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H.B. 108 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: John G. Mathis

Senate Sponsor: Kevin T. Van Tassell

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill addresses meat inspection provisions.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    provides for the adoption of various federal meat and poultry related provisions by
             13      reference;
             14          .    addresses the Department of Agriculture's adoption of emergency rules;
             15          .    changes terminology concerning livestock, meat and poultry products, meat
             16      establishments, and similar terms;
             17          .    defines other terms;
             18          .    makes changes necessary to effectuate changes in terminology;
             19          .    provides exceptions from licensing requirements for various meat and poultry
             20      related activities;
             21          .    addresses the licensing of a meat establishment;
             22          .    requires a farm custom slaughter license holder to provide the age of a slaughtered
             23      animal; and
             24          .    makes technical changes.
             25      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             26          None
             27      Other Special Clauses:
             28          None
             29      Utah Code Sections Affected:

             30      AMENDS:
             31          4-32-2, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1979, Chapter 2
             32          4-32-3, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 179
             33          4-32-4, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1997, Chapter 302
             34          4-32-5, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 179
             35          4-32-6, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1979, Chapter 2
             36          4-32-7, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2008, Chapter 382
             37          4-32-8, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1990, Chapter 144
             38          4-32-11, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1990, Chapter 144
             39          4-32-12, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1990, Chapter 144
             40          4-32-13, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 179
             41          4-32-16, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1979, Chapter 2
             42          4-32-17, as enacted by Laws of Utah 1979, Chapter 2
             43          4-32-18, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 179
             44          4-32-20, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 179
             45          4-32-21, as last amended by Laws of Utah 1987, Chapter 161
             46          4-32-22, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2007, Chapter 179
             47      ENACTS:
             48          4-32-2.1, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             49          4-32-2.2, Utah Code Annotated 1953
             51      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             52          Section 1. Section 4-32-2 is amended to read:
             53           4-32-2. Purpose declaration.
             54          (1) It is the purpose of this chapter to provide a meat and poultry [products] inspection
             55      [programs] program in the state at least equal to [those] the programs imposed under the
             56      Federal Meat Inspection Act [and], the federal Poultry Products Inspection Act, and the
             57      Humane Slaughter Act.

             58          (2) The commissioner [is directed to] shall administer and enforce this chapter to
             59      accomplish this purpose.
             60          Section 2. Section 4-32-2.1 is enacted to read:
             61          4-32-2.1. Adoption of federal provisions.
             62          (1) The following federal laws, regulations, and standards are adopted by reference:
             63          (a) 9 C.F.R. Part 300 through Part 500;
             64          (b) the Federal Meat Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 601 et seq.;
             65          (c) the Poultry Products Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 451 et seq.; and
             66          (d) the Humane Slaughter Act, 7 U.S.C. Sec. 1901 et seq.
             67          (2) Changes to the federal laws, regulations, and standards referenced in Subsection
             68      (1) are considered incorporated as those changes are made.
             69          Section 3. Section 4-32-2.2 is enacted to read:
             70          4-32-2.2. Emergency rules.
             71          The department may make emergency rules concerning the meat and poultry inspection
             72      program only in accordance with Section 63G-3-304 .
             73          Section 4. Section 4-32-3 is amended to read:
             74           4-32-3. Definitions.
             75          As used in this chapter:
             76          (1) "Adulterated" means any [livestock product] meat or poultry product that:
             77          (a) bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance that may render it
             78      injurious to health, but, if the substance is not an added substance, the [livestock] meat or
             79      poultry product [shall not be] is not considered adulterated under this subsection if the
             80      quantity of the substance in or on the [livestock] meat or poultry product does not ordinarily
             81      render it injurious to health;
             82          (b) bears or contains, by reason of the administration of any substance to the
             83      [livestock or poultry] animal or otherwise, any added poisonous or added deleterious
             84      substance [which] that in the judgment of the commissioner makes the [livestock] meat or
             85      poultry product unfit for human food;

             86          (c) contains, in whole or in part, a raw agricultural commodity and [such] that
             87      commodity bears or contains a pesticide chemical that is unsafe within the meaning of 21
             88      U.S.C. Sec. 346a;
             89          (d) bears or contains any food additive that is unsafe within the meaning of 21 U.S.C.
             90      Sec. 348;
             91          (e) bears or contains any color additive that is unsafe within the meaning of 21 U.S.C.
             92      Sec. 379e; provided, that a [livestock product which] meat or poultry product that is not
             93      otherwise considered adulterated under [Subsections] Subsection (1)(c)[,] or (d)[, or (e)] of
             94      this section [shall nevertheless be] is considered adulterated if use of the pesticide chemical,
             95      food additive, or color additive is prohibited in official establishments by [rules of the
             96      department] federal law, regulation, or standard;
             97          (f) consists, in whole or in part, of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance or is for
             98      any other reason unsound, unhealthful, unwholesome, or otherwise unfit for human food;
             99          (g) has been prepared, packaged, or held under unsanitary conditions if [it] the meat or
             100      poultry product may have become contaminated with filth, or if it may have been rendered
             101      injurious to health;
             102          (h) is in whole or in part the product of an animal that [has died otherwise] died other
             103      than by slaughter;
             104          (i) is contained in a container that is composed, in whole or in part, of any poisonous
             105      or deleterious substance that may render the meat or poultry product injurious to health;
             106          (j) has been intentionally subjected to radiation, unless the use of the radiation [was in
             107      conformity] conforms with a regulation or exemption in effect pursuant to 21 U.S.C. Sec. 348;
             108          (k) has a valuable constituent in whole or in part omitted, abstracted, or substituted; or
             109      if damage or inferiority is concealed in any manner; or if any substance has been added,
             110      mixed, or packed with the meat or poultry product to increase its bulk or weight, or reduce its
             111      quality or strength, or to make it appear better or of greater value; or
             112          (l) is margarine containing animal fat and any of the raw material used in the
             113      margarine consists in whole or in part of any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance.

