on January 1, 2009:
             1028          (A) for a county that was designated as a receiving county by the state auditor during
             1029      the prior calendar year, subject to the notice and public hearing [requirements] provisions of
             1030      [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 only if the county additional property tax levied by
             1031      that county levy is raised to a rate in excess of .0003; and
             1032          (B) except as provided in Subsection (4)(f), for a county that was designated as a
             1033      contributing county by the state auditor during the prior calendar year, subject to the notice and
             1034      public hearing [requirements] provisions of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 .
             1035          (f) A county additional property tax levy in a county that was not a receiving county
             1036      during the prior year shall be subject to the notice and public hearing [requirements] provisions
             1037      described in Subsection (4)(e)(iii)(A) if the county would have been designated as a receiving
             1038      county during the prior calendar year if the county had levied a county additional property tax
             1039      of at least .0003 per dollar of taxable value.
             1040          (5) Subject to Subsection (6), for calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2007,
             1041      the amount of the multicounty assessing and collecting levy described in this section shall be
             1042      reduced by an amount equal to the difference between:
             1043          (a) the amount of revenue budgeted:
             1044          (i) by each receiving county for that calendar year; and
             1045          (ii) for the county additional property tax levy described in Subsection (4)(a); and
             1046          (b) the amount of revenue budgeted:
             1047          (i) by each receiving county for the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar
             1048      year described in Subsection (7)(a); and

             1049          (ii) for the county additional property tax levy described in Subsection (4)(a).
             1050          (6) The amounts described in the calculations required by Subsection (5) are exclusive
             1051      of new growth.
             1052          Section 18. Section 59-2-1604 is amended to read:
             1053           59-2-1604. Additional levies by counties.
             1054          (1) (a) A county may levy an additional tax to fund state mandated actions to meet
             1055      legislative mandates or judicial or administrative orders which relate to promoting the accurate
             1056      valuation of property, the establishment and maintenance of uniform assessment levels within
             1057      and among counties, and the administration of the property tax system.
             1058          (b) An additional rate levied under Subsection (1)(a):
             1059          (i) shall be stated on the tax notice;
             1060          (ii) may be included on the tax notice with the county levies authorized under Section
             1061      59-2-1602 as part of the countywide aggregate tax rate;
             1062          (iii) may not be included in determining the maximum allowable levy for the county or
             1063      other taxing entities; and
             1064          (iv) is subject to the notice requirements of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 .
             1065          (2) (a) A county may levy an additional tax for reappraisal programs that:
             1066          (i) are formally adopted by the county legislative body; and
             1067          (ii) conform to tax commission rules.
             1068          (b) An additional rate levied under Subsection (2)(a):
             1069          (i) shall be stated on the tax notice;
             1070          (ii) may be included on the tax notice with the county levies authorized under Section
             1071      59-2-1602 as part of the countywide aggregate tax rate;
             1072          (iii) may not be included in determining the maximum allowable levy for the county or
             1073      other taxing entities; and
             1074          (iv) is subject to the notice requirements of [Sections 59-2-918 and] Section 59-2-919 .
             1075          Section 19. Repealer.
             1076          This bill repeals:
             1077          Section 59-2-918, Advertisement of proposed tax increase -- Notice -- Contents.
             1078          Section 20. Revisor instructions.
             1079          It is the intent of the Legislature that, in preparing the Utah Code database for

