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First Substitute S.B. 171

Senator Scott K. Jenkins proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Scott K. Jenkins

House Sponsor: Kevin S. Garn

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions relating to municipal annexation.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    modifies the definition of "affected entity," which includes those entities that,
             13      among other things, are entitled to protest a proposed annexation, so that:
             14              .    counties of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth class are not included unless the
             15      area proposed for annexation includes residents or commercial or industrial
             16      development; and
             17              .    school districts are included only if their boundary is proposed to be adjusted as
             18      a result of the annexation;
             19          .    adds a definition of "unincorporated peninsula;"
             20          .    modifies a provision requiring the owner's signature on an annexation petition if
             21      only part of the parcel is proposed to be included in an annexation to specify that
             22      property with multiple parcel numbers but owned by the same owner is considered
             23      to be a single parcel; and
             24          .    provides that a municipality may annex an area without a property owner
             25      annexation petition if the area is 50 acres or less and the municipality and county

             26      agree the area should be annexed.
             27      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             28          None
             29      Other Special Clauses:
             30          None
             31      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             32      AMENDS:
             33          10-2-401, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 360
             34          10-2-402, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 167
             35          10-2-413, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 329
             36          10-2-418, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapters 329 and 378
             38      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             39          Section 1. Section 10-2-401 is amended to read:
             40           10-2-401. Definitions -- Property owner provisions.
             41          (1) As used in this part:
             42          (a) "Affected entity" means:
             43          (i) a county of the first or second class in whose unincorporated area the area proposed
             44      for annexation is located;
             45          (ii) a county of the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class in whose unincorporated area the
             46      area proposed for annexation is located, if the area includes residents or commercial or
             47      industrial development;
             48          [(ii)] (iii) a local district under Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities -
             49      Local Districts, or special service district under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District
             50      Act, whose [boundaries include] boundary includes any part of an area proposed for
             51      annexation;
             52          [(iii)] (iv) a school district whose [boundaries include] boundary includes any part of
             53      an area proposed for annexation, if the boundary is proposed to be adjusted as a result of the
             54      annexation; and
             55          [(iv)] (v) a municipality whose boundaries are within 1/2 mile of an area proposed for
             56      annexation.

             57          (b) "Annexation petition" means a petition under Section 10-2-403 proposing the
             58      annexation to a municipality of a contiguous, unincorporated area that is contiguous to the
             59      municipality.
             60          (c) "Commission" means a boundary commission established under Section 10-2-409
             61      for the county in which the property that is proposed for annexation is located.
             62          (d) "Expansion area" means the unincorporated area that is identified in an annexation
             63      policy plan under Section 10-2-401.5 as the area that the municipality anticipates annexing in
             64      the future.
             65          (e) "Feasibility consultant" means a person or firm with expertise in the processes and
             66      economics of local government.
             67          (f) "Municipal selection committee" means a committee in each county composed of
             68      the mayor of each municipality within that county.
             69          (g) "Private," with respect to real property, means not owned by the United States or
             70      any agency of the federal government, the state, a county, a municipality, a school district, a
             71      local district under Title 17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Local Districts, a
             72      special service district under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act, or any other
             73      political subdivision or governmental entity of the state.
             74          (h) "Specified county" means a county of the second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth class.
             75          (i) "Unincorporated peninsula" means an unincorporated area:
             76          (i) that is part of a larger unincorporated area;
             77          (ii) that extends from the rest of the unincorporated area of which it is a part;
             78          (iii) that is surrounded by land that is within a municipality, except where the area
             79      connects to and extends from the rest of the unincorporated area of which it is a part; and
             80          (iv) whose width, at any point where a straight line may be drawn from a place where it
             81      borders a municipality to another place where it borders a municipality, is no more than 25% of
             82      the boundary of the area where it borders a municipality.
             83          [(i)] (j) "Urban development" means:
             84          (i) a housing development with more than 15 residential units and an average density
             85      greater than one residential unit per acre; or
             86          (ii) a commercial or industrial development for which cost projections exceed
             87      $750,000 for all phases.