             114          (2) "Animal" means a domesticated or captive mammalian or avian species.
             115          [(2)] (3) "Animal food manufacturer" means any person engaged in the business of
             116      preparing animal food derived from [livestock] animal carcasses or parts or products of [such]
             117      the carcasses.
             118          (4) "Ante mortem inspection" means an inspection of a live animal immediately before
             119      slaughter.
             120          [(3)] (5) "Broker" means any person engaged in the business of buying [or selling
             121      livestock or livestock products on commission, or otherwise negotiating purchases or sales of
             122      livestock or livestock products other than for such] and selling meat or poultry products other
             123      than for the person's own account.
             124          [(4)] (6) "Capable of use as human food" means any [livestock] animal carcass, or part
             125      or product of a carcass, unless it is denatured or otherwise identified as required by rules of the
             126      department to deter its use as human food[, or unless it is naturally inedible by humans].
             127          (7) "Commissioner" includes a person authorized by the commissioner to carry out
             128      this chapter's provisions.
             129          [(5)] (8) "Container" or "package" means any box, can, tin, cloth, plastic, or other
             130      receptacle, wrapper, or cover.
             131          (9) "Custom exempt processing" means processing meat or wild game as a service for
             132      the person who owns the meat or wild game and uses the meat and meat food products for the
             133      person's own consumption, including consumption by immediate family members and
             134      non-paying guests.
             135          (10) "Custom exempt slaughter":
             136          (a) means slaughtering an animal as a service for the person who owns the animal and
             137      uses the meat and meat products for the person's own consumption, including consumption by
             138      immediate family members and non-paying guests; and
             139          (b) includes farm custom slaughter.
             140          [(6)] (11) "Director of meat inspection" means a licensed graduate veterinarian whose
             141      duties and responsibilities are specified by the commissioner.

             142          [(7) "Domesticated elk" shall have the meaning as defined in Section 4-39-102 .]
             143          (12) "Diseased animal":
             144          (a) means an animal that:
             145          (i) is diagnosed with a disease not known to be cured; or
             146          (ii) has exhibited signs or symptoms of a disease that is not known to be cured; and
             147          (b) does not include an otherwise healthy animal that suffers only from injuries such
             148      as fractures, cuts, or bruises.
             149          [(8)] (13) "Farm custom slaughter" means custom exempt slaughtering of [livestock or
             150      poultry] an animal for an owner without inspection.
             151          (14) "Farm custom mobile unit" means a portable slaughter vehicle or trailer that is
             152      used by a farm custom slaughter licensee to slaughter animals on the animal owner's property.
             153          [(9)] (15) "Farm custom slaughter [permit] license" means a [permit] license issued by
             154      the department to allow farm custom slaughter.
             155          [(10)] (16) "Farm custom slaughter tag" means a tag [which] that specifies the
             156      animal's identification and certifies its ownership, which is issued by the department through a
             157      brand inspector to the owner of the animal before it is slaughtered.
             158          (17) "Federal acts" means:
             159          (a) the Federal Meat Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 601 et seq;
             160          (b) the Federal Poultry Products Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 451 et seq.; and
             161          (c) the Humane Slaughter Act, 7 U.S.C. 1901 et seq.
             162          [(11)] (18) "Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act" means the act so entitled,
             163      approved June 25, 1938 (52 Stat. 1040) (21 U.S.C. 301 et seq.), and any amendments to it.
             164          [(12) "Federal Meat Inspection Act" means the act so entitled approved March 4, 1907
             165      (34 Stat. 1260), as amended by the Wholesome Meat Act, 21 U.S.C. 601 et seq.; the term
             166      "federal Poultry Products Inspection Act" means the act so entitled approved August 28, 1957
             167      71 Stat. 441, as amended by the Wholesome Poultry Products Act, 82 Stat. 791 21 U.S.C. 451
             168      et seq.; and the term "federal acts" means these two federal acts.]
             169          [(13)] (19) "Immediate container" means any consumer package, or any other

