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Members Present: Sen. Peter C. Knudson, Chair
Sen. John Greiner
Sen. Dan Liljenquist
Sen. Scott D. McCoy
Members Absent: Sen. Bell
Sen. Jenkins
Sen. Robles
Staff Present: Rich North, Policy Analyst
Jean Butler, Committee Secretary
Public Speakers Present: Ben McAdams, City of Salt Lake
Michael Jensen, Salt Lake County
Jeff Silvestrini, Chair, Mt. Olympus Community Council
Anna Clare Shepherd, Concerned Citizen
Margie Lamb, Concerned Citizen
Paulina Flint, White City Township
Sue Duckworth, Magna Resident
Mark Shurtleff. Attorney General
Doug Foxley, Utah Media Coalition
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Committee Chair Knudson called the meeting to order at 8:08 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
Sen. Knudson asked the members of the committee for approval of the minutes of
Feb. 11, Feb 13, and Feb. 20.
MOTION: Sen. Greiner moved to approve the minutes for the above dates.
The motion passed unanimously with a 4 - 0 - 3 vote. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles
were absent.
1. SB0063S01 Modifications to Recording Requirements (R. Okerlund)
MOTION: Sen. Greiner moved to reconsider the committees previous action in regards 1st Sub SB0063.
The motion passed 4 - 0 - 3 with Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Greiner moved to delete amendments to 1st Sub SB0063 adopted on
The motion passed 4 - 0 - 3 with Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen Greiner moved to amend 1st Sub SB0063 with Amendment #2 dated February 18, 2009, 5:37 PM.
The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4 - 0 - 3. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles
were absent.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to pass out 1st Sub SB0063 as amended with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with a vote of 4 - 0 - 3. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles
were absent.
2. SB0073 Unincorporated Areas Amendments (K. Maynes)
Sen. Maynes presented the bill.
Ben McAdams, City of Salt Lake, spoke for the bill.
Michael Jensen, Salt Lake County Council, spoke for the bill.
Jeff Silvestrini, Mt Olympus Community Council
Ana Claire Shepherd, Concerned Citizen from Millcreek, spoke against the bill.
Margie Lamb, East Creek Resident, spoke against the bill.
Paulina Flint, White City Township, spoke for the bill.
Representative Sue Duckworth, Magna resident, spoke for the bill.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved S0073 be passed out with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed with a vote of 4 - 0 - 3. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles were absent
for the vote.
3. HB00291 County Personnel Amendments (B. King)
Representative King introduced the bill.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with a 4 - 0 - 3 vote. Senators Bell, Jenkins, and Robles
were absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar.
The motion passed unanimously with a 4 - 0 - 3 vote. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles
were absent for the vote.
4. HB0319 Disaster Recovery Funding Amendments (C. Oda)
Rep. Oda presented the bill and noted changes.
MOTION: Sen. Liljenquist moved to pass the bill out with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with a 4 - 0 - 3 vote. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles
were absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Liljenquist moved the bill be placed on the Consent Calendar.
The motion passed 4 - 0 - 3. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles were absent for the vote.
5. HB0122 Government Records Access and Management Act Amendments (D.
Rep. Aagard discussed HB0122 amendments.
Attorney General Shurtleff spoke for the new bill.
Doug Foxley, Utah Media Coalition, spoke for the bill.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved the bill be passed out with a favorable recommendation.
Sen. Curtis Bramble, Senate Sponsor, spoke for the bill and thanked supporters.
The motion passed 4 - 0 - 3. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles were absent for the vote.
MOTION: Sen. McCoy moved the meeting be adjourned.
The motion passed unanimously with a 4 - 0 - 3. Sens. Bell, Jenkins, and Robles were absent for the vote.
Chair Knudson adjourned the meeting at 9:10 a.m.
Minutes were prepared by Jean Butler, Committee Secretary
Senator Peter Knudson, Committee Chair