TO:                 Members of the House Government Operations Standing Committee

FROM:           Rep. Craig A. Frank, Chair

                        Rep. Keith Grover, Vice Chair

RE:                 Committee Meeting


                                    DATE:           Thursday, February 11, 2010

                                    TIME:            8:00 AM

                                    PLACE:         20 House Building, Utah State Capitol Complex

- Call to order and approval of minutes

- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:


1.    HB0265          Real Property Amendments (G. Froerer)


2.    HB0116          Political Subdivision Facility Energy Efficiency (F. Hunsaker)


3.    HB0273          Utah International Trade Commission Amendments (E. Hutchings)


4.    HB0208          Disposition of the Remains of a Deceased Military Service Member (J. Seelig)


5.    SB0093           Gubernatorial Appointment Powers Amendments (C. Bramble)


6.    SB0110           Revisor's Statute (M. Dayton)


7.    HB0274          Statutory Construction Compliance Amendments (R. Lockhart)



Rep. Craig A. Frank, Chair

Rep. Keith Grover, Vice Chair

Rep. Douglas C. Aagard

Rep. Ron Bigelow

Rep. Jim Bird

Rep. Ben C. Ferry

Rep. Neil A. Hansen

Rep. Neal B. Hendrickson

Rep. John G. Mathis

Rep. Larry B. Wiley

Committee Analyst: Benjamin N. Christensen, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

Committee Secretary: Sylvia Newton