             170      container in which [livestock] meat or poultry products not consumer packaged, are packed.
             171          [(14)] (20) "Inspector" means a licensed veterinarian or competent lay person working
             172      under the supervision of a licensed graduate veterinarian.
             173          [(15)] (21) "Label" means a display of printed[,] or graphic matter upon any
             174      [livestock] meat or poultry product or the immediate container, not including package liners,
             175      of any such product.
             176          [(16)] (22) "Labeling" means all labels and other printed[,] or graphic matter:
             177          (a) upon any [livestock] meat or poultry product or any of its containers or wrappers;
             178      or
             179          (b) accompanying a [livestock] meat or poultry product.
             180          [(17) "Livestock" means any cattle, domesticated elk, sheep, swine, goats, horses,
             181      mules or other equines, whether living or dead.]
             182          [(18) "Livestock product" means any carcass, part of a carcass, meat, or meat food
             183      product of any livestock.]
             184          (23) "Licensee" means a person who holds a valid farm custom slaughter license.
             185          (24) "Meat" means the edible muscle and other edible parts of an animal, including
             186      edible:
             187          (a) skeletal muscle;
             188          (b) organs;
             189          (c) muscle found in the tongue, diaphragm, heart, or esophagus; and
             190          (d) fat, bone, skin, sinew, nerve, or blood vessel that normally accompanies meat and
             191      is not ordinarily removed in processing.
             192          (25) "Meat establishment" means a plant or fixed premises used to:
             193          (a) slaughter animals for human consumption; or
             194          (b) process meat or poultry products for human consumption.
             195          [(19)] (26) "Meat [food] product" means any product capable of use as human food
             196      that is made wholly or in part from any meat or other part of the carcass of any [cattle, sheep,
             197      swine, or goats, excepting products that contain meat or other parts of such carcasses in

             198      relatively small proportion or that historically have not been considered by consumers as
             199      products of the meat food industry, and which are exempted from definition as a meat food
             200      product by the commissioner. Meat food product as applied to food products of equines shall
             201      have a meaning comparable to that provided in this subsection with respect to cattle, sheep,
             202      swine, and goats] non-avian animal.
             203          [(20)] (27) "Misbranded" means any [livestock product] meat or poultry product that:
             204          (a) bears a label that is false or misleading in any particular;
             205          (b) is offered for sale under the name of another food;
             206          (c) is an imitation of another food, unless the label bears, in type of uniform size and
             207      prominence, the word "imitation" followed by the name of the food imitated;
             208          (d) if its container is so made, formed, or filled as to be misleading;
             209          (e) does not bear a label showing:
             210          (i) the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor; and
             211          (ii) an accurate statement of the quantity of the product in terms of weight, measure, or
             212      numerical count; provided, that under this Subsection [(20)] (27)(e), exemptions as to
             213      [livestock] meat and poultry products not in containers may be established by rules of the
             214      department and that under this Subsection [(20)] (27)(e)(ii), reasonable variations may be
             215      permitted, and exemptions for small packages may be established for [livestock] meat or
             216      poultry products by rule of the department;
             217          (f) does not bear any word, statement, or other information required by or under
             218      authority of this chapter to appear on the label or other labeling is not prominently placed with
             219      such conspicuousness, as compared with other words, statements, designs, or devices, in the
             220      labeling, and in such terms as to render it likely to be read and understood by the ordinary
             221      individual under customary conditions of purchase and use;
             222          (g) is a food for which a definition and standard of identity or composition has been
             223      prescribed by rules of the department under Section 4-32-7 if the food does not conform to
             224      [such] the definition and standard and the label does not bear the name of the food and any
             225      other information that is required by the rule;

             226          (h) is a food for which a standard of fill has been prescribed by rule of the department
             227      for the container and the actual fill of the container falls below that prescribed unless its label
             228      bears, in [such] a manner and form as [such rules specify] the rule specifies, a statement that it
             229      falls below [such] the standard;
             230          (i) is a food for which no standard or definition of identity has been prescribed under
             231      Subsection [(20)] (27)(g) unless its label bears:
             232          (i) the common or usual name of the food, if there be any; and
             233          (ii) if it is fabricated from two or more ingredients, the common or usual name of each
             234      such ingredient; except that spices, flavorings, and colorings may, when authorized by the
             235      department, be designated as spices, flavorings, and colorings without naming each; provided,
             236      that to the extent that compliance with the requirements of this Subsection [(20)] (27)(i)(ii) is
             237      impracticable, or results in deception or unfair competition, exemptions shall be established by
             238      rule;
             239          (j) is a food that purports to be or is represented to be for special dietary uses, unless
             240      its label bears [such] information concerning its vitamin, mineral, and other dietary properties
             241      as the department, after consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States,
             242      prescribes by rules as necessary to inform purchasers as to its value for [such] special dietary
             243      uses;
             244          (k) bears or contains any artificial flavoring, artificial coloring, or chemical
             245      preservative, unless it bears labeling stating that fact; provided, that to the extent that
             246      compliance with the requirements of this subsection are impracticable, exemptions shall be
             247      prescribed by rules of the department; or
             248          (l) does not bear directly thereon and on its containers, as the department may
             249      prescribe by rule, the official inspection legend and establishment number of the official
             250      establishment where the product was prepared, and, unrestricted by any of the foregoing,
             251      [such] other information as the department may require by [rules] rule to assure that [it] the
             252      meat or poultry product will not have false or misleading labeling and that the public will be
             253      informed of the manner of handling required to maintain it in a wholesome condition.

