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H.B. 6 Enrolled

    Chief Sponsor: Brad L. Dee
    Senate Sponsor: Daniel R. Liljenquist

Committee Note:
    The Executive Appropriations Committee recommended this bill.
General Description:
    This bill supplements or reduces appropriations previously provided for the use and operation of state government. The bill funds compensation changes for state employees for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2010 and beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011.
Highlighted Provisions:
    This bill:
    .    provides funding for an increase in the cost of health insurance for certain state employees;
    .    provides funding for an increase in the cost of retirement for certain state employees;
    .    provides funding for an increase in the cost of Unemployment Insurance; and,
    .    adjusts funding for changes in required contributions for Other Post Employment Benefits.
Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
    This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2010:
    .    ($5,494,600) from the General Fund;
    .    ($493,100) from the Uniform School Fund;
    .    ($4,825,100) from various sources as detailed in this bill.
    This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2011:
    .    $7,283,300 from the General Fund;
    .    $349,500 from the Uniform School Fund;
    .    $3,681,700 from various sources as detailed in this bill.
Other Special Clauses:
    Section 1 of this bill takes effect immediately. Section 2 of this bill takes effect on July 1, 2010.

Utah Code Sections Affected:
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
    Section 1. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J, the following sums of money are appropriated from resources not otherwise appropriated, or reduced from amounts previously appropriated, out of the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2010. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2010.
Executive Offices & Criminal Justice
Governor's Office
Item 1    To Governor's Office
From General Fund, One-time    (19,300)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (2,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (13,200)
Governor's Residence    (1,300)
Lt. Governor's Office    (4,500)
Governor's Energy Advisor    (2,500)
Item 2    To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
From General Fund, One-time    (19,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (4,500)
Planning and Budget Analysis    (8,300)
Demographic and Economic Analysis    (4,300)
State and Local Planning    (2,600)
Item 3    To Governor's Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
From General Fund, One-time    (2,600)
From Federal Funds    (4,700)
From General Fund Restricted - Law Enforcement Operations    (4,500)
From Crime Victims Reparation Trust    (12,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission    (10,100)
Crime Victim Reparations    (9,700)
Substance Abuse and Anti-violence    (1,000)
Sentencing Commission    (900)

Crime Prevention Grant    (100)
Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission    (2,000)
State Auditor
Item 4    To State Auditor
From General Fund, One-time    (34,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (2,400)
Auditing    (28,800)
State and Local Government    (3,500)
State Treasurer
Item 5    To State Treasurer
From General Fund, One-time    (6,100)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (2,100)
From Unclaimed Property Trust    (6,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Treasury and Investment    (7,200)
Unclaimed Property    (6,100)
Money Management Council    (500)
Financial Assistance    (500)
Attorney General
Item 6    To Attorney General
From General Fund, One-time    (172,300)
From Federal Funds    (7,900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (114,300)
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    (1,000)
From Attorney General Litigation Fund    (2,400)
From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    (6,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (17,200)
Child Protection    (44,700)
Children's Justice    (9,500)
Criminal Prosecution    (93,900)
Civil    (138,700)
Item 7    To Attorney General - Children's Justice Centers
From Federal Funds    (1,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Children's Justice Centers    (1,300)

Item 8    To Attorney General - Prosecution Council
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    (2,700)
From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    (800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Prosecution Council    (3,500)
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 9    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
From General Fund, One-time    (931,200)
From Federal Funds    (2,900)
From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    (1,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Department Executive Director    (31,600)
Department Administrative Services    (25,600)
Department Training    (8,200)
Adult Probation and Parole Administration    (3,600)
Adult Probation and Parole Programs    (256,500)
Institutional Operations Administration    (3,300)
Institutional Operations Draper Facility    (352,900)
Institutional Operations Central Utah/Gunnison    (166,700)
Institutional Operations Inmate Placement    (12,400)
Institutional Operations Support Services    (20,700)
Programming Administration    (2,900)
Programming Treatment    (18,600)
Programming Skill Enhancement    (32,200)
Item 10    To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical Services
From General Fund, One-time    (116,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Medical Services    (116,500)
Board of Pardons and Parole
Item 11    To Board of Pardons and Parole
From General Fund, One-time    (21,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Board Of Pardons and Parole    (21,200)
Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 12    To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and Operations
From General Fund, One-time    (363,800)

From Federal Funds    (5,700)
From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    (100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (23,700)
Early Intervention Services    (57,400)
Community Programs    (68,200)
Correctional Facilities    (111,300)
Rural Programs    (107,000)
Youth Parole Authority    (2,000)
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 13    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (566,200)
From Federal Funds    (400)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (6,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Court Trust Interest    (12,200)
From General Fund Restricted - Justice Court Technology, Security & Training    (6,400)
From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    (1,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Supreme Court    (18,400)
Law Library    (2,600)
Court of Appeals    (26,100)
District Courts    (268,100)
Juvenile Courts    (220,600)
Justice Courts    (5,900)
Courts Security    (700)
Administrative Office    (19,300)
Judicial Education    (2,200)
Data Processing    (26,600)
Grants Program    (2,400)
Item 14    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and Leases
From General Fund, One-time    (200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Contracts and Leases    (200)
Item 15    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness Fees
From General Fund, One-time    (1,100)

    Schedule of Programs:
Jury, Witness, and Interpreter    (1,100)
Item 16    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad Litem
From General Fund, One-time    (31,100)
From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense    (2,600)
From General Fund Restricted - Guardian Ad Litem Services    (2,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Guardian ad Litem    (36,300)
Department of Public Safety
Item 17    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From General Fund, One-time    (1,004,100)
From Federal Funds    (5,700)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (137,200)
From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account    (4,900)
From General Fund Restricted - Statewide E-911 Emergency Fund    (4,400)
From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support    (43,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Department Commissioner's Office    (42,900)
Aero Bureau    (6,200)
Department Intelligence Center    (13,800)
Department Grants    (5,700)
Department Fleet Management    (1,400)
Enhanced 911 Program    (4,400)
CITS Administration    (4,100)
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    (80,300)
CITS Communications    (110,800)
CITS State Crime Labs    (54,500)
CITS State Bureau of Investigation    (48,200)
Highway Patrol - Administration    (20,200)
Highway Patrol - Field Operations    (509,100)
Highway Patrol - Commercial Vehicle    (63,600)
Highway Patrol - Safety Inspections    (32,400)
Highway Patrol - Protective Services    (68,000)
Highway Patrol - Special Services    (52,000)
Highway Patrol - Special Enforcement    (26,600)
Highway Patrol - Technology Services    (12,100)
Fire Marshall - Fire Operations    (33,700)

