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S.B. 209






Chief Sponsor: Gregory S. Bell

House Sponsor: Michael T. Morley

             8      LONG TITLE
             9      General Description:
             10          This bill modifies county and municipal land use provisions.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    modifies county and municipal provisions relating to the notice required for a
             14      proposed subdivision or an amendment to a subdivision and makes them apply to
             15      amendments only;
             16          .    modifies county and municipal provisions relating to a hearing and notice
             17      requirement for a proposal to vacate, alter, or amend a public street or right-of-way
             18      to:
             19              .    make the provisions apply to a proposal to vacate some or all of a public street,
             20      right-of-way, or easement;
             21              .    replace the land use authority with the legislative body as the body responsible
             22      to hold a public hearing and provide notice; and
             23              .    modify the notice that is required;
             24          .    eliminates the requirement for a planning commission recommendation on a
             25      subdivision plat in certain circumstances when the planning commission is not the
             26      land use authority;
             27          .    provides exceptions to a prohibition against separate ownership or conveyance of a

             28      parcel designated as a common or community area;
             29          .    modifies county and municipal provisions relating to the vacation, alteration, or
             30      amendment of a subdivision plat;
             31          .    modifies the basis upon which a land use authority may approve the vacation,
             32      alteration, or amendment of a plat;
             33          .    modifies county and municipal provisions relating to the vacation or alteration of a
             34      public street or right-of-way;
             35          .    repeals a redundant provision; and
             36          .    makes technical changes.
             37      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             38          None
             39      Other Special Clauses:
             40          None
             41      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             42      AMENDS:
             43          10-9a-207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 240
             44          10-9a-208, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 240
             45          10-9a-604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 240
             46          10-9a-606, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 268
             47          10-9a-608, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 163
             48          10-9a-609, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 243
             49          10-9a-609.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 243
             50          17-27a-207, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 240
             51          17-27a-208, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 240
             52          17-27a-604, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 240
             53          17-27a-606, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 268
             54          17-27a-608, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2006, Chapter 163
             55          17-27a-609, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 243
             56          17-27a-609.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 243
             57      REPEALS:
             58          10-8-8.5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1993, Chapter 4

             60      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             61          Section 1. Section 10-9a-207 is amended to read:
             62           10-9a-207. Notice for an amendment to a subdivision.
             63          [(1) Except for an exempt subdivision under Section 10-9a-605 , for a proposed
             64      subdivision or]
             65          (1) (a) For an amendment to a subdivision, each municipality shall provide notice of
             66      the date, time, and place of [a public hearing that is:] at least one public meeting, as provided in
             67      Subsection (1)(b).
             68          (b) At least ten calendar days before the public meeting, the notice required under
             69      Subsection (1)(a) shall be:
             70          [(a)] (i) mailed [not less than three calendar days before the public hearing] and
             71      addressed to the record owner of each parcel within specified parameters of that property; or
             72          [(b)] (ii) posted [not less than three calendar days before the public hearing,] on the
             73      property proposed for subdivision, in a visible location, with a sign of sufficient size,
             74      durability, and print quality that is reasonably calculated to give notice to passers-by.
             75          [(2) Each municipality shall mail notice to each affected entity of a public hearing to
             76      consider a preliminary plat describing a multiple-unit residential development or a commercial
             77      or industrial development.]
             78          [(3)] (2) Each municipality shall provide notice as required by Section 10-9a-208 for a
             79      subdivision that involves a vacation, alteration, or amendment of a street.
             80          Section 2. Section 10-9a-208 is amended to read:
             81           10-9a-208. Hearing and notice for proposal to vacate a public street,
             82      right-of-way, or easement.
             83          (1) For any proposal to vacate[, alter, or amend] some or all of a public street [or],
             84      right-of-way, [the land use authority] or easement, the legislative body shall:
             85          (a) hold a public hearing; and [shall]
             86          (b) give notice of the date, place, and time of the hearing [by:], as provided in
             87      Subsection (2).
             88          [(1) mailing notice as required in Section 10-9a-207 ;]
             89          [(2) mailing notice]