             254          [(21)] (28) "Official certificate" means any certificate prescribed by rules of the
             255      department for issuance by an inspector or other person performing official functions under
             256      this chapter.
             257          [(22)] (29) "Official device" means any device prescribed or authorized by the
             258      commissioner for use in applying any official mark.
             259          [(23)] (30) "Official establishment" means any establishment at which inspection of
             260      the slaughter of [livestock] animals or the preparation of [livestock] meat or poultry products
             261      is maintained under the authority of this chapter.
             262          [(24)] (31) "Official inspection legend" means any symbol prescribed by rules of the
             263      department showing that a [livestock] meat or poultry product was inspected and passed in
             264      accordance with this chapter.
             265          [(25)] (32) "Official mark" means the official legend or any other symbol prescribed
             266      by rules of the department to identify the status of any [livestock or livestock] animal carcass
             267      or meat or poultry product under this chapter.
             268          [(26) "Permittee" means a person who holds a valid farm custom slaughter permit.]
             269          [(27)] (33) "Pesticide chemical," "food additive," "color additive," and "raw
             270      agricultural commodity," have the same meanings for purposes of this chapter as ascribed to
             271      them in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. Sec. 301 et seq.
             272          (34) "Post mortem inspection" means an inspection of a slaughtered food animal's
             273      carcass after slaughter.
             274          [(28)] (35) "Poultry" means any domesticated bird, whether living or dead.
             275          [(29)] (36) "Poultry product" means any product capable of use as human food that is
             276      made wholly or in part from any poultry carcass, excepting products that contain poultry
             277      ingredients in relatively small proportion or that historically have not been considered by
             278      consumers as products of the poultry food industry, and that are exempted from definition as a
             279      poultry product by the commissioner.
             280          [(30)] (37) "Prepared" means slaughtered, canned, salted, stuffed, rendered, boned, cut
             281      up, or otherwise manufactured or processed.

             282          (38) "Process" means to cut, grind, manufacture, compound, smoke, intermix, or
             283      prepare meat or poultry products.
             284          [(31)] (39) "Renderer" means any person engaged in the business of rendering
             285      [livestock] animal carcasses, or parts or products of [such] animal carcasses, except rendering
             286      conducted under inspection or exemption under this chapter.
             287          [(32)] (40) "Slaughter" means:
             288          (a) the killing of [livestock or poultry] an animal in a humane manner including
             289      skinning[,] or dressing[,]; or
             290          (b) the process of performing any of the specified acts in preparing [livestock or
             291      poultry] an animal for human consumption.
             292          [(33) "Slaughterhouse" or "custom slaughterhouse" means any building, plant, or
             293      establishment used for the purpose of killing, dressing, or processing, whether such dressing or
             294      processing is in conjunction with a killing operation or is a separate business, livestock or
             295      livestock products or poultry or poultry products offered for sale or to be used for human
             296      consumption.]
             297          [(34) "Slaughtering of livestock or poultry as a business" means the slaughtering of
             298      livestock or poultry for the owner or caretaker of the livestock or poultry by a person who is
             299      not a full-time employee of the owner or caretaker of such livestock or poultry.]
             300          (41) "Wild game" means an animal, the products of which are food that is not
             301      classified as a domesticated food animal, captive game animal, or captive game bird, including
             302      the following when not domesticated:
             303          (a) deer;
             304          (b) elk;
             305          (c) antelope;
             306          (d) moose;
             307          (e) bison;
             308          (f) bear;
             309          (g) rabbit;

             310          (h) squirrel;
             311          (i) raccoon; and
             312          (j) birds.
             313          Section 5. Section 4-32-4 is amended to read:
             314           4-32-4. Meat establishment license -- Slaughtering livestock except in licensed
             315      meat establishment prohibited -- Exceptions -- Violation a misdemeanor.
             316          (1) [No person shall operate a slaughterhouse in this state without a license issued by
             317      the department, nor shall any person] A person may not, except in a licensed [slaughterhouse,
             318      slaughter livestock as a business] meat establishment, slaughter animals for human
             319      consumption or assist other persons in the slaughter [of livestock] or processing of animals
             320      except as otherwise provided in Subsection (2) [or], (3), or (4).
             321          (2) [Except as provided in Subsection (3), a] A person who raises [his own livestock]
             322      an animal or an employee of that person may slaughter [livestock] an animal without a farm
             323      custom slaughter [permit] license if:
             324          (a) (i) the [livestock] animal is slaughtered on property owned by [that] the person;
             325      and
             326          (ii) (A) slaughtering or processing animals is not prohibited by local ordinance; and
             327          (B) any hide, viscera, blood, or other tissue is disposed of by removal to a rendering
             328      facility, landfill, or by burial, as allowed by law;
             329          (b) the [livestock] meat or poultry product derived from the slaughtered animal is
             330      consumed exclusively by [that] the person or [his] the person's immediate family, regular
             331      employees of [that] the person, or nonpaying guests; and
             332          (c) the [livestock] meat or poultry product is marked "Not For Sale."
             333          [(3) Domesticated elk may only be slaughtered as provided in this chapter and in
             334      Chapter 39 of this title.]
             335          [(4)] (3) Farm custom slaughter may be performed by a person who holds a valid farm
             336      custom slaughter [permit] license.
             337          (4) A retail establishment that processes meat or poultry products primarily for sale to