Fire Marshall - Fire Fighter Training    (10,100)
Item 18    To Department of Public Safety - Emergency Services and Homeland Security
From General Fund, One-time    (20,000)
From Federal Funds    (67,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Services and Homeland Security    (87,100)
Item 19    To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and Training
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    (51,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Basic Training    (25,500)
Regional/Inservice Training    (10,000)
Post Administration    (15,900)
Item 20    To Department of Public Safety - Liquor Law Enforcement
From General Fund, One-time    (24,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Liquor Law Enforcement    (24,500)
Item 21    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From General Fund, One-time    (10,900)
From Transportation Fund Restricted - Motorcycle Education    (1,400)
From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    (362,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Driver License Administration    (49,300)
Driver Services    (226,600)
Driver Records    (97,600)
Motorcycle Safety    (1,400)
Item 22    To Department of Public Safety - Highway Safety
From General Fund, One-time    (4,800)
From Federal Funds    (21,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Highway Safety    (26,500)
Capital Facilities & Government Operations
Capitol Preservation Board
Item 23    To Capitol Preservation Board
From General Fund, One-time    (1,900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (2,200)

    Schedule of Programs:
Capitol Preservation Board    (4,100)
Department of Administrative Services
Item 24    To Department of Administrative Services - Executive Director
From General Fund, One-time    (4,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    (4,100)
Item 25    To Department of Administrative Services - Administrative Rules
From General Fund, One-time    (2,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
DAR Administration    (2,400)
Item 26    To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (15,200)
From Revenue Transfers    (13,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
DFCM Administration    (26,000)
Energy Program    (2,200)
Item 27    To Department of Administrative Services - State Archives
From General Fund, One-time    (10,000)
From Federal Funds    (400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Archives Administration    (2,600)
Records Analysis    (1,200)
Preservation Services    (1,700)
Patron Services    (3,800)
Records Services    (1,100)
Item 28    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (28,500)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (4,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Finance Director's Office    (2,700)
Payroll    (4,000)
Payables/Disbursing    (8,700)
Financial Reporting    (10,300)
Financial Information Systems    (7,000)
Item 29    To Department of Administrative Services - Judicial Conduct

From General Fund, One-time    (1,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Judicial Conduct Commission    (1,600)
Item 30    To Department of Administrative Services - Purchasing
From General Fund, One-time    (10,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Purchasing and General Services    (10,400)
Department of Human Resource Management
Item 31    To Department of Human Resource Management - Human Resource Management
From General Fund, One-time    (11,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (5,000)
Policy    (5,600)
Classification and Employee Relations    (800)
Career Service Review Board
Item 32    To Career Service Review Board
From General Fund, One-time    (1,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Career Service Review Board    (1,300)
Department of Technology Services
Item 33    To Department of Technology Services - Chief Information Officer
From General Fund, One-time    (3,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Chief Information Officer    (3,800)
Item 34    To Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology Division
From General Fund, One-time    (11,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Automated Geographic Reference Center    (11,500)
Commerce & Workforce Services
Department of Workforce Services
Item 35    To Department of Workforce Services - Workforce Services
From General Fund, One-time    (255,500)
From Federal Funds    (549,500)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (9,900)

From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid    (133,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Services    (948,400)
State Board of Education
Item 36    To State Board of Education - State Office of Rehabilitation
From Uniform School Fund, One-time    (83,500)
From Federal Funds    (171,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    (12,000)
Blind and Visually Impaired    (27,300)
Rehabilitation Services    (142,400)
Disability Determination    (53,600)
Deaf and Hard of Hearing    (20,100)
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Item 37    To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - Alcoholic Beverage Control
From Liquor Control Fund    (10,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    (1,000)
Administration    (400)
Operations    (200)
Warehouse and Distribution    (700)
Stores and Agencies    (8,500)
Labor Commission
Item 38    To Labor Commission
From General Fund, One-time    (38,800)
From Federal Funds    (13,600)
From General Fund Restricted - Workplace Safety    (1,200)
From Uninsured Employers' Fund    (8,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (7,000)
Industrial Accidents    (8,500)
Appeals Board    (100)
Adjudication    (7,600)
Boiler and Elevator Division    (8,900)
Anti-Discrimination    (9,800)
Utah Occupational Safety and Health    (20,200)

Department of Commerce
Item 39    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From Federal Funds    (1,200)
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund    20,200
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund - Public Utilities Regulatory Fund    (28,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund, One-time    (32,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (10,600)
Occupational & Professional Licensing    41,000
Securities    (10,500)
Consumer Protection    (10,500)
Corporations and Commercial Code    (11,300)
Real Estate    (10,300)
Public Utilities    (23,500)
Committee of Consumer Services    (5,700)
Financial Institutions
Item 40    To Financial Institutions - Financial Institutions Administration
From General Fund Restricted - Financial Institutions    (37,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (37,300)
Insurance Department
Item 41    To Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (34,000)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (9,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (34,000)
Insurance Fraud Program    (7,000)
Captive Insurers    (2,300)
Item 42    To Insurance Department - Title Insurance Program
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Title Insurance Program    (500)
Public Service Commission
Item 43    To Public Service Commission
From Federal Funds    (1,600)
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund - Public Utilities Regulatory

Fund    (14,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (15,600)
Economic Development and Revenue
Utah State Tax Commission
Item 44    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (152,000)
From Uniform School Fund, One-time    (103,900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (16,100)
From General Fund Restricted - Sales and Use Tax Administration Fees    (54,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration Division    (34,800)
Auditing Division    (69,100)
Tax Processing Division    (39,800)
Seasonal Employees    (1,800)
Tax Payer Services    (65,000)
Property Tax Division    (30,000)
Motor Vehicles    (69,600)
Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division    (16,100)
Department of Community and Culture
Item 45    To Department of Community and Culture - Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (5,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office    (3,700)
Administrative Services    (2,200)
Item 46    To Department of Community and Culture - Historical Society
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (400)
    Schedule of Programs:
State Historical Society    (400)
Item 47    To Department of Community and Culture - State History
From General Fund, One-time    (15,800)
From Federal Funds    (400)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (2,500)
Research Libraries and Collections    (2,200)
Public History and Education    (3,000)