             90          (2) At least ten days before the public hearing under Subsection (1)(a), the notice
             91      required under Subsection (1)(b) shall be:
             92          (a) mailed to the record owner of each parcel that is accessed by the public street,
             93      right-of-way, or easement;
             94          (b) mailed to each affected entity; [and]
             95          [(3) (a) publishing notice once a week for four consecutive weeks before the hearing]
             96          (c) posted on or near the street, right-of-way, or easement in a manner that is calculated
             97      to alert the public; and
             98          (d) published in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality in which the
             99      land subject to the petition is located[; or].
             100          [(b) if there is no newspaper of general circulation in the municipality, posting the
             101      property and posting notice in three public places for four consecutive weeks before the
             102      hearing.]
             103          Section 3. Section 10-9a-604 is amended to read:
             104           10-9a-604. Subdivision plat approval procedure -- Effect of not complying.
             105          (1) [(a)] A person may not submit a subdivision plat to the county recorder's office for
             106      recording unless:
             107          [(i) except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), a recommendation has been received from
             108      the planning commission;]
             109          [(ii)] (a) the plat has been approved by:
             110          [(A)] (i) the land use authority of the municipality in which the land described in the
             111      plat is located; and
             112          [(B)] (ii) other officers that the municipality designates in its ordinance; and
             113          [(iii)] (b) all approvals are entered in writing on the plat by the designated officers.
             114          [(b) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply if the planning commission is the land use
             115      authority.]
             116          (2) A subdivision plat recorded without the signatures required under this section is
             117      void.
             118          (3) A transfer of land pursuant to a void plat is voidable.
             119          Section 4. Section 10-9a-606 is amended to read:
             120           10-9a-606. Common or community area parcels on a plat -- No separate

             121      ownership -- Ownership interest equally divided among other parcels on plat and
             122      included in description of other parcels.
             123          (1) A parcel designated as a common or community area on a plat recorded in
             124      compliance with this part may not be separately owned or conveyed independent of the other
             125      parcels created by the plat[.] unless:
             126          (a) the parcel is being acquired by the municipality for a governmental purpose; or
             127          (b) the separate ownership or conveyance is approved by the owners of at least 75% of
             128      the parcels on the plat, after the municipality gives its approval.
             129          (2) The ownership interest in a parcel described in Subsection (1) shall:
             130          (a) for purposes of assessment, be divided equally among all parcels created by the
             131      plat, unless a different division of interest for assessment purposes is indicated on the plat or an
             132      accompanying recorded document; and
             133          (b) be considered to be included in the description of each instrument describing a
             134      parcel on the plat by its identifying plat number, even if the common or community area
             135      interest is not explicitly stated in the instrument.
             136          Section 5. Section 10-9a-608 is amended to read:
             137           10-9a-608. Vacating, altering, or amending a subdivision plat.
             138          [(1) (a) Subject to Section 10-9a-609.5 , and provided that notice has been given
             139      pursuant to local ordinance and Section 10-9a-208 , the land use authority may, with or without
             140      a petition, consider and resolve any proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment of a
             141      subdivision plat, any portion of a subdivision plat, or any lot contained in a subdivision plat.]
             142          (1) (a) A fee owner of land, as shown on the last county assessment roll, in a
             143      subdivision that has been laid out and platted as provided in this part may file a written petition
             144      with the land use authority to have some or all of the plat vacated, altered, or amended.
             145          (b) If a petition is filed under Subsection (1)(a), the land use authority shall hold a
             146      public hearing within 45 days after the petition is filed [or, if applicable, within 45 days after
             147      receipt of the planning commission's recommendation under Subsection (2),] if:
             148          (i) any owner within the plat notifies the municipality of [their] the owner's objection
             149      in writing within ten days of mailed notification; or
             150          (ii) a public hearing is required because all of the owners in the subdivision have not
             151      signed the revised plat.

