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, 8:00 A.M.

Members Present:    Sen. Wayne L. Niederhauser, Chair     Sen. Curtis S. Bramble
    Sen. Ross Romero
    Sen. Howard A. Stephenson
    Sen. Dennis Stowell
    Sen. John Valentine
    Sen. Brent Goodfellow
Staff Present:    Bryant Howe, Asst. Dir., Office of Leg. Research & Gen. Counsel
    Lorna Wells, Committee Secretary
Public Speakers Present:         Mr. Alan Ayaub
    Mr. Kris Poulson, Utah County Assessor
    Mr. Brad Cahoon, Attorney, Snell & Willmer AGOI
    Mr. Carlos Braceras, Utah Dept of Transportation
            Ms. Kris Fawson, Vice Chair, Legislative Coalition for People with Disabilities
    Ms. Laura Anderson
    Mr. Brent Gardner, Utah Association of Counties
    Rep. Todd E. Kiser
    Mr. Royce Van Tassell, Utah Taxpayers Association

A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the Committee minutes.

Chair Niederhauser called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.

1.     S.B. 245 Uniform Fees on Motorcycles

     MOTION: Sen. Goodfellow moved to adopt Amendment #1 to S.B. 245.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Stowell, Valentine, and Romero absent for the vote.

1.    Page 3, Lines 66 through 74 :    

             66          (g) "Other motorcycle" means a motor vehicle that:
             67          (i) is:
             68          (A) a motorcycle as defined in Section 41-1a-102 ; and
             69          (B) designed primarily for use and operation over unimproved terrain;

             70          (ii) is required to be registered in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 1a, Part 2,
             71      Registration; and
             72          (iii) has:
             73          (A) an engine with
{  more than 150   }       201       cubic centimeters displacement       or more       ; or

             74          (B) a motor that produces more than five horsepower.

2.    Page 5, Lines 142 through 151 :    

             142          [(t)] (m) (i) "Small motor vehicle" means

a motor vehicle that:

{  (A)   }       (I)       is required to be registered in accordance with Title 41, Motor Vehicles; and

{  (B)   }       (II)       has:

{  (I)   }       (Aa)       an engine with 150 or less cubic centimeters displacement; or

{  (II)   }       (Bb)       a motor that produces five or less horsepower;      {  and   }       or      

  (B) a motorcycle as defined in Section 41-1a-102 that:

    (I) is required to be registered in accordance with Title 41, Motor Vehicles; and
    (II) has:
    (Aa) an engine with 200 or less cubic centimeters displacement; or
    (Bb) a motor that produces five or less horsepower; and  

             147          (ii) in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
             148      commission may by rule develop a process for an owner of a motor vehicle
  or motorcycle       to certify whether       :      

  (A)       the motor vehicle has:

{  (A)   }       (I)       an engine with 150 or less cubic centimeters displacement; or

{  (B)   }       (II)       a motor that produces five or less horsepower      {  .   }       ; or

    (B) the motorcycle has:
    (I) an engine with 200 or less cubic centimeters displacement; or
    (II) a motor that produces five or less horsepower.  

3.    Page 6, Lines 152 through 164 :    

             152          (n) "Small street motorcycle" means a motor vehicle that:
             153          (i) is:
             154          (A) a motorcycle as defined in Section 41-1a-102 ; and
             155          (B) designed primarily for use and operation on highways;

             156          (ii) is required to be registered in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 1a, Part 2,
             157      Registration; and
             158          (iii) has
{  :

             159          (A)  
an engine with:
{  (I)   }       (A)            {  151   }       201       cubic centimeters displacement or more; and

{  (II)   }       (B)            {  650   }       750       cubic centimeters displacement or less      {  ; or   }       .      

{  (B) a motor that produces:

             163          (I) more than five horsepower; and
             164          (II) seven horsepower or less.  

4.    Page 6, Lines 172 through 181 :    

             172          [(v)] (p) "Street motorcycle" means a motor vehicle that:
             173          (i) is:
             174          (A) a motorcycle as defined in Section 41-1a-102 ; and
             175          (B) designed primarily for use and operation on highways;
             176          (ii) is required to be registered in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 1a, Part 2,
             177      Registration; and
             178          (iii) has:
             179          (A) an engine with [more than 150]
{  651   }       751       cubic centimeters displacement or more; or

             180          (B) a motor that produces more than
{  [   } five      {  ]   }      {  seven   } horsepower.

             181          [(w)] (q) "Tangible personal property owner" means a person that owns an item of

Sen. Brent Goodfellow presented and explained the bill.

Mr. Ayaub and Mr. Poulson spoke in favor of the bill

     MOTION: Sen. Goodfellow moved to adopt S.B. 245 as amended with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Valentine and Romero absent for the vote.

     MOTION: Sen. Goodfellow moved that S.B. 245 as amended be placed on the Consent Calendar.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Valentine and Romero absent for the vote.

2.     Approval of Minutes

    MOTION: Sen. Bramble moved to approve the minutes of 2/26/2009.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Valentine and Romero absent for the vote.

3.     S.B. 224 Reuse of Industrial Byproduct

    Sen. Curtis Bramble presented and explained the bill.

    Mr. Cahoon spoke in favor of the bill. Mr. Braceras spoke to the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Bramble moved to adopt S.B. 224 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Valentine and Romero absent for the vote.

4.     H.B. 184 Income Tax Credit for a Disabled Dependent

    Rep. John Dougall presented and explained the bill.

    Ms. Fawson and Ms. Anderson spoke in favor of the bill.

    MOTION: Sen. Stowell moved to adopt H.B. 184 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Valentine and Romero absent for the vote.

5.     H.B. 157 S01 Property Tax Assessment Amendments

    Rep. Wayne Harper presented and explained the bill.

    Mr. Gardner spoke in favor of the bill. Mr. Paulsen spoke to the bill.

     MOTION: Sen. Stowell moved to adopt H.B. 157 S01 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion passed unanimously with Sen. Valentine and Romero absent for the vote.

    Sen. Niederhauser relinquished the Chair to Sen. Stephenson

6.     H.B. 246 S02 Property Tax - Residential Exemption

    Rep. Gage Froerer presented and explained the bill.

    Mr. Kiser spoke in favor of the bill. Mr. Poulson spoke to the bill. Mr. Van Tassell spoke against the bill.

    MOTION: Sen. Niederhauser moved to adopt H.B. 246 S02 with a favorable recommendation.

    The motion failed with Sen. Niederhauser and Stowell voting in favor of the motion; and Sens. Bramble, Goodfellow, Romero, and Stephenson voting against the motion.

Sen. Niederahuser moved to adjourn.

Sen. Stephenson adjourned the meeting at 9:08 a.m.

Minutes reported by Lorna Wells, Committee Secretary.


Sen. Wayne L. Niederhauser, Committee Chair