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H.B. 23





Chief Sponsor: Trisha S. Beck

Senate Sponsor: Karen Mayne

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      Committee Note:
             9          The Business and Labor Interim Committee recommended this bill.
             10      General Description:
             11          This bill modifies provisions related to an employer testing for drugs and alcohol.
             12      Highlighted Provisions:
             13          This bill:
             14          .    modifies terminology;
             15          .    clarifies effect of complying with the chapter;
             16          .    requires certain confirmation testing to be done by a certified laboratory;
             17          .    addresses grounds for employer action;
             18          .    addresses presumptions in applying employer protections from liability; and
             19          .    makes technical and conforming amendments.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          34-38-1, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 234
             27          34-38-2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 234

             28          34-38-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2001, Chapter 107
             29          34-38-6, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 234
             30          34-38-8, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 234
             31          34-38-10, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 234
             32          34-38-11, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 234
             33          34-38-14, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2001, Chapter 73
             35      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             36          Section 1. Section 34-38-1 is amended to read:
             37           34-38-1. Legislative findings -- Purpose and intent of chapter.
             38          (1) The Legislature finds that a healthy and productive work force, safe working
             39      conditions free from the effects of drugs and alcohol, and maintenance of the quality of
             40      products produced and services rendered in this state, are important to employers, employees,
             41      and the general public. The Legislature further finds that the abuse of drugs and alcohol creates
             42      a variety of workplace problems, including increased injuries on the job, increased
             43      absenteeism, increased financial burden on health and benefit programs, increased workplace
             44      theft, decreased employee morale, decreased productivity, and a decline in the quality of
             45      products and services.
             46          [Therefore, in balancing the interests of employers, employees, and the welfare of the
             47      general public, the Legislature finds that fair and equitable testing for drugs and alcohol in the
             48      workplace, in accordance with this chapter, is in the best interest of all parties.]
             49          (2) The Legislature does not intend to prohibit [any] an employee from seeking
             50      damages or job reinstatement, if action [was] is taken by [his] the employer [based on a false
             51      drug or alcohol] on the basis of an inaccurate test result.
             52          Section 2. Section 34-38-2 is amended to read:
             53           34-38-2. Definitions.
             54          For purposes of this chapter:
             55          (1) "Alcohol" means ethyl alcohol or ethanol.
             56          (2) "Drugs" means [any] a substance recognized as a drug in the United States
             57      Pharmacopoeia, the National Formulary, the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, or other drug
             58      compendia, or supplement to any of those compendia.

             59          (3) (a) "Employer" means [any] a person[, firm, or corporation], including [any] a
             60      public utility or transit district, [which] that has one or more workers or operators employed in
             61      the same business, or in or about the same establishment, under any contract of hire, express or
             62      implied, oral or written.
             63          (b) "Employer" does not include the federal or state government, or other local political
             64      subdivisions.
             65          (4) "Employee" means [any person] an individual in the service of an employer[, as
             66      defined by Subsection (3),] for compensation.
             67          (5) "Failed test" means a confirmed drug or alcohol test that indicates that the sample
             68      tested is:
             69          (a) positive;
             70          (b) adulterated; or
             71          (c) substituted.
             72          (6) "Inaccurate test result" means a test result that is treated as a positive test result,
             73      when the sample should not have resulted in a positive test result.
             74          (7) "Licensed physician" means an individual who is licensed:
             75          (a) as a doctor of medicine under Title 58, Chapter 67, Utah Medical Practice Act, or
             76      similar law of another state; or
             77          (b) as an osteopathic physician or surgeon under Title 58, Chapter 68, Utah
             78      Osteopathic Medical Practice Act, or similar law of another state.
             79          [(5)] (8) "Prospective employee" means [any person who has made application] an
             80      individual who applies to an employer, [whether written or oral] either in writing or orally, to
             81      become [his] the employer's employee.
             82          [(6)] (9) "Sample" means urine, blood, breath, saliva, or hair.
             83          Section 3. Section 34-38-3 is amended to read:
             84           34-38-3. Testing for drugs or alcohol.
             85          (1) [It is not unlawful for an] If an employer [to test employees or prospective
             86      employees] tests an employee or prospective employee for the presence of drugs or alcohol[, in
             87      accordance with the provisions of this chapter,] as a condition of hiring or continued
             88      employment, the employer is protected from liability as provided in this chapter if the employer
             89      complies with this chapter. However, employers and management in general shall submit to