             152          [(2) (a) (i) The planning commission shall consider and provide a recommendation for
             153      a proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment under Subsection (1)(a) before the land use
             154      authority takes final action.]
             155          [(ii) The planning commission shall give its recommendation within 30 days after the
             156      proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment is referred to it, or as that time period is extended
             157      by agreement with the applicant.]
             158          [(b) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply if the planning commission has been designated
             159      as the land use authority.]
             160          [(3)] (2) The public hearing requirement of Subsection (1)(b) does not apply and a land
             161      use authority may consider at a public meeting an owner's petition to alter a subdivision plat if:
             162          (a) the petition seeks to join two or more of the owner's contiguous, residential lots;
             163      and
             164          (b) notice has been given to adjacent property owners and pursuant to local ordinance.
             165          [(4)] (3) Each request to vacate or alter [a street or alley, contained in a petition to
             166      vacate, alter, or amend] a [subdivision] plat[,] that contains a request to vacate or alter a public
             167      street, right-of-way, or easement is also subject to Section 10-9a-609.5 .
             168          [(5) Any fee owner, as shown on the last county assessment rolls, of land within the
             169      subdivision that has been laid out and platted as provided in this part may, in writing, petition
             170      to have the plat, any portion of it, or any street or lot contained in it, vacated, altered, or
             171      amended as provided in this section and Section 10-9a-609.5 .]
             172          [(6)] (4) Each petition to vacate, alter, or amend an entire plat[,] or a portion of a plat[,
             173      or a street or lot contained in a plat] shall include:
             174          (a) the name and address of [all owners] each owner of record of the land contained in
             175      the entire plat; and
             176          [(b) the name and address of all owners of record of land adjacent to any street that is
             177      proposed to be vacated, altered, or amended; and]
             178          [(c)] (b) the signature of each of these owners who consents to the petition.
             179          [(7)] (5) (a) The owners of record of adjacent parcels that are described by either a
             180      metes and bounds description or a recorded plat may exchange title to portions of those parcels
             181      if the exchange of title is approved by the land use authority in accordance with Subsection
             182      [(7)] (5)(b).

             183          (b) The land use authority shall approve an exchange of title under Subsection [(7)]
             184      (5)(a) if the exchange of title will not result in a violation of any land use ordinance.
             185          (c) If an exchange of title is approved under Subsection [(7)] (5)(b):
             186          (i) a notice of approval shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder which:
             187          (A) is executed by each owner included in the exchange and by the land use authority;
             188          (B) contains an acknowledgment for each party executing the notice in accordance with
             189      the provisions of Title 57, Chapter 2a, Recognition of Acknowledgments Act; and
             190          (C) recites the descriptions of both the original parcels and the parcels created by the
             191      exchange of title; and
             192          (ii) a conveyance of title reflecting the approved change shall be recorded in the office
             193      of the county recorder.
             194          (d) A notice of approval recorded under this Subsection [(7)] (5) does not act as a
             195      conveyance of title to real property and is not required for the recording of a document
             196      purporting to convey title to real property.
             197          [(8)] (6) (a) The name of a recorded subdivision may be changed by recording an
             198      amended plat making that change, as provided in this section and subject to Subsection [(8)]
             199      (6)(c).
             200          (b) The surveyor preparing the amended plat shall certify that the surveyor:
             201          (i) holds a license in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers and
             202      Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act;
             203          (ii) has completed a survey of the property described on the plat in accordance with
             204      Section 17-23-17 and has verified all measurements; and
             205          (iii) has placed monuments as represented on the plat.
             206          (c) An owner of land may not submit for recording an amended plat that gives the
             207      subdivision described in the amended plat the same name as a subdivision in a plat already
             208      recorded in the county recorder's office.
             209          (d) Except as provided in Subsection [(8)] (6)(a), the recording of a declaration or other
             210      document that purports to change the name of a recorded plat is voidable.
             211          Section 6. Section 10-9a-609 is amended to read:
             212           10-9a-609. Land use authority consideration of petition to vacate or change a plat
             213      -- Criteria for vacating or changing a plat -- Recording the vacation or change.

