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Members Present: Sen. John Valentine, Chair
Sen. Gene Davis
Sen. Dan Liljenquist
Sen. Karen Mayne
Sen. Wayne Niederhauser
Sen. Steve Urquhart
Sen. Kevin Van Tassell
Staff Present: Phil Dean, Policy Analyst
Jean Butler, Committee Secretary
Public Speakers Present: John Morris, Community Association Institute (CAI)
Mike Ostermiller, Utah Association of Realtors (UAR)
Renee McDonough, Director, Utah Plumbing and Heating Contractors
Association (UPHCA) and the Independent Electrical Association (IEC)
Larry Frazer, Plumbers Group #140
Dirk Burton, Able Electric Co.
Gary Glass, Director, American Home Brewers Assoc. (AHBA)
Mark Alston, Owner, Beer Nut, Inc.
Nicole Salazar, U of U Law Student
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Chair Valentine called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.
1. HB0243 Rental Restrictions on Condominiums and Common Interest Communities
(G. Froerer)
Rep. Froerer introduced the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Van Tassell moved that HB 243 be replaced with 1st Sub. HB 243.
The motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0 vote. Sens. Niederhauser, Davis, and Urquhart were
absent for the vote.
Rep. Froerer explained the substitute bill.
John Morris, CAI, spoke for the bill.
Mike Ostermiller, UAR, spoke for the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Urquhart moved that 1st Sub HB 234 be passed out favorably.
The motion passed 7 - 0.
2. SB0163 Construction Trade Exemption (S. Urquhart)
MOTION: Sen. Urquhart moved to amend SB 163 as follows:
0. Page 1, Lines 14 through 19 :
14 . provides that electrical and plumbing work done
within a six month period
on a building project with a value
15 of less than $3,000 must be done by a licensed electrical or plumbing contractor if
16 the project involves an electrical or plumbing system; and
17 . provides that the electrical or plumbing work may be done by a licensed
18 journeyman electrician or plumber if the project involves a
component of an electrical or plumbing system
such as a
19 faucet, toilet, fixture,
device, outlet,
or electrical switch.
0. Page 3, Lines 80 through 88 :
80 (ii) notwithstanding Subsection (1)(h)(i) and except as otherwise provided in this
81 section:
82 (A) work in the plumbing and electrical trades on a Subsection (1)(h)(i) project
within any six month period of time:
83 be performed by [
a licensed electrical or plumbing contractor, if the project involves an
electrical or
86 plumbing system; and
87 (II)
may be performed by
a licensed journeyman electrician or plumber, if the
project involves a
single item
component of the system
88 such as a faucet, toilet, fixture,
device, outlet
, or electrical switch;
The motion passed 7 - 0.
Renee McDonough, Director, UPHCA and IEC, spoke for the bill.
Larry Frazer, Plumbers Group #140, spoke for the bill.
Dirk Burton, Able Electric, spoke for the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Niederhauser moved to pass out the amended bill with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed 7 - 0.
3. HB0051 Exemption for Alcoholic Beverage Manufacturing License (C. Johnson)
Rep. Johnson presented the bill.
Gary Glass, American Home Brewers Assoc., spoke for the bill.
Mark Alston, The Beer Nut Inc., spoke for the bill.
Nicole Salazar, Law Student, spoke for the bill.
MOTION: Sen. Davis moved to pass the bill out favorably to the Senate floor.
The motion passed 5 - 0 with Sens. Van Tassell and Mayne absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Niederhauser moved the meeting be adjourned.
The motion passed unanimously with a 5 - 0 vote. Sens. Van Tassell and Mayne were absent for the vote.
Chair Valentine adjourned the meeting at 9:30 a.m.
Minutes were prepared by Jean Butler, Committee Secretary
Senator John Valentine, Committee Chair