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H.B. 337 Enrolled





Chief Sponsor: Rebecca D. Lockhart

Senate Sponsor: Curtis S. Bramble

             7      LONG TITLE
             8      General Description:
             9          This bill modifies the Uniform Driver License Act by amending provisions relating to
             10      driver license suspensions for certain drug-related offenses.
             11      Highlighted Provisions:
             12          This bill:
             13          .    provides that a court is not required to forward to the division within 10 days a
             14      record of the conviction for certain drug-related offenses and provides that the
             15      Driver License Division is not required to suspend a person's license for certain
             16      drug-related offenses if:
             17              .    the violation did not involve a motor vehicle; and
             18              .    the convicted person is participating in or has successfully completed substance
             19      abuse treatment at a licensed substance abuse treatment program that is
             20      approved by the Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health or probation
             21      through the Department of Corrections Adult Probation and Parole;
             22          .    provides that if the person fails to comply with the terms of the substance abuse
             23      treatment program or the terms of probation:
             24              .    the substance abuse treatment program or the Department of Corrections Adult
             25      Probation and Parole shall provide an affidavit or other sworn information to the
             26      court notifying the court that the person has failed;
             27              .    the court shall immediately forward an abstract of the court record of the
             28      conviction to the Driver License Division; and
             29              .    the Driver License Division shall immediately suspend the person's license; and

             30          .    makes technical changes.
             31      Monies Appropriated in this Bill:
             32          None
             33      Other Special Clauses:
             34          None
             35      Utah Code Sections Affected:
             36      AMENDS:
             37          53-3-218, as last amended by Laws of Utah 2009, Chapter 291
             39      Be it enacted by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             40          Section 1. Section 53-3-218 is amended to read:
             41           53-3-218. Court to report convictions and may recommend suspension of license
             42      -- Severity of speeding violation defined.
             43          (1) As used in this section, "conviction" means conviction by the court of first
             44      impression or final administrative determination in an administrative traffic proceeding.
             45          (2) (a) [A] Except as provided in Subsection (2)(c), a court having jurisdiction over
             46      offenses committed under this chapter or any other law of this state, or under any municipal
             47      ordinance regulating driving motor vehicles on highways or driving motorboats on the water,
             48      shall forward to the division within 10 days, an abstract of the court record of the conviction or
             49      plea held in abeyance of any person in the court for a reportable traffic or motorboating
             50      violation of any laws or ordinances, and may recommend the suspension of the license of the
             51      person convicted.
             52          (b) When the division receives a court record of a conviction or plea in abeyance for a
             53      motorboat violation, the division may only take action against a person's driver license if the
             54      motorboat violation is for a violation of Title 41, Chapter 6a, Part 5, Driving Under the
             55      Influence and Reckless Driving.
             56          (c) (i) A court is not required to forward to the division within 10 days an abstract of
             57      the court record of the conviction for a violation described in Subsection 53-3-220 (1)(c) and

             58      the Driver License Division is not required to suspend a person's license for a violation
             59      described in Subsection 53-3-220 (1)(c) if:
             60          (A) the violation did not involve a motor vehicle; and
             61          (B) the person convicted of a violation described in Subsection 53-3-220 (1)(c):
             62          (I) is participating in or has successfully completed substance abuse treatment at a
             63      licensed substance abuse treatment program that is approved by the Division of Substance
             64      Abuse and Mental Health in accordance with Section 62A-15-105 ; or
             65          (II) is participating in or has successfully completed probation through the Department
             66      of Corrections Adult Probation and Parole in accordance with Section 77-18-1 .
             67          (ii) If the person convicted of a violation described in Subsection 53-3-220 (1)(c) fails
             68      to comply with the terms of a substance abuse treatment program under Subsection
             69      (2)(c)(i)(B)(I) or the terms of probation under Subsection (2)(c)(i)(B)(II):
             70          (A) the substance abuse treatment program licensed by the Division of Substance
             71      Abuse and Mental Health or the Department of Corrections Adult Probation and Parole shall
             72      immediately provide an affidavit or other sworn information to the court notifying the court
             73      that the person has failed to comply with the terms of a substance abuse treatment program
             74      under Subsection (2)(c)(i)(B)(I) or the terms of probation under Subsection (2)(c)(i)(B)(II);
             75          (B) upon receipt of an affidavit or sworn statement under Subsection (2)(c)(ii)(A), the
             76      court shall immediately forward an abstract of the court record of the conviction for a violation
             77      described in Subsection 53-3-220 (1)(c) to the division; and
             78          (C) the division shall immediately suspend the person's license in accordance with
             79      Subsection 53-3-220 (1)(c).
             80          (3) The abstract shall be made in the form prescribed by the division and shall include:
             81          (a) the name, date of birth, and address of the party charged;
             82          (b) the license certificate number of the party charged, if any;
             83          (c) the registration number of the motor vehicle or motorboat involved;
             84          (d) whether the motor vehicle was a commercial motor vehicle;
             85          (e) whether the motor vehicle carried hazardous materials;

             86          (f) whether the motor vehicle carried 16 or more occupants;
             87          (g) whether the driver presented a commercial driver license;
             88          (h) the nature of the offense;
             89          (i) whether the offense involved an accident;
             90          (j) the driver's blood alcohol content, if applicable;
             91          (k) if the offense involved a speeding violation:
             92          (i) the posted speed limit;
             93          (ii) the actual speed; and
             94          (iii) whether the speeding violation occurred on a highway that is part of the interstate
             95      system as defined in Section 72-1-102 ;
             96          (l) the date of the hearing;
             97          (m) the plea;
             98          (n) the judgment or whether bail was forfeited; and
             99          (o) the severity of the violation, which shall be graded by the court as "minimum,"
             100      "intermediate," or "maximum" as established in accordance with Subsection 53-3-221 (4).
             101          (4) When a convicted person secures a judgment of acquittal or reversal in any
             102      appellate court after conviction in the court of first impression, the division shall reinstate his
             103      license immediately upon receipt of a certified copy of the judgment of acquittal or reversal.
             104          (5) Upon a conviction for a violation of the prohibition on using a handheld wireless
             105      communication device for text messaging or electronic mail communication while operating a
             106      moving motor vehicle under Section 41-6a-1716 , a judge may order a suspension of the
             107      convicted person's license for a period of three months.

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