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         MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2009


Members Present:    Sen. John Valentine, Chair
        Sen. Gene Davis
        Sen. Dan Liljenquist
        Sen. Karen Mayne
        Sen. Wayne Niederhauser
        Sen. Steve Urquhart
        Sen.Kevin VanTassell
Staff Present:    Phil Dean, Policy Analyst
        Nicholle Heidrich, Committee Secretary

Public Speakers Present:     Gilbert Gonzalez, Building Official for Murray City
        Roger Evans, Assistant Building Official for Park City
        Sarah Wright, Executive Director for Utah Clean Energy
        Scott Marzell, Building Official for Sandy City
        Robert Bannman, UMCA
        Ron Morris, State Fire Marshall with DPS/SFMO
        Chris Gamvroulas, with Ivory Homes
        Paul Bauer, Layton UTY
        Ty McCutcheon, Kennecott Land
        Taz Besinger, Utah Home Builder's Association

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Chair Valentine called the meeting to order at 8:38 a.m.

1.     SB0268 Title and Escrow Commission Related Amendments

    Sen. Valentine introduced and explained SB0268.

    MOTION: Sen. Valentine moved to pass SB0268 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Niederhauser absent for the vote.

2.     HB0154 State Construction Registry Amendments

Sen. Urqhart moved to adopt the following amendment to HB0154.

1.    Page 8, Lines 216 through 219 :    

             216          (B) A preliminary notice attached to an untimely
{   , but otherwise valid,   } notice of

             217      commencement is valid if there is also a valid and timely notice of commencement for the
             218      project [to which the preliminary notice may attach] filed by a party authorized in Section
             219      38-1-31 .

2.    Page 9, Lines 268 through 269 :    

             268          (c) Subject to Subsection
{   (1)   }        (2)       (d), a person required by this section to give preliminary

             269      notice is only required to give one notice for each project.
    The motion passed unanimously.

    Rep. Morley introduced and explained HB0154.

    MOTION: Sen. Urquhart moved pass HB0154 as amended out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Niederhauser absent for the vote.

3.     HB0271 Worker's Compensation - Uninsured Employer's Fund

    Sen. Morley introduced and explained HB0271.

    MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to adopt the following amendment to HB0271.

    The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Niederhauser absent for the vote.

1.    Page 1, Lines 23 through 25 :    

             23      Other Special Clauses:
  This bill takes effect July 1, 2010.      

             24          This bill coordinates with H.B. 39, Utah Injured Worker Reemployment Act, to merge
             25      substantive amendments.

2.    Page 25, Lines 750 through 752 :    

             750          If this H.B. 271 and H.B. 39, Utah Injured Worker Reemployment Act, both pass, it is
             751      the intent of the Legislature that the Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel, in

             752      preparing
  for publication       the Utah Code database      {   for publication   }        that takes effect on July 1, 2010       :

3.    Page 25, Lines 766 through 767 :    

             766          (C) Title 34A, Chapter 3, Occupational Disease Act; or
             767          (D) Title 34A, Chapter 8a, Utah Injured Worker Reemployment Act."
  Section 11. Effective date.

This bill takes effect July 1, 2010.  

MOTION: Sen. Mayne moved to pass HB0271 as amended out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Niederhauser absent for the vote.

4. SB0211 Building Code Amendment

    Sen. Bramble and Taz Besinger introduced and explained SB0211.

    MOTION: Sen. Van Tassell moved to adopt amendment SB0211.

    The motion passed unanimously, with Sen. Niederhauser absent at the time of the vote.

1.    Page 11, Lines 326 through 328 :    

             326          (o) in accordance with Section 58-56-4 , make a report to the Business and Labor
             327      Interim Committee by

no later than November 30 of each year recommending        any amendments to the currently adopted fire code; and

    (ii) no later than November 30 in a year of a regularly scheduled update cycle of a nationally promulgated fire code recommending  
the adoption of,

             328      amendment to, or repeal of
{   a   }        the updated       nationally promulgated fire code.

2.    Page 17, Lines 519 through 520 :    

             519          (d)
{   An   }        If not formally adopted by the Legislature at its next annual general session,     an       adopted code adopted under this Subsection (4) is repealed effective at midnight

             520      on the last day that the Legislature adjourns sine die at its next annual general session.

3.    Page 18, Lines 526 through 535 :    

             526          (b)
{   If the board adopts a fire code under Subsection (5)(a), the board shall file with the

             527      division:

             528          (i) the text of the adopted fire code; and
             529          (ii) an analysis that includes the specific reasons and justifications for its findings.
             530          (c)  
The board shall
{   , in accordance with Subsection (5)(b)   } :

             531          (i) publish the adopted fire code; and
             532          (ii) notify the Business and Labor Interim Committee of the adoption, including a copy
{   of the board's analysis described in Subsection (5)(b)   }        of an analysis by the board identifying specific reasons and justifications for its findings       .

             534          (d)
{   A   }        If not formally adopted by the Legislature at its next annual general session,     a       fire code adopted under this Subsection (5) is repealed effective at midnight on

             535      the last day that the Legislature adjourns sine die at its next annual general session.

    Gibert Gonzalez spoke to the bill.

    Roger Evans, Sara Wright, Scott Marzell, and Paul Bauer spoke against SB0211.

    Robert Bannman, Ron Morris, Chris Gamvrovlas, and Ty McCutheon spoke in favor of SB0211.

    MOTION: Sen. Niederhauser moved to pass SB0211 as amended out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

    MOTION: Sen. VanTassell moved to adjourn.         

    The motion passed unanimously.

    Chair Valentine adjourned the meeting at 9:36 a.m.

    Minutes were reported by Nicholle Heidrich, Committee Secretary.

Sen. John Valentine, Committee Chair