             90      the testing themselves on a periodic basis.
             91          (2) (a) [Any] An organization [which is operating] that operates a storage facility or
             92      transfer facility or [which] that is engaged in the transportation of high-level nuclear waste or
             93      greater than class C radioactive waste within the exterior boundaries of the state shall establish
             94      a mandatory drug testing program regarding drugs and alcohol for prospective and existing
             95      employees as a condition of hiring any employee or the continued employment of any
             96      employee. As a part of the program, employers and management in general shall submit to the
             97      testing themselves on a periodic basis. The program shall implement testing standards and
             98      procedures established under Subsection (2)(b).
             99          (b) The executive director of the Department of Environmental Quality, in consultation
             100      with the Labor Commission under Section 34A-1-103 , shall by rule establish standards for
             101      timing of testing and dosage for impairment for the drug and alcohol testing program under this
             102      Subsection (2). The standards shall address the protection of the safety, health, and welfare of
             103      the public.
             104          Section 4. Section 34-38-6 is amended to read:
             105           34-38-6. Requirements for collection and testing.
             106          [All sample] (1) The collection and testing of a sample for drugs and alcohol under this
             107      chapter shall be performed in accordance with [the following conditions:] this chapter.
             108          [(1) the] (2) The collection of [samples] a sample shall be performed under reasonable
             109      and sanitary conditions[;].
             110          [(2) samples] (3) A sample shall be collected and tested:
             111          (a) with due regard to the privacy of the individual being tested[,]; and
             112          (b) in a manner reasonably calculated to prevent substitutions or interference with the
             113      collection or testing of a reliable [samples;] sample.
             114          [(3) sample] (4) The sample collection shall be documented[, and the]. The
             115      documentation procedures [shall] required by this Subsection (4) include:
             116          (a) labeling of [samples] a sample so as reasonably to preclude the probability of
             117      erroneous identification of test results; and
             118          (b) an opportunity for the employee or prospective employee to provide notification of
             119      any information [which he] that the employee or prospective employee considers relevant to
             120      the test, including:

             121          (i) identification of currently or recently used prescription or nonprescription drugs[,];
             122      or
             123          (ii) other relevant medical information.
             124          [(4) sample] (5) Sample collection, storage, and transportation to the place of testing
             125      shall be performed so as reasonably to preclude the probability of sample contamination or
             126      adulteration[; and].
             127          [(5) sample testing] (6) (a) Testing of a sample shall conform to scientifically accepted
             128      analytical methods and procedures. [Testing]
             129          (b) Before a test of a sample may be considered a failed test and used as a basis for an
             130      action by an employer under Section 34-38-8 , testing of the sample shall include [verification
             131      or] a confirmation [of any positive test result] test:
             132          (i) by gas chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy, or other
             133      comparably reliable analytical method[, before the result of any test may be used as a basis for
             134      any action by an employer under Section 34-38-8 .]; and
             135          (ii) if the sample used for a test is a urine sample, by a laboratory that is certified by the
             136      United States Department of Health and Human Services under the National Laboratory
             137      Certification Program.
             138          Section 5. Section 34-38-8 is amended to read:
             139           34-38-8. Employer's disciplinary or rehabilitative actions.
             140          [Upon receipt of a verified or confirmed positive drug or alcohol test result which]
             141          (1) An employer may take an action described in Subsection (2) if:
             142          (a) the employer receives a test result that:
             143          (i) indicates a failed test;
             144          (ii) is confirmed as required by Subsection 34-38-6 (6); and
             145          (iii) indicates a violation of the employer's written policy[,]; or [upon the refusal of]
             146          (b) an employee or prospective employee refuses to provide a sample[, an].
             147          (2) An employer may use [that] a test result or a refusal described in Subsection (1) as
             148      the basis for disciplinary or rehabilitative actions, which may include the following:
             149          [(1)] (a) a requirement that the employee enroll in an employer-approved rehabilitation,
             150      treatment, or counseling program, which may include additional drug or alcohol testing, as a
             151      condition of continued employment;

