TO: Members of the House Business and Labor Standing Committee
FROM: Rep. James A. Dunnigan, Chair
Rep. Patrick Painter, Vice Chair
RE: Committee Meeting
DATE: Friday, February 5, 2010
TIME: 2:00 PM
PLACE: 450 State Capitol, Utah State Capitol Complex
- Call to order and approval of minutes
- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:
1. HB0222 Land Use Meeting Notice (T. Beck)
2. HB0118 Economic Development Incentives Modifications (W. Harper)
3. HB0188 Workers' Compensation Benefits - Social Security Offset (W. Harper)
4. SB0037 Impact Fee Revisions (W. Niederhauser)
5. HB0227 Licensing Eligibility (S. Sandstrom)
Rep. James A. Dunnigan, Chair
Rep. Patrick Painter, Vice Chair
Rep. Jackie Biskupski
Rep. Stephen D. Clark
Rep. Susan Duckworth
Rep. Gage Froerer
Rep. Kevin S. Garn
Rep. Francis D. Gibson
Rep. Neil A. Hansen
Rep. Brian S. King
Rep. Todd E. Kiser
Rep. Michael T. Morley
Rep. C. Brent Wallis
Rep. R. Curt Webb
Committee Analyst: Bryant R. Howe, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
Committee Secretary: Rosemary Young