             338      individual consumers at the retail establishment is exempt from provisions requiring licensing
             339      of a meat establishment if:
             340          (a) the retail establishment is not engaged in slaughter operations;
             341          (b) the retail establishment sells the processed meat and poultry products only to
             342      individual consumers at the retail establishment, or to restaurants or institutions for use in
             343      meals served at those restaurants or institutions;
             344          (c) the retail establishment's sales of processed meat and poultry products to
             345      restaurants or institutions do not exceed the federal adjusted dollar limitation, or 25 percent by
             346      dollar volume of all meat sales from the retail establishment, whichever is less;
             347          (d) the retail establishment receives meat only from a meat establishment licensed
             348      under this chapter or inspected by the United States Department of Agriculture under 21
             349      U.S.C. Sections 451 to 695;
             350          (e) the operator of the retail establishment does not sell, to any person other than an
             351      individual consumer, any meat or poultry product that is cured, smoked, seasoned, canned, or
             352      cooked at the retail establishment;
             353          (f) the retail establishment does not sell any meat or poultry product that is cured,
             354      smoked, seasoned, canned, or cooked at the retail establishment at a location other than the
             355      retail establishment; and
             356          (g) the operator of the retail establishment does not sell, to any person other than an
             357      individual consumer, any meat product made by combining meat from different animal
             358      species at the retail establishment.
             359          (5) Any person who violates this section, except as otherwise provided in Subsection
             360      [(5)] (6), is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
             361          (6) Any person who offers for sale or sells any uninspected [livestock] meat or poultry
             362      product is guilty of a class B misdemeanor.
             363          Section 6. Section 4-32-5 is amended to read:
             364           4-32-5. Meat establishment and farm custom slaughter licenses -- Application --
             365      Fees -- Expiration -- Renewal.

             366          (1) A person may not operate a meat establishment in the state without a meat
             367      establishment license issued by the department.
             368          [(1)] (2) (a) Application for a license to operate a [slaughterhouse] meat establishment
             369      shall be made to the department upon [forms] a form prescribed and furnished by [it] the
             370      department.
             371          (b) Upon receipt of a proper application, compliance with all applicable rules, and the
             372      payment of an annual license fee determined by the department according to Subsection
             373      4-2-2 (2), the commissioner, if satisfied that the public convenience and necessity will be
             374      served, shall issue a license allowing the applicant to operate a [slaughterhouse] meat
             375      establishment through December 31 of the year in which the license is issued, subject to
             376      suspension or revocation for cause.
             377          (c) A [slaughterhouse] meat establishment license is annually renewable on or before
             378      December 31 of each year, upon the payment of an annual license renewal fee in an amount
             379      determined by the department according to Subsection 4-2-2 (2).
             380          [(2)] (3) (a) Application for a farm custom slaughter [permit] license to engage in the
             381      business of slaughtering livestock shall be made to the department on [forms] a form
             382      prescribed and furnished by [it] the department.
             383          (b) Upon receipt of a proper application, compliance with all applicable rules, and
             384      payment of a [permit] license fee in an amount determined by the department according to
             385      Subsection 4-2-2 (2), the commissioner shall issue a [permit] license allowing the applicant to
             386      engage in farm custom slaughtering.
             387          (c) A farm custom slaughter [permit] license is annually renewable on or before
             388      December 31 of each year, upon the payment of an annual renewal [permit] license fee in an
             389      amount determined by the department according to Subsection 4-2-2 (2).
             390          Section 7. Section 4-32-6 is amended to read:
             391           4-32-6. Duties of person who holds a farm custom slaughter license.
             392          Each person who holds a farm custom slaughter [permit] license shall:
             393          (1) keep accurate records of each animal slaughtered including the name, address, and

             394      telephone number of each person for whom [livestock] the animal is slaughtered, a full
             395      description of each animal slaughtered including age, brands, marks, or other identifying
             396      marks, proof of ownership, destination of the carcass for processing, and the date of slaughter;
             397          (2) require that each animal presented for slaughter bear a farm custom slaughter tag;
             398          (3) render the animal to be slaughtered insensible to pain by captive bolt, gunshot,
             399      electric shock, or other humane means before it is shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut; and
             400          (4) stamp and tag the carcass of any slaughtered animal "Not For Sale."
             401          Section 8. Section 4-32-7 is amended to read:
             402           4-32-7. Mandatory functions, powers, and duties of department prescribed.
             403          The department shall make rules pursuant to Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative
             404      Rulemaking Act, [regarding] concerning the following functions, powers, and duties, in
             405      addition to those specified in [Title 4,] Chapter 1, [Utah Agricultural Code] Short Title and
             406      General Provisions, for the administration and enforcement of this chapter:
             407          (1) The department shall require antemortem and postmortem inspections, quarantine,
             408      segregation, and reinspections by inspectors appointed for those purposes with respect to the
             409      slaughter of [livestock and poultry] animals and the preparation of [livestock] meat and
             410      poultry products at official establishments, except as provided in Subsection 4-32-8 (13).
             411          (2) The department shall require that:
             412          (a) [livestock and poultry] animals be identified for inspection purposes;
             413          (b) [livestock] meat or poultry products, or their containers be marked or labeled as:
             414          (i) "Utah Inspected and Passed" if, upon inspection, the products are found to be
             415      unadulterated; and
             416          (ii) "Utah Inspected and Condemned" if, upon inspection, the products are found to be
             417      adulterated; and
             418          (c) condemned animal carcasses or products, which otherwise would be used for
             419      human consumption, be destroyed under the supervision of an inspector.
             420          (3) The department shall prohibit or limit [livestock] meat products, poultry products,
             421      or other materials not prepared under inspection procedures provided in this chapter, from

