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H.J.R. 14 Enrolled






Chief Sponsor: Gregory H. Hughes

Senate Sponsor: Wayne L. Niederhauser

             7      Cosponsors:Eric K. HutchingsPaul Ray              8     
             9      LONG TITLE
             10      General Description:
             11          This resolution modifies provisions of the Legislative Joint Rules relating to the
             12      declaration and disclosure of conflicts of interest and filing financial disclosures.
             13      Highlighted Provisions:
             14          This resolution:
             15          .    modifies and creates definitions;
             16          .    requires each legislator to file a financial disclosure form;
             17          .    provides filing deadlines and requirements for the form;
             18          .    specifies the content of the form;
             19          .    requires the form to be made available on the Internet and in legislative offices; and
             20          .    makes technical changes.
             21      Special Clauses:
             22          This resolution provides an immediate effective date.
             23      Legislative Rules Affected:
             24      AMENDS:
             25          JR6-1-201
             27      Be it resolved by the Legislature of the state of Utah:
             28          Section 1. JR6-1-201 is amended to read:
Part 2. Conflicts of Interest

             30           JR6-1-201. Declaring and Recording Conflicts of Interest -- Financial
             31      Disclosure Form.
             32          [(1) As used in this section:]
             33          [(a) (i) "Business in which the legislator is associated" means any business in which a
             34      legislator is a director, officer, owner, member, partner, employee, or is a holder of stocks or
             35      bonds in the company that have a fair market value of $10,000 or more.]
             36          [(ii) "Business in which the legislator is associated" does not include business
             37      associations by members of the legislator's immediate family.]
             38          [(b) "Conflict of interest" means legislation or action by a legislator that the legislator
             39      reasonably believes may cause direct financial benefit or detriment to him , a member of the
             40      legislator's immediate family, or a business in which the legislator is associated, and that
             41      benefit or detriment is distinguishable from the effects of that action on the public or on the
             42      legislator's profession, occupation, or association generally.]
             43          [(c) "Immediate family" means the legislator's spouse and children living in the
             44      legislator's immediate household.]
             45          [(2) (a) (i) A legislator shall file a Declaration of Conflict of Interest form with the
             46      Secretary of the Senate if the legislator is a Senator, or with the Chief Clerk of the House of
             47      Representatives if the legislator is a Representative, to satisfy that legislator's disclosure of any
             48      conflicts of interest as required by Subsection (1) and Utah Code Section 76-8-109 .]
             49          [(ii) The legislator shall file the form when:]
             50          [(A) the legislator takes the oath of office; and]
             51          [(B) the legislator changes employment.]
             52          [(b) This Declaration of Conflict of Interest form shall include:]
             53          [(i) the businesses in which the legislator is associated; and]
             54          [(ii) the general legislative subject areas in which the legislator may have a conflict of
             55      interest.]
             56          (1) As used in this section, "conflict of interest" is as defined in Section 76-8-109 .
             57          (2) A legislator shall file a financial disclosure form in compliance with Section

             58      76-8-109 and according to the requirements of this section:
             59          (a) on the first day of each general session of the Legislature; and
             60          (b) each time the legislator changes employment.
             61          (3) The financial disclosure form shall include the disclosures required by Section
             62      76-8-109 .
             63          (4) (a) The financial disclosure form shall be filed with:
             64          (i) the Secretary of the Senate, for a legislator that is a Senator; or
             65          (ii) the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, for a legislator that is a
             66      Representative.
             67          (b) The Secretary of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives
             68      shall ensure that:
             69          (i) blank financial disclosure forms are made available on the Internet and at the
             70      offices of the Senate and the House of Representatives; and
             71          [(c)] (ii) [This Declaration of Conflict of Interest form is] financial disclosure forms
             72      filed under this rule are made available to the public[.] on the Internet and at the offices of the
             73      Senate or the House of Representatives.
             74          [(3)] (5) (a) Before or during any vote on legislation or any legislative matter in which
             75      a legislator has actual knowledge that [he] the legislator has a conflict of interest which is not
             76      stated on the [conflict of interest] financial disclosure form, that legislator shall orally declare
             77      to the committee or body before which the matter is pending:
             78          (i) that the legislator may have a conflict of interest; and
             79          (ii) what that conflict is.
             80          (b) The Secretary of the Senate or the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives
             81      shall:
             82          (i) direct committee secretaries to note the declaration of conflict of interest in the
             83      minutes of any committee meeting; and
             84          (ii) ensure that each declaration of conflict declared on the floor is noted in the Senate
             85      Journal or House Journal.

             86          [(4)] (6) This requirement of disclosure of any conflict of interest does not prohibit a
             87      legislator from voting on any legislation or legislative matter.
             88          Section 2. Effective date.
             89          This resolution takes effect upon approval by a constitutional majority vote of all
             90      members of the Senate and House of Representatives.

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