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First Substitute H.B. 205

This document includes House Committee Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 12:51 PM by jeyring. --> This document includes House Floor Amendments incorporated into the bill on Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 12:19 PM by jeyring. -->

Representative Stephen E. Sandstrom proposes the following substitute bill:




Chief Sponsor: Stephen E. Sandstrom

Senate Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill amends impact fee provisions relating to school districts and charter schools.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    requires that an impact fee enactment allow, in certain circumstances, a developer to
             13      receive a credit against or proportionate reimbursement of an impact fee, including
             14      a school district or charter school;
             15          .    amends requirements for a capital facilities plan;
             16          .    amends provisions relating to an impact fee enactment;
             17          .    amends provisions relating to impact fees; and
             18          .    makes technical corrections.
             19      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             20          None
             21      Other Special Clauses:
             22          None
             23      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             24      AMENDS:
             25          11-36-201, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapters 181, 188, 286, and 323

             26          11-36-202, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapters 181, 286, and 323
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 11-36-201 is amended to read:
             30           11-36-201. Impact fees -- Analysis -- Capital facilities plan -- Notice of plan --
             31      Summary -- Exemptions.
             32          (1) (a) (i) Each local political subdivision and private entity shall comply with the
             33      requirements of this chapter before establishing or modifying any impact fee.
             34          (ii) A fee that meets the definition of impact fee under Section 11-36-102 is an impact
             35      fee subject to this chapter, regardless of what term the local political subdivision or private
             36      entity uses to refer to the fee.
             37          (iii) A local political subdivision or private entity may not avoid application of this
             38      chapter to a fee that meets the definition of an impact fee under Section 11-36-102 by referring
             39      to the fee by another name.
             40          (b) A local political subdivision may not:
             41          (i) establish any new impact fees that are not authorized by this chapter; or
             42          (ii) impose or charge any other fees as a condition of development approval unless
             43      those fees are a reasonable charge for the service provided.
             44          (c) Each local political subdivision shall ensure that the impact fees comply with the
             45      requirements of this chapter.
             46          (d) (i) Each local political subdivision and private entity shall ensure that each impact
             47      fee collected on or after May 12, 2009 complies with the provisions of this chapter, even if the
             48      impact fee was imposed but not paid before May 12, 2009.
             49          (ii) Subsection (1)(d)(i) does not apply to an impact fee that was paid before May 12,
             50      2009.
             51          (2) (a) Before imposing impact fees, each local political subdivision and private entity
             52      shall, except as provided in Subsection (2)(f), prepare a capital facilities plan to determine the
             53      public facilities required to serve development resulting from new development activity.
             54          (b) (i) As used in this Subsection (2)(b):
             55          (A) (I) "Affected entity" means each county, municipality, local district under Title
             56      17B, Limited Purpose Local Government Entities - Local Districts, special service district

             57      under Title 17D, Chapter 1, Special Service District Act, school district, interlocal cooperation
             58      entity established under Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, and specified public utility:
             59          (Aa) whose services or facilities are likely to require expansion or significant
             60      modification because of the facilities proposed in the proposed capital facilities plan; or
             61          (Bb) that has filed with the local political subdivision or private entity a copy of the
             62      general or long-range plan of the county, municipality, local district, special service district,
             63      school district, interlocal cooperation entity, or specified public utility.
             64          (II) "Affected entity" does not include the local political subdivision or private entity
             65      that is required under this Subsection (2) to provide notice.
             66          (B) "Specified public utility" means an electrical corporation, gas corporation, or
             67      telephone corporation, as those terms are defined in Section 54-2-1 .
             68          (ii) Before preparing or amending a capital facilities plan, each local political
             69      subdivision and each private entity shall provide written notice, as provided in this Subsection
             70      (2)(b), of its intent to prepare or amend a capital facilities plan.
             71          (iii) Each notice under Subsection (2)(b)(ii) shall:
             72          (A) indicate that the local political subdivision or private entity intends to prepare or
             73      amend a capital facilities plan;
             74          (B) describe or provide a map of the geographic area where the proposed capital
             75      facilities will be located;
             76          (C) be:
             77          (I) sent to each county in whose unincorporated area and each municipality in whose
             78      boundaries is located the land on which the proposed facilities will be located;
             79          (II) sent to each affected entity;
             80          (III) sent to the Automated Geographic Reference Center created in Section 63F-1-506 ;
             81          (IV) sent to the association of governments, established pursuant to an interlocal
             82      agreement under Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, in which the facilities are proposed to
             83      be located;
             84          (V) (Aa) placed on the Utah Public Notice Website created under Section 63F-1-701 , if
             85      the local political subdivision:
             86          (Ii) is required under Subsection 52-4-203 (3) to use that website to provide public
             87      notice of a meeting; or