             1080      publication, the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel shall replace the reference
             1081      in Subsection 59-2-919 (11) from "this bill" to the bill's designated chapter and section number
             1082      in the Laws of Utah.
             1083          Section 21. Coordinating S.B. 65 with H.B. 67 and S.B. 208 -- Substantive and
             1084      technical amendments.
             1085          If this S.B. 65, H.B. 67, Public Hearings on Property Tax Increases, and S.B. 208, Utah
             1086      Public Notice Website, all pass, it is the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative
             1087      Research and General Counsel prepare the Utah Code database for publication by:
             1088          (1) modifying Subsections 59-2-919 (6) and (7) as amended in this bill in the version of
             1089      the Utah Code database that takes effect on January 1, 2010 as follows:
             1090          "(6) (a) Subject to Subsections (6)(d) and (7)(b), the advertisement described in this
             1091      section shall be published:
             1092          (i) in a newspaper or combination of newspapers of general circulation in the taxing
             1093      entity until January 1, 2011; and
             1094          (ii) beginning on January 1, 2011, on the Utah Public Notice Website as described in
             1095      Section 63F-1-701 .
             1096          (b) The advertisement described in [this section] Subsection (6)(a)(i) shall:
             1097          (i) be no less than 1/4 page in size;
             1098          (ii) use type no smaller than 18 point; and
             1099          (iii) be surrounded by a 1/4-inch border.
             1100          (c) The advertisement described in [this section] Subsection (6)(a)(i) may not be placed
             1101      in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear.
             1102          (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             1103          (i) whenever possible, the advertisement described in [this section] Subsection (6)(a)(i)
             1104      appear in a newspaper that is published at least one day per week; and
             1105          (ii) the newspaper or combination of newspapers selected:
             1106          (A) be of general interest and readership in the taxing entity; and
             1107          (B) not be of limited subject matter.
             1108          (e) (i) The advertisement [described in this section shall]:
             1109          [(i)] (A) described in Subsection (6)(a)(i) shall:
             1110          (I) except as provided in Subsection (6)(e)(ii), be run once each week for the two

             1111      weeks [preceding the adoption of the final]:
             1112          (Aa) before a taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's annual
             1113      budget is discussed; and
             1114          (Bb) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             1115      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             1116      year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             1117          [(ii)] (II) state that the taxing entity will meet on a certain day, time, and place fixed in
             1118      the advertisement, which shall be not less than seven days after the day the first advertisement
             1119      is published, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding any proposed increase and to
             1120      explain the reasons for the proposed increase[.]; or
             1121          (B) described in Subsection (6)(a)(ii) shall:
             1122          (I) be published two weeks:
             1123          (Aa) before a taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's annual
             1124      budget is discussed; and
             1125          (Bb) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             1126      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             1127      year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             1128          (II) state that the taxing entity will meet on a certain day, time, and place fixed in the
             1129      advertisement, which shall be not less than seven days after the day the first advertisement is
             1130      published, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding any proposed increase and to explain
             1131      the reasons for the proposed increase.
             1132          (ii) If a taxing entity's public hearing information is published by the county auditor in
             1133      accordance with Section 59-2-919.2 , the taxing entity is not subject to the requirement to run
             1134      the advertisement twice, as required by Subsection (6)(e)(i)(A), but shall run the advertisement
             1135      once during the week:
             1136          (A) before the taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's
             1137      annual budget is discussed; and
             1138          (B) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             1139      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             1140      year taxing entity's certified tax rate.
             1141          [(f) The meeting on the proposed increase may coincide with the hearing on the

             1142      proposed budget of the taxing entity.]
             1143          (f) (i) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A) or (4)(a), the form and content of an
             1144      advertisement shall be substantially as follows:


             1147          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             1148          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             1149      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             1150      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.
             1151          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             1152      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             1153      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.
             1154          *    If the proposed budget is approved, (name of the taxing entity) would increase
             1155      its property tax budgeted revenue by ___% above last year's property tax
             1156      budgeted revenue excluding new growth.
             1157          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             1159          Date/Time:    (date) (time)
             1160          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)
             1161          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             1162      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity)."
             1163          [(3) The] (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), the form and content of [the
             1164      notice] an advertisement shall be substantially as follows:


             1167          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             1168          [*    If the proposed budget is approved, this would be an increase of _____% above
             1169      the (name of the taxing entity) property tax budgeted revenue for the prior year.]
             1170          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             1171      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             1172      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.

             1173          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             1174      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             1175      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.
             1176          *    If the proposed budget is approved, (name of the taxing entity) would increase
             1177      its property tax budgeted revenue by ___% above last year's property tax
             1178      budgeted revenue excluding new growth.
             1179          (Name of taxing entity) property tax revenue from new growth and other sources will
             1180      increase from $_______________ to $______________.
             1181          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             1183          Date/Time:    (date) (time)
             1184          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)
             1185          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             1186      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity).
             1187          [(4)] (7) The commission:
             1188          (a) shall adopt rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             1189      Rulemaking Act, governing the joint use of one advertisement [under this section or Section
             1190      59-2-918 ] described in Subsection (6) by two or more taxing entities; and
             1191          (b) may[, upon petition by any taxing entity,] authorize [either]:
             1192          (i) until January 1, 2011, the use of a weekly [newspapers] newspaper:
             1193          (A) in [counties] a county having both daily and weekly newspapers [where] if the
             1194      weekly newspaper would provide equal or greater notice to the taxpayer; and
             1195          (B) if the county petitions the commission for the use of the weekly newspaper; or
             1196          (ii) the use by a taxing entity except for a calendar year taxing entity that provides the
             1197      notice described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(II) of a commission[-]approved direct notice to each
             1198      taxpayer if [the]:
             1199          (A) the cost of the advertisement would cause undue hardship; [and]
             1200          (B) the direct notice is different and separate from that provided for in Section
             1201      59-2-919.1 [.]; and
             1202          (C) the taxing entity petitions the commission for the use of a commission approved
             1203      direct notice."; and

