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H.B. 216 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Gage Froerer

Senate Sponsor: Dennis E. Stowell

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies provisions relating to the incorporation of a town.
             10      Highlighted Provisions:
             11          This bill:
             12          .    amends notice requirements;
             13          .    requires that the legislative body of a county, based on certain results of the
             14      financial feasibility study:
             15              .    approve a petition to incorporate;
             16              .    deny a petition to incorporate;
             17              .    impose conditions on the area proposed to be incorporated; or
             18              .    alter the boundaries of the area proposed to be incorporated; and
             19          .    makes technical corrections.
             20      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             21          None
             22      Other Special Clauses:
             23          None
             24      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             25      AMENDS:
             26          10-2-125, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapters 350 and 388
             28      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             29          Section 1. Section 10-2-125 is amended to read:

             30           10-2-125. Incorporation of a town.
             31          (1) As used in this section:
             32          (a) "Assessed value," with respect to agricultural land, means the value at which the
             33      land would be assessed without regard to a valuation for agricultural use under Section
             34      59-2-503 .
             35          (b) "Financial feasibility study" means a study to determine:
             36          (i) the projected revenues for the proposed town during the first three years after
             37      incorporation; and
             38          (ii) the projected costs, including overhead, that the proposed town will incur in
             39      providing governmental services during the first three years after incorporation.
             40          (c) "Municipal service" means a publicly provided service that is not provided on a
             41      countywide basis.
             42          (d) "Nonurban" means having a residential density of less than one unit per acre.
             43          (2) (a) (i) A contiguous area of a county not within a municipality, with a population
             44      of at least 100 but less than 1,000, may incorporate as a town as provided in this section.
             45          (ii) An area within a county of the first class is not contiguous for purposes of
             46      Subsection (2)(a)(i) if:
             47          (A) the area includes a strip of land that connects geographically separate areas; and
             48          (B) the distance between the geographically separate areas is greater than the average
             49      width of the strip of land connecting the geographically separate areas.
             50          (b) The population figure under Subsection (2)(a) shall be determined:
             51          (i) as of the date the incorporation petition is filed; and
             52          (ii) by the Utah Population Estimates Committee within 20 days after the county
             53      clerk's certification under Subsection (6) of a petition filed under Subsection (4).
             54          (3) (a) The process to incorporate an area as a town is initiated by filing a request for a
             55      public hearing with the clerk of the county in which the area is located.
             56          (b) Each request for a public hearing under Subsection (3)(a) shall:
             57          (i) be signed by the owners of at least five separate parcels of private real property,

             58      each owned by a different owner, located within the area proposed to be incorporated; and
             59          (ii) be accompanied by an accurate map or plat depicting the boundary of the
             60      proposed town.
             61          (c) Within 10 days after a request for a public hearing is filed under Subsection (3)(a),
             62      the county clerk shall, with the assistance of other county officers from whom the clerk
             63      requests assistance, determine whether the petition complies with the requirements of
             64      Subsection (3)(b).
             65          (d) If the clerk determines that a request under Subsection (3)(a) fails to comply with
             66      the requirements of Subsection (3)(b), the clerk shall reject the request and deliver written
             67      notice of the rejection to the signers of the request.
             68          (e) (i) If the clerk determines that a request under Subsection (3)(a) complies with the
             69      requirements of Subsection (3)(b), the clerk shall:
             70          (A) schedule and arrange for a public hearing to be held:
             71          (I) (Aa) at a public facility located within the boundary of the proposed town; or
             72          (Bb) if there is no public facility within the boundary of the proposed town, at another
             73      nearby public facility or at the county seat; and
             74          (II) within 20 days after the clerk provides the last notice required under Subsection
             75      (3)(e)(i)(B); and
             76          (B) subject to Subsection (3)(e)(ii), give notice of the public hearing on the proposed
             77      incorporation by:
             78          (I) posting notice of the public hearing on the county's Internet website, if the county
             79      has an Internet website; [and]
             80          (II) (Aa) [(Ii)] publishing notice of the public hearing at least once a week for two
             81      consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the proposed town; [and] or
             82          [(IIii) publishing notice of the public hearing in accordance with Section 45-1-101 for
             83      two weeks; or]
             84          (Bb) [in accordance with Subsection (3)(e)(i)(B)(II)(Aa)(Ii),] if there is no newspaper
             85      of general circulation within the proposed town, posting notice of the public hearing in at least

