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Members Present:        Sen. Peter C. Knudson, Chair
                 Sen. Greg Bell
                 Sen. John Greiner
                 Sen. Scott K. Jenkins
                 Sen. Dan Liljenquist
                 Sen. Scott D. McCoy
                 Sen. Luz Robles
Staff Present:             Rich North, Policy Analyst
                  Jean Butler, Committee Secretary

Public Speakers Present:    Steve Anderson, Vice President of Utah Mobile Home Association
                    Russ Wall, May of Taylorsville
                    Chris Gamvrovias, Parish Council, Greek Orthodox Church (?)
                    Frank Michael Kouremetis, Pastor, Greek Orthodox Church (?)

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.    

Committee Chair Knudson called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

1. SB0115 Payment of Mobile Home Relocation Expenses (W. Niederhauser)

    Sen. Niederhauser presented the bill.

    Sen. Greiner spoke to the bill.

     Russ Wall, Mayor of Taylorsville, spoke to the bill.

Sen. McCoy moved to pass the bill out unanimously.

Sen. Jenkins spoke to the motion.

Sen. Liljenquist spoke for the bill.

Motion: Sen. Knudson moved to pass the bill out favorably,

The motion pass with a 5 - 1 vote. Senators Bell and Robles were absent from the vote and Sen. Jenkins opposed.

2. SR0001 Ecumenical Patriarch Senate Resolution (P. Jones)

Sen. Jones presented the bill.

Chris Gamvrovias, Parish Council, Greek Orthodox Church spoke to the bill.

Father Michael Kouremetis, Pastor, Greek Orthodox Church, spoke for the bill.

Sen. McCoy spoke for the bill.

Sen. Liljenquist spoke for the bill.

Sen. Robles spoke for the bill

Sen Bell spoke for the bill.

MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to pass the bill out favorably.

The motion passed unanimously with a 7 - 0 vote

3. SB0122 Uniform State Law - Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act (L. Hillyard)

Sen. Hillyard presented the bill.

MOTION: Sen. Bell moved to pass the bill out favorably.

The motion passed unanimously.

MOTION: Sen. Hillyard moved to place the bill on the Consent Calendar.

The motion pass unanimously with a 7 - 0 vote.

4. SB0124 Indemnification for Design Professional Services (G. Bell)

Sen. Bell will present at a later date.

5. HB0016 Assessment Area Amendments ( F. Hunsaker)

Sen. Hunsaker presented the bill.

Sen. McCoy moved to pass the bill out favorably.

The bill passed unanimously with a 6 - 0 vote with Sen Jenkins absent.

MOTION: Sen. Liljenquist moved to adjourn the meeting.

The motion passed unanimously with a 7 - 0 vote

Chair Knudson adjourned the meeting at 3:10 p.m

Minutes were reported by Jean Butler, Committee Secretary.

            Sen. Peter C. Knudson, Chair