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S.B. 185






Chief Sponsor: Margaret Dayton

House Sponsor: Gregory H. Hughes

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill makes adjustments to provisions requiring gubernatorial and legislative
             11      approval for certain federal education agreements that implement federal programs.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    defines terms;
             15          .    changes monetary limits requiring gubernatorial or legislative approval; and
             16          .    makes technical changes.
             17      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             18          None
             19      Other Special Clauses:
             20          None
             21      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             22      AMENDS:
             23          53A-1-902, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 264
             24          53A-1-905, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 264
             25          53A-1-906, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 264
             26          53A-1-907, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 264
             27          53A-1-908, as enacted by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 264

             29      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             30          Section 1. Section 53A-1-902 is amended to read:
             31           53A-1-902. Definitions.
             32          As used in this part:
             33          (1) (a) "Cost" means an estimation of state and local monies required to implement a
             34      federal education agreement.
             35          (b) "Cost" does not include capital costs associated with implementing a federal
             36      education agreement.
             37          [(1)] (2) "Education entities" means the entities that may bear the state and local costs
             38      of implementing a federal program, including:
             39          (a) the State Board of Education;
             40          (b) the state superintendent and the State Office of Education;
             41          (c) a local school board;
             42          (d) a school district and its schools;
             43          (e) a charter school governing board; and
             44          (f) a charter school.
             45          [(2)] (3) "Federal education agreement" means a legally binding document or
             46      representation that requires a school official to implement a federal program that originates
             47      from the U.S. Department of Education and that has, as a primary focus, an impact on the
             48      educational services at a district or charter school.
             49          [(3)] (4) "Federal programs" include:
             50          (a) the No Child Left Behind Act;
             51          (b) the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997, Public Law
             52      105-17, and subsequent amendments; and
             53          (c) other federal educational programs.
             54          [(4)] (5) "No Child Left Behind Act" means the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, 20
             55      U.S.C. Sec. 6301 et seq.
             56          [(5)] (6) "School official" includes:
             57          (a) the State Board of Education;
             58          (b) the state superintendent;

             59          (c) employees of the State Board of Education and the state superintendent;
             60          (d) local school boards;
             61          (e) school district superintendents and employees; and
             62          (f) charter school board members, administrators, and employees.
             63          Section 2. Section 53A-1-905 is amended to read:
             64           53A-1-905. Notice of voidableness of federal education agreements.
             65          A federal education agreement that may cost education entities more than [$100,000]
             66      $500,000 annually from state and local monies to implement, that is executed by a school
             67      official in violation of this part, is voidable by the governor or the Legislature as provided in
             68      this part.
             69          Section 3. Section 53A-1-906 is amended to read:
             70           53A-1-906. Governor to approve federal education agreements.
             71          (1) Before legally binding the state by executing a federal education agreement that
             72      may cost education entities more than [$100,000] $500,000 annually from state and local
             73      monies to implement, a school official shall submit the proposed federal education agreement
             74      to the governor for the governor's approval or rejection.
             75          (2) The governor shall approve or reject each federal education agreement.
             76          (3) (a) If the governor approves the federal education agreement, the school official
             77      may execute the agreement.
             78          (b) If the governor rejects the federal education agreement, the school official may not
             79      execute the agreement.
             80          (4) If a school official executes a federal education agreement without obtaining the
             81      governor's approval under this section, the governor may issue an executive order declaring the
             82      federal education agreement void.
             83          Section 4. Section 53A-1-907 is amended to read:
             84           53A-1-907. Legislative review and approval of federal education agreements.
             85          (1) (a) Before legally binding the state by executing a federal education agreement that
             86      may cost education entities more than [$500,000] $1,000,000 annually from state and local
             87      monies to implement, the school official shall:
             88          (i) submit the proposed federal education agreement to the governor for the governor's
             89      approval or rejection as required by Section 53A-1-906 ; and

             90          (ii) if the governor approves the federal education agreement, submit the federal
             91      education agreement to the [Legislative Management] Executive Appropriations Committee of
             92      the Legislature for its review and recommendations.
             93          (b) The [Legislative Management] Executive Appropriations Committee shall review
             94      the federal education agreement and may:
             95          (i) recommend that the school official execute the federal education agreement;
             96          (ii) recommend that the school official reject the federal education agreement; or
             97          (iii) recommend to the governor that the governor call a special session of the
             98      Legislature to review and approve or reject the federal education agreement.
             99          (2) (a) Before legally binding the state by executing a federal education agreement that
             100      may cost education entities more than [$1,000,000] $5,000,000 annually to implement, a
             101      school official shall:
             102          (i) submit the proposed federal education agreement to the governor for the governor's
             103      approval or rejection as required by Section 53A-1-906 ; and
             104          (ii) if the governor approves the federal education agreement, submit the federal
             105      education agreement to the Legislature for its approval in an annual general session or a special
             106      session.
             107          (b) (i) If the Legislature approves the federal education agreement, the school official
             108      may execute the agreement.
             109          (ii) If the Legislature rejects the federal education agreement, the school official may
             110      not execute the agreement.
             111          (c) If a school official executes a federal education agreement without obtaining the
             112      Legislature's approval under this Subsection (2):
             113          (i) the governor may issue an executive order declaring the federal education
             114      agreement void; or
             115          (ii) the Legislature may pass a joint resolution declaring the federal education
             116      agreement void.
             117          Section 5. Section 53A-1-908 is amended to read:
             118           53A-1-908. Cost evaluation of federal education agreements.
             119          (1) Before legally binding the state to a federal education agreement that may cost the
             120      state a total of [$100,000] $500,000 or more to implement, a school official shall estimate the

             121      state and local cost of implementing the federal education agreement and submit that cost
             122      estimate to the governor and the [Legislative Management Committee] Executive
             123      Appropriations Committee of the Legislature.
             124          (2) The [Legislative Management] Executive Appropriations Committee may:
             125          (a) direct its staff to make an independent cost estimate of the cost of implementing the
             126      federal education agreement; and
             127          (b) affirmatively adopt a cost estimate as the benchmark for determining which
             128      authorizations established by this part are necessary.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-9-09 12:45 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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