             86      five conspicuous public places within the proposed town[.]; and
             87          (III) publishing notice of the public hearing in accordance with Section 63F-1-701 on
             88      the Utah Public Notice Website.
             89          (ii) The posting of notice required under [Subsection (3)(e)(i)(B)(I) and, if applicable,
             90      Subsection (3)(e)(i)(B)(II)(Bb) and the first publishing of notice required under Subsection
             91      (3)(e)(i)(B)(II)(Aa), if applicable] Subsections (3)(e)(i)(B)(II)(Aa) and (3)(e)(i)(B)(III), and if
             92      applicable, Subsections (3)(e)(i)(B)(I) and (3)(e)(i)(B)(II)(Bb), shall occur no later than 10
             93      days after the day on which the clerk determines that a request complies with the requirements
             94      of Subsection (3)(b).
             95          (iii) Each public hearing under Subsection (3)(e)(i)(A) shall be conducted by the chair
             96      of the county commission or council, or the chair's designee, to:
             97          (A) introduce the concept of the proposed incorporation to the public;
             98          (B) allow the public to review the map or plat of the boundary of the proposed town;
             99          (C) allow the public to ask questions and become informed about the proposed
             100      incorporation; and
             101          (D) allow the public to express their views about the proposed incorporation,
             102      including their views about the boundary of the area proposed to be incorporated.
             103          (4) (a) At any time within three months after the public hearing under Subsection
             104      (3)(e), a petition to incorporate the area as a town may be filed with the clerk of the county in
             105      which the area is located.
             106          (b) Each petition under Subsection (4)(a) shall:
             107          (i) be signed by:
             108          (A) the owners of private real property that:
             109          (I) is located within the area proposed to be incorporated;
             110          (II) covers a majority of the total private land area within the area;
             111          (III) is equal in assessed value to more than 1/2 of the assessed value of all private real
             112      property within the area; and
             113          (IV) consists, in number of parcels, of at least 1/3 of the number of all parcels of

             114      private real property within the area proposed to be incorporated; and
             115          (B) a majority of all registered voters within the area proposed to be incorporated as a
             116      town, according to the official voter registration list maintained by the county on the date the
             117      petition is filed;
             118          (ii) designate as sponsors at least five of the property owners who have signed the
             119      petition, one of whom shall be designated as the contact sponsor, with the mailing address of
             120      each owner signing as a sponsor;
             121          (iii) be accompanied by and circulated with an accurate map or plat, prepared by a
             122      licensed surveyor, showing a legal description of the boundary of the proposed town; and
             123          (iv) substantially comply with and be circulated in the following form:
             124          PETITION FOR INCORPORATION OF (insert the proposed name of the proposed
             125      town)
             126          To the Honorable County Legislative Body of (insert the name of the county in which
             127      the proposed town is located) County, Utah:
             128          We, the undersigned owners of real property and registered voters within the area
             129      described in this petition, respectfully petition the county legislative body for the area
             130      described in this petition to be incorporated as a town. Each of the undersigned affirms that
             131      each has personally signed this petition and is an owner of real property or a registered voter
             132      residing within the described area, and that the current residence address of each is correctly
             133      written after the signer's name. The area proposed to be incorporated as a town is described as
             134      follows: (insert an accurate description of the area proposed to be incorporated).
             135          (c) A petition under this Subsection (4) may not describe an area that includes some or
             136      all of an area proposed for annexation in an annexation petition under Section 10-2-403 that:
             137          (i) was filed before the filing of the petition; and
             138          (ii) is still pending on the date the petition is filed.
             139          (d) A petition may not be filed under this section if the private real property owned by
             140      the petition sponsors, designated under Subsection (4)(b)(ii), cumulatively exceeds 40% of the
             141      total private land area within the area proposed to be incorporated as a town.