             88          (2) For purposes of this part:
             89          (a) the owner of real property shall be the record title owner according to the records of
             90      the county recorder on the date of the filing of the petition or protest; and
             91          (b) the value of private real property shall be determined according to the last
             92      assessment roll for county taxes before the filing of the petition or protest.
             93          (3) For purposes of each provision of this part that requires the owners of private real
             94      property covering a percentage or majority of the total private land area within an area to sign a
             95      petition or protest:
             96          (a) a parcel of real property may not be included in the calculation of the required
             97      percentage or majority unless the petition or protest is signed by:
             98          (i) except as provided in Subsection (3)(a)(ii), owners representing a majority
             99      ownership interest in that parcel; or
             100          (ii) if the parcel is owned by joint tenants or tenants by the entirety, 50% of the number
             101      of owners of that parcel;
             102          (b) the signature of a person signing a petition or protest in a representative capacity on
             103      behalf of an owner is invalid unless:
             104          (i) the person's representative capacity and the name of the owner the person represents
             105      are indicated on the petition or protest with the person's signature; and
             106          (ii) the person provides documentation accompanying the petition or protest that
             107      substantiates the person's representative capacity; and
             108          (c) subject to Subsection (3)(b), a duly appointed personal representative may sign a
             109      petition or protest on behalf of a deceased owner.
             110          Section 2. Section 10-2-402 is amended to read:
             111           10-2-402. Annexation -- Limitations.
             112          (1) (a) A contiguous, unincorporated area that is contiguous to a municipality may be
             113      annexed to the municipality as provided in this part.
             114          (b) An unincorporated area may not be annexed to a municipality unless:
             115          (i) it is a contiguous area;
             116          (ii) it is contiguous to the municipality;
             117          (iii) except as provided in Subsection 10-2-418 (1)(b), annexation will not leave or
             118      create an unincorporated island or unincorporated peninsula; and

             119          (iv) for an area located in a specified county with respect to an annexation that occurs
             120      after December 31, 2002, the area is within the proposed annexing municipality's expansion
             121      area.
             122          (2) Except as provided in Section 10-2-418 , a municipality may not annex an
             123      unincorporated area unless a petition under Section 10-2-403 is filed requesting annexation.
             124          (3) (a) An annexation under this part may not include part of a parcel of real property
             125      and exclude part of that same parcel unless the owner of that parcel has signed the annexation
             126      petition under Section 10-2-403 .
             127          (b) A piece of real property that has more than one parcel number is considered to be a
             128      single parcel for purposes of Subsection (3)(a) if owned by the same owner.
             129          (4) A municipality may not annex an unincorporated area in a specified county for the
             130      sole purpose of acquiring municipal revenue or to retard the capacity of another municipality to
             131      annex the same or a related area unless the municipality has the ability and intent to benefit the
             132      annexed area by providing municipal services to the annexed area.
             133          (5) The legislative body of a specified county may not approve urban development
             134      within a municipality's expansion area unless:
             135          (a) the county notifies the municipality of the proposed development; and
             136          (b) (i) the municipality consents in writing to the development; or
             137          (ii) (A) within 90 days after the county's notification of the proposed development, the
             138      municipality submits to the county a written objection to the county's approval of the proposed
             139      development; and
             140          (B) the county responds in writing to the municipality's objections.
             141          (6) (a) An annexation petition may not be filed under this part proposing the
             142      annexation of an area located in a county that is not the county in which the proposed annexing
             143      municipality is located unless the legislative body of the county in which the area is located has
             144      adopted a resolution approving the proposed annexation.
             145          (b) Each county legislative body that declines to adopt a resolution approving a
             146      proposed annexation described in Subsection (6)(a) shall provide a written explanation of its
             147      reasons for declining to approve the proposed annexation.
             148          (7) (a) As used in this Subsection (7), "airport" means an area that the Federal Aviation
             149      Administration has, by a record of decision, approved for the construction or operation of a

