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Tuesday, February 17, 2009
415 State Capitol, Utah State Capitol Complex

Members Present:        Sen. Dennis Stowell, Chair    
                Sen. Allen Christensen
                Sen. Gene Davis
                Sen. Margaret Dayton
                Sen. Karen Morgan
                Sen. Ralph Okerlund    

Staff Present:            J Brian Allred, Policy Analyst        
                Saundra Maeser, Secretary
Public Speakers Present:    Kyle Stephens, Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Agriculture and Food
                Mike King, Interim President, College of Eastern Utah
                Kevin Walthers, Vice President for Finance and Administrative                      Services, College of Eastern Utah
                Miles Nelson, Associate Vice President for Workforce Education,                     College of Eastern Utah
                Brad King, Vice President, College of Eastern Utah
                David Bird, Attorney, Utah Mining Association
                Steven Clyde, Attorney, Central Utah Water Conservancy District
                Michael Styler, Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources
                Fred Finlinson, Chairman, Utah Water Coalition
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.

Committee Chair Stowell called the meeting to order at 3:28 p.m.

1.    Approval of Minutes

     MOTION: Sen. Christensen moved to approve the minutes of February 13, 2009.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Dayton absent for the vote.

     H.B. 105 Department of Agriculture and Food Amendments (Rep. J. Mathis) (Sen. D. Stowell)

    Rep. Mathis introduced the bill.

    Kyle Stephens, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Agriculture and Food, spoke in support of the bill and distributed a handout.

     MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to pass H.B. 105, Department of Agriculture and Food Amendments, out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

3.    S.B. 67 Miners' Safety and Training (Sen. L. Robles)

    Sen. Robles introduced the bill. The following persons from the College of Eastern Utah assisted in the presentation: Mike King, Interim President; Kevin Walthers, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services; Miles Nelson, Associate Vice President for Workforce Education; and Brad King, Vice President.

     MOTION: Sen. Davis moved to pass S.B. 67, Miners' Safety and Training, out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

4.    S.B. 68 Mining Protection Amendments (Sen. S. Killpack)

    Sen. Killpack introduced the bill. David Bird, Attorney, Utah Mining Association, assisted in the presentation.

     MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to pass S.B. 68, Mining Protection Amendments, out of committee with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously.

5.     H.B. 241 Priority of Water Rights (Rep. K. Gibson) (Sen. R. Okerlund)

    Rep. Gibson introduced the bill.

    Steven Clyde, Attorney, Central Utah Water Conservancy District, and Fred Finlinson, Chairman, Utah Water Coalition, spoke in opposition to the bill.

    Michael Styler, Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources, spoke in support of the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Dayton moved to adjourn.

    The motion passed unanimously.    

    Chair Stowell said H.B. 241 would be an agenda item of the next committee meeting.

    Chair Stowell adjourned the meeting at 5:08 p.m.

    Minutes reported by Saundra Maeser, Secretary

                 Dennis E. Stowell, Committee Chair