             142          (e) A signer of a petition under this Subsection (4) may withdraw or, after withdrawn,
             143      reinstate the signer's signature on the petition:
             144          (i) at any time until the county clerk certifies the petition under Subsection (6); and
             145          (ii) by filing a signed, written withdrawal or reinstatement with the county clerk.
             146          (5) (a) If a petition is filed under Subsection (4)(a) proposing to incorporate as a town
             147      an area located within a county of the first class, the county clerk shall deliver written notice of
             148      the proposed incorporation:
             149          (i) to each owner of private real property owning more than 1% of the assessed value
             150      of all private real property within the area proposed to be incorporated as a town; and
             151          (ii) within seven calendar days after the date on which the petition is filed.
             152          (b) A private real property owner described in Subsection (5)(a)(i) may exclude all or
             153      part of the owner's property from the area proposed to be incorporated as a town by filing a
             154      notice of exclusion:
             155          (i) with the county clerk; and
             156          (ii) within 10 calendar days after receiving the clerk's notice under Subsection (5)(a).
             157          (c) The county legislative body shall exclude from the area proposed to be
             158      incorporated as a town the property identified in the notice of exclusion under Subsection
             159      (5)(b) if:
             160          (i) the property:
             161          (A) is nonurban; and
             162          (B) does not and will not require a municipal service; and
             163          (ii) exclusion will not leave an unincorporated island within the proposed town.
             164          (d) If the county legislative body excludes property from the area proposed to be
             165      incorporated as a town, the county legislative body shall send written notice of the exclusion to
             166      the contact sponsor within five days after the exclusion.
             167          (6) Within 20 days after the filing of a petition under Subsection (4), the county clerk
             168      shall:
             169          (a) with the assistance of other county officers from whom the clerk requests

             170      assistance, determine whether the petition complies with the requirements of Subsection (4);
             171      and
             172          (b) (i) if the clerk determines that the petition complies with those requirements:
             173          (A) certify the petition and deliver the certified petition to the county legislative body;
             174      and
             175          (B) mail or deliver written notification of the certification to:
             176          (I) the contact sponsor;
             177          (II) if applicable, the chair of the planning commission of each township in which any
             178      part of the area proposed for incorporation is located; and
             179          (III) the Utah Population Estimates Committee; or
             180          (ii) if the clerk determines that the petition fails to comply with any of those
             181      requirements, reject the petition and notify the contact sponsor in writing of the rejection and
             182      the reasons for the rejection.
             183          (7) (a) (i) A petition that is rejected under Subsection (6)(b)(ii) may be amended to
             184      correct a deficiency for which it was rejected and then refiled with the county clerk.
             185          (ii) A valid signature on a petition filed under Subsection (4)(a) may be used toward
             186      fulfilling the signature requirement of Subsection (4)(b) for the same petition that is amended
             187      under Subsection (7)(a)(i) and then refiled with the county clerk.
             188          (b) If a petition is amended and refiled under Subsection (7)(a)(i) after having been
             189      rejected by the county clerk under Subsection (6)(b)(ii):
             190          (i) the amended petition shall be considered as a newly filed petition; and
             191          (ii) the amended petition's processing priority is determined by the date on which it is
             192      refiled.
             193          (8) (a) (i) The legislative body of a county with which a petition is filed under
             194      Subsection (4) may, at its option and upon the petition being certified under Subsection (6),
             195      commission and pay for a financial feasibility study.
             196          (ii) If the county legislative body chooses to commission a financial feasibility study,
             197      the county legislative body shall:

             198          (A) within 20 days after the incorporation petition is certified, select and engage a
             199      feasibility consultant; and
             200          (B) require the feasibility consultant to complete the financial feasibility study and
             201      submit written results of the study to the county legislative body no later than 30 days after the
             202      feasibility consultant is engaged to conduct the financial feasibility study.
             203          (b) [The] If the county legislative body has commissioned a financial feasibility study
             204      under Subsection (8)(a)(i), the county legislative body shall approve a petition proposing the
             205      incorporation of a town and hold an election for town officers, as provided in Subsection (9),
             206      if:
             207          (i) the county clerk has certified the petition under Subsection (6); and
             208          [(ii) (A) (I) the county legislative body has commissioned a financial feasibility study
             209      under Subsection (8)(a); and]
             210          [(II)] (ii) (A) the results of the financial feasibility study described in Subsection
             211      (8)(a)(i) show that the average annual amount of revenues described in Subsection (1)(b)(i)
             212      does not exceed the average annual amount of costs described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii) by more
             213      than [10%] 15%; or
             214          [(B) the county legislative body chooses not to commission a financial feasibility
             215      study.]
             216          (B) the results of the financial feasibility study described in Subsection (8)(a)(i) show
             217      that the average annual amount of costs described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii) does not exceed the
             218      average annual amount of revenues described in Subsection (1)(b)(i) by more than 15%.
             219          (c) (i) If [the county legislative body commissions a financial feasibility study under
             220      Subsection (8)(a) and] the results of the financial feasibility study described in Subsection
             221      (8)(a)(i) show that the average annual amount of revenues described in Subsection (1)(b)(i)
             222      exceeds the average annual amount of costs described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii) by more than
             223      [10%] 15%, the county legislative body may:
             224          (A) deny the petition, [subject to] in accordance with Subsection (8)(c)[(ii)](iii), if the
             225      results of the financial feasibility study show that the average annual amount of revenues

             226      described in Subsection (1)(b)(i) exceeds the average annual amount of costs described in
             227      Subsection (1)(b)(ii) by [25% or more;] more than 15%; or
             228          [(B) approve the petition and hold an election for town officers, as provided in
             229      Subsection (9); or]
             230          [(C)] (B) (I) with the consent of the petition sponsors:
             231          (Aa) impose conditions to [mitigate the fiscal inequities identified in the financial
             232      feasibility study] prevent the average annual amount of revenues described in Subsection
             233      (1)(b)(i) from exceeding the average annual amount of costs described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii)
             234      by more than 15%; or
             235          (Bb) alter the boundaries of the area proposed to be incorporated as a town to
             236      approximate the boundaries necessary to prevent the average annual amount of revenues
             237      described in Subsection (1)(b)(i) from exceeding the average annual amount of costs described
             238      in Subsection (1)(b)(ii) by more than 15%; and
             239          (II) approve the incorporation petition and hold an election for town officers, as
             240      provided in Subsection (9).
             241          (ii) If the results of the financial feasibility study described in Subsection (8)(a)(i)
             242      show that the average annual amount of costs described in Subsection (1)(b)(ii) exceeds the
             243      average annual amount of revenues described in Subsection (1)(b)(i) by more than 15%, the
             244      county legislative body shall:
             245          (A) approve the petition;
             246          (B) deny the petition in accordance with Subsection (8)(c)(iii); or
             247          (C) (I) with the consent of the petition sponsors:
             248          (Aa) impose conditions to prevent the average annual amount of costs described in
             249      Subsection (1)(b)(ii) from exceeding the average annual amount of revenues described in
             250      Subsection (1)(b)(i) by more than 15%; or
             251          (Bb) alter the boundaries of the area proposed to be incorporated as a town to
             252      approximate the boundaries necessary to prevent the average annual amount of costs described
             253      in Subsection (1)(b)(ii) from exceeding the average annual amount of revenues described in