             152          [(2)] (b) suspension of the employee with or without pay for a period of time;
             153          [(3)] (c) termination of employment;
             154          [(4)] (d) refusal to hire a prospective employee; or
             155          [(5)] (e) other disciplinary measures in conformance with the employer's usual
             156      procedures, including [any] a collective bargaining agreement.
             157          Section 6. Section 34-38-10 is amended to read:
             158           34-38-10. No cause of action arises against employer unless inaccurate test result
             159      -- Presumption and limitation of damages in claim against employer.
             160          (1) [No] A cause of action [arises] may not arise in favor of [any] a person against an
             161      employer who [has established] establishes a program of drug or alcohol testing in accordance
             162      with this chapter, and who [has taken any] takes an action under Section 34-38-8 , unless the
             163      [employer's action was based on a false test result] employer takes the action on the basis of an
             164      inaccurate test result.
             165          (2) [In any claim] If a person bringing a claim, including a claim under Section
             166      34-38-11 , [where it is alleged] alleges that an employer's action [was] is based on [a false] an
             167      inaccurate test result:
             168          (a) there is a rebuttable presumption that the test result [was] is valid if the employer
             169      [complied with the provisions of] complies with Section 34-38-6 ; and
             170          (b) the employer is not liable for monetary damages if [his] the employer's reliance on
             171      [a false] an inaccurate test result [was] is reasonable and in good faith.
             172          (3) (a) There is a rebuttable presumption that the employer complies with Section
             173      34-38-6 if as part of the employer's drug and alcohol testing program a licensed physician who
             174      is trained in the interpretation of drug and alcohol test results:
             175          (i) provides medical assessment of a result that indicates a failed test;
             176          (ii) requests re-analysis of a test result if necessary; and
             177          (iii) makes a determination whether or not alcohol or other drug use has occurred.
             178          (b) A court may find that an employer complies with Section 34-38-6 notwithstanding
             179      that the employer's drug and alcohol testing program does not include an action described in
             180      Subsection (3)(a).
             181          Section 7. Section 34-38-11 is amended to read:
             182           34-38-11. Bases for cause of action for defamation, libel, slander, or damage to

             183      reputation.
             184          No cause of action for defamation of character, libel, slander, or damage to reputation
             185      arises in favor of any person against an employer who has established a program of drug or
             186      alcohol testing in accordance with this chapter, unless:
             187          (1) the results of that test were disclosed to any person other than the employer, an
             188      authorized employee or agent of the employer, the tested employee, or the tested prospective
             189      employee;
             190          (2) the information disclosed [was] is based on [a false] an inaccurate test result;
             191          (3) [the false] an inaccurate test result [was] is disclosed with malice; and
             192          (4) all elements of an action for defamation of character, libel, slander, or damage to
             193      reputation as established by statute or common law, are satisfied.
             194          Section 8. Section 34-38-14 is amended to read:
             195           34-38-14. Employee not "disabled."
             196          An employee or prospective employee whose drug or alcohol test [results are verified
             197      or] result is confirmed as positive in accordance with [the provisions of] this chapter may not,
             198      because of those results alone, be defined as a person with a "disability" for purposes of Title
             199      34A, Chapter 5, Utah Antidiscrimination Act.

Legislative Review Note
    as of 10-23-09 6:58 AM

Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel

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