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S.J.R. 4
9 General Description:
10 This joint resolution of the Legislature urges the Utah Department of Environmental
11 Quality to work with the Recycling Coalition of Utah to develop recommendations for
12 addressing electronic waste.
13 Highlighted Provisions:
14 This resolution:
15 . encourages Utahns to reduce electronic waste and reuse or recycle electronic items;
16 . urges the Utah Department of Environmental Quality to continue working with the
17 Recycling Coalition of Utah's Electronic Scrap Steering Committee and other
18 interested stakeholders to assess electronic waste issues in the state;
19 . urges the Recycling Coalition of Utah's Electronic Scrap Steering Committee to
20 study and make recommendations regarding electronic recycling to the Department
21 of Environmental Quality for potential implementation in Utah; and
22 . urges the Recycling Coalition of Utah's Electronic Scrap Steering Committee to
23 report its findings and recommendations to the Natural Resources, Agriculture, and
24 Environment Interim Committee.
25 Special Clauses:
26 None
28 Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
29 WHEREAS, in 2008 the Consumer Electronics Association reported that the average
30 household has 24 electronic products, including computers, monitors, televisions, cell phones,
31 audio/video, and other electronic products;
32 WHEREAS, the weight of electronic products being discarded by Utahns this year will
33 be approximately 240,000,000 pounds, 5% or more of total disposal residential waste, and will
34 continue to increase at significant rates as Utahns upgrade to more sophisticated models or
35 replace electronic equipment;
36 WHEREAS, many of these electronic waste products contain hazardous substances
37 such as lead, mercury, chromium, cadmium, and brominated flame retardants;
38 WHEREAS, these hazardous substances, when released into the environment, have
39 caused health problems in humans, fish, other aquatic species, and wildlife;
40 WHEREAS, the increasing volumes and types of electronic waste are also burdening
41 local community resources and depleting both valuable and limited landfill space;
42 WHEREAS, local and national recycling businesses are able to disassemble and
43 process components of most electronic waste in an environmentally safe and cost effective
44 manner;
45 WHEREAS, businesses recycling electronic waste provide jobs in Utah and may
46 provide reusable computer resources for education;
47 WHEREAS, Utah communities are struggling to address the collection and recycling of
48 electronic waste on their own;
49 WHEREAS, many states have implemented, or are currently evaluating, electronic
50 recycling regulations to assist local communities and provide statewide collaboration;
51 WHEREAS, the not-for-profit Recycling Coalition of Utah has formed an Electronic
52 Scrap Steering Committee, composed of representatives from the Utah Department of
53 Environmental Quality, local governments, electronic scrap recyclers, and other interested
54 parties; and
55 WHEREAS, the Recycling Coalition of Utah's Electronic Scrap Steering Committee
56 has begun discussing ways to more systematically address these issues:
57 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Legislature of the state of Utah
58 encourages all Utah residents to reduce electronic waste and reuse or recycle electronic items.
59 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges the Utah Department of
60 Environmental Quality to continue working with the Recycling Coalition of Utah's Electronic
61 Scrap Steering Committee and with other interested stakeholders to collaboratively assess the
62 electronic waste issues in Utah.
63 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges the Recycling Coalition of
64 Utah's Electronic Scrap Steering Committee to review electronic recycling activities of other
65 states, and develop recommendations to present to the Department of Environmental Quality
66 for potential implementation in Utah.
67 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature urges the Recycling Coalition of
68 Utah's Electronic Scrap Steering Committee to report its findings and recommendations to the
69 Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee of the Legislature by
70 October 31, 2009.
71 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Recycling
72 Coalition of Utah, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, the Utah League of Cities
73 and Towns, the Utah Association of Counties, and the chairs of the Natural Resources,
74 Agriculture, and Environment Interim Committee.
Legislative Review Note
as of 1-27-09 2:24 PM