             214          [(1) If the land use authority is satisfied that neither the public interest nor any person
             215      will be materially injured by the proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment, and that there is
             216      good cause for the vacation, alteration, or amendment, the land use authority may vacate, alter,
             217      or amend the plat or any portion of the plat, subject to Section 10-9a-609.5 .]
             218          [(2)] (1) The land use authority may approve the vacation, alteration, or amendment of
             219      a plat by signing an amended plat showing the vacation, alteration, or amendment[.] if the land
             220      use authority finds that:
             221          (a) there is good cause for the vacation, alteration, or amendment; and
             222          (b) no public street, right-of-way, or easement has been vacated or altered.
             223          [(3)] (2) The land use authority shall ensure that the amended plat showing the
             224      vacation, alteration, or amendment is recorded in the office of the county recorder in which the
             225      land is located.
             226          [(4)] (3) If an entire subdivision is vacated, the legislative body shall ensure that a
             227      legislative body resolution containing a legal description of the entire vacated subdivision is
             228      recorded in the county recorder's office.
             229          Section 7. Section 10-9a-609.5 is amended to read:
             230           10-9a-609.5. Vacating a street, right-of-way, or easement.
             231          (1) A petition to vacate some or all of a public street, right-of-way, or easement shall
             232      include:
             233          (a) the name and address of each owner of record of land that is:
             234          (i) adjacent to the public street, right-of-way, or easement; or
             235          (ii) accessed exclusively by or within 300 feet of the public street, right-of-way, or
             236      easement; and
             237          (b) the signature of each owner under Subsection (1)(a) who consents to the vacation.
             238          [(1) (a)] (2) If a petition is submitted containing a request to vacate [or alter any
             239      portion] some or all of a street [or alley within a subdivision: (i) the planning commission
             240      shall, after providing notice pursuant to local ordinance and Section 10-9a-208 , make a
             241      recommendation to the land use authority concerning the request to vacate or alter; and (ii) the
             242      land use authority], right-of-way, or easement, the legislative body shall hold a public hearing
             243      in accordance with Section 10-9a-208 and determine whether:
             244          (a) good cause exists for the vacation [or alteration.]; and

             245          [(b) Subsection (1)(a)(i) does not apply if the planning commission has been
             246      designated as a land use authority.]
             247          [(2) If the land use authority vacates or alters any portion of a street or alley, the land
             248      use authority]
             249          (b) the public interest or any person will be materially injured by the proposed
             250      vacation.
             251          (3) The legislative body may adopt an ordinance granting a petition to vacate some or
             252      all of a public street, right-of-way, or easement if the legislative body finds that:
             253          (a) good cause exists for the vacation; and
             254          (b) neither the public interest nor any person will be materially injured by the vacation.
             255          (4) If the legislative body adopts an ordinance vacating some or all of a public street,
             256      right-of-way, or easement, the legislative body shall ensure that [the] a plat reflecting the
             257      vacation is recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the land is located.
             258          [(3)] (5) The action of the [land use authority vacating or narrowing a street or alley]
             259      legislative body vacating some or all of a street, right-of-way, or easement that has been
             260      dedicated to public use [shall operate]:
             261          (a) operates to the extent to which it is vacated [or narrowed], upon the effective date
             262      of the [vacating] recorded plat, as a revocation of the acceptance [thereof,] of and the
             263      relinquishment of the [city's fee therein, but the right-of-way and easements therein, if any,]
             264      municipality's fee in the vacated street, right-of-way, or easement; and
             265          (b) may not be construed to impair:
             266          (i) any right-of-way or easement of any lot owner [and]; or
             267          (ii) the franchise rights of any public utility [may not be impaired thereby].
             268          Section 8. Section 17-27a-207 is amended to read:
             269           17-27a-207. Notice for an amendment to a subdivision.
             270          [(1) Except for an exempt subdivision under Section 17-27a-605 , for a proposed
             271      subdivision or]
             272          (1) (a) For an amendment to a subdivision, each county shall provide notice of the date,
             273      time, and place of [a public hearing that is:] at least one public meeting, as provided in
             274      Subsection (1)(b).
             275          (b) At least ten calendar days before the public meeting, the notice required under