             422      being brought into official establishments.
             423          (4) The department shall require that labels and containers for [livestock] meat and
             424      poultry products:
             425          (a) bear all information required [under] by Section 4-32-3 if the product leaves the
             426      official establishment; and
             427          (b) be approved [prior to] before sale or transportation.
             428          (5) For official establishments required to be inspected under Subsection (1), the
             429      department shall:
             430          (a) prescribe sanitary standards;
             431          (b) require [experts in sanitation or other competent investigators to investigate
             432      sanitary conditions] sanitary inspections; and
             433          (c) refuse to provide inspection service if the sanitary conditions allow adulteration of
             434      any [livestock] meat or poultry product.
             435          (6) (a) The department shall require that any person engaged in a business referred to
             436      in Subsection (6)(b) [shall]:
             437          (i) keep accurate records disclosing all pertinent business transactions;
             438          (ii) allow inspection of the business premises at reasonable times and examination of
             439      inventory, records, and facilities; and
             440          (iii) allow [inventory] samples to be taken [after payment of their fair market value].
             441          (b) Subsection (6)(a) [shall refer] applies to any person who:
             442          (i) slaughters [livestock or poultry] animals;
             443          (ii) prepares, freezes, packages, labels, buys, sells, transports, or stores any [livestock]
             444      meat or poultry products for human or animal consumption;
             445          (iii) renders [livestock or poultry] animals; or
             446          (iv) buys, sells, or transports any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased [livestock or
             447      poultry] animals, or parts of their carcasses that died by a method other than slaughter.
             448          (7) (a) The department shall:
             449          (i) adopt by reference rules and regulations under federal acts with changes that the

             450      commissioner considers appropriate to make the rules and regulations applicable to operations
             451      and transactions subject to this chapter; and
             452          (ii) promulgate any other rules considered necessary for the efficient execution of the
             453      provisions of this chapter, including rules of practice providing an opportunity for hearing in
             454      connection with the issuance of orders under Subsection (5) or under Subsection 4-32-8 (1),
             455      (2), or (3) and prescribing procedures for proceedings in these cases.
             456          (b) These procedures [shall] do not preclude requiring that a label or container be
             457      withheld from use, or inspection be refused under Subsections (1) and (5), or Subsection
             458      4-32-8 (3), pending issuance of a final order in the proceeding.
             459          (8) (a) To prevent the inhumane slaughtering of [livestock and poultry] animals,
             460      inspectors shall be appointed to examine and inspect methods of handling and slaughtering
             461      [livestock and poultry] animals.
             462          (b) Inspection of [new] slaughtering establishments may be refused or temporarily
             463      suspended if [livestock or poultry] animals have been slaughtered or handled by any method
             464      not in accordance with the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act of 1978, Public Law 95-445.
             465          (c) Before slaughtering an animal in accordance with requirements of Kosher, Halal,
             466      or a religious faith's requirements that discourage stunning of the animal, the person
             467      slaughtering the animal shall file a written request with the commissioner.
             468          (9) (a) The department shall require [all livestock and poultry] an animal showing
             469      symptoms of disease during antemortem inspection, performed by an inspector appointed for
             470      that purpose, to be set apart and slaughtered separately from other livestock and poultry.
             471          (b) When slaughtered, the carcasses of livestock and poultry [shall be] are subject to
             472      careful examination and inspection in accordance with rules prescribed by the commissioner.
             473          Section 9. Section 4-32-8 is amended to read:
             474           4-32-8. Discretionary functions, powers, and duties of commissioner prescribed.
             475          The commissioner may:
             476          (1) remove inspectors from any official establishment that fails to:
             477          (a) destroy condemned products pursuant to Subsection 4-32-7 (2); or

             478          (b) comply with any other [requirements of this chapter] of this chapter's
             479      requirements;
             480          (2) refuse to provide inspection for any official establishment for any cause specified
             481      in Section 401 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act or Section 18 of the federal Poultry
             482      Products Inspection Act;
             483          (3) withhold the use of labels and containers if the labeling is false or misleading or
             484      the containers are misleading in size or form;
             485          (4) prescribe the type size and style to be used for labeling:
             486          (a) information;
             487          (b) definitions; and
             488          (c) standards of identity, composition, or container fill;
             489          (5) prescribe conditions for the storage and handling of [livestock] meat and poultry
             490      products by any person who sells, freezes, stores, or transports these products to prevent them
             491      from becoming adulterated or misbranded;
             492          (6) require that equines be slaughtered and prepared in official establishments separate
             493      from those where other [livestock is] animals are slaughtered or their products are prepared;
             494          (7) require that the following people register the name and address of each place of
             495      business and all trade names:
             496          (a) broker;
             497          (b) renderer;
             498          (c) animal food manufacturer;
             499          (d) wholesaler;
             500          (e) public warehouseman of [livestock] meat or poultry products; or
             501          (f) anyone engaged in the business of buying, selling, or transporting any:
             502          (i) dead, dying, disabled, or diseased [livestock or poultry] animals; or
             503          (ii) parts of [livestock or poultry] animal carcasses that died other than by slaughter;
             504          (8) make inspections of official establishments at night, as well as during the day, if
             505      [livestock, poultry, or livestock] animals or meat and poultry products are slaughtered and

