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H.B. 184 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Paul Ray

Senate Sponsor: Howard A. Stephenson

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill relates to the administration of the state's Medicaid program.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    requires the Division of Health Care Financing to develop a range of options for a
             13      Medicaid autism waiver;
             14          .    specifies what the options must include;
             15          .    requires the division to develop the options in consultation with persons who have
             16      specialized knowledge of autism;
             17          .    requires the division to report to the Health and Human Services Interim
             18      Committee; and
             19          .    requires the Health and Human Services Interim Committee to make a
             20      recommendation to the Legislature.
             21      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             22          None
             23      Other Special Clauses:
             24          None
             25      Uncodified Material Affected:
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Division of Health Care Financing.

             30          As used in this bill, "division" means the Division of Health Care Financing created in
             31      Section 26-18-2.1 .
             32          Section 2. Medicaid autism waiver.
             33          (1) The division shall develop a range of options for a Medicaid waiver that would
             34      authorize the Medicaid program to provide services to persons with autism. The range of
             35      options shall include:
             36          (a) an option based on Maryland's waiver for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
             37      (0339. R02.00); and
             38          (b) an option using applied behavioral analysis for children ages 0 to 9.
             39          (2) Each option shall include the estimated cost of implementing the waiver to the
             40      state Medicaid program and to an individual Medicaid client, taking into account:
             41          (a) eligibility requirements;
             42          (b) covered services;
             43          (c) number of clients served; and
             44          (d) possible funding levels.
             45          (3) The division shall consult with families of persons with autism, providers of
             46      autism services, and others with specialized knowledge of autism when developing the range
             47      of options.
             48          (4) (a) Before October 1, 2010, the division shall report to the Health and Human
             49      Services Interim Committee as to whether the state should apply for a Medicaid waiver to
             50      provide services to persons with autism.
             51          (b) If the division recommends that the state should apply for a Medicaid waiver under
             52      Subsection (4)(a), the report shall also include:
             53          (i) specific recommendations regarding the parameters of the Medicaid waiver; and
             54          (ii) the appropriate level of funding.
             55          (5) Before December 1, 2010, the Health and Human Services Interim Committee
             56      shall determine whether to sponsor legislation to require the Department of Health to apply for
             57      a Medicaid waiver to provide services to persons with autism.


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