Office of Preservation    (8,900)
Item 48    To Department of Community and Culture - Division of Arts and Museums
From General Fund, One-time    (12,500)
From Federal Funds    (1,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (3,500)
Community Arts Outreach    (10,100)
Item 49    To Department of Community and Culture - State Library
From General Fund, One-time    (21,100)
From Federal Funds    (900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (9,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (3,900)
Blind and Physically Handicapped    (10,900)
Library Development    (12,000)
Library Resources    (4,500)
Item 50    To Department of Community and Culture - Indian Affairs
From General Fund, One-time    (1,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Indian Affairs    (1,400)
Item 51    To Department of Community and Culture - Housing and Community Development
From General Fund, One-time    (12,000)
From Federal Funds    (16,100)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (2,500)
From General Fund Restricted - Pamela Atkinson Homeless Trust    (500)
From Permanent Community Impact    (8,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Community Development Administration    (6,900)
Ethnic Office    (4,300)
Community Assistance    (6,200)
Housing Development    (5,200)
Special Housing    (400)
Homeless Committee    (4,300)
HEAT    (3,100)
Weatherization Assistance    (4,300)

Community Services    (1,100)
Commission on Volunteers    (3,300)
Emergency Food Network    (100)
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 52    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (6,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (6,600)
Item 53    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Office of Tourism
From General Fund, One-time    (14,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (4,900)
Operations and Fulfillment    (6,500)
Film Commission    (3,300)
Item 54    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business Development
From General Fund, One-time    (20,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Business Creation    (6,100)
Business Growth    (10,400)
Business Recruitment    (3,700)
Item 55    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Incentive Funds
From General Fund, One-time    (800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Incentives/Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission    (800)
Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
Item 56    To Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
From General Fund, One-time    (15,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (3,600)
Technology Outreach    (12,300)
Health & Human Services
Department of Health
Item 57    To Department of Health - Executive Director's Operations
From General Fund, One-time    (37,400)
From Federal Funds    (37,900)

From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (9,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    (8,900)
Preparedness Grants    (19,400)
Center for Health Data    (23,700)
Program Operations    (17,100)
Medical Examiner    (15,400)
Item 58    To Department of Health - Community and Family Health Services
From General Fund, One-time    (11,700)
From Federal Funds    (97,800)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (13,400)
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    (9,300)
From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    (26,700)
From Revenue Transfers - Workforce Services    (1,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    (8,100)
Maternal and Child Health    (25,900)
Children with Special Health Care Needs    (60,800)
Health Promotion    (65,400)
Item 59    To Department of Health - Epidemiology and Laboratory Services
From General Fund, One-time    (33,600)
From Federal Funds    (23,200)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (14,300)
From General Fund Restricted - State Lab Drug Testing Account    (1,500)
From Revenue Transfers    (1,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    (7,200)
Microbiology    (10,600)
Epidemiology    (31,400)
Chemical and Environmental Services    (11,400)
Forensic Toxicology    (6,500)
Laboratory Improvement    (7,300)
Item 60    To Department of Health - Health Systems Improvement
From General Fund, One-time    (21,500)
From Federal Funds    (21,800)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (19,700)
    Schedule of Programs:

Director's Office    (3,000)
Facility Licensure, Certification, and Resident Assessment    (29,400)
Emergency Medical Services    (13,000)
Child Care Licensing    (15,600)
Primary Care and Rural Health    (2,000)
Item 61    To Department of Health - Workforce Financial Assistance
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Financial Assistance    (100)
Item 62    To Department of Health - Health Care Financing
From General Fund, One-time    (46,800)
From Federal Funds    (78,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    (8,800)
Financial Services    (16,400)
Eligibility Policy    (14,200)
Coverage and Reimbursement    (15,600)
Medicaid Operations    (21,700)
Contracted Health Plans    (21,600)
Program Integrity    (16,700)
Long-term Care    (10,100)
Item 63    To Department of Health - Medicaid Mandatory Services
From General Fund, One-time    (33,500)
From Federal Funds    (5,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Other Mandatory Services    (38,700)
Item 64    To Department of Health - Medicaid Optional Services
From General Fund, One-time    (200)
From Federal Funds    (500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Pharmacy    (700)
Item 65    To Department of Health - Children's Health Insurance Program
From General Fund, One-time    (1,600)
From Federal Funds    (6,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Children's Health Insurance Program    (8,100)
Department of Human Services

Item 66    To Department of Human Services - Executive Director Operations
From General Fund, One-time    (36,300)
From Federal Funds    (24,200)
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (1,600)
From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    (300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office    (7,200)
Legal Affairs    (6,000)
Information Technology    (1,000)
Fiscal Operations    (22,900)
Office of Services Review    (6,400)
Office of Licensing    (16,500)
Utah Council for People with Disabilities    (2,400)
Item 67    To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
From General Fund, One-time    (239,300)
From Federal Funds    (9,900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (200)
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (65,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (18,600)
Community Mental Health Services    (400)
State Hospital    (295,800)
Item 68    To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with Disabilities
From General Fund, One-time    (77,300)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (11,000)
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (221,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (19,600)
Service Delivery    (70,800)
Utah State Developmental Center    (219,200)
Item 69    To Department of Human Services - Office of Recovery Services
From General Fund, One-time    (58,100)
From Federal Funds    (135,300)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (11,900)
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (10,300)

    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (5,800)
Financial Services    (11,100)
Electronic Technology    (10,400)
Child Support Services    (157,500)
Children in Care Collections    (13,600)
Medical Collections    (17,200)
Item 70    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
From General Fund, One-time    (344,200)
From Federal Funds    (122,600)
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (21,300)
Service Delivery    (404,500)
Facility-based Services    (7,100)
Minor Grants    (6,800)
Domestic Violence    (18,800)
Adoption Assistance    (1,100)
Child Welfare Management Information System    (7,600)
Item 71    To Department of Human Services - Division of Aging and Adult Services
From General Fund, One-time    (22,200)
From Federal Funds    (3,700)
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    (1,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (7,600)
Aging Waiver Services    (1,600)
Aging Alternatives    (500)
Adult Protective Services    (17,400)
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Item 72    To Department of Natural Resources - Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (13,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    (13,000)
Item 73    To Department of Natural Resources - Species Protection

From General Fund Restricted - Species Protection    (2,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Species Protection    (2,300)
Item 74    To Department of Natural Resources - Watershed
From General Fund, One-time    (900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Watershed    (900)
Item 75    To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State Lands
From General Fund, One-time    (17,400)
From Federal Funds    (8,000)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (16,500)
From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management    (13,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Division Administration    (38,500)
Lone Peak Center    (16,500)
Item 76    To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and Mining
From General Fund, One-time    (9,600)
From Federal Funds    (18,300)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (1,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Oil & Gas Conservation Account    (19,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (48,000)
Item 77    To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources
From General Fund, One-time    (55,000)
From Federal Funds    (95,100)
From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources    (65,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services    (215,500)
Item 78    To Department of Natural Resources - Contributed Research
From Federal Funds    (300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Contributed Research    (300)
Item 79    To Department of Natural Resources - Cooperative Agreements
From Federal Funds    (14,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Cooperative Agreements    (14,600)