             506      prepared for commercial purposes in those establishments at night;
             507          (9) divide the state into inspection districts and designate killing days and partial
             508      killing days for each official establishment;
             509          (10) cooperate with the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States in the
             510      administration of this chapter and accept federal assistance and use funds appropriated for the
             511      administration of this chapter to pay the state's proportionate share of the cooperative program;
             512          (11) recommend the names of officials and employees of the department to the
             513      Secretary of Agriculture of the United States for appointment to the advisory committees
             514      provided for in the federal acts;
             515          (12) serve as the representative of the governor for consultation with the Secretary of
             516      Agriculture under paragraph (c) of Section 301 of the Federal Meat Inspection Act and Section
             517      5(c) of the federal Poultry Products Inspection Act, unless the governor selects another
             518      representative; and
             519          (13) exempt from inspection:
             520          (a) the slaughter and processing of [livestock and poultry] an animal by any person
             521      who raises [livestock or poultry] an animal for [his] the person's own use, members of [his] the
             522      person's household, [his] employees, or nonpaying guests;
             523          (b) custom exempt slaughter and processing operations;
             524          [(b)] (c) farm custom slaughter performed by a [permittee;] licensee; and
             525          [(c)] (d) any other operation, if the exemption:
             526          (i) furthers the purposes of this chapter; and
             527          (ii) conforms to federal acts[; and].
             528          [(14) exempt from this chapter the processing of wild game if it:]
             529          [(a) is not processed in the same room and at the same time that inspected and
             530      approved livestock and poultry products are being processed; and]
             531          [(b) is stored in a separate cooler from inspected and passed products.]
             532          Section 10. Section 4-32-11 is amended to read:
             533           4-32-11. Preparation and slaughter of livestock, poultry, or livestock and poultry

             534      products -- Adulterated or misbranded products -- Violation of rule or order.
             535          (1) [No livestock, poultry, or livestock] An animal or meat or poultry product[, which]
             536      that may be used for human consumption shall not be:
             537          (a) slaughtered or prepared unless it is done in compliance with [the requirements of
             538      this chapter] this chapter's requirements;
             539          (b) sold, transported, offered for sale or transportation, or received for transportation,
             540      if it is adulterated or misbranded, unless it has been inspected and approved; or
             541          (c) subjected to any act while being transported or held for sale after transportation
             542      [which results] resulting in one of [these] the products becoming adulterated or being
             543      misbranded.
             544          (2) [No person shall] A person may not violate any rule or order of the commissioner
             545      under Subsection 4-32-7 (3) or (6), or Subsection 4-32-8 (3), (5), (7), or (14).
             546          Section 11. Section 4-32-12 is amended to read:
             547           4-32-12. Unauthorized use or possession of official devices, labels, marks, or
             548      certificates -- False statements, misrepresentations, and trade secrets.
             549          (1) [No person shall] A person may not cast, print, lithograph, or make any device or
             550      label containing or bearing any official mark or simulation of a mark, or any form or
             551      simulation of an official certificate unless authorized by the commissioner.
             552          (2) [No person shall] A person may not:
             553          (a) forge any official device, mark, or certificate;
             554          (b) use any official device, mark, or certificate without the authorization of the
             555      commissioner;
             556          (c) alter, detach, deface, or destroy any official device, mark, or certificate;
             557          (d) fail to use, detach, deface, or destroy any official device, mark, or certificate as
             558      required by this chapter;
             559          (e) knowingly possess any of the following, if it bears any unauthorized, counterfeit,
             560      simulated, forged, or altered official mark:
             561          (i) an official device;

             562          (ii) a counterfeit, simulated, forged, or altered official certificate;
             563          (iii) a device;
             564          (iv) a label;
             565          (v) a carcass of any animal, including poultry; or
             566          (vi) a part or product of any animal, including poultry;
             567          (f) knowingly make any false statement in any shipper's certificate, or nonofficial or
             568      official certificate;
             569          (g) knowingly represent that any [livestock] meat or poultry product has been
             570      inspected and approved, or exempted, under this chapter when, in fact, it has not; or
             571          (h) use to [his] the person's advantage or reveal any information acquired under the
             572      authority of this chapter relating to any matter entitled to protection as a trade secret unless the
             573      information is:
             574          (i) revealed to an authorized government representative; or
             575          (ii) ordered by a court in a judicial proceeding.
             576          Section 12. Section 4-32-13 is amended to read:
             577           4-32-13. Meat or poultry products to be marked or labeled -- Meat or poultry
             578      products not intended for human food -- Dead, dying, disabled, or diseased animals.
             579          (1) [No person shall] A person may not sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation,
             580      or receive for transportation, any animal carcasses [of horses, mules, or other equines] or parts
             581      of such carcasses, or the meat or meat [food] products, unless they are plainly and
             582      conspicuously marked or labeled or otherwise identified as required by rules adopted by the
             583      department to show the kinds of animals from which they were derived.
             584          (2) [No person shall] A person may not buy, sell, transport, or offer for sale or
             585      transportation, or receive for transportation any [livestock products] meat or poultry products
             586      that are not intended for human food unless they are denatured or otherwise identified as
             587      required by the rules of the department or are naturally inedible by humans.
             588          (3) [No] A person engaged in the business of buying, selling, or transporting dead,
             589      dying, disabled, or diseased animals, or any parts of the carcasses of any animals that died