             150      Class I, II, or III commercial service airport, as designated by the Federal Aviation
             151      Administration in 14 C.F.R. Part 139.
             152          (b) A municipality may not annex an unincorporated area within 5,000 feet of the
             153      center line of any runway of an airport operated or to be constructed and operated by another
             154      municipality unless the legislative body of the other municipality adopts a resolution
             155      consenting to the annexation.
             156          (c) A municipality that operates or intends to construct and operate an airport and does
             157      not adopt a resolution consenting to the annexation of an area described in Subsection (7)(b)
             158      may not deny an annexation petition proposing the annexation of that same area to that
             159      municipality.
             160          Section 3. Section 10-2-413 is amended to read:
             161           10-2-413. Feasibility consultant -- Feasibility study -- Modifications to feasibility
             162      study.
             163          (1) (a) For a proposed annexation of an area located in a county of the first class, unless
             164      a proposed annexing municipality denies an annexation petition under Subsection
             165      10-2-407 (3)(a)(i)(A) and except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), the commission shall choose
             166      and engage a feasibility consultant within 45 days of:
             167          (i) the commission's receipt of a protest under Section 10-2-407 , if the commission had
             168      been created before the filing of the protest; or
             169          (ii) the commission's creation, if the commission is created after the filing of a protest.
             170          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (1)(a), the commission may not require a feasibility
             171      study with respect to a petition that proposes the annexation of an area that:
             172          (i) is undeveloped; and
             173          (ii) covers an area that is equivalent to less than 5% of the total land mass of all private
             174      real property within the municipality.
             175          (2) The commission shall require the feasibility consultant to:
             176          (a) complete a feasibility study on the proposed annexation and submit written results
             177      of the study to the commission no later than 75 days after the feasibility consultant is engaged
             178      to conduct the study;
             179          (b) submit with the full written results of the feasibility study a summary of the results
             180      no longer than a page in length; and

             181          (c) attend the public hearing under Subsection 10-2-415 (1) and present the feasibility
             182      study results and respond to questions at that hearing.
             183          (3) (a) Subject to Subsection (4), the feasibility study shall consider:
             184          (i) the population and population density within the area proposed for annexation, the
             185      surrounding unincorporated area, and, if a protest was filed by a municipality with boundaries
             186      within 1/2 mile of the area proposed for annexation, that municipality;
             187          (ii) the geography, geology, and topography of and natural boundaries within the area
             188      proposed for annexation, the surrounding unincorporated area, and, if a protest was filed by a
             189      municipality with boundaries within 1/2 mile of the area proposed for annexation, that
             190      municipality;
             191          (iii) whether the proposed annexation eliminates, leaves, or creates an unincorporated
             192      island or unincorporated peninsula;
             193          (iv) whether the proposed annexation will hinder or prevent a future and more logical
             194      and beneficial annexation or a future logical and beneficial incorporation;
             195          (v) the fiscal impact of the proposed annexation on the remaining unincorporated area,
             196      other municipalities, local districts, special service districts, school districts, and other
             197      governmental entities;
             198          (vi) current and five-year projections of demographics and economic base in the area
             199      proposed for annexation and surrounding unincorporated area, including household size and
             200      income, commercial and industrial development, and public facilities;
             201          (vii) projected growth in the area proposed for annexation and the surrounding
             202      unincorporated area during the next five years;
             203          (viii) the present and five-year projections of the cost of governmental services in the
             204      area proposed for annexation;
             205          (ix) the present and five-year projected revenue to the proposed annexing municipality
             206      from the area proposed for annexation;
             207          (x) the projected impact the annexation will have over the following five years on the
             208      amount of taxes that property owners within the area proposed for annexation, the proposed
             209      annexing municipality, and the remaining unincorporated county will pay;
             210          (xi) past expansion in terms of population and construction in the area proposed for
             211      annexation and the surrounding unincorporated area;