Item 80    To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
From General Fund, One-time    (42,100)
From Federal Funds    (3,100)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (1,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Boating    (30,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle    (30,000)
From General Fund Restricted - State Park Fees    (31,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Park Operation Management    (137,300)
Item 81    To Department of Natural Resources - Utah Geological Survey
From General Fund, One-time    (18,200)
From Federal Funds    (19,400)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (11,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (49,100)
Item 82    To Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources
From General Fund, One-time    (15,200)
From Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund    (17,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (32,800)
Item 83    To Department of Natural Resources - Water Rights
From General Fund, One-time    (34,500)
From Federal Funds    (300)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (11,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (45,900)
Dam Safety    (300)
Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
Item 84    To Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
From General Fund, One-time    (1,400)
From General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense    (4,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Public Lands Coordination    (5,700)
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 85    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
From General Fund, One-time    (48,800)
From Federal Funds    (11,500)

From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (17,800)
From General Fund Restricted - Livestock Brand    (4,100)
From Revenue Transfers    (1,900)
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (300)
    Schedule of Programs:
General Administration    (76,100)
Brand Inspection    (4,100)
Environmental Quality    (1,900)
Grazing Improvement    (2,300)
Item 86    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Predatory Animal Control
From General Fund, One-time    (3,200)
From General Fund Restricted - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage Prevention    (2,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Predatory Animal Control    (5,400)
Item 87    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Resource Conservation
From General Fund, One-time    (900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Resource Conservation Administration    (900)
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
Item 88    To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
From Land Grant Management Fund, One-time    (47,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Director    (47,300)
Public Education
State Board of Education
Item 89    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
From Uniform School Fund, One-time    (104,600)
From Federal Funds    (47,100)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (3,100)
From Restricted Revenue    (4,000)
From Other Financing Sources    (1,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Board of Education - Operations    (3,300)
Student Achievement    (133,500)
Data and Business Services    (8,400)
Law, Legislation and Educational Services    (15,400)

Item 90    To State Board of Education - Utah State Office of Education - Initiative Programs
From General Fund, One-time    (600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Contracts and Grants    (600)
Item 91    To State Board of Education - State Charter School Board
From Uniform School Fund, One-time    (3,600)
From Federal Funds    (1,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
State Charter School Board    (4,600)
Item 92    To State Board of Education - Educator Licensing Professional Practices
From Uniform School Fund Restricted - Professional Practices    (6,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Educator Licensing    (6,100)
Item 93    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Child Nutrition
From Uniform School Fund, One-time    (500)
From Federal Funds    (10,700)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (2,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Child Nutrition    (13,400)
Item 94    To State Board of Education - Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
From Uniform School Fund, One-time    (197,000)
From Federal Funds    (200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Instructional Services    (141,300)
Support Services    (55,900)
Transportation & Environmental Quality
Utah National Guard
Item 95    To Utah National Guard
From General Fund, One-time    (14,400)
From Federal Funds    (73,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (3,500)
Armory Maintenance    (84,700)

Department of Veterans' Affairs
Item 96    To Department of Veterans' Affairs - Veterans' Affairs
From General Fund, One-time    (5,900)
From Federal Funds    (1,200)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (3,600)
Cemetery    (1,800)
Nursing Home    (1,700)
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 97    To Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental Quality
From General Fund, One-time    (64,500)
From Federal Funds    (77,300)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (43,400)
From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality    (32,600)
From General Fund Restricted - Used Oil Collection Administration    (2,300)
From General Fund Restricted - Voluntary Cleanup    (2,600)
From Water Development Security Fund - Drinking Water Origination Fee    (1,300)
From Water Development Security Fund - Water Quality Origination Fee    (6,200)
From Expendable Trust - Petroleum Storage Tank    (8,900)
From Expendable Trust - Waste Tire Recycling    (700)
From Clean Fuel Vehicle Loan    (700)
From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    (300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    (18,400)
Air Quality    (56,600)
Environmental Response/Remediation    (40,200)
Radiation Control    (15,400)
Water Quality    (46,600)
Drinking Water    (24,000)
Solid and Hazardous Waste    (39,600)
Department of Transportation
Item 98    To Department of Transportation - Support Services
From Transportation Fund, One-time    (91,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services    (9,700)
Risk Management    (3,700)
Procurement    (8,100)

Comptroller    (16,800)
Data Processing    (3,200)
Internal Auditor    (5,100)
Community Relations    (2,900)
Ports of Entry    (42,100)
Item 99    To Department of Transportation - Engineering Services
From Transportation Fund, One-time    (181,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Program Development    (51,400)
Preconstruction Administration    (12,600)
Environmental    (6,800)
Structures    (20,300)
Materials Lab    (25,200)
Engineering Services    (15,900)
Right-of-Way    (13,100)
Research    (9,100)
Construction Management    (24,300)
Civil Rights    (2,600)
Item 100    To Department of Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management
From Transportation Fund, One-time    (464,900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Region 1    (63,300)
Region 2    (93,200)
Region 3    (57,800)
Region 4    (123,100)
Field Crews    (66,200)
Traffic Safety/Tramway    (23,600)
Traffic Operations Center    (27,400)
Maintenance Planning    (11,200)
Item 101    To Department of Transportation - Region Management
From Transportation Fund, One-time    (177,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Region 1    (37,200)
Region 2    (61,800)
Region 3    (32,300)

Region 4    (41,700)
Richfield    (700)
Price    (1,800)
Cedar City    (1,800)
Item 102    To Department of Transportation - Equipment Management
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (44,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Shops    (44,500)
Item 103    To Department of Transportation - Aeronautics
From Transportation Fund Restricted - Aeronautics Fund    (8,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (3,200)
Airplane Operations    (4,800)
Item 104    To Legislature - Senate
From General Fund, One-time    (11,700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (11,700)
Item 105    To Legislature - House of Representatives
From General Fund, One-time    (26,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (26,100)
Item 106    To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Auditor General
From General Fund, One-time    (21,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (21,500)
Item 107    To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
From General Fund, One-time    (16,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration and Research    (16,100)
Item 108    To Legislature - Legislative Printing
From General Fund, One-time    (2,100)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (2,100)
Item 109    To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
From General Fund, One-time    (48,200)