             590      otherwise than by slaughter, [shall] may not buy, sell, transport, offer for sale or transportation,
             591      or receive for transportation [such] the animals or parts of carcasses unless [such] the
             592      transaction or transportation is made in accordance with rules adopted by the department to
             593      assure that [such] the animals or parts of carcasses will be prevented from being used for
             594      human food.
             595          Section 13. Section 4-32-16 is amended to read:
             596           4-32-16. Detention of animals or meat or poultry products -- Removal of official
             597      marks.
             598          (1) Whenever any [livestock] meat or poultry product or any product exempted from
             599      the definition of a [livestock] meat or poultry product, or any dead, dying, disabled, or
             600      diseased [livestock or poultry] animal, is found by any authorized representative of the
             601      commissioner, and there is reason to believe that it is adulterated or misbranded and is capable
             602      of use as human food, or that it has not been inspected and passed, or that it has been or is
             603      intended to be distributed in violation of this chapter, it may be detained by [such] the
             604      representative pending action under Section 4-32-17 , and [shall] may not be moved by any
             605      person from the place at which it is located when so detained, until released by such
             606      representative.
             607          (2) All official marks may be required by [such] the representative described in
             608      Subsection (1) to be removed from [such] a product or animal described in Subsection (1)
             609      before [it] the product is released.
             610          Section 14. Section 4-32-17 is amended to read:
             611           4-32-17. Quarantine authorized -- Conditions giving rise to quarantine.
             612          (1) Any [livestock] meat or poultry product, or any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased
             613      [livestock or poultry] animal that is being transported or is held for sale in this state, and that:
             614          (a) is or has been prepared, sold, transported, or otherwise distributed or offered or
             615      received for distribution in violation of this chapter[, or];
             616          (b) is capable of use as human food and is adulterated or misbranded[,]; or
             617          (c) in any other way [is in violation of] violates this chapter, shall be seized and

             618      quarantined.
             619          (2) Quarantined animals or products shall be condemned and destroyed, except that
             620      the owner of [such] the quarantined animals or products may request a hearing within five
             621      days, and the commissioner shall, within five days after [such] the request, conduct a hearing
             622      to decide whether the quarantined animals or products shall be condemned.
             623          (3) The commissioner's decision [shall be] under Subsection (2) is final, and all
             624      condemned animals or products shall forthwith be destroyed or denatured in the presence of
             625      the commissioner or an inspector.
             626          [(2)] (4) This section [shall in no way derogate from] does not limit the authority for
             627      condemnation or seizure conferred by other provisions of this chapter, or other laws.
             628          Section 15. Section 4-32-18 is amended to read:
             629           4-32-18. Rules for the construction and operation of meat establishments
             630      authorized.
             631          (1) For the purposes of administering this chapter and qualifying [slaughterhouses]
             632      meat establishments for licenses, the department [has authority to] may adopt sanitary
             633      inspection rules and regulations, and all other necessary rules, including those pertaining to the
             634      construction, equipment, and facilities of [slaughterhouses] meat establishments.
             635          (2) The rules shall[, so far as practical,] conform with the regulations promulgated
             636      under the federal acts.
             637          Section 16. Section 4-32-20 is amended to read:
             638           4-32-20. Suspension or revocation -- Grounds.
             639          The department may upon its own motion, and shall upon the verified complaint in
             640      writing of any person, investigate or cause to be investigated the operation of any
             641      [slaughterhouse] meat establishment, and may suspend or revoke the license of the
             642      [slaughterhouse] meat establishment upon any of the following grounds:
             643          (1) the license was obtained by any false or misleading statement;
             644          (2) for slaughtering any [livestock or poultry without inspection (antemortem and
             645      postmortem)] animal without an antemortem and a postmortem inspection, or for processing

             646      any [livestock] meat or poultry or products of either that have not been inspected and passed,
             647      (or exempted) and so identified;
             648          (3) the advertising or publicizing of any false or misleading statements that pertain to
             649      the slaughtering, processing, or distribution of [livestock or livestock products or poultry]
             650      animals or meat or poultry products;
             651          (4) the failure to maintain refrigeration, sanitation, or dispose of waste as required by
             652      rules of the department; or
             653          (5) the failure to comply with rules of the department pertaining to the disposal of
             654      carcasses or parts of carcasses that have been determined to be unfit for human consumption.
             655          Section 17. Section 4-32-21 is amended to read:
             656           4-32-21. Denial of application for farm custom slaughter license -- Venue for
             657      judicial review.
             658          (1) Any applicant[,] whose application for a license to operate a [slaughterhouse] meat
             659      establishment or to obtain a farm custom slaughter [permit] license is denied[,] may file a
             660      request for agency action with the department, requesting a hearing on the issue of denial.
             661          (2) (a) Any person who is aggrieved by an order issued under this section may obtain
             662      judicial review.
             663          (b) Venue for judicial review of informal adjudicative proceeding is in the district
             664      court in the county in which the alleged unlawful activity occurred or, in the case of an order
             665      denying a license application, in the county where the applicant resides.
             666          (3) The attorney general's office shall represent the department in any original action
             667      or any appeal under this section.
             668          Section 18. Section 4-32-22 is amended to read:
             669           4-32-22. Animals slaughtered or the meat and poultry products not intended for
             670      human use -- No inspection -- Products to be denatured or otherwise identified.
             671          Inspection [shall] may not be provided under this chapter at any establishment for the
             672      slaughter of [livestock or poultry] animals or the preparation of any [livestock products] meat
             673      or poultry products that are not intended for use as human food, but [such] the products shall

             674      be denatured or otherwise identified as prescribed by rules of the department [prior to] before
             675      their offer for sale or transportation.

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