             1204          (2) modifying Section 59-2-919.2 enacted in H.B. 67 in the version of the Utah Code
             1205      database that takes effect on January 1, 2010 as follows:
             1206          (a) in Subsection 59-2-919.2 (1)(a), replace the references to "Subsection 59-2-919 (7)"
             1207      with "Subsection 59-2-919 (8)(a)(i)";
             1208          (b) in Subsection 59-2-919.2 (1)(b), replace the reference to "advertisement" with
             1209      "notice";
             1210          (c) modify Subsection 59-2-919.2 (2)(b)(ii) to read:
             1211          "(ii) the date, time, and location of the public hearing described in Subsection
             1212      59-2-919 (8)(a)(i);";
             1213          (d) modify Subsection 59-2-919.2 (4)(a) to read:
             1214          "(a) who attends the public hearing described in Subsection 59-2-919 (8)(a)(i) of the
             1215      taxing entity; or"; and
             1216          (e) modify Subsection 59-2-919.2 (6) to read:
             1217          "(6) The publication of the list under this section does not remove or change the notice
             1218      requirements of Section 59-2-919 for a taxing entity.".
             1219          Section 22. Coordinating S.B. 65 with H.B. 67 -- Substantive and technical
             1220      amendments.
             1221          If this S.B. 65 and H.B. 67, Public Hearings on Property Tax Increases, both pass, it is
             1222      the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
             1223      prepare the Utah Code database for publication by:
             1224          (1) modifying Subsection 59-2-919 (6) as amended in this bill in the version of the Utah
             1225      Code database that takes effect on January 1, 2010 as follows:
             1226          "(6) (a) Subject to Subsections (6)(d) and (7)(b), the advertisement described in this
             1227      section shall be published in a newspaper or combination of newspapers of general circulation
             1228      in the taxing entity.
             1229          (b) The advertisement described in this section shall:
             1230          (i) be no less than 1/4 page in size;
             1231          (ii) use type no smaller than 18 point; and
             1232          (iii) be surrounded by a 1/4-inch border.
             1233          (c) The advertisement described in this section may not be placed in that portion of the
             1234      newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear.

             1235          (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             1236          (i) whenever possible, the advertisement described in this section appear in a
             1237      newspaper that is published at least one day per week; and
             1238          (ii) the newspaper or combination of newspapers selected:
             1239          (A) be of general interest and readership in the taxing entity; and
             1240          (B) not be of limited subject matter.
             1241          (e) (i) The advertisement described in this section shall:
             1242          [(i)] (A) except as provided in Subsection (6)(e)(ii), be run once each week for the two
             1243      weeks [preceding the adoption of the final]:
             1244          (I) before a taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's annual
             1245      budget is discussed; and
             1246          (II) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             1247      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             1248      year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             1249          [(ii)] (B) state that the taxing entity will meet on a certain day, time, and place fixed in
             1250      the advertisement, which shall be not less than seven days after the day the first advertisement
             1251      is published, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding any proposed increase and to
             1252      explain the reasons for the proposed increase.
             1253          (ii) If a taxing entity's public hearing information is published by the county auditor in
             1254      accordance with Section 59-2-919.2 , the taxing entity is not subject to the requirement to run
             1255      the advertisement twice, as required by Subsection (6)(e)(i)(A), but shall run the advertisement
             1256      once during the week:
             1257          (A) before the taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's
             1258      annual budget is discussed; and
             1259          (B) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             1260      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             1261      year taxing entity's certified tax rate.
             1262          [(f) The meeting on the proposed increase may coincide with the hearing on the
             1263      proposed budget of the taxing entity.]
             1264          (f) (i) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A) or (4)(a), the form and content of an
             1265      advertisement shall be substantially as follows:



             1268          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             1269          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             1270      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             1271      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.
             1272          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             1273      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             1274      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.
             1275          *    If the proposed budget is approved, (name of the taxing entity) would increase
             1276      its property tax budgeted revenue by ___% above last year's property tax
             1277      budgeted revenue excluding new growth.
             1278          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             1280          Date/Time:    (date) (time)
             1281          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)
             1282          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             1283      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity)."
             1284          [(3) The] (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), the form and content of [the
             1285      notice] an advertisement shall be substantially as follows:


             1288          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             1289          [*    If the proposed budget is approved, this would be an increase of _____% above
             1290      the (name of the taxing entity) property tax budgeted revenue for the prior year.]
             1291          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             1292      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             1293      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.
             1294          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             1295      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             1296      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.

             1297          *    If the proposed budget is approved, (name of the taxing entity) would increase
             1298      its property tax budgeted revenue by ___% above last year's property tax
             1299      budgeted revenue excluding new growth.
             1300          (Name of taxing entity) property tax revenue from new growth and other sources will
             1301      increase from $_______________ to $______________.
             1302          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             1304          Date/Time:    (date) (time)
             1305          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)
             1306          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             1307      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity)."; and
             1308          (2) modifying Section 59-2-919.2 enacted in H.B. 67 in the version of the Utah Code
             1309      database that takes effect on January 1, 2010 as follows:
             1310          (a) in Subsection 59-2-919.2 (1)(a), replace the references to "Subsection 59-2-919 (7)"
             1311      with "Subsection 59-2-919 (8)(a)(i)";
             1312          (b) in Subsection 59-2-919.2 (1)(b), replace the reference to "advertisement" with
             1313      "notice";
             1314          (c) modify Subsection 59-2-919.2 (2)(b)(ii) to read:
             1315          "(ii) the date, time, and location of the public hearing described in Subsection
             1316      59-2-919 (8)(a)(i);";
             1317          (d) modify Subsection 59-2-919.2 (4)(a) to read:
             1318          "(a) who attends the public hearing described in Subsection 59-2-919 (8)(a)(i) of the
             1319      taxing entity; or"; and
             1320          (e) modify Subsection 59-2-919.2 (6) to read:
             1321          "(6) The publication of the list under this section does not remove or change the notice
             1322      requirements of Section 59-2-919 for a taxing entity.".
             1323          Section 23. Coordinating S.B. 65 with S.B. 208 -- Substantive and technical
             1324      amendments.
             1325          If this S.B. 65 and S.B. 208, Utah Public Notice Website Amendments, both pass, it is
             1326      the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
             1327      prepare the Utah Code database for publication by modifying Subsections 59-2-919(6) and (7)

             1328      as amended in this bill in the version of the Utah Code database that takes effect on May 12,
             1329      2009 as follows:
             1330          "(6) (a) Subject to Subsections (6)(d) and (7)(b), the advertisement described in this
             1331      section shall be published:
             1332          (i) in a newspaper or combination of newspapers of general circulation in the taxing
             1333      entity until January 1, 2011; and
             1334          (ii) beginning on January 1, 2011, on the Utah Public Notice Website as described in
             1335      Section 63F-1-701 .
             1336          (b) The advertisement described in [this section] Subsection (6)(a)(i) shall:
             1337          (i) be no less than 1/4 page in size;
             1338          (ii) use type no smaller than 18 point; and
             1339          (iii) be surrounded by a 1/4-inch border.
             1340          (c) The advertisement described in [this section] Subsection (6)(a)(i) may not be placed
             1341      in that portion of the newspaper where legal notices and classified advertisements appear.
             1342          (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that:
             1343          (i) whenever possible, the advertisement described in [this section] Subsection (6)(a)(i)
             1344      appear in a newspaper that is published at least one day per week; and
             1345          (ii) the newspaper or combination of newspapers selected:
             1346          (A) be of general interest and readership in the taxing entity; and
             1347          (B) not be of limited subject matter.
             1348          (e) The advertisement [described in this section shall]:
             1349          (i) described in Subsection (6)(a)(i) shall:
             1350          (A) be run once each week for the two weeks [preceding the adoption of the final]:
             1351          (I) before a taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's annual
             1352      budget is discussed; and
             1353          (II) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             1354      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             1355      year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             1356          [(ii)] (B) state that the taxing entity will meet on a certain day, time, and place fixed in
             1357      the advertisement, which shall be not less than seven days after the day the first advertisement
             1358      is published, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding any proposed increase and to