    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (48,200)
    Section 2. Under the terms and conditions of Utah Code Title 63J, the following sums of money are appropriated from the funds or fund accounts indicated for the use and support of the government of the State of Utah for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011. These are additions to amounts previously appropriated for fiscal year 2011.
Executive Offices & Criminal Justice
Governor's Office
Item 110    To Governor's Office
From General Fund    15,000
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    10,700
Governor's Residence    1,400
Lt. Governor's Office    3,100
Governor's Energy Advisor    1,400
Item 111    To Governor's Office - Governor's Office of Planning and Budget
From General Fund    15,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    4,000
Planning and Budget Analysis    5,400
Demographic and Economic Analysis    3,300
State and Local Planning    2,400
Item 112    To Governor's Office - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice
From General Fund    1,800
From Federal Funds    5,300
From Crime Victims Reparation Trust    16,900
    Schedule of Programs:
CCJJ Commission    8,600
Crime Victim Reparations    12,200
Extraditions    600
Substance Abuse and Anti-violence    100
Sentencing Commission    300
Sexual Exploitation of Children    400
Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission    1,800
State Auditor

Item 113    To State Auditor
From General Fund    27,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    2,200
Auditing    22,400
State and Local Government    2,400
State Treasurer
Item 114    To State Treasurer
From General Fund    6,400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,900
From Unclaimed Property Trust    6,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Treasury and Investment    6,600
Unclaimed Property    6,500
Money Management Council    900
Financial Assistance    800
Attorney General
Item 115    To Attorney General
From General Fund    132,500
From Federal Funds    8,900
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    94,100
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    800
From Attorney General Litigation Fund    1,200
From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    3,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    15,400
Child Protection    40,700
Children's Justice    4,100
Criminal Prosecution    82,000
Civil    98,800
Item 116    To Attorney General - Children's Justice Centers
From Federal Funds    1,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Children's Justice Centers    1,600
Item 117    To Attorney General - Prosecution Council
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    1,900
From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    400

    Schedule of Programs:
Prosecution Council    2,300
Utah Department of Corrections
Item 118    To Utah Department of Corrections - Programs and Operations
From General Fund    1,977,600
From Federal Funds    6,900
From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    2,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Department Executive Director    47,200
Department Administrative Services    39,800
Department Training    15,500
Adult Probation and Parole Administration    6,700
Adult Probation and Parole Programs    527,000
Institutional Operations Administration    5,200
Institutional Operations Draper Facility    785,700
Institutional Operations Central Utah/Gunnison    387,400
Institutional Operations Inmate Placement    22,300
Institutional Operations Support Services    49,100
Programming Administration    81,100
Programming Treatment    (9,400)
Programming Skill Enhancement    29,200
Item 119    To Utah Department of Corrections - Department Medical Services
From General Fund    189,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Medical Services    189,600
Board of Pardons and Parole
Item 120    To Board of Pardons and Parole
From General Fund    27,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Board Of Pardons and Parole    27,200
Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services
Item 121    To Department of Human Services - Division of Juvenile Justice Services - Programs and Operations
From General Fund    545,400
From Federal Funds    7,900
From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    (2,800)
From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid    4,000

    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    28,500
Early Intervention Services    91,300
Community Programs    98,500
Correctional Facilities    165,900
Rural Programs    167,300
Youth Parole Authority    3,000
Judicial Council/State Court Administrator
Item 122    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Administration
From General Fund    1,111,700
From Federal Funds    400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    7,900
From General Fund Restricted - Alternative Dispute Resolution    (2,200)
From General Fund Restricted - Court Trust Interest    20,000
From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account    (2,500)
From General Fund Restricted - Justice Court Technology, Security & Training    6,400
From General Fund Restricted - Non-Judicial Assessment    (9,000)
From General Fund Restricted - Substance Abuse Prevention    11,100
From Revenue Transfers - Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice    3,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Supreme Court    37,500
Law Library    2,500
Court of Appeals    53,400
District Courts    596,800
Juvenile Courts    404,600
Justice Courts    3,500
Courts Security    700
Administrative Office    18,100
Judicial Education    1,900
Data Processing    24,300
Grants Program    3,500
Item 123    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Contracts and Leases
From General Fund    (400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Contracts and Leases    (400)
Item 124    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Jury and Witness

From General Fund    1,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Jury, Witness, and Interpreter    1,900
Item 125    To Judicial Council/State Court Administrator - Guardian ad Litem
From General Fund    36,900
From General Fund Restricted - Children's Legal Defense    2,000
From General Fund Restricted - Guardian Ad Litem Services    4,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Guardian ad Litem    43,300
Department of Public Safety
Item 126    To Department of Public Safety - Programs & Operations
From General Fund    (894,500)
From Federal Funds    (8,900)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (123,600)
From Restricted Revenue    100
From General Fund Restricted - DNA Specimen Account    (5,200)
From General Fund Restricted - Statewide E-911 Emergency Fund    (8,800)
From General Fund Restricted - Fire Academy Support    (43,500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Department Commissioner's Office    (46,100)
Aero Bureau    (6,900)
Department Intelligence Center    (14,100)
Department Grants    (9,500)
Department Fleet Management    (1,600)
Enhanced 911 Program    (5,200)
CITS Administration    (3,800)
CITS Bureau of Criminal Identification    (69,800)
CITS Communications    (93,700)
CITS State Crime Labs    (57,400)
CITS State Bureau of Investigation    (44,900)
Highway Patrol - Administration    (20,300)
Highway Patrol - Field Operations    (435,000)
Highway Patrol - Commercial Vehicle    (58,000)
Highway Patrol - Safety Inspections    (30,700)
Highway Patrol - Protective Services    (62,600)
Highway Patrol - Special Services    (47,600)

Highway Patrol - Special Enforcement    (22,400)
Highway Patrol - Technology Services    (11,300)
Fire Marshall - Fire Operations    (33,500)
Fire Marshall - Fire Fighter Training    (10,000)
Item 127    To Department of Public Safety - Emergency Services and Homeland Security
From General Fund    (20,900)
From Federal Funds    (70,300)
    Schedule of Programs:
Emergency Services and Homeland Security    (91,200)
Item 128    To Department of Public Safety - Peace Officers' Standards and Training
From General Fund Restricted - Public Safety Support    (56,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Basic Training    (31,100)
Regional/Inservice Training    (9,000)
Post Administration    (16,300)
Item 129    To Department of Public Safety - Liquor Law Enforcement
From General Fund    (21,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Liquor Law Enforcement    (21,900)
Item 130    To Department of Public Safety - Driver License
From General Fund    (5,600)
From Transportation Fund Restricted - Motorcycle Education    (1,200)
From Transportation Fund - Department of Public Safety Restricted Account    (322,600)
    Schedule of Programs:
Driver License Administration    (38,000)
Driver Services    (215,700)
Driver Records    (74,500)
Motorcycle Safety    (1,200)
Item 131    To Department of Public Safety - Highway Safety
From General Fund    (5,300)
From Federal Funds    (22,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Highway Safety    (28,200)
Capital Facilities & Government Operations
Capitol Preservation Board