             212          (xii) the extension during the past ten years of the boundaries of each other
             213      municipality near the area proposed for annexation, the willingness of the other municipality to
             214      annex the area proposed for annexation, and the probability that another municipality would
             215      annex some or all of the area proposed for annexation during the next five years if the
             216      annexation did not occur;
             217          (xiii) the history, culture, and social aspects of the area proposed for annexation and
             218      surrounding area;
             219          (xiv) the method of providing and the entity that has provided municipal-type services
             220      in the past to the area proposed for incorporation and the feasibility of municipal-type services
             221      being provided by the proposed annexing municipality; and
             222          (xv) the effect on each school district whose boundaries include part or all of the area
             223      proposed for annexation or the proposed annexing municipality.
             224          (b) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(ix), the feasibility consultant shall assume ad
             225      valorem property tax rates on residential property within the area proposed for annexation at
             226      the same level that residential property within the proposed annexing municipality would be
             227      without the annexation.
             228          (c) For purposes of Subsection (3)(a)(viii), the feasibility consultant shall assume that
             229      the level and quality of governmental services that will be provided to the area proposed for
             230      annexation in the future is essentially comparable to the level and quality of governmental
             231      services being provided within the proposed annexing municipality at the time of the feasibility
             232      study.
             233          (4) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b), the commission may modify the depth
             234      of study of and detail given to the items listed in Subsection (3)(a) by the feasibility consultant
             235      in conducting the feasibility study depending upon:
             236          (i) the size of the area proposed for annexation;
             237          (ii) the size of the proposed annexing municipality;
             238          (iii) the extent to which the area proposed for annexation is developed;
             239          (iv) the degree to which the area proposed for annexation is expected to develop and
             240      the type of development expected; and
             241          (v) the number and type of protests filed against the proposed annexation.
             242          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection (4)(a), the commission may not modify the

             243      requirement that the feasibility consultant provide a full and complete analysis of the items
             244      listed in Subsections (3)(a)(viii), (ix), and (xv).
             245          (5) If the results of the feasibility study do not meet the requirements of Subsection
             246      10-2-416 (3), the feasibility consultant may, as part of the feasibility study, make
             247      recommendations as to how the boundaries of the area proposed for annexation may be altered
             248      so that the requirements of Subsection 10-2-416 (3) may be met.
             249          (6) (a) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b), the feasibility consultant fees and
             250      expenses shall be shared equally by the proposed annexing municipality and each entity or
             251      group under Subsection 10-2-407 (1) that files a protest.
             252          (b) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b)(ii), if a protest is filed by property
             253      owners under Subsection 10-2-407 (1)(a)(ii), the county in which the area proposed for
             254      annexation shall pay the owners' share of the feasibility consultant's fees and expenses.
             255          (ii) Notwithstanding Subsection (6)(b)(i), if both the county and the property owners
             256      file a protest, the county and the proposed annexing municipality shall equally share the
             257      property owners' share of the feasibility consultant's fees and expenses.
             258          Section 4. Section 10-2-418 is amended to read:
             259           10-2-418. Annexation of an island or peninsula without a petition -- Notice --
             260      Hearing.
             261          (1) (a) Notwithstanding Subsection 10-2-402 (2), a municipality may annex an
             262      unincorporated area under this section without an annexation petition if:
             263          (i) (A) the area to be annexed consists of one or more unincorporated islands within or
             264      unincorporated peninsulas contiguous to the municipality;
             265          (B) the majority of each island or peninsula consists of residential or commercial
             266      development;
             267          (C) the area proposed for annexation requires the delivery of municipal-type services;
             268      and
             269          (D) the municipality has provided most or all of the municipal-type services to the area
             270      for more than one year; [or]
             271          (ii) (A) the area to be annexed consists of one or more unincorporated islands within or
             272      unincorporated peninsulas contiguous to the municipality, each of which has fewer than 800
             273      residents; and

