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MONDAY, MARCH 2nd 2009, 8:00 a.m.
Room 215, Senate Building, State Capitol Complex
Members Present: Sen. Ralph Okerlund
Sen. Karen Morgan
Sen. Mark Madsen, Committee Chair
Sen. Sheldon Killpack
Sen. Michael Waddoups
Sen. Patricia Jones
Staff Present: Art Hunsaker, Policy Analyst
Nicholle Heidrich, Committee Secretary
Public Speakers Present: Jody Burnett, Attorney
Todd Bay
Christopher Robinson, Summit County Council
Bruce Evans, Program Manager for Hill Field Air Force Base
A list of visitors and a copy of handouts are filed with the committee minutes.
Chair Madsen called the meeting to order at 8:09 a.m.
MOTION: Sen. Killpack moved to approve minutes of the February 20th , 2009, meeting.
The motion passed unanimously with Sen.Waddoups absent at the time of the vote.
1. SB0216 Revisions to Military Installation Development Authority Act
Sen. Madsen relinquished the chair to Sen. Killpack.
Sen. Madsen introduced and explained SB0216.
Todd Bay spoke in favor of SB0216.
Jody Burnett and Chris Robinson spoke against SB0216.
Bruce Evans spoke in favor to SB0216.
Sen. Killpack relinquished the chair to Sen. Okerlund.
MOTION: Sen. Okerlund moved to pass SB0216 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed with Sens. Jones and Morgan against SB0216 and Sen. Waddoups was
absent at the time of the vote.
2. HB0317 Capital Felony Amendments
Rep. Wimmer introduced and explained HB0317.
MOTION: Sen. Okerlund moved to pass HB0317 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Waddoups and Killpack absent at the time of the vote.
3. HB0292 Traffic Violation and Citation Amendments
Rep. Ipson introduced and explained HB0292.
MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to pass HB0292 out of committee with a favorable recommendation.
The motion passed unanimously with Sens.Waddoups and Killpack absent at the time of the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to place HB0292 on the consent calendar.
The motion passed unanimously with Sens. Waddoups and Killpack absent at the time of the vote.
MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to adjourn meeting.
The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Madsen adjourned the meeting at 9:29 a.m.
Minutes were reported by Nicholle Heidrich, Secretary.
MOTION: Sen. Morgan moved to adjourn meeting.
The motion passed unanimously.
Chair Okerlund adjourned the meeting at 2:15 p.m.
Minutes were reported by Nicholle Heidrich, Secretary.