Item 132    To Capitol Preservation Board
From General Fund    7,600
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (4,400)
    Schedule of Programs:
Capitol Preservation Board    3,200
Department of Administrative Services
Item 133    To Department of Administrative Services - Executive Director
From General Fund    3,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    3,400
Item 134    To Department of Administrative Services - Administrative Rules
From General Fund    2,100
    Schedule of Programs:
DAR Administration    2,100
Item 135    To Department of Administrative Services - DFCM Administration
From General Fund    14,700
From Revenue Transfers    13,100
    Schedule of Programs:
DFCM Administration    26,200
Energy Program    1,600
Item 136    To Department of Administrative Services - State Archives
From General Fund    14,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Archives Administration    2,800
Records Analysis    1,700
Preservation Services    3,200
Patron Services    4,300
Records Services    2,100
Item 137    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance Administration
From General Fund    32,400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    5,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Finance Director's Office    2,500
Payroll    5,400
Payables/Disbursing    12,500
Financial Reporting    10,000

Financial Information Systems    7,200
Item 138    To Department of Administrative Services - Finance - Mandated - OPEB
From General Fund    1,783,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Other Post Employment Benefits    1,783,700
Item 139    To Department of Administrative Services - Purchasing
From General Fund    11,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Purchasing and General Services    11,000
Department of Human Resource Management
Item 140    To Department of Human Resource Management - Human Resource Management
From General Fund    11,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    4,100
Policy    6,300
Classification and Employee Relations    1,400
Career Service Review Board
Item 141    To Career Service Review Board
From General Fund    1,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Career Service Review Board    1,400
Department of Technology Services
Item 142    To Department of Technology Services - Chief Information Officer
From General Fund    2,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Chief Information Officer    2,900
Item 143    To Department of Technology Services - Integrated Technology Division
From General Fund    7,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Automated Geographic Reference Center    7,100
Commerce & Workforce Services
Department of Workforce Services
Item 144    To Department of Workforce Services - Workforce Services
From General Fund    357,900

From Federal Funds    726,900
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    12,600
From Revenue Transfers - Medicaid    162,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Services    1,260,000
State Board of Education
Item 145    To State Board of Education - State Office of Rehabilitation
From Uniform School Fund    39,400
From Federal Funds    94,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    8,100
Blind and Visually Impaired    18,000
Rehabilitation Services    104,900
Disability Determination    7,800
Deaf and Hard of Hearing    (5,100)
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
Item 146    To Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control - Alcoholic Beverage Control
From Liquor Control Fund    275,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    27,100
Administration    12,900
Operations    6,100
Warehouse and Distribution    30,200
Stores and Agencies    198,800
Labor Commission
Item 147    To Labor Commission
From General Fund    41,900
From Federal Funds    15,900
From General Fund Restricted - Industrial Accident Restricted Account    21,500
From General Fund Restricted - Workplace Safety    1,600
From Uninsured Employers' Fund    (16,900)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    7,100
Industrial Accidents    4,600
Appeals Board    (300)
Adjudication    7,200

Boiler and Elevator Division    10,200
Anti-Discrimination    12,900
Utah Occupational Safety and Health    22,300
Department of Commerce
Item 148    To Department of Commerce - Commerce General Regulation
From Federal Funds    400
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund    109,700
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund - Public Utilities Regulatory Fund    26,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    10,200
Occupational & Professional Licensing    48,400
Securities    10,300
Consumer Protection    12,300
Corporations and Commercial Code    16,700
Real Estate    11,800
Public Utilities    20,900
Committee of Consumer Services    5,700
Financial Institutions
Item 149    To Financial Institutions - Financial Institutions Administration
From General Fund Restricted - Financial Institutions    33,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    33,100
Insurance Department
Item 150    To Insurance Department - Insurance Department Administration
From General Fund    42,700
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    10,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    42,700
Insurance Fraud Program    8,800
Captive Insurers    2,000
Item 151    To Insurance Department - Title Insurance Program
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    800
    Schedule of Programs:
Title Insurance Program    800
Public Service Commission
Item 152    To Public Service Commission

From Federal Funds    1,500
From General Fund Restricted - Commerce Service Fund - Public Utilities Regulatory Fund    7,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    8,500
Economic Development and Revenue
Utah State Tax Commission
Item 153    To Utah State Tax Commission - Tax Administration
From General Fund    214,900
From Uniform School Fund    132,400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    24,700
From General Fund Restricted - Sales and Use Tax Administration Fees    71,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration Division    34,200
Auditing Division    81,500
Tax Processing Division    66,600
Seasonal Employees    (3,400)
Tax Payer Services    93,400
Property Tax Division    35,000
Motor Vehicles    111,600
Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division    24,700
Department of Community and Culture
Item 154    To Department of Community and Culture - Administration
From General Fund    6,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office    4,700
Administrative Services    1,500
Item 155    To Department of Community and Culture - Historical Society
From Federal Funds    700
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (500)
    Schedule of Programs:
State Historical Society    200
Item 156    To Department of Community and Culture - State History
From General Fund    15,200
From Federal Funds    700
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    200
    Schedule of Programs:

Administration    1,400
Research Libraries and Collections    1,900
Public History and Education    3,200
Office of Preservation    9,600
Item 157    To Department of Community and Culture - Division of Arts and Museums
From General Fund    11,800
From Federal Funds    600
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    2,500
Community Arts Outreach    9,900
Item 158    To Department of Community and Culture - State Library
From General Fund    20,900
From Federal Funds    400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    14,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    3,200
Blind and Physically Handicapped    11,600
Library Development    17,100
Library Resources    4,300
Item 159    To Department of Community and Culture - Indian Affairs
From General Fund    1,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Indian Affairs    1,100
Item 160    To Department of Community and Culture - Housing and Community Development
From General Fund    12,600
From Federal Funds    17,300
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    3,700
From General Fund Restricted - Pamela Atkinson Homeless Trust    (1,100)
From Permanent Community Impact    8,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Community Development Administration    7,100
Ethnic Office    4,500
Community Assistance    6,600
Housing Development    5,000
Special Housing    300