             276      Subsection (1)(a) shall be:
             277          [(a)] (i) mailed [not less than three calendar days before the public hearing] and
             278      addressed to the record owner of each parcel within specified parameters of that property; or
             279          [(b)] (ii) posted [not less than three calendar days before the public hearing,] on the
             280      property proposed for subdivision, in a visible location, with a sign of sufficient size,
             281      durability, and print quality that is reasonably calculated to give notice to passers-by.
             282          [(2) Each county shall mail notice to each affected entity of a public hearing to
             283      consider a preliminary plat describing a multiple-unit residential development or a commercial
             284      or industrial development.]
             285          [(3)] (2) Each county shall provide notice as required by Section 17-27a-208 for a
             286      subdivision that involves a vacation, alteration, or amendment of a street.
             287          Section 9. Section 17-27a-208 is amended to read:
             288           17-27a-208. Hearing and notice for proposal to vacate a public street,
             289      right-of-way, or easement.
             290          (1) For any proposal to vacate[, alter, or amend] some or all of a public street [or],
             291      right-of-way, [the land use authority], or easement, the legislative body shall:
             292          (a) hold a public hearing; and [shall]
             293          (b) give notice of the date, place, and time of the hearing [by:], as provided in
             294      Subsection (2).
             295          [(1) mailing notice as required in Section 17-27a-207 ;]
             296          [(2) mailing notice]
             297          (2) At least ten days before the public hearing under Subsection (1)(a), the notice
             298      required under Subsection (1)(b) shall be:
             299          (a) mailed to the record owner of each parcel that is accessed by the public street,
             300      right-of-way, or easement;
             301          (b) mailed to each affected entity; [and]
             302          (c) posted on or near the street, right-of-way, or easement in a manner that is calculated
             303      to alert the public; and
             304          [(3) (a) publishing notice once a week for four consecutive weeks before the hearing]
             305          (d) published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the land
             306      subject to the petition is located[; or].

             307          [(b) if there is no newspaper of general circulation in the county, posting the property
             308      and posting notice in three public places for four consecutive weeks before the hearing.]
             309          Section 10. Section 17-27a-604 is amended to read:
             310           17-27a-604. Subdivision plat approval procedure -- Effect of not complying.
             311          (1) [(a)] A person may not submit a subdivision plat to the county recorder's office for
             312      recording unless:
             313          [(i) except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), a recommendation has been received from
             314      the planning commission;]
             315          [(ii)] (a) the plat has been approved by:
             316          [(A)] (i) the land use authority of the county in whose unincorporated area the land
             317      described in the plat is located; and
             318          [(B)] (ii) other officers that the county designates in its ordinance; and
             319          [(iii)] (b) all approvals are entered in writing on the plat by designated officers.
             320          [(b) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply if the planning commission is the land use
             321      authority.]
             322          (2) A plat recorded without the signatures required under this section is void.
             323          (3) A transfer of land pursuant to a void plat is voidable.
             324          Section 11. Section 17-27a-606 is amended to read:
             325           17-27a-606. Common or community area parcels on a plat -- No separate
             326      ownership -- Ownership interest equally divided among other parcels on plat and
             327      included in description of other parcels.
             328          (1) A parcel designated as a common or community area on a plat recorded in
             329      compliance with this part may not be separately owned or conveyed independent of the other
             330      parcels created by the plat[.] unless:
             331          (a) the parcel is being acquired by the county for a governmental purpose; or
             332          (b) the separate ownership or conveyance is approved by the owners of at least 75% of
             333      the parcels on the plat, after the county gives its approval.
             334          (2) The ownership interest in a parcel described in Subsection (1) shall:
             335          (a) for purposes of assessment, be divided equally among all parcels created by the
             336      plat, unless a different division of interest for assessment purposes is indicated on the plat or an
             337      accompanying recorded document; and