             274          (B) the municipality has provided one or more municipal-type services to the area for
             275      at least one year[.]; or
             276          (iii) (A) the area consists of no more than 50 acres; and
             277          (B) the county in which the area is located and the municipality agree that the area
             278      should be included within the municipality.
             279          (b) Notwithstanding Subsection 10-2-402 (1)(b)(iii), a municipality may annex a
             280      portion of an unincorporated island or unincorporated peninsula under this section, leaving
             281      unincorporated the remainder of the unincorporated island or unincorporated peninsula, if:
             282          (i) in adopting the resolution under Subsection (2)(a)(i), the municipal legislative body
             283      determines that not annexing the entire unincorporated island or unincorporated peninsula is in
             284      the municipality's best interest; and
             285          (ii) for an annexation of one or more unincorporated islands under Subsection
             286      (1)(a)(ii), the entire island of unincorporated area, of which a portion is being annexed,
             287      complies with the requirement of Subsection (1)(a)(ii)(A) relating to the number of residents.
             288          (2) (a) The legislative body of each municipality intending to annex an area under this
             289      section shall:
             290          (i) adopt a resolution indicating the municipal legislative body's intent to annex the
             291      area, describing the area proposed to be annexed;
             292          (ii) (A) publish notice at least once a week for three successive weeks in a newspaper
             293      of general circulation within the municipality and the area proposed for annexation; or
             294          (B) if there is no newspaper of general circulation in the areas described in Subsection
             295      (2)(a)(ii)(A), post at least one notice per 1,000 population in places within those areas that are
             296      most likely to give notice to the residents of those areas;
             297          (iii) send written notice to the board of each local district and special service district
             298      whose boundaries contain some or all of the area proposed for annexation and to the legislative
             299      body of the county in which the area proposed for annexation is located; and
             300          (iv) hold a public hearing on the proposed annexation no earlier than 30 days after the
             301      adoption of the resolution under Subsection (2)(a)(i).
             302          (b) Each notice under Subsections (2)(a)(ii) and (iii) shall:
             303          (i) state that the municipal legislative body has adopted a resolution indicating its intent
             304      to annex the area proposed for annexation;

             305          (ii) state the date, time, and place of the public hearing under Subsection (2)(a)(iv);
             306          (iii) describe the area proposed for annexation; and
             307          (iv) except for an annexation that meets the property owner consent requirements of
             308      Subsection (3)(b), state in conspicuous and plain terms that the municipal legislative body will
             309      annex the area unless, at or before the public hearing under Subsection (2)(a)(iv), written
             310      protests to the annexation are filed by the owners of private real property that:
             311          (A) is located within the area proposed for annexation;
             312          (B) covers a majority of the total private land area within the entire area proposed for
             313      annexation; and
             314          (C) is equal in value to at least 1/2 the value of all private real property within the
             315      entire area proposed for annexation.
             316          (c) The first publication of the notice required under Subsection (2)(a)(ii)(A) shall be
             317      within 14 days of the municipal legislative body's adoption of a resolution under Subsection
             318      (2)(a)(i).
             319          (3) (a) Upon conclusion of the public hearing under Subsection (2)(a)(iv), the
             320      municipal legislative body may adopt an ordinance annexing the area proposed for annexation
             321      under this section unless, at or before the hearing, written protests to the annexation have been
             322      filed with the city recorder or town clerk, as the case may be, by the owners of private real
             323      property that:
             324          (i) is located within the area proposed for annexation;
             325          (ii) covers a majority of the total private land area within the entire area proposed for
             326      annexation; and
             327          (iii) is equal in value to at least 1/2 the value of all private real property within the
             328      entire area proposed for annexation.
             329          (b) (i) Upon conclusion of the public hearing under Subsection (2)(a)(iv), a
             330      municipality may adopt an ordinance annexing the area proposed for annexation under this
             331      section without allowing or considering protests under Subsection (3)(a) if the owners of at
             332      least 75% of the total private land area within the entire area proposed for annexation,
             333      representing at least 75% of the value of the private real property within the entire area
             334      proposed for annexation, have consented in writing to the annexation.
             335          (ii) Upon adoption of an annexation ordinance under Subsection (3)(b)(i), the area

             336      annexed shall be conclusively presumed to be validly annexed.
             337          (4) (a) If protests are timely filed that comply with Subsection (3), the municipal
             338      legislative body may not adopt an ordinance annexing the area proposed for annexation, and
             339      the annexation proceedings under this section shall be considered terminated.
             340          (b) Subsection (4)(a) may not be construed to prohibit the municipal legislative body
             341      from excluding from a proposed annexation under Subsection (1)(a)(ii) the property within an
             342      unincorporated island regarding which protests have been filed and proceeding under
             343      Subsection (1)(b) to annex some or all of the remaining portion of the unincorporated island.

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