             1359      explain the reasons for the proposed increase[.]; or
             1360          (ii) described in Subsection (6)(a)(ii) shall:
             1361          (A) be published two weeks:
             1362          (I) before a taxing entity conducts a public hearing at which the taxing entity's annual
             1363      budget is discussed; and
             1364          (II) if a calendar year taxing entity provides the notice described in Subsection
             1365      (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), before the calendar year taxing entity levies a tax rate that exceeds the calendar
             1366      year taxing entity's certified tax rate; and
             1367          (B) state that the taxing entity will meet on a certain day, time, and place fixed in the
             1368      advertisement, which shall be not less than seven days after the day the first advertisement is
             1369      published, for the purpose of hearing comments regarding any proposed increase and to explain
             1370      the reasons for the proposed increase.
             1371          [(f) The meeting on the proposed increase may coincide with the hearing on the
             1372      proposed budget of the taxing entity.]
             1373          (f) (i) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(A) or (4)(a), the form and content of an
             1374      advertisement shall be substantially as follows:


             1377          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             1378          *    If the proposed budget is approved, this would be an increase of _____% above
             1379      the (name of the taxing entity) property tax budgeted revenue for the prior year.
             1380          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             1381      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             1382      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.
             1383          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             1384      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             1385      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.
             1386          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             1388          Date/Time:    (date) (time)
             1389          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)

             1390          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             1391      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity)."
             1392          [(3) The] (ii) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(I), the form and content of [the
             1393      notice] an advertisement shall be substantially as follows:


             1396          The (name of the taxing entity) is proposing to increase its property tax revenue.
             1397          *    If the proposed budget is approved, this would be an increase of _____% above
             1398      the (name of the taxing entity) property tax budgeted revenue for the prior year.
             1399          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the average value of a residence
             1400      in the taxing entity rounded to the nearest thousand dollars) residence would
             1401      increase from $______ to $________, which is $_______ per year.
             1402          *    The (name of the taxing entity) tax on a (insert the value of a business having
             1403      the same value as the average value of a residence in the taxing entity) business
             1404      would increase from $________ to $_______, which is $______ per year.
             1405          (Name of taxing entity) property tax revenue from new growth and other sources will
             1406      increase from $_______________ to $______________.
             1407          All concerned citizens are invited to a public hearing on the tax increase.

             1409          Date/Time:    (date) (time)
             1410          Location:    (name of meeting place and address of meeting place)
             1411          To obtain more information regarding the tax increase, citizens may contact the (name
             1412      of the taxing entity) at (phone number of taxing entity)."
             1413          [(4)] (7) The commission:
             1414          (a) shall adopt rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             1415      Rulemaking Act, governing the joint use of one advertisement [under this section or Section
             1416      59-2-918 ] described in Subsection (6) by two or more taxing entities; and
             1417          (b) may[, upon petition by any taxing entity,] authorize [either]:
             1418          (i) until January 1, 2011, the use of a weekly [newspapers] newspaper:
             1419          (A) in [counties] a county having both daily and weekly newspapers [where] if the
             1420      weekly newspaper would provide equal or greater notice to the taxpayer; and

             1421          (B) if the county petitions the commission for the use of the weekly newspaper; or
             1422          (ii) the use by a taxing entity except for a calendar year taxing entity that provides the
             1423      notice described in Subsection (3)(a)(i)(B)(II) of a commission[-]approved direct notice to each
             1424      taxpayer if [the]:
             1425          (A) the cost of the advertisement would cause undue hardship; [and]
             1426          (B) the direct notice is different and separate from that provided for in Section
             1427      59-2-919.1 [.]; and
             1428          (C) the taxing entity petitions the commission for the use of a commission approved
             1429      direct notice."
             1430          Section 24. Coordinating S.B. 65 with H.B. 23 -- Substantive and technical
             1431      amendments.
             1432          If this S.B. 65 and H.B. 23, Certified Tax Rate Amendments, both pass, it is the intent
             1433      of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel prepare the Utah
             1434      Code database for publication by replacing the reference to "public notice and hearing
             1435      requirements of Sections 59-2-918 and 59-2-919" in Subsection 59-2-924 (3)(c)(viii)(B) as
             1436      amended in H.B. 23 with "notice and public hearing provisions of Section 59-2-919" .

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