             338          (b) be considered to be included in the description of each instrument describing a
             339      parcel on the plat by its identifying plat number, even if the common or community area
             340      interest is not explicitly stated in the instrument.
             341          Section 12. Section 17-27a-608 is amended to read:
             342           17-27a-608. Vacating, altering, or amending a subdivision plat.
             343          [(1) (a) Subject to Section 17-27a-609.5 , and provided that notice has been given
             344      pursuant to local ordinance and Section 17-27a-208 , the land use authority may, with or
             345      without a petition, consider and resolve any proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment of a
             346      subdivision plat, any portion of a subdivision plat, or any lot contained in a subdivision plat.]
             347          (1) (a) A fee owner of land, as shown on the last county assessment roll, in a
             348      subdivision that has been laid out and platted as provided in this part may file a written petition
             349      with the land use authority to have some or all of the plat vacated, altered, or amended.
             350          (b) If a petition is filed under Subsection (1)(a), the land use authority shall hold a
             351      public hearing within 45 days after the petition is filed [or, if applicable, within 45 days after
             352      receipt of the planning commission's recommendation under Subsection (2),] if:
             353          (i) any owner within the plat notifies the county of [their] the owner's objection in
             354      writing within ten days of mailed notification; or
             355          (ii) a public hearing is required because all of the owners in the subdivision have not
             356      signed the revised plat.
             357          [(2) (a) (i) The planning commission shall consider and provide a recommendation for
             358      a proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment under Subsection (1)(a) before the land use
             359      authority takes final action.]
             360          [(ii) The planning commission shall give its recommendation within 30 days after the
             361      proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment is referred to it, or as that time period is extended
             362      by agreement with the applicant.]
             363          [(b) Subsection (2)(a) does not apply if the planning commission has been designated
             364      as the land use authority.]
             365          [(3)] (2) The public hearing requirement of Subsection (1)(b) does not apply and a land
             366      use authority may consider at a public meeting an owner's petition to alter a subdivision plat if:
             367          (a) the petition seeks to join two or more of the owner's contiguous, residential lots;
             368      and

             369          (b) notice has been given to adjacent property owners and pursuant to local ordinance.
             370          [(4)] (3) Each request to vacate or alter [a street or alley, contained in a petition to
             371      vacate, alter, or amend] a [subdivision] plat[,] that contains a request to vacate or alter a public
             372      street, right-of-way, or easement is also subject to Section 17-27a-609.5 .
             373          [(5) Any fee owner, as shown on the last county assessment rolls, of land within the
             374      subdivision that has been laid out and platted as provided in this part may, in writing, petition
             375      to have the plat, any portion of it, or any street or lot contained in it, vacated, altered, or
             376      amended as provided in this section and Section 17-27a-609.5 .]
             377          [(6)] (4) Each petition to vacate, alter, or amend an entire plat[,] or a portion of a plat[,
             378      or a street or lot contained in a plat] shall include:
             379          (a) the name and address of [all owners] each owner of record of the land contained in
             380      the entire plat; and
             381          [(b) the name and address of all owners of record of land adjacent to any street that is
             382      proposed to be vacated, altered, or amended; and]
             383          [(c)] (b) the signature of each of these owners who consents to the petition.
             384          [(7)] (5) (a) The owners of record of adjacent parcels that are described by either a
             385      metes and bounds description or a recorded plat may exchange title to portions of those parcels
             386      if the exchange of title is approved by the land use authority in accordance with Subsection
             387      [(7)] (5)(b).
             388          (b) The land use authority shall approve an exchange of title under Subsection [(7)]
             389      (5)(a) if the exchange of title will not result in a violation of any land use ordinance.
             390          (c) If an exchange of title is approved under Subsection [(7)] (5)(b):
             391          (i) a notice of approval shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder which:
             392          (A) is executed by each owner included in the exchange and by the land use authority;
             393          (B) contains an acknowledgment for each party executing the notice in accordance with
             394      the provisions of Title 57, Chapter 2a, Recognition of Acknowledgments Act; and
             395          (C) recites the descriptions of both the original parcels and the parcels created by the
             396      exchange of title; and
             397          (ii) a conveyance of title reflecting the approved change shall be recorded in the office
             398      of the county recorder.
             399          (d) A notice of approval recorded under this Subsection [(7)] (5) does not act as a