             88          (IIii) voluntarily chooses to place notice on that website despite not being required to
             89      do so under Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(C)(V)(Aa)(Ii); or
             90          (Bb) sent to the state planning coordinator appointed under Section 63J-4-202 , if the
             91      local political subdivision does not provide notice on the Utah Public Notice Website under
             92      Subsection (2)(b)(iii)(C)(V)(Aa) or for a private entity;
             93          (VI) sent to the registered agent of the Utah Home Builders Association;
             94          (VII) sent to the registered agent of the Utah Association of Realtors; and
             95          (VIII) sent to the registered agent of the Utah Chapter of the Associated General
             96      Contractors of America; and
             97          (D) with respect to the notice to an affected entity, invite the affected entity to provide
             98      information for the local political subdivision or private entity to consider in the process of
             99      preparing, adopting, and implementing or amending a capital facilities plan concerning:
             100          (I) impacts that the facilities proposed in the capital facilities plan may have on the
             101      affected entity; and
             102          (II) facilities or uses of land that the affected entity is planning or considering that may
             103      conflict with the facilities proposed in the capital facilities plan.
             104          (c) The plan shall identify:
             105          (i) demands placed upon existing public facilities by new development activity; and
             106          (ii) the proposed means by which the local political subdivision will meet those
             107      demands.
             108          (d) A municipality or county need not prepare a separate capital facilities plan if the
             109      general plan required by Section 10-9a-401 or 17-27a-401 , respectively, contains the elements
             110      required by Subsection (2)(c).
             111          (e) (i) If a local political subdivision chooses to prepare an independent capital
             112      facilities plan rather than include a capital facilities element in the general plan, the local
             113      political subdivision shall:
             114          (A) before preparing or contracting to prepare or amending or contracting to amend the
             115      independent capital facilities plan, send written notice:
             116          (I) to:
             117          (Aa) the registered agent of the Utah Home Builders Association;
             118          (Bb) the registered agent of the Utah Association of Realtors; and

             119          (Cc) the registered agent of the Utah Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of
             120      America;
             121          (II) stating the local political subdivision's intent to prepare or amend a capital facilities
             122      plan; and
             123          (III) inviting each of the notice recipients to participate in the preparation of or
             124      amendment to the capital facilities plan; and
             125          (B) before adopting or amending the capital facilities plan:
             126          (I) give public notice of the plan or amendment according to Subsection (2)(e)(ii)(A),
             127      (B), or (C), as the case may be, at least 10 days before the date of the public hearing;
             128          (II) make a copy of the plan or amendment, together with a summary designed to be
             129      understood by a lay person, available to the public;
             130          (III) place a copy of the plan or amendment and summary in each public library within
             131      the local political subdivision; and
             132          (IV) hold a public hearing to hear public comment on the plan or amendment.
             133          (ii) With respect to the public notice required under Subsection (2)(e)(i)(B)(I):
             134          (A) each municipality shall comply with the notice and hearing requirements of, and,
             135      except as provided in Subsection 11-36-401 (4)(f), receive the protections of Sections
             136      10-9a-205 and 10-9a-801 and Subsection 10-9a-502 (2);
             137          (B) each county shall comply with the notice and hearing requirements of, and, except
             138      as provided in Subsection 11-36-401 (4)(f), receive the protections of Sections 17-27a-205 and
             139      17-27a-801 and Subsection 17-27a-502 (2); and
             140          (C) each local district, special service district, and private entity shall comply with the
             141      notice and hearing requirements of, and receive the protections of, Section 17B-1-111 .
             142          (iii) Nothing contained in this Subsection (2)(e) or in the subsections referenced in
             143      Subsections (2)(e)(ii)(A) and (B) may be construed to require involvement by a planning
             144      commission in the capital facilities planning process.
             145          (f) (i) A local political subdivision with a population or serving a population of less
             146      than 5,000 as of the last federal census need not comply with the capital facilities plan
             147      requirements of this part, but shall ensure that:
             148          (A) the impact fees that the local political subdivision imposes are based upon a
             149      reasonable plan; and