Homeless Committee    2,600
HEAT    3,500
Weatherization Assistance    4,900
Community Services    1,500
Commission on Volunteers    4,200
Emergency Food Network    300
Governor's Office of Economic Development
Item 161    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Administration
From General Fund    5,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    5,000
Item 162    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Office of Tourism
From General Fund    13,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    3,700
Operations and Fulfillment    6,200
Film Commission    4,000
Item 163    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Business Development
From General Fund    9,500
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    800
    Schedule of Programs:
Business Creation    1,600
Business Growth    7,800
Business Recruitment    900
Item 164    To Governor's Office of Economic Development - Incentive Funds
From General Fund    500
    Schedule of Programs:
Incentives/Pete Suazo Utah Athletic Commission    500
Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
Item 165    To Utah Science Technology and Research Governing Authority
From General Fund    5,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    2,500
Technology Outreach    3,200
Health & Human Services

Department of Health
Item 166    To Department of Health - Executive Director's Operations
From General Fund    26,100
From Federal Funds    20,600
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    11,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    5,400
Center for Health Data    25,200
Program Operations    19,700
Program Integrity    8,300
Item 167    To Department of Health - Disease Control and Prevention
From General Fund    (28,700)
From Federal Funds    (109,600)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    3,300
From General Fund Restricted - State Lab Drug Testing Account    1,700
From General Fund Restricted - Tobacco Settlement Account    (17,800)
From Revenue Transfers - Workforce Services    (5,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    3,500
Office of the Medical Examiner    (29,500)
Chemical and Environmental Services    10,200
Laboratory Improvement    5,300
Forensic Toxicology    7,500
Microbiology    8,900
Epidemiology    (74,600)
Health Promotion    (88,200)
Item 168    To Department of Health - Family Health and Preparedness
From General Fund    (21,200)
From Federal Funds    (38,600)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    (30,300)
From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    34,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    5,900
Emergency Medical Services    (25,100)
Child Care Licensing    (29,800)
Health Facility Licensing    (55,800)
Bureau of Primary Care    (3,700)

Children with Special Health Care Needs    71,800
Maternal and Child Health    17,600
Public Health Preparedness    (36,900)
Item 169    To Department of Health - Workforce Financial Assistance
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    100
    Schedule of Programs:
Workforce Financial Assistance    100
Item 170    To Department of Health - Health Care Financing
From General Fund    43,900
From Federal Funds    78,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    7,000
Financial Services    14,300
Eligibility Policy    13,800
Coverage and Reimbursement    6,700
Medicaid Operations    35,000
Contracted Health Plans    25,800
Program Integrity    7,900
Long-term Care    11,900
Item 171    To Department of Health - Medicaid Mandatory Services
From General Fund    29,700
From Federal Funds    6,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Other Mandatory Services    35,700
Item 172    To Department of Health - Medicaid Optional Services
From General Fund    100
From Federal Funds    400
    Schedule of Programs:
Pharmacy    500
Item 173    To Department of Health - Children's Health Insurance Program
From General Fund    1,500
From Federal Funds    5,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Children's Health Insurance Program    7,100
Department of Human Services
Item 174    To Department of Human Services - Executive Director Operations
From General Fund    37,900

From Federal Funds    23,900
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    1,500
From Revenue Transfers - Other Agencies    600
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director's Office    5,400
Legal Affairs    4,000
Information Technology    900
Fiscal Operations    21,800
Office of Services Review    7,800
Office of Licensing    22,500
Utah Council for People with Disabilities    1,500
Item 175    To Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
From General Fund    318,900
From Federal Funds    11,900
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    800
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    87,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    22,500
Community Mental Health Services    600
State Hospital    396,300
Item 176    To Department of Human Services - Division of Services for People with Disabilities
From General Fund    115,800
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    17,900
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    348,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    18,300
Service Delivery    103,700
Utah State Developmental Center    360,000
Item 177    To Department of Human Services - Office of Recovery Services
From General Fund    86,000
From Federal Funds    200,500
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    17,600
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    14,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    6,900

Financial Services    23,600
Electronic Technology    12,400
Child Support Services    233,400
Children in Care Collections    17,900
Medical Collections    24,500
Item 178    To Department of Human Services - Division of Child and Family Services
From General Fund    475,600
From Federal Funds    169,200
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    500
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    24,100
Service Delivery    583,100
Facility-based Services    (9,500)
Minor Grants    8,000
Domestic Violence    29,800
Adoption Assistance    1,600
Child Welfare Management Information System    8,200
Item 179    To Department of Human Services - Division of Aging and Adult Services
From General Fund    26,000
From Federal Funds    4,100
From Revenue Transfers - Department of Health - Medical Assistance    1,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    7,100
Aging Waiver Services    1,900
Aging Alternatives    600
Adult Protective Services    21,700
Higher Education
Utah Education Network
Item 180    To Utah Education Network
From Uniform School Fund    81,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    81,800
Medical Education Council
Item 181    To Medical Education Council
From General Fund    9,900

    Schedule of Programs:
Medical Education Council    9,900
Natural Resources
Department of Natural Resources
Item 182    To Department of Natural Resources - Administration
From General Fund    11,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Executive Director    11,900
Item 183    To Department of Natural Resources - Species Protection
From General Fund Restricted - Species Protection    2,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Species Protection    2,400
Item 184    To Department of Natural Resources - Watershed
From General Fund    900
    Schedule of Programs:
Watershed    900
Item 185    To Department of Natural Resources - Forestry, Fire and State Lands
From General Fund    6,600
From Federal Funds    10,600
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    3,700
From General Fund Restricted - Sovereign Land Management    24,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Division Administration    (77,100)
Fire Management    155,600
Lone Peak Center    (32,900)
Item 186    To Department of Natural Resources - Oil, Gas and Mining
From General Fund    9,500
From Federal Funds    18,700
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    900
From General Fund Restricted - Oil & Gas Conservation Account    20,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    49,900
Item 187    To Department of Natural Resources - Wildlife Resources
From General Fund    58,300
From Federal Funds    117,300
From General Fund Restricted - Wildlife Resources    71,900

    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services    247,500
Item 188    To Department of Natural Resources - Contributed Research
From Federal Funds    (500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Contributed Research    (500)
Item 189    To Department of Natural Resources - Cooperative Agreements
From Federal Funds    5,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Cooperative Agreements    5,400
Item 190    To Department of Natural Resources - Parks and Recreation
From General Fund    44,000
From Federal Funds    (600)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,200
From General Fund Restricted - Boating    18,500
From General Fund Restricted - Off-highway Vehicle    18,400
From General Fund Restricted - State Park Fees    16,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Park Operation Management    98,200
Item 191    To Department of Natural Resources - Utah Geological Survey
From General Fund    19,200
From Federal Funds    21,600
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    11,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    51,800
Item 192    To Department of Natural Resources - Water Resources
From General Fund    15,100
From Water Resources Conservation and Development Fund    12,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    27,800
Item 193    To Department of Natural Resources - Water Rights
From General Fund    38,000
From Federal Funds    (500)
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    14,800
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    52,800
Dam Safety    (500)

Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
Item 194    To Public Lands Policy Coordinating Office
From General Fund    1,000
From General Fund Restricted - Constitutional Defense    3,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Public Lands Coordination    4,000
Department of Agriculture and Food
Item 195    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Administration
From General Fund    57,700
From Federal Funds    15,400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    26,600
From General Fund Restricted - Livestock Brand    3,400
From General Fund Restricted - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage Prevention    3,000
From Revenue Transfers    1,800
From Beginning Nonlapsing Appropriation Balances    (700)
    Schedule of Programs:
General Administration    107,200
Item 196    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Predatory Animal Control
From General Fund    6,500
From General Fund Restricted - Agriculture and Wildlife Damage Prevention    4,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Predatory Animal Control    10,800
Item 197    To Department of Agriculture and Food - Resource Conservation
From General Fund    1,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Resource Conservation Administration    1,600
School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
Item 198    To School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration
From Land Grant Management Fund    42,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Director    42,700
Public Education
State Board of Education
Item 199    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education
From Uniform School Fund    39,000
From Federal Funds    19,900

From Dedicated Credits Revenue    100
From Restricted Revenue    3,400
From Other Financing Sources    1,500
    Schedule of Programs:
Board of Education - Operations    9,900
Student Achievement    39,400
Data and Business Services    5,100
Law, Legislation and Educational Services    9,500
Item 200    To State Board of Education - Utah State Office of Education - Initiative Programs
From General Fund    (700)
    Schedule of Programs:
Contracts and Grants    (700)
Item 201    To State Board of Education - State Charter School Board
From Uniform School Fund    2,300
From Federal Funds    500
    Schedule of Programs:
State Charter School Board    2,800
Item 202    To State Board of Education - Educator Licensing Professional Practices
From Uniform School Fund Restricted - Professional Practices    3,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Educator Licensing    3,000
Item 203    To State Board of Education - State Office of Education - Child Nutrition
From Uniform School Fund    700
From Federal Funds    7,300
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    1,200
    Schedule of Programs:
Child Nutrition    9,200
Item 204    To State Board of Education - Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
From Uniform School Fund    53,900
From Federal Funds    (500)
    Schedule of Programs:
Instructional Services    21,600
Support Services    31,800

Transportation & Environmental Quality
Utah National Guard
Item 205    To Utah National Guard
From General Fund    19,100
From Federal Funds    76,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    4,000
Armory Maintenance    91,400
Department of Veterans' Affairs
Item 206    To Department of Veterans' Affairs - Veterans' Affairs
From General Fund    6,000
From Federal Funds    1,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    4,700
Cemetery    2,300
Nursing Home    300
Department of Environmental Quality
Item 207    To Department of Environmental Quality - Environmental Quality
From General Fund    57,800
From Federal Funds    70,400
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    31,800
From General Fund Restricted - Environmental Quality    35,200
From General Fund Restricted - Used Oil Collection Administration    2,400
From General Fund Restricted - Voluntary Cleanup    2,000
From Water Development Security Fund - Drinking Water Loan Program    3,500
From Water Development Security Fund - Drinking Water Origination Fee    (2,600)
From Water Development Security Fund - Utah Wastewater Loan Program    19,300
From Water Development Security Fund - Water Quality Origination Fee    (12,500)
From Expendable Trust - Petroleum Storage Tank    3,900
From Expendable Trust - Waste Tire Recycling    800
From Clean Fuel Vehicle Loan    600
From Petroleum Storage Tank Loan    2,800
From Revenue Transfers - Within Agency    200
    Schedule of Programs:
Director's Office    19,000
Air Quality    42,500
Environmental Response/Remediation    37,200

Radiation Control    15,700
Water Quality    42,100
Drinking Water    22,500
Solid and Hazardous Waste    36,600
Department of Transportation
Item 208    To Department of Transportation - Support Services
From Transportation Fund    84,100
    Schedule of Programs:
Administrative Services    3,200
Risk Management    2,400
Procurement    7,600
Comptroller    14,500
Data Processing    1,400
Internal Auditor    4,000
Community Relations    2,600
Ports of Entry    48,400
Item 209    To Department of Transportation - Engineering Services
From Transportation Fund    125,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Program Development    8,600
Preconstruction Administration    37,600
Environmental    2,800
Structures    11,700
Materials Lab    19,700
Engineering Services    8,800
Right-of-Way    9,400
Research    5,800
Construction Management    18,800
Civil Rights    2,500
Item 210    To Department of Transportation - Operations/Maintenance Management
From Transportation Fund    476,900
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    700
    Schedule of Programs:
Region 1    72,600
Region 2    100,400
Region 3    65,200

Region 4    136,000
Field Crews    52,500
Traffic Safety/Tramway    19,700
Traffic Operations Center    24,400
Maintenance Planning    6,800
Item 211    To Department of Transportation - Region Management
From Transportation Fund    143,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Region 1    29,400
Region 2    49,300
Region 3    24,900
Region 4    35,600
Richfield    1,200
Price    1,400
Cedar City    1,600
Item 212    To Department of Transportation - Equipment Management
From Dedicated Credits Revenue    47,700
    Schedule of Programs:
Shops    47,700
Item 213    To Department of Transportation - Aeronautics
From Transportation Fund Restricted - Aeronautics Fund    1,600
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    2,500
Airplane Operations    (900)
Item 214    To Legislature - Senate
From General Fund    (9,800)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (9,800)
Item 215    To Legislature - House of Representatives
From General Fund    (40,000)
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    (40,000)
Item 216    To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Auditor General
From General Fund    16,300
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    16,300

Item 217    To Legislature - Office of the Legislative Fiscal Analyst
From General Fund    13,000
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration and Research    13,000
Item 218    To Legislature - Legislative Printing
From General Fund    2,900
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    2,900
Item 219    To Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel
From General Fund    35,400
    Schedule of Programs:
Administration    35,400
    Section 3. Effective Date.
    If approved by two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, Section 1 of this bill takes effect upon approval by the Governor, or the day following the constitutional time limit of Utah Constitution Article VII, Section 8 without the Governor's signature, or in the case of a veto, the date of override. Section 2 of this bill takes effect on July 1, 2010.

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