             400      conveyance of title to real property and is not required for the recording of a document
             401      purporting to convey title to real property.
             402          [(8)] (6) (a) The name of a recorded subdivision may be changed by recording an
             403      amended plat making that change, as provided in this section and subject to Subsection [(8)]
             404      (6)(c).
             405          (b) The surveyor preparing the amended plat shall certify that the surveyor:
             406          (i) holds a license in accordance with Title 58, Chapter 22, Professional Engineers and
             407      Professional Land Surveyors Licensing Act;
             408          (ii) has completed a survey of the property described on the plat in accordance with
             409      Section 17-23-17 and has verified all measurements; and
             410          (iii) has placed monuments as represented on the plat.
             411          (c) An owner of land may not submit for recording an amended plat that gives the
             412      subdivision described in the amended plat the same name as a subdivision in a plat already
             413      recorded in the county recorder's office.
             414          (d) Except as provided in Subsection [(8)] (6)(a), the recording of a declaration or other
             415      document that purports to change the name of a recorded plat is voidable.
             416          Section 13. Section 17-27a-609 is amended to read:
             417           17-27a-609. Land use authority consideration of petition to vacate or change a
             418      plat -- Criteria for vacating or changing a plat -- Recording the vacation or change.
             419          [(1) If the land use authority is satisfied that neither the public interest nor any person
             420      will be materially injured by the proposed vacation, alteration, or amendment, and that there is
             421      good cause for the vacation, alteration, or amendment, the land use authority may vacate, alter,
             422      or amend the plat or any portion of the plat, subject to Section 17-27a-609.5 .]
             423          [(2)] (1) The land use authority may approve the vacation, alteration, or amendment of
             424      a plat by signing an amended plat showing the vacation, alteration, or amendment[.] if the land
             425      use authority finds that:
             426          (a) there is good cause for the vacation, alteration, or amendment; and
             427          (b) no public street, right-of-way, or easement has been vacated or altered.
             428          [(3)] (2) The land use authority shall ensure that the amended plat showing the
             429      vacation, alteration, or amendment is recorded in the office of the county recorder in which the
             430      land is located.

             431          [(4)] (3) If an entire subdivision is vacated, the legislative body shall ensure that a
             432      legislative body resolution containing a legal description of the entire vacated subdivision is
             433      recorded in the county recorder's office.
             434          Section 14. Section 17-27a-609.5 is amended to read:
             435           17-27a-609.5. Vacating a street, right-of-way, or easement.
             436          (1) A petition to vacate some or all of a public street, right-of-way, or easement shall
             437      include:
             438          (a) the name and address of each owner of record of land that is:
             439          (i) adjacent to the public street, right-of-way, or easement; or
             440          (ii) accessed exclusively by or within 300 feet of the public street, right-of-way, or
             441      easement; and
             442          (b) the signature of each owner under Subsection (1)(a) who consents to the vacation.
             443          [(1) (a)] (2) If a petition is submitted containing a request to vacate [or alter any
             444      portion] some or all of a street [or alley within a subdivision: (i) the planning commission
             445      shall, after providing notice pursuant to local ordinance and Section 17-27a-208 , make a
             446      recommendation to the land use authority concerning the request to vacate or alter; and (ii) the
             447      land use authority], right-of-way, or easement, the legislative body shall hold a public hearing
             448      in accordance with Section 17-27a-208 and determine whether:
             449          (a) good cause exists for the vacation [or alteration.]; and
             450          [(b) Subsection (1)(a)(i) does not apply if the planning commission has been
             451      designated as a land use authority.]
             452          [(2) If the land use authority vacates or alters any portion of a street or alley, the land
             453      use authority shall]
             454          (b) the public interest or any person will be materially injured by the proposed
             455      vacation.
             456          (3) The legislative body may adopt an ordinance granting a petition to vacate some or
             457      all of a public street, right-of-way, or easement if the legislative body finds that:
             458          (a) good cause exists for the vacation; and
             459          (b) neither the public interest nor any person will be materially injured by the vacation.
             460          (4) If the legislative body adopts an ordinance vacating some or all of a public street,
             461      right-of-way, or easement, the legislative body shall ensure that [the] a plat reflecting the

             462      vacation is recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the land is located.
             463          [(3)] (5) The action of the [land use authority vacating or narrowing a street or alley]
             464      legislative body vacating some or all of a street, right-of-way, or easement that has been
             465      dedicated to public use [shall operate]:
             466          (a) operates to the extent to which it is vacated [or narrowed], upon the effective date
             467      of the [vacating] recorded plat, as a revocation of the acceptance [thereof,] of and the
             468      relinquishment of the county's fee [therein, but the right-of-way and easements therein, if any,]
             469      in the vacated street, right-of-way, or easement; and
             470          (b) may not be construed to impair:
             471          (i) any right-of-way or easement of any lot owner [and]; or
             472          (ii) the franchise rights of any public utility [may not be impaired thereby].
             473          Section 15. Repealer.
             474          This bill repeals:
             475          Section 10-8-8.5, Effect of vacation or narrowing of street or alley.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 2-13-09 12:23 PM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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