             254      Subsection (1)(b)(i) by more than 15%; and
             255          (II) approve the incorporation petition and hold an election for town officers, as
             256      provided in Subsection (9).
             257          [(ii)] (iii) A county legislative body intending to deny a petition under Subsection
             258      (8)(c)(i)(A) or (8)(c)(ii)(B) shall deny the petition within 20 days after the feasibility
             259      consultant submits the written results of the financial feasibility study.
             260          (d) Each town that incorporates pursuant to a petition approved after the county
             261      legislative body imposes conditions under Subsection (8)(c)(i)[(C)(I)](B)(I)(Aa) or
             262      (8)(c)(ii)(C)(I)(Aa) shall comply with those conditions.
             263          (9) (a) The legislative body of the county in which the proposed new town is located
             264      shall hold the election for town officers provided for in Subsection (8) within:
             265          [(i) 45 days after the petition is certified, for an election under Subsection
             266      (8)(b)(ii)(B);]
             267          [(ii)] (i) 45 days after the day on which the feasibility consultant submits the written
             268      results of the financial feasibility study, for an election under Subsection (8)(b)[(ii)(A) or
             269      (8)(c)(i)(B)]; or
             270          [(iii)] (ii) 60 days after the day on which the feasibility consultant submits the written
             271      results of the financial feasibility study, for an election under Subsection (8)(c)(i)[(C)](B)(II)
             272      or (8)(c)(ii)(B)(II).
             273          (b) The officers elected at an election under Subsection (9)(a) shall take office:
             274          (i) at noon on the first Monday in January next following the election, if the election is
             275      held on a regular general or municipal general election date; or
             276          (ii) at noon on the first day of the month next following the effective date of the
             277      incorporation under Subsection (12), if the election of officers is held on any other date.
             278          (10) Each newly incorporated town shall operate under the five-member council form
             279      of government as defined in Section 10-3b-102 .
             280          (11) The mayor-elect of the future town shall:
             281          (a) within 30 days after the canvass of the election of town officers under Subsection

             282      (9), file with the lieutenant governor:
             283          (i) a copy of a notice of an impending boundary action, as defined in Section
             284      67-1a-6.5 , that meets the requirements of Subsection 67-1a-6.5 (3); and
             285          (ii) a copy of an approved final local entity plat, as defined in Section 67-1a-6.5 ; and
             286          (b) upon the lieutenant governor's issuance of a certificate of incorporation under
             287      Section 67-1a-6.5 :
             288          (i) if the town is located within the boundary of a single county, submit to the recorder
             289      of that county the original:
             290          (A) notice of an impending boundary action;
             291          (B) certificate of incorporation; and
             292          (C) approved final local entity plat; or
             293          (ii) if the town is located within the boundaries of more than a single county, submit
             294      the original of the documents listed in Subsections (11)(b)(i)(A), (B), and (C) to one of those
             295      counties and a certified copy of those documents to each other county.
             296          (12) (a) A new town is incorporated:
             297          (i) on December 31 of the year in which the lieutenant governor issues a certificate of
             298      incorporation under Section 67-1a-6.5 , if the election of town officers under Subsection (9) is
             299      held on a regular general or municipal general election date; or
             300          (ii) on the last day of the month during which the lieutenant governor issues a
             301      certificate of incorporation under Section 67-1a-6.5 , if the election of town officers under
             302      Subsection (9) is held on any other date.
             303          (b) (i) The effective date of an incorporation for purposes of assessing property within
             304      the new town is governed by Section 59-2-305.5 .
             305          (ii) Until the documents listed in Subsection (11)(b) are recorded in the office of the
             306      recorder of each county in which the property is located, a newly incorporated town may not:
             307          (A) levy or collect a property tax on property within the town;
             308          (B) levy or collect an assessment on property within the town; or
             309          (C) charge or collect a fee for service provided to property within the town.

             310          (13) For each petition filed before March 5, 2008:
             311          (a) the petition is subject to and governed by the law in effect at the time the petition
             312      was filed; and
             313          (b) the law in effect at the time the petition was filed governs in all administrative and
             314      judicial proceedings relating to the petition.

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