TO: Members of the Senate Health and Human Services Standing Committee
FROM: Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Chair
RE: Committee Meeting
DATE: Monday, March 1, 2010
TIME: 4:10 PM
PLACE: 250 State Capitol, Utah State Capitol Complex
- Call to order and approval of minutes for the February 24 and February 26 meetings
- The following bills are scheduled for consideration:
1. SB0044S01 Health Amendments for Legal Immigrant Children (L. Robles)
2. HB0066 Prosthetic Limb Health Insurance Parity (D. Litvack)
3. HB0082 Protection of Children Riding in Motor Vehicles (F.J. Seegmiller)
4. HB0311S01 Autism Treatment Fund (R. Lockhart)
5. HB0401 Residential Facilities for Elderly Persons (B. Daw)
Sen. D. Chris Buttars, Chair
Sen. J. Stuart Adams
Sen. Allen M. Christensen
Sen. David P. Hinkins
Sen. Patricia W. Jones
Sen. Luz Robles
Committee Analyst: Mark D. Andrews, Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
Committee Secretary: Henry Liu