             150          (B) each applicable notice required by this chapter is given.
             151          (ii) Subsection (2)(f)(i) does not apply to private entities.
             152          (g) (i) H. [ The ] Subject to Subsection (2)(g)(iii), the .H plan shall include a public
             152a      facility H. for which an impact fee may be charged or .H required for a school district
             152b      or charter
             153      school if the local political subdivision is aware of the planned location of the school district
             154      facility or charter school:
             155          (A) through the planning process; or
             156          (B) after receiving a written request from a school district or charter school that the
             157      public facility be included in the plan.
             158          (ii) If necessary, the plan shall be amended to reflect a public facility described in
             159      Subsection (2)(g)(i).
             159a      H. (iii)(A) In accordance with Subsections 10-9a-305(4) and 17-27a-305(4), a local political
             159b      subdivision may not require a school district or charter school to participate in the cost of any
             159c      roadway or sidewalk.
             159d          (B) Notwithstanding Subsection (2)(g)(iii)(A), if a school district or charter school
             159e      agrees to build a roadway or sidewalk, the roadway or sidewalk shall be included in
             159f      the plan, .H
             160          (3) In preparing the plan, each local political subdivision shall generally consider all
             161      revenue sources, including impact fees and anticipated dedication of system improvements, to
             162      finance the impacts on system improvements.
             163          (4) A local political subdivision or private entity may only impose impact fees on
             164      development activities when its plan for financing system improvements establishes that
             165      impact fees are necessary to achieve an equitable allocation to the costs borne in the past and to
             166      be borne in the future, in comparison to the benefits already received and yet to be received.
             167          (5) (a) Subject to the notice requirement of Subsection (5)(b), each local political
             168      subdivision and private entity intending to impose an impact fee shall prepare a written analysis
             169      of each impact fee that:
             170          (i) identifies the anticipated impact on or consumption of any existing capacity of a
             171      public facility by the anticipated development activity;
             172          (ii) identifies the anticipated impact on system improvements required by the
             173      anticipated development activity to maintain the established level of service for each public
             174      facility;
             175          (iii) demonstrates how those anticipated impacts are reasonably related to the
             176      anticipated development activity;
             177          (iv) estimates the proportionate share of:
             178          (A) the costs for existing capacity that will be recouped; and
             179          (B) the costs of impacts on system improvements that are reasonably related to the new
             180      development activity; and

             181          (v) based upon those factors and the requirements of this chapter, identifies how the
             182      impact fee was calculated.
             183          (b) Before preparing or contracting to prepare the written analysis required under
             184      Subsection (5)(a), each local political subdivision or private entity shall provide:
             185          (i) public notice; and
             186          (ii) written notice:
             187          (A) to:
             188          (I) the registered agent of the Utah Home Builders Association;
             189          (II) the registered agent of the Utah Association of Realtors; and
             190          (III) the registered agent of the Utah Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of
             191      America;
             192          (B) indicating the local political subdivision or private entity's intent to prepare or
             193      contract to prepare a written analysis of an impact fee; and
             194          (C) inviting each notice recipient to participate in the preparation of the written
             195      analysis.
             196          (c) In analyzing whether or not the proportionate share of the costs of public facilities
             197      are reasonably related to the new development activity, the local political subdivision or private
             198      entity, as the case may be, shall identify, if applicable:
             199          (i) the cost of each existing public facility that has excess capacity to serve the
             200      anticipated development resulting from the new development activity;
             201          (ii) the cost of system improvements for each public facility;
             202          (iii) other than impact fees, the manner of financing each public facility, such as user
             203      charges, special assessments, bonded indebtedness, general taxes, or federal grants;
             204          (iv) the relative extent to which development activity will contribute to financing the
             205      excess capacity of and system improvements for each existing public facility, by such means as
             206      user charges, special assessments, or payment from the proceeds of general taxes;
             207          (v) the relative extent to which development activity will contribute to the cost of
             208      existing public facilities and system improvements in the future;
             209          (vi) the extent to which the development activity is entitled to a credit against impact
             210      fees because the development activity will dedicate system improvements or public facilities
             211      that will offset the demand for system improvements, inside or outside the proposed

             212      development;
             213          (vii) extraordinary costs, if any, in servicing the newly developed properties; and
             214          (viii) the time-price differential inherent in fair comparisons of amounts paid at
             215      different times.
             216          (d) Each local political subdivision and private entity that prepares a written analysis
             217      under this Subsection (5) shall also prepare a summary of the written analysis, designed to be
             218      understood by a lay person.
             219          (6) Each local political subdivision that adopts an impact fee enactment under Section
             220      11-36-202 on or after July 1, 2000 shall, at least 10 days before adopting the enactment:
             221          (a) submit a copy of the written analysis required by Subsection (5)(a) and a copy of
             222      the summary required by Subsection (5)(d) to:
             223          (i) each public library within the local political subdivision;
             224          (ii) the registered agent of the Utah Home Builders Association;
             225          (iii) the registered agent of the Utah Association of Realtors; and
             226          (iv) the registered agent of the Utah Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of
             227      America; and
             228          (b) obtain a written certification from the person or entity that prepares the written
             229      analysis which states as follows:
             230          "I certify that the attached impact fee analysis:
             231              1. includes only the costs for qualifying public facilities that are:
             232                  a. allowed under the Impact Fees Act; and
             233                  b. projected to be incurred or encumbered within six years after each
             234      impact fee is paid;
             235              2. contains no cost for operation and maintenance of public facilities;
             236              3. offsets costs with grants or other alternate sources of payment;
             237              4. does not include costs for qualifying public facilities that will raise the level
             238      of service for the facilities, through impact fees, above the level of service that
             239      is supported by existing residents; and
             240              5. complies in each and every relevant respect with the Impact Fees Act."
             241          (7) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to repeal or otherwise eliminate any
             242      impact fee in effect on the effective date of this chapter that is pledged as a source of revenues

             243      to pay bonded indebtedness that was incurred before the effective date of this chapter.
             244          Section 2. Section 11-36-202 is amended to read:
             245           11-36-202. Impact fees -- Enactment -- Required and allowed provisions --
             246      Limitations -- Effective date.
             247          (1) (a) Each local political subdivision and private entity wishing to impose impact fees
             248      shall pass an impact fee enactment.
             249          (b) The impact fee imposed by that enactment may not exceed the highest fee justified
             250      by the impact fee analysis performed pursuant to Section 11-36-201 .
             251          (c) In calculating the impact fee, a local political subdivision or private entity may
             252      include:
             253          (i) the construction contract price;
             254          (ii) the cost of acquiring land, improvements, materials, and fixtures;
             255          (iii) the cost for planning, surveying, and engineering fees for services provided for and
             256      directly related to the construction of the system improvements; and
             257          (iv) debt service charges, if the political subdivision might use impact fees as a revenue
             258      stream to pay the principal and interest on bonds, notes, or other obligations issued to finance
             259      the costs of the system improvements.
             260          (d) In calculating an impact fee, a local political subdivision may not include an
             261      expense for overhead unless the expense is calculated pursuant to a methodology that is
             262      consistent with:
             263          (i) generally accepted cost accounting practices; and
             264          (ii) the methodological standards set forth by the federal Office of Management and
             265      Budget for federal grant reimbursement.
             266          (e) In calculating an impact fee, each local political subdivision shall base amounts
             267      calculated under Subsection (1)(c) on realistic estimates, and the assumptions underlying those
             268      estimates shall be disclosed in the impact fee analysis.
             269          (f) Each local political subdivision and private entity that intends to enact an impact fee
             270      enactment shall:
             271          (i) at least 10 days before the date of the public hearing:
             272          (A) make a copy of the impact fee enactment available to the public; and
             273          (B) mail a written copy of the impact fee enactment to:

             274          (I) the registered agent of the Utah Home Builders Association;
             275          (II) the registered agent of the Utah Association of Realtors; and
             276          (III) the registered agent of the Utah Chapter of the Associated General Contractors of
             277      America; and
             278          (ii) (A) for a municipality, comply with the notice and hearing requirements of, and,
             279      except as provided in Subsection 11-36-401 (4)(f), receive the protections of Sections
             280      10-9a-205 and 10-9a-801 ;
             281          (B) for a county, comply with the notice and hearing requirements of, and, except as
             282      provided in Subsection 11-36-401 (4)(f), receive the protections of Sections 17-27a-205 and
             283      17-27a-801 ; and
             284          (C) for a local district or special service district, comply with the notice and hearing
             285      requirements of, and receive the protections of, Section 17B-1-111 .
             286          (g) Nothing contained in Subsection (1)(f) may be construed to require involvement by
             287      a planning commission in the impact fee enactment process.
             288          (2) The local political subdivision or private entity shall ensure that the impact fee
             289      enactment:
             290          (a) contains:
             291          (i) a provision establishing one or more service areas within which the local political
             292      subdivision or private entity calculates and imposes impact fees for various land use categories;
             293          (ii) (A) a schedule of impact fees for each type of development activity that specifies
             294      the amount of the impact fee to be imposed for each type of system improvement; or
             295          (B) the formula that the local political subdivision or private entity, as the case may be,
             296      will use to calculate each impact fee;
             297          (iii) a provision authorizing the local political subdivision or private entity, as the case
             298      may be, to adjust the standard impact fee at the time the fee is charged to:
             299          (A) respond to:
             300          (I) unusual circumstances in specific cases; or
             301          (II) a request for a prompt and individualized impact fee review for:
             302          (Aa) the development activity of the state or a school district or charter school; and
             303          (Bb) an offset or credit for a public facility for which an impact fee has been or will be
             304      collected; and

             305          (B) ensure that the impact fees are imposed fairly; and
             306          (iv) a provision governing calculation of the amount of the impact fee to be imposed on
             307      a particular development that permits adjustment of the amount of the fee based upon studies
             308      and data submitted by the developer; and
             309          (b) allows a developer, including a school district or charter school, to receive a credit
             310      against or proportionate reimbursement of an impact fee if the developer:
             311          (i) dedicates land for a system improvement;
             312          (ii) builds and dedicates some or all of a system improvement; or
             313          (iii) dedicates a public facility that the local political subdivision or private entity and
             314      the developer agree will reduce the need for a system improvement.
             315          (3) (a) A local political subdivision or private entity may include a provision in an
             316      impact fee enactment that:
             317          (i) provides an impact fee exemption for:
             318          (A) development activity attributable to:
             319          (I) low income housing;
             320          (II) the state;
             321          (III) a school district; or
             322          (IV) a charter school; or
             323          (B) other development activity with a broad public purpose; and
             324          (ii) establishes one or more sources of funds other than impact fees to pay for that
             325      development activity.
             326          (b) An impact fee enactment that provides an impact fee exemption for development
             327      activity attributable to a school district or charter school shall allow either a school district or a
             328      charter school to qualify for the exemption on the same basis.
             329          (4) A local political subdivision or private entity shall include a provision in an impact
             330      fee enactment that requires a credit against impact fees for any dedication of land for,
             331      improvement to, or new construction of, any system improvements provided by the developer
             332      if the facilities:
             333          (a) are system improvements; or
             334          (b) (i) are dedicated to the public; and
             335          (ii) offset the need for an identified system improvement.

             336          (5) A local political subdivision may not:
             337          (a) impose an impact fee to:
             338          [(a)] (i) cure deficiencies in a public facility serving existing development; or
             339          [(b)] (ii) raise the established level of service of a public facility serving existing
             340      development[.]; or
             341          (b) delay the construction H. [ or operation ] .H of a school or charter school because of a
             342      dispute with the school or charter school over impact fees.
             343          (6) Notwithstanding the requirements and prohibitions of this chapter, a local political
             344      subdivision may impose and assess an impact fee for environmental mitigation when:
             345          (a) the local political subdivision has formally agreed to fund a Habitat Conservation
             346      Plan to resolve conflicts with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, 16 U.S.C. Sec 1531, et seq.
             347      or other state or federal environmental law or regulation;
             348          (b) the impact fee bears a reasonable relationship to the environmental mitigation
             349      required by the Habitat Conservation Plan; and
             350          (c) the legislative body of the local political subdivision adopts an ordinance or
             351      resolution:
             352          (i) declaring that an impact fee is required to finance the Habitat Conservation Plan;
             353          (ii) establishing periodic sunset dates for the impact fee; and
             354          (iii) requiring the legislative body to:
             355          (A) review the impact fee on those sunset dates;
             356          (B) determine whether or not the impact fee is still required to finance the Habitat
             357      Conservation Plan; and
             358          (C) affirmatively reauthorize the impact fee if the legislative body finds that the impact
             359      fee must remain in effect.
             360          (7) (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter:
             361          (i) an impact fee to pay for a public safety facility that is a fire suppression vehicle may
             362      not be imposed on residential components of development;
             363          (ii) an impact fee may not be imposed on a school district or charter school for a park,
             364      recreation facility, open space, or trail;
             365          (iii) an impact fee may not be imposed on development activity that consists of the
             366      construction of a school, whether by a school district or a charter school, if:

             367          (A) the school is intended to replace another school, whether on the same or a different
             368      parcel;
             369          (B) the new school creates no greater demand or need for public facilities than the
             370      school [being replaced] or school facilities, including any portable or modular classrooms that
             371      are on the site of the replaced school at the time that the new school is proposed; and
             372          (C) the new school and the school being replaced are both within:
             373          (I) the boundary of the local political subdivision; or
             374          (II) the jurisdiction of the private entity;
             375          (iv) an impact fee may not be imposed on a school district or charter school unless:
             376          (A) the development resulting from the school district or charter school's development
             377      activity directly results in a need for additional system improvements for which the impact fee
             378      is imposed; and
             379          (B) the impact fee is calculated to cover only the school district or charter school's
             380      proportionate share of the cost of those additional system improvements;
             381          (v) an impact fee for a road facility may be imposed on the state only if and to the
             382      extent that:
             383          (A) the state's development causes an impact on the road facility; and
             384          (B) the portion of the road facility related to an impact fee is not funded by the state or
             385      by the federal government; and
             386          (vi) to the extent that the impact fee includes a component for a law enforcement
             387      facility, the impact fee may not be imposed on development activity for:
             388          (A) the Utah National Guard;
             389          (B) the Utah Highway Patrol; or
             390          (C) a state institution of higher education that has its own police force.
             391          (b) If the imposition of an impact fee on a new school is not prohibited under
             392      Subsection (7)(a)(iii) because the new school creates a greater demand or need for public
             393      facilities than the school being replaced, the impact fee may be based only on the demand or
             394      need that the new school creates for public facilities that exceeds the demand or need that the
             395      school being replaced creates for those public facilities.
             396          (8) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a local political subdivision
             397      may impose and collect impact fees on behalf of a school district if authorized by Section

             398      53A-20-100.5 .
             399          (9) An impact fee enactment may not take effect